Научная статья на тему 'Energy efficiency of diesel locomotive hydraulic transmission tests at locomotive repair plant'

Energy efficiency of diesel locomotive hydraulic transmission tests at locomotive repair plant Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Bodnar B.E., Kapitsa M.I., Ochkasov O.B., Korenyuk R.O.

Purpose. In difficult economic conditions, cost reduction of electricity consumption for the needs of production is an urgent task for the country’s industrial enterprises. Technical specifications of enterprises, which repair diesel locomotive hydraulic transmission, recommend conducting a certain amount of evaluation and regulatory tests to monitor their condition after repair. Experience shows that a significant portion of hydraulic transmission defects is revealed by bench tests. The advantages of bench tests include the ability to detect defects after repair, ease of maintenance of the hydraulic transmission and relatively low labour intensity for eliminating defects. The quality of these tests results in the transmission resource and its efficiency. Improvement of the technology of plant post-repairs hydraulic tests in order to reduce electricity consumption while testing. Methodology. The possible options for hydraulic transmission test bench improvement were analysed. There was proposed an energy efficiency method for diesel locomotive hydraulic transmission testing in locomotive repair plant environment. This is achieved by installing additional drive motor which receives power from the load generator. Findings. Based on the conducted analysis the necessity of improving the plant stand testing of hydraulic transmission was proved. The variants of the stand modernization were examined. The test stand modernization analysis was conducted. Originality. The possibility of using electric power load generator to power the stand electric drive motor or the additional drive motor was theoretically substantiated. Practical value. A variant of hydraulic transmission test stand based on the mutual load method was proposed. Using this method increases the hydraulic transmission load range and power consumption by stand remains unchanged. The additional drive motor will increase the speed of the input shaft that in its turn wil allow testing in closer to real conditions as a result of increased load on the hydraulic transmission. Increased load on the hydraulic transmission will help to detect possible defects and hence will improve the quality of transmission repairs.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Energy efficiency of diesel locomotive hydraulic transmission tests at locomotive repair plant»

Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2015, № 6 (60)


UDC 629.424.1-82:629.482


'Dep. «Locomotives», Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named

after Academician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49010, tel. +38 (056) 793 19 01,

e-mail [email protected], ORCID 0000-0002-3591-4772

2Dep. «Locomotives», Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named

after Academician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49010, tel. +38 (056) 733 19 61,

e-mail [email protected], ORCID 0000-0002-3800-2920

3*Dep. «Locomotives», Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named

after Academician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49010, tel. +38 (056) 733 19 61,

e-mail [email protected], ORCID 0000-0002-7719-7214

4*Dep. «Locomotives», Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named

after Academician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49010, tel. +38 (056) 733 19 61,

e-mail [email protected], ORCID 0000-0003-1416-4770


Purpose. In difficult economic conditions, cost reduction of electricity consumption for the needs of production is an urgent task for the country's industrial enterprises. Technical specifications of enterprises, which repair diesel locomotive hydraulic transmission, recommend conducting a certain amount of evaluation and regulatory tests to monitor their condition after repair. Experience shows that a significant portion of hydraulic transmission defects is revealed by bench tests. The advantages of bench tests include the ability to detect defects after repair, ease of maintenance of the hydraulic transmission and relatively low labour intensity for eliminating defects. The quality of these tests results in the transmission resource and its efficiency. Improvement of the technology of plant post-repairs hydraulic tests in order to reduce electricity consumption while testing. Methodology. The possible options for hydraulic transmission test bench improvement were analysed. There was proposed an energy efficiency method for diesel locomotive hydraulic transmission testing in locomotive repair plant environment. This is achieved by installing additional drive motor which receives power from the load generator. Findings. Based on the conducted analysis the necessity of improving the plant stand testing of hydraulic transmission was proved. The variants of the stand modernization were examined. The test stand modernization analysis was conducted. Originality. The possibility of using electric power load generator to power the stand electric drive motor or the additional drive motor was theoretically substantiated. Practical value. A variant of hydraulic transmission test stand based on the mutual load method was proposed. Using this method increases the hydraulic transmission load range and power consumption by stand remains unchanged. The additional drive motor will increase the speed of the input shaft that in its turn will allow testing in closer to real conditions as a result of increased load on the hydraulic transmission. Increased load on the hydraulic transmission will help to detect possible defects and hence will improve the quality of transmission repairs.

Keywords: hydraulic transmission; hydraulic testing; test stand; drive motor; load generator; additional motor

Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2015, № 6 (60)


Most locomotives with hydraulic power transmission used in Ukraine require overall or overhaul reconditioning. When performing the overhaul one of the complex and responsible diesel locomotive units is hydraulic transmission. After overhauls the locomotive hydraulic transmission is tested without load for the running-in purpose and with load to check the basic settings. Technical specifications of enterprises, which repair diesel locomotive hydraulic transmission, recommend conducting a certain amount of evaluation and regulatory tests to monitor their condition after repair. The quality of these tests results in the transmission resource and its efficiency.

Problem statement. When conducting the overhaul at the Dnipropetrovsk Diesel Locomotive Repair Plant «Promteplovoz» the most energy-consuming is the diesel locomotives hydraulic transmission test stand. Testing of hydraulic transmission in a wide power range is limited by technical capabilities of equipment and existing limits for energy consumption. In this connection the important task is the development of energy-efficient method for locomotive hydraulic transmission testing in locomotive repair plant environment.

Previous studies analysis. The problem of improved testing of locomotives with hydraulic transmission is researched in the works [6, 7, 9]. The research results can partly be used during bench testing of hydrodynamic transmissions in plant environment.

Industry research laboratory (IRL) «Technical maintenance and diagnostics of locomotives» of Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan (DNURT) is working to improve testing of locomotive hydraulic transmissions under the conditions of Diesel Locomotive Repair Plant [5, 8, 11, 12].

In [3, 4] the author considered the mutual load system of traction electric machines with direct and pulsating current, which allows to use them while bench testing the hydraulic transmission with electric drive and load.


Improvement of the technology of plant post-repairs hydraulic tests in order to reduce electricity consumption while testing.


There was proposed an energy efficiency method for diesel locomotive hydraulic transmission testing in locomotive repair plant environment.

Base material. The plant uses a typical stand for testing. It consists of the frame on which there is installed the hydraulic transmission, DC electric drive, DC generator for power take-off, remote control. For generator loading the water rheostat is used.

Block diagram of the stand is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Block diagram of the diesel locomotive hydraulic transmission run-in test stand

The stand input parameters are voltage U m and armature current Im, excitation winding tension Um e of the drive motor. The hydraulic transmission input parameters are the rotary speed nm and the moment M m on the electric drive motor shaft that corresponds to the rotary speed nt and the moment Mt of the impeller. The hydraulic transmission output parameters are the rotary speed ni and the moment Mi of the impeller that corresponds to the rotary speed ng and the moment Mg of the load generator armature. To create

a moment of resistance during hydraulic transmission testing the water load rheostat is used; the

power consumed by rheostat is defined as

pg = IgUg.

The stand monitors the following parameters: - the rotary speed of the electric drive motor nm and the load generator ng ;

Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2015, № 6 (60)

- the armature current Im and voltage Um and excitation winding Um e of the drive motor and the load generator Ug e.

- oil temperature at the inlet and outlet of the hydraulic transmission;

- pressure in lubrication system;

- pressure of the hydraulic transmission feed pump.

Hydraulic transmission of type UGP 750-1 200 is designed for joint operation with diesel engine which develops power from 550 ... 880 kW. It is not possible to check hydraulic transmission operation in full load range at the existing stand, as the drive motor rated power is 270 kW. Besides, the moment characteristics of the motor do not match with those of the hydraulic transmission that does not allow using full engine capacity. That is why the post-overall bench tests of the hydraulic transmission are carried out in a limited range of loads.

To improve the hydraulic transmission test stand there are the following options of modernization [5, 11].

Replacing of the electric drive motor with diesel engine. Installation of diesel significantly complicates the design and dimensions of the stand. Besides, consideration must be given to the fact that when placing the diesel stand within the workshop the noise and exhaust emissions, which occur during the diesel engine operation, will adversely affect the employees. Given the high cost of diesel fuel and other disadvantages, this method is not rational.

Installing the drive motor, which has diesel relevant nominal capacity, will require more powerful motor control system. Along with the cost of the electric motor, this option would require significant capital investments.

One option for modernization is to install the additional electric motor on the stand for more power to the hydraulic transmission input shaft drive. This option has its advantages if the additional electric motor is powered by the stand load generator.

In terms of energy savings spent on drive motor power, the rational option (Fig. 2) is energy returning from the generator to the electric drive motor. To do this, the power converter is switched on instead of the water rheostat in order to regulate the output voltage of the generator according to the operation mode of the drive motor.

Fig. 2. Modernization option with installation of additional power converter

Since the load generator power depends on the test mode, it is necessary to use a complex system of energy transformation that will provide the opportunity to supply power to additional motor.

Let's consider in more detail the option of installation of additional electric motor for more power on the hydraulic transmission input shaft.

Block diagram of the updated stand for testing hydraulic transmission is shown in Fig. 3. The motor M and the generator G are electric machines designed for loading hydraulic transmission. The motor M is connected to the hydraulic transmission input shaft directly, and the generator G - to the hydraulic transmission output shaft through reduction gear with angular velocity transmission ratio k2.

Fig. 3. Modernization option with installation of additional electric drive motor

Additional drive motor Madd, designed to cover all losses in the mutual load stand, is connected to the hydraulic transmission input shaft through reduction gear with angular velocity transmission ratio k1.

The electrical circuit of the test stand is shown in Figure 4. The armatures of the electric motor M and the generator G are connected electrically, forming a loop. The excitation winding of the motor M and the generator G are powered by

Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету з^зничного транспорту, 2015, № 6 (60)

separate voltage sources, VS1 and VS 2 respectively.

The armatures of the additional drive motor Madd is connected to the power source VS3, and its excitation winding to the voltage source VS4 .

The rotary speed of hydraulic transmission input shaft is regulated by changing the armature voltage and excitation current of the additional drive motor Mdd (VS3, VS4).

ю in = const.


I = const.


Eg - Em = I R,


Eg =с • Ф-ю ;

E = с • Ф -ю ,

m m m'

where c - constant component, depending on the design of the same type of electric motor M and generator G; &g, 0m - magnetic flows of generator and motor, respectively; rag, ram - angular velocity of generator and motor, respectively.

Angular velocity rag, ram are related in the form

Ю = khtr • K2 'fflm ,


where khtr and k2 - angular velocity transfer ratios of hydraulic transmission and reduction gear, respectively.

For normal mutual load of identical electric machines M and G it is preferably to ensure the following conditions

khtr = ■


htr av


Fig. 4. Electric circuit of a stand

Adjusting the hydraulic transmission load moment is performed by changing the current I in the circuit of the motor M and the generator G .

Voltage stabilization at the armature Madd stabilizes the angular velocity ain of hydraulic transmission input shaft. We assume that one of the conditions of hydraulic transmission testing is as


The second condition, ensuring relative stability of the hydraulic transmission load moment, is armature current consistency M and G

Voltage balance [4] in the main electrical circuit (M - G) has the form

where khtr av - average value of adjustable transfer ratio Kr.

Balance of mechanical moments can be represented as

Mm + -1 ■ Madd = Mg • khtr ■ ¿2 +^Mhtr , (8) ¿1

where Mm, Mg - shaft moment of motor and

generator; AMhtr - hydraulic transmission moment losses, before the input shaft.

Shaft moment of the additional motor is required to compensate for all the losses in the test stand

Madd = ¿1 [Mg • khtr • ¿2 +AMhtr - Mg ] . (9)


Mm = C • 0m ■ I ~*Mm , (11)

Мg = с • Ф8 • I+ АМ g ;

where Eg, Em - emf of generator and engine, respectively; ^ R - total ohmic resistance of the main electric circuit.


where AMg and AMm - moment losses caused by

no-load losses in generator and motor, respectively.

Then the expression for Madd takes the form

М add = k1

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с •1 (Ф8 • khtr • k2 - Фш ) +

+ тЫг +АМg • khtr •к, + ДМm]. (12)


Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету з^зничного транспорту, 2015, № 6 (60)

Current in the main circuit

с\ф • kUt • k2 - Ф 1ш

^^ g htr 2 m J m

I =-


Adjustment of the current and therefore the load moment of the tested hydraulic transmission can be performed by changing the magnetic flows of motor M and generator G . For a given value of current and angular velocity ratio the magnetic flow ratio is as follows

Фё • Kr • k2 - фт =

I z R



Based on the conducted analysis the necessity (13) of improving the plant stand testing of hydraulic transmission was proved. The variants of the stand modernization were examined. The test stand modernization analysis was conducted.

Originality and practical value

The possibility of using electric power load generator to power the stand electric drive motor was theoretically substantiated. A variant of hydraulic transmission test stand based on the mutual load method was proposed.


Then the expression for Madd takes the form:

12 Z R

Madd = k1





+ AMg-khtr -k2 + AMm ]. (15)

Multiplying both parts of this expression by „ /kj, we get the power balance equation in the


Padd =ZAPe +APMr

+APnl g • khtr ■ k2

APn! m, (16)

APhr =AM htr


Mn = M m + — M



The connection circuit of the testing station electrical machinery was theoretically justified and practically refined, the test procedure was improved that enables full-range testing of hydraulic transmission with minimal losses of electrical power and existing restrictions thereof.


where Padd - power of additional motor; Z APe -total electrical losses in motor and generator; AFhtr - power losses in hydraulic transmission; APnl g, APnl m - no-load losses in generator and motor, respectively.

Thus, an additional motor Madd cover all the losses in the test stand.

The power losses in the hydraulic transmission

= Mln "®m I1 -nhtr ) , (17)

where Min and rain - moment and angular velocity at the hydraulic transmission input; nhtr - hydraulic transmission efficiency.

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'Каф. «Локомотиви», Дншропетровський нацюнальный ушверситет затзничного транспорту

1меш академжа В. Лазаряна, вул. Лазаряна, 2, Дншропетровськ, Украша, 49010, tel. +38 (056) 793 19 01,

ел. пошта [email protected], ORCID 0000-0002-3591-4772

2Каф. «Локомотиви», Дншропетровський нацюнальный утверситет затзничного транспорту

iменi академжа В. Лазаряна, вул. Лазаряна, 2, Дншропетровськ, Украша, 49010, тел. + 38 (056) 733 19 61,

ел. пошта [email protected], ORCID 0000-0002-3800-2920

3*Каф. «Локомотиви», Дшпропетровський нацюнальный унiверситет залiзничного транспорту

iменi академжа В. Лазаряна, вул. Лазаряна, 2, Дншропетровськ, Украша, 49010, тел. + 38 (056) 733 19 61,

ел. пошта [email protected], ORCID 0000-0002-7719-7214

4*Каф. «Локомотиви», Дшпропетровський нацюнальный ушверситет залiзничного транспорту

iменi академжа В. Лазаряна, вул. Лазаряна, 2, Дншропетровськ, Украша, 49010, тел. + 38 (056) 733 19 61,

ел. пошта [email protected], ORCID 0000-0003-1416-4770

Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нащонального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2015, № 6 (60)


Мета. В складних економiчних умовах скорочення витрат електроенергп, що споживаеться на потреби виробництва, е актуальним завданням для промислових пiдприемств краши. Техшчними умовами пiдприемствам, що ремонтують гадравтчш передачi тепловозiв, рекомендуеться проведения певного обсягу оцiночних та регулювальних випробувань i3 метою контролю 1х тсляремонтного стану. Як показуе практика, значна частина дефекпв гiдравлiчних передач виявляеться щд час стендових випробувань. До переваг стендових випробувань можна також вiднести: можливiсть виявлення пiсляремонтних дефекпв, зручнiсть обслуговування пдрамчно1 передачi та вщносно невелика трудомiсткiсть усунення дефекпв. Ввд якостi проведення цих випробувань залежить ресурс передачi та li коефiцiент корисно! Ail. Робота спрямована на удосконалення технологи заводських тсляремонтних випробувань гидропередач i3 метою зменшення витрат електрично1 енерги, що споживаеться на проведення випробувань. Методика. Проведено аналiз можливих варiантiв удосконалення стенду випробувань гiдравлiчних передач. Запропонована методика тдвищення енергоефективностi випробувань гiдравлiчних передач тепловозiв в умовах локомотиворемонтного заводу. Це досягаеться шляхом встановлення додаткового привщного електродвигуна, який отримуе живлення ввд навантажувального генератора. Результата. На шдстаи проведеного аналiзу обгрунтовано необхвдшсть удосконалення заводських стендових випробовувань гiдравлiчних передач. Розглянуто варiанти модершзацп стенду. Проведено аналiз модершзацп випробувального стенду. Наукова новизна. Авторами теоретично обгрунтована можливють використання електрично1 енерги навантажувального генератора для живлення приводного електродвигуна стенду або додаткового приводного електродвигуна. Практична значимкть. За результатами дослщжень запропоновано варiант конструкци стенду випробувань гадравтчнох передачi, який базуеться на методi взаемного навантаження. Використання цього методу пвдвищуе дiапазон навантажень гадравтчнох передачi, а споживання електрично1 енерги стендом залишаеться без змiн. Додатковий приводний електродвигун сприятиме пiдвищенню частоти обертання вхiдного валу, що, в свою чергу, дозволить проводити випробування в умовах, бiльш наближених до реальних внасладок збiльшення навантаження на гiдравлiчну передачу. Збiльшення навантаження на гiдравлiчну передачу сприятиме виявленню можливих дефекпв, що, в свою чергу, шдвищить якхсть ремонту передачi.

Ключовi слова: гiдравлiчна передача; випробування гидропередач; випробувальний стенд; приводний двигун; навантажувальний генератор; додатковий двигун


'Каф. «Локомотивы», Днепропетровский национальный университет железнодорожного транспорта имени академика В. Лазаряна, ул. Лазаряна, 2, Днепропетровск, Украина, 49010, tel. +38 (056) 793 19 01, эл. почта [email protected], ORCID 0000-0002-3591-4772

2Каф. «Локомотивы», Днепропетровский национальный университет железнодорожного транспорта имени академика В. Лазаряна, ул. Лазаряна, 2, Днепропетровск, Украина, 49010, тел. + 38 (056) 733 19 61, эл. почта [email protected], ORCID 0000-0002-3800-2920

3*Каф. «Локомотивы», Днепропетровский национальный университет железнодорожного транспорта имени академика В. Лазаряна, ул. Лазаряна, 2, Днепропетровск, Украина, 49010, тел. + 38 (056) 733 19 61, эл. почта [email protected], ORCID 0000-0002-7719-7214

4*Каф. «Локомотивы», Днепропетровский национальный университет железнодорожного транспорта имени академика В. Лазаряна, ул. Лазаряна, 2, Днепропетровск, Украина, 49010, тел. + 38 (056) 733 19 61, эл. почта [email protected], ORCID 0000-0003-1416-4770

Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2015, № 6 (60)



Цель. В сложных экономических условиях сокращение расходов электроэнергии, потребляемой на нужды производства, является актуальной задачей для промышленных предприятий страны. Техническими условиями предприятиям, которые ремонтируют гидравлические передачи тепловозов, рекомендуется проведение определенного объема оценочных и регулирующих испытаний с целью контроля их послеремонтного состояния. Как показывает практика, значительная часть дефектов гидравлических передач выявляется при стендовых испытаниях. К преимуществам стендовых испытаний можно отнести: возможность обнаружения послеремонтных дефектов, удобство обслуживания гидравлической передачи и относительно небольшая трудоемкость устранения дефектов. От качества проведения этих испытаний зависит ресурс передачи и ее коэффициент полезного действия. Цель работы - усовершенствование технологии заводских послеремонтных испытаний гидропередач с целью уменьшения расхода электрической энергии, потребляемой на проведение испытаний. Методика. Проведен анализ возможных вариантов усовершенствования стенда испытаний гидравлических передач. Предложена методика повышения энергоэффективности испытаний гидравлических передач тепловозов в условиях локомотиворемонтного завода. Это достигается путем установки дополнительного приводного электродвигателя, который получает питание от нагрузочного генератора. Результаты. На основании проведенного анализа обоснована необходимость совершенствования заводских стендовых испытаний гидравлических передач. Рассмотрены варианты модернизации стенда. Проведен анализ модернизации испытательного стенда. Научная новизна. Авторами теоретически обоснована возможность использования электрической энергии нагрузочного генератора для питания приводного электродвигателя стенда или дополнительного приводного электродвигателя. Практическая значимость. По результатам исследований предложен вариант конструкции стенда испытаний гидравлической передачи, основанный на методе взаимной нагрузки. Использование этого метода повышает диапазон нагрузок гидравлической передачи, а потребление электроэнергии стендом остается без изменений. Дополнительный приводной электродвигатель будет способствовать повышению частоты вращения входного вала, что в, свою очередь, позволит проводить испытания в условиях, более приближенных к реальным вследствие увеличения нагрузки на гидравлическую передачу. Увеличение нагрузки на гидравлическую передачу будет способствовать выявлению возможных дефектов, что, в свою очередь, повысит качество ремонта передачи.

Ключевые слова: гидравлическая передача; испытания гидропередач; испытательный стенд; приводной двигатель; нагрузочный генератор; дополнительный двигатель


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Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нащонального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2015, № 6 (60)

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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Prof. A. M. Mukha, D. Sc. (Tech.) (Ukraine); Prof. O. S. Krasheninin, D. Sc. (Tech.) (Ukraine)

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Accessed: Aug. 14, 2015

Received: Oct. 13, 2015

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