EMOTIVE EXPRESSION IN TEXT AND WAYS OF TRANSLATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Surkeeva Dinara, Karabekova Elmira, Ibraimova Satina

Research relevance: there are isomorphic features of the investigated interjections in semantics, pragmatic terms and in structure. Research objectives: to reveal the emotional meaning of the Russian interjection Tsyts and the way of its translation into English and Kyrgyz languages. Research materials and methods: the authors use the method of translation and comparison of interjections in The Quiet Don by M. Sholokhov, Farewell to Gyulsary by Ch. Aitmatov and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by M. Twain literary works. Research results: the isomorphic features of the studied interjections coincide in their pragmatic characteristics, structure, meaning and nominative function. Conclusions: In the languages under consideration, by their syntactic nature, they can act as independent sentences.

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Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №11. 2021

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/72

UDC 82.03:82:81.255.2 https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/72/55


©Surkeeva D., ORCID: 0000-0003-0729-0744, Ph.D., Osh State University, Osh, Kyrgyzstan, din_ara2011@mail.ru ©Karabekova E., ORCID: 0000-0002-3140-3449, Osh State University, Osh, Kyrgyzstan, elmira_74_kg@mail.ru ©Ibraimova S., ORCID: 0000-0001-8862-0834, Osh State University, Osh, Kyrgyzstan, satina111@mail.ru


©Суркеева Д. Б., ORCID: 0000-0003-0729-0744, канд. филол. наук, Ошский государственный университет, г. Ош, Кыргызстан, din_ara2011@mail.ru ©Карабекова Э. А., Ошский государственный университет, г. Ош, Кыргызстан, elmira_74_kg@mail.ru ©Ибраимова С. Ч., ORCID: 0000-0001-8862-0834, Ошский государственный университет,

г. Ош, Кыргызстан, satina111@mail.ru

Abstract. Research relevance: there are isomorphic features of the investigated interjections in semantics, pragmatic terms and in structure. Research objectives: to reveal the emotional meaning of the Russian interjection Tsyts and the way of its translation into English and Kyrgyz languages. Research materials and methods: the authors use the method of translation and comparison of interjections in The Quiet Don by M. Sholokhov, Farewell to Gyulsary by Ch. Aitmatov and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by M. Twain literary works. Research results: the isomorphic features of the studied interjections coincide in their pragmatic characteristics, structure, meaning and nominative function. Conclusions: In the languages under consideration, by their syntactic nature, they can act as independent sentences.

Аннотация. Актуальность исследования: наблюдаются изоморфные черты исследуемых междометий в семантике, прагматическом плане и в структуре. Цели исследования: заключаются в раскрытии эмоционального значения русского междометия «цыц» и пути его перевода на английский и кыргызский языки. Материалы и методы исследования: авторы используют метод перевода и сравнения междометий в художественных произведениях М. Шолохова «Тихий Дон», Ч. Айтматова «Прощай Гульсары» и М. Твена «Приключения Тома Сойера». Результаты исследования: изоморфные черты исследуемых междометий совпадают по своим прагматическим характеристикам, структуре, значению и номинативной функции. Выводы: в рассматриваемых языках по своему синтаксическому характеру они могут выступать как самостоятельные предложения.

Keywords: diversity, interjections, pragmatic, polysemantic, isomorphic, structure, expression, translation, linguistic, characterization.

Ключевые слова: различие, междометия, прагматический, полисемантический, изоморфный, структура, выражение, перевод, лингвистический, характеристика.

Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №11. 2021

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/72

Emotions all over the world are almost the same. People feel the love, hatred, astonishment, fear, surprise and others in the same way, because people are created by God in one and the same way also. If the close person dies, people from all the cultures suffer and cry for having a grief. And vice versa, at birthday parties people all over the world are gay and laugh. The only diversity is in their expression: for example, the disappointment in Russian is expressed by the word "Эх, ты" or "Уфф", in the Kyrgyz language the disappointment is given with the words "Аппей, Кокуй". The English surprise is vividly understood by "Wow" and Kyrgyz surprise is expressed by "Оххо". From the pragmatic side linguistic interjections from different cultures reflect the diversity of people's relations and expressions in the society; all the linguistic texts serve to understand the meaning and emotions of interjections and interjectional words [1, с. 360].

In this article we investigate the meaning and the emotion of the Russian interjection "Цыц" and the translation ways of it in the Kyrgyz language from the works of outstanding writers. How could we characterize the person who uses the word "Цыц" in the Russian speech? First, it is an Old Russian person, who lives in the far south village of Russia. Moreover, this person should have a superior position. Second, it is a bit rude person, speaking the local dialect; instead of "Цыц" an educated person might use "Тише or Хватит". From this interjection one could guess the attitude of the speaker toward the people.

Russian old interjection "Цыц" is first found in Polish, denoting Silence! (Польск. cyt - то же, уже у В. Потоцкого, чеш. cit "raxo") (https://classes.ru/).

This interjection is the primary, short and unchangable. It belongs to the polysemantic group of interjections because it may express the meaning of the call to the silence, the imperative meaning to shut the mouth and sometimes to stop telling lies or gossips. So, let's analyze this interjection in the novel "The Quiet Don" by M. Sholohov the prominent Russian writer and novelist. In the investigated novel we found many extracts with the interjection "Цыц".

1. Пантелей Прокофьевич ссучил пальцы в узловатый кулак, - жмуря выпуклые глаза, глядел, как с лица сына сливала кровь.

- Наговоры, - глухо, как из воды, буркнул Григорий и прямо в синеватую

переносицу поглядел отцу.

- Ты помалкивай.

- Мало что люди гутарют...

- Цыц, сукин сын!

Григорий слег над веслом. Баркас заходил скачками. Завитушками заплясала люлюкающая за кормой вода [3, p. 32].

In this dialogue father scolded his son Grigory for his love, which village people condemn. But Grigory protested, saying it is just empty gossip, but his father ordered him to shut his mouth. The word сукин сын describes the father as a rude and bossy person. In this extract we feel the emotion of the strong order to shut the mouth and not to speak.

In the Kyrgyz language the meaning of to shut the mouth, stop talking is expressed with the help of interjectional words as "Жен, тек, чшш, кой, бас..." The meaning of all these words is nearly the same, but the usage could be a bit differentiated according to the context. The meaning of the order to stop speaking smth which the other people don't like is sometimes given in the Kyrgyz language with the word "Бас". It also denotes the order to shut the mouth and not to speak. In the structure both interjections are pure, primary and short. The Kyrgyz "Бас" is also polysemantic like the English one; it may denote the order to be silent, to calm down one's tempo, stop quarrelling etc. In the following example taken from the the Kyrgyz novel "Farewell to Gulsary" by Ch.

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №11. 2021

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/72

Aitmatov, we could witness the meaning of the interjection "Бас". Бас оозуцду!- means shut the mouth not to speak.

2. - Эмнеге антпейсиц? Жен эле CYйлвй бересицби?

- Болуптур, дагы калжацдасац сабайм.

- Тигини, сага окшогондун далайын квргвм мен.

- Жасанып алганын дегеле! 0зYЦдY кыйын сезет окшойсуц! Калпагын кара!

- Тебелеп сал, колуцдан келсе. Ким кыжырыма тийсе, анын сазайын берем.

- Бас оозуцду!

- 03YЦ бас!

- Сен ооз квптYргвнYЦ менен, колуцдан эчтеке келбейт [4, c. 67].

So, in these extracts we see the usage of interjections "Цыц" and "Бас" in the Russian and English languages with the meaning of the order not speak or shut the mouth. Both interjections are primary, polysemantic and short. Interjection "Цыц" is an Old Russian word, which is not used in the modern Russian. But it may occur in the speech of old people in the south of Russia, especially in the villages of Kazachestvo along the Don River. In comparison with the Russian interjection the Kyrgyz interjection is not so old, but it is also rarely used by the urban population. Those who use this interjection in the Kyrgyz language are also characterized as old, rude and rural people. From these extracts we come to the conclusion that Russian "Цыц" and Kyrgyz "Бас" are used in the meanings of the command to shut the mouth when hearing unpleasant words or not to speak.

3. Поезд уже тронулся, а в вагон все прыгали казаки. Набралось человек тридцать.

- Телеграмму командир получил. Зараз читал.

- Ну-кась, что там написано? Давай!

There is another meaning of the Russian interjection "Цыц", which expresses the meaning of being silent. The meaning of the command to be silent rendered in Kyrgyz by the interjection "Чишш". Actually, in the Russian language there is the same interjection "Чшш" which denotes the meaning of giving order to be silent, but as though as the Russian interjection "Цыц" is a polysemantic word, it also may denote the meaning of being silent. In our thesis we investigate the word Цыц, so we'd like to emphasize that one and the same interjection is giving various meanings. The next extract is taken from the novel "The Quiet Don" by M. Sholohov where "Цыц" is used in the meaning of order not to speak and not to interrup

- Читай, не бреши!

- Замиренье?

- Цыцте!

В застойной тишине Иван Алексеевич вслух прочитал воззвание верховного главнокомандующего Корнилова. Потом листок с перевранными телеграфом словами пошел по потным рукам [3, c. 134].

In this extract Ivan Alekseevich is reading a letter of the military content, but soldiers were noisy and someone in the crowd shouted "Цыцте" in order all could listen to the reader. The meaning of the word sounds rude; even we can imagine and feel the intonation of the command. The word is highly colloquial that's why it is accessible and clear to all ordinary people; soldiers may not get another word being illiterate. Colloquial words are very simple in use and understanding; it is the style of Sholokhov to use simple style to understand better how Russian people lived before what kind of dialect they spoke. With the help of the colloquial words we could catch the spirit of the Russian people, their dialect and understand the culture of Russian people in Kazachestvo.

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №11. 2021

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/72

The next example is taken from the work "The adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain, which was translated into the Kyrgyz language. If in the Old Russian Цыц is used in giving command to keep silence, so in the Kyrgyz language the same command is expressed by Чишш.

4. Бир бурчтан алар табышмактуу бир ашкананы табышты эле, бирок анын табышмагы деле жалган болуп чыкты - ашканада эч нерсе жок экен. Шерденишип эми алар анча коркпой калышты. Жацы эле ылдый тYШYп, каза баштамак болушканда...

- Чишш! - деди Том.

- Эмне болду? - деп шыбырады Хек, коркконунан кубара тYШYп. - Чишш!.. Ана!.. Уктуцбу?

- Ооба!.. Кой, качалы! [2, c. 136].

So, in this extract the meaning of the giving command to be silent is expressed by the interjection Чишш. Khek and Tom-the main heroes of the story were in the old building, hiding from the unknown people. When someone was approaching they were scared and whispered to be silent in a very low voice using the word Чишш. They tried to be very silent with the purpose the unknown people couldn't notice them. This interjection is simple, primary and polysemantic; in the Kyrgyz language it may denote the meaning of being silent, it is sometimes said to the little baby to make it urinate, the command to stop doing bad things, the meaning of not speaking when someone entered etc. The pragmatic character of the word characterizes people as very cautious and attentive when the unknown event is close in order to listen to the speaking people with the opportunity to understand what is happening around. This interjection is very popular in the Kyrgyz language; it is used in everywhere and by everyone. The word Чишш is not old because it's used in the Modern Kyrgyz language. Moreover, this interjection might be characterized as an international one; we could meet this interjection in the English and in the Russian languages.

In the Russian language there are several interjections which denote the meaning of the call to the silence for example, «Тсс! Шит! Цыц! Тш»:

1. - Тсс! - вдруг сам себя прервал больной и поднял палец (М. Булгаков) -Тш! Зашипела барыня (Г. Данилевский)

2. "I'll try, but don't you be afeard. They ain't going to hurt us. " Now I lay me down to sleep"


"What is it, Huck?" (Mark Twain)

So, from these examples we could be the witnesses of the examples where interjections sound nearly in the same way i.e. Kyrgyz Чишш, Russian Тш! and English Shh!. They have isomorphic features in the typological comparison. As we are analyzing the Russian interjection "Цыц" it is an Old Russian word, but is translated into Kyrgyz and English with the help of the modern words.

Thus, we come to the conclusion that Russian interjection Цыц Kyrgyz Чишш and English Shh are pure, polysemantic, short and primary interjections. They coincide in their pragmatic characteristics, in the structure, meaning and nominative function. In the considered languages from the syntactic character they may stand as independent sentences.

Список литературы:

1. Середа Е. В. Морфология современного русского языка. Место междометий в системе частей речи. М., 2005.

2. Твен М. Приключения Тома Сойера. Бишкек, 1999. 185 с.

3. Шолохов М. А. Тихий Дон. М., 1956. 400 с.

4. Айтматов Ч. Т. Прощай Гульсары: повести и рассказы. Фрунзе, 1984. 199 с.

Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice https://www.bulletennauki.com

Т. 7. №11. 2021 https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/72


1. Sereda, E. V. (2005). Morfologiya sovremennogo russkogo yazyka. Mesto mezhdometii v sisteme chastei rechi. Moscow. (in Russian).

2. Tven, M. (1999). Priklyucheniya Toma Soiera. Bishkek. (in Russian).

3. Sholokhov, M. A. (1956). Tikhii Don. Moscow. (in Russian).

4. Aitmatov, Ch. T. (1984). Proshchai Gul'sary: povesti i rasskazy. Frunze. (in Russian).

Работа поступила в редакцию 10.09.2021 г.

Принята к публикации 14.09.2021 г.

Ссылка для цитирования:

Surkeeva D., Karabekova E., Ibraimova S. Emotive Expression in Text and Ways of

Translation // Бюллетень науки и практики. 2021. Т. 7. №11. С. 437-441. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/72/55

Cite as (APA):

Surkeeva, D., Karabekova, E., & Ibraimova, S. (2021). Emotive Expression in Text and Ways of Translation. Bulletin of Science and Practice, 7(11), 437-441. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/72/55

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