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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sirotkin Mikhail S.

The paper discusses the importance of having a developed emotional intelligence (EI) in participants of the educational process. The relevance of the research is due to the fact that with insufficient development of EI, both teachers and students, the quality and level of the educational process may decrease, and overall productivity may be at a low level. The analysis of literary sources allowed the author to highlight the negative consequences of a low level of EI among students and teachers, respectively: students are delayed in adapting to changing environmental conditions, and teachers are difficult to create a favorable working climate in the educational team; the lack of a developed EI provokes disagreements between participants in the educational process as students and teachers do not understand each other’s requirements, tension in relationships is growing. The author showed the importance of the development of EI in the participants of the educational process, as well as there were proposed the practices of the development of emotional intelligence.

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УДК 159.9.072(045) © Сироткин М. С., 2022

Эмоциональный интеллект и эффективность учебного процесса в высшей школе

Михаил Сергеевич Сироткин, студент факультета социальных наук и массовых коммуникаций, Финансовый университет, Москва, Россия mikhail_sirotkin@bk.ru

Mikhail S. Sirotkin, student, Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications, Financial University, Moscow, Russia


В статье рассматривается важность наличия развитого эмоционального интеллекта (ЭИ) у участников образовательного процесса. Актуальность статьи обусловлена тем, что при недостаточном развитии ЭИ, как у преподавателей, так и у студентов, качество и уровень образовательного процесса может снижаться, а общая продуктивность оказываться на невысоком уровне. Проведенный анализ литературных источников позволил автору выделить негативные последствия низкого уровня ЭИ у обучающихся и педагогов соответственно: у студентов затягивается адаптация к изменяющимся условиям внешней среды, а преподаватели затруднены в создании благоприятного рабочего климата в учебном коллективе; отсутствие развитого ЭИ провоцирует разногласия между участниками образовательного процесса, так как студенты и преподаватели не понимают требования друг друга, растет напряженность во взаимоотношениях. Показана важность развития ЭИ у участников образовательного процесса, предложены практики развития эмоционального интеллекта. Ключевые слова: эмоциональный интеллект; социализация студентов; когнитивные науки; понимание чужих эмоций; адаптация молодежи

Для цитирования: Сироткин М. С. Эмоциональный интеллект и эффективность учебного процесса в высшей школе. Научные записки молодых исследователей. 2022;10(2):48-53.

Emotional Intelligence and the Effectiveness of the Educational Process in Higher Education

The paper discusses the importance of having a developed emotional intelligence (EI) in participants of the educational process. The relevance of the research is due to the fact that with insufficient development of

Scientific supervisor: Maksimova O.I., Senior Lecturer of the Department of English and Professional Communication, Federal State Educational Institution, Financial University, Moscow, Russia/Научный руководитель: Максимова О.И., старший преподаватель департамента английского языка и профессиональной коммуникации, Финансовый университет, Москва, Россия.


EI, both teachers and students, the quality and level of the educational process may decrease, and overall productivity may be at a low level. The analysis of literary sources allowed the author to highlight the negative consequences of a low level of EI among students and teachers, respectively: students are delayed in adapting to changing environmental conditions, and teachers are difficult to create a favorable working climate in the educational team; the lack of a developed EI provokes disagreements between participants in the educational process as students and teachers do not understand each other's requirements, tension in relationships is growing. The author showed the importance of the development of EI in the participants of the educational process, as well as there were proposed the practices of the development of emotional intelligence.

Keywords: emotional intelligence; socialization of students; cognitive sciences; understanding of other people's emotions; adaptation of young people

For citation: sirotkin M. s. Emotional intelligence and the effectiveness of the educational process in higher education. Nauchnye zapiski molodykh issledovatelei = Scientific notes of young researchers. 2022;10(2):48-53.


An important issue in the study of emotional intelligence (EI) is its influence on its structural components on the ability of a person to adapt to environmental conditions and thereby achieve their goals more effectively. EI as a side of human intelligence can be subjected to training. The fundamental problem is that the emotional sphere of a person is not sufficiently disclosed and considered in the educational process. The solution may be to increase the awareness of participants in the educational process about the existence of emotional intelligence and its importance, it is necessary to include educational courses and practices to improve emotional intelligence in the learning process, as well as continue to conduct research on the relationship of emotional intelligence and individual human performance in career, study, work, to familiarize participants in the educational process with the results obtained. The objectives of the article are to describe current research within the framework of EI and its impact on human productivity, to reflect the importance of EI in the socialization of students and to develop recommendations for the training of EI components.

A person's cognitive abilities are a factor determining the quality of people's lives. Working with information, its processing and analysis allow a person to make decisions correctly, which ultimately affects the standard of living of an individual member of society. With the increasing amount of information that the modern human brain consumes every day, cognitive research that studies the principles of the

brain has become relevant. The second day of the symposium on the problems of information processing at the Massachusetts University of Technology, September 11th, 1956, is considered to be the starting point of the beginning of the development of cognitive science [1, p. 3]. Since then, scientific knowledge about the structure of human patterns of working with information has been significantly enriched. With the growth of research revealing the principles of the human brain, the concept of EI appeared at the end of the XX century. Even before the popularization of the concept of EI, Soviet psychologists L. S. Vygotsky, S. L. Rubinstein, A. N. Leontiev studied the emotional component of human thinking [2, p. 154]. Now it is possible to learn about discoveries in the field of cognitive psychology, the problems of human creation and other topics that cognitive science studies from various sources: a wide variety of research material is available on the Internet. There is also a host of published editions accessible to readers. For example, a textbook was published under the authorship of a Doctor of Psychological Sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, giving a general idea of the state of modern cognitive science.1 As part of the discussion about the achievements of humanity, it is advisable to talk about the adaptive capabilities of human creation to the circumstances

1 Velichkovsky B. M. Cognitive science. Fundamentals of the psychology of cognition in 2 vols. Vol. 1. Textbook for universities. 2nd ed., ispr. and add. Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2021. 405 p. (Higher education). ISBN 978-5-53406615-9. Yurayt Educational platform [website]. URL: https:// urait.ru/bcode/471447 (accessed on 11.12.2021).

of the external environment, within the framework of this paper - the ability to adapt students.

If we describe the current state of all spheres of public life, we can distinguish two key characteristics: the key role of information as a resource and high social mobility. The Spanish sociologist, M. Castells described the first component, especially significant in the modern world in his theory of information society [3, p. 164]. The second component is confirmed by numerous social elevators in Russia, actively pursued youth policy. A large amount of incoming information, rapidly changing conditions and a large number of competitors for improving social status can negatively affect the health of a student. For example, a student's inability to implement any academic or professional plans due to aim circumstances may lead him to a mental state of frustration. Frustration arises because of frustrating conditions - conditions when a person cannot satisfy his needs.2 Thus, a factor that can help to avoid frustration is a developed emotional intelligence, a feature of which is the ability to adapt more effectively to changing conditions and, therefore, to solve tasks more effectively.

If being interpreted intelligence as the ability to successfully adapt to environmental conditions [4, p. 60], they should segment it into several types, depending on the subject of the tasks being solved. For example, the American psychologist Howard Gardner identifies nine types of intelligence: linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, bodily kinesthetic, musical, naturalistic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, existential [5, p. 94]. The ability to communicate successfully with people and understand their emotions belongs precisely to interpersonal intelligence. Here, interpersonal intelligence can be defined as emotional intelligence, the distinguishing feature of which is the ability to evaluate a person's emotions and adjust their actions in accordance with them [6, p. 117] or emotional intelligence as the ability to act according to the internal environment of one's own emotions [7, p. 2639]. The determination of emotional intelligence as an important mental construct started being considered after the publication of the book "Emotional Intelligence" by journalist Daniel Goleman.3 In 2016,

2 What is frustration and whether it is necessary to deal with it. RBC. URL: https://trends.rbc.ru/trends/ social/61385cc69a794757b4cda93b (accessed on 24.12.2021).

3 Emotional intelligence: how to learn to understand their own

and others emotions. RBC. URL: https://trends.rbc.ru/trends/educ ation/5ed67acf9a79470d60d8af28 (accessed on 20.12.2021).

at the World Economic Forum (WEF), emotional intelligence was introduced as the 6th competence that higher school students should have by 2020 [6, p. 115]. Currently, science has a large number of studies that prove the importance of emotional intelligence in work and study. For example, in a study published in 2020, the result of the study was the fact that a person with a high level of EI in a problem situation is focused on solving it, and not on going into emotional experiences and procrastination [8, p. 126]. According to a study by the Carnegie Institute of Technology, people with high EI are more financially successful.4 Besides, people who are prone to procrastination rather do not have the ability to manage their own emotions, cannot cope with their experiences [9, p. 149]. However, to confirm the results obtained, more research is needed on the topic of the relationship of emotional intelligence with other mental characteristics and states.

The importance of EI for students

Student years can be called decisive for a person in terms of his future career. During his stay at the university, the student enters the professional community, learns to communicate with senior colleagues and peers at a professional level. If we consider the aforementioned theory of the information society of M. Castells and his basic idea that it is communication and information that are the determining factors in the modern world, we may state that communicative practices in the life of society are highly crucial. Thus, a person's mastery of communicative practices means a potential opportunity to organize institutional changes. For an individual, this may mean that communicative practices can be of decisive importance, for example, in improving their social status. Members of society, living in the modern paradigm of capitalist society, where the "law of the jungle" works (either you or you), feel pressure on themselves, because of which the mental side of a person suffers. (A similar theory can apply to a professional society where there is a high level of social mobility and everyone interested in improving their social status can take any steps, including in relation to their colleague). Thus, an excessive flow of information, pressure and a sense of danger from society generate psycho-emotional

4 Why Emotionally Intelligent People Are More Successful. Fast company. URL: https://www.fastcompany.com/3047455/why-emotionally-intelligent-people-are-more-successful (accessed on 20.12.2021).

tension, which is characterized by a decrease in professional performance when emotional discharge and disconnection from anxiety-depressive experiences are impossible [10, p. 80].

The importance of EI for teachers

His own cognitive abilities also influenced the results of a student's performance at a higher educational institution, not only but also by the teaching staff. The level of emotional intelligence of teachers similarly affects their qualitative and quantitative indicators of professional activity. An increase in the load on the brain because of an excessive increase in the information flow leads to increased fatigue of students and teachers,5 which reduces the overall effectiveness of the educational process. As for the teaching staff, the increasing workload associated with the need for reporting may affect the decrease in their effectiveness. In this case, we can say that there is a problem of bureaucratization of teachers, which affects their condition [11, p. 84-85]. Undeveloped EI and the above-described factors affecting students and teachers lead to stress, emotional burnout syndrome (SEB) and a decrease in the effectiveness of the educational process. The main component of the burnout syndrome is the discrepancy between the personality and the requirements imposed on it [12, p. 108]. Since 2019, SEB has been included in the international schedule of diseases. This means that it is recognized as a factor affecting the health of society.6 The symptoms of emotional burnout, which can be found in both students and teachers, researcher, Doctor of Psychological Sciences V. V. Boyko refers to the symptom of emotional deficit, the symptom of emotional detachment, the symptom of personal detachment and the symptom of psychovegetative and psychosomatic disorders [13, p. 22]. The first symptom reflects a decrease in empathy towards those with whom the specialist works. The second symptom reveals the state when a person loses the emotional component of his activity. He becomes indifferent to the state of affairs in his life. We express the third symptom in the loss of interest in

5 What is information fatigue syndrome and how to overcome it. RBC. URL: https://style.rbc.ru/ health/60897fce9a7947840b466d08 (accessed on 21.12.2021).

6 What is emotional burnout and why it can cost you your job. HeadHunter. URL: https://hh.ru/article/28063 (accessed on 21.12.2021).

their object of professional influence. In this case, we can talk about the emergence of a feeling of "loss of meaning" in our business. The fourth effect manifests itself in one's own feelings, for example, a bad mood, fear.

A favorable working climate and

the presence of teacher-student conflicts

The positive / negative nature of the relationship between the teacher and the student affects the internal state of the student and his productivity. For example, students who perceive their relationship with the teacher as positive actively took part in school life and had better academic performance [14, p. 47]. The results of the study described in the work of Popenkova D. I. and Niko-laeva A.A. it is said that most of the teachers, when in conflict with a student, use either repressive measures or ignore the conflict itself [15, p. 196]. Authoritarian methods of influence can affect the second step of the pyramid of human needs (the need for protection and security), described by the American psychologist A. Maslow. According to pyramid, satisfaction of lower-order needs leads to the appearance of higher-order needs [16, p. 168] (the need for belonging to a social group, involvement, support, the need for respect and recognition, the need for self-expression). Thus, in order to increase the effectiveness of the student in the educational process, he needs to close the needs of the lower order in order to have motivation (the emergence of needs for self-expression) to achieve success in school or work.

How can we improve the EI?

EI is the one of key aspects for the successful professional activity of students and teachers. In order to improve adaptive abilities, first, society needs to observe a sleep and rest regime, eat right. You also need to learn how to work with your emotions. There are many areas of work with the emotional sphere (managing your own emotions, protecting yourself from emotional infection, helping another person in a state of strong emotional arousal) [17, p. 150]. There is also a specific technique, the mastery of which will allow a person to cope much better with their own emotional state - "catch an emotion by the tail." According to this method of managing the emotional sphere, a person, predicting that negative thoughts / emotions may fill him, tries to suppress

all experiences at the root, means even before the occurrence of the most negative emotion. In addition, on the Internet, everyone can find loads of recommendations and practices for EI improving. For example, the user can find courses dedicated to EI on the online educational platforms "Coursera" and "Open Education".


To resume, EI affects the processes of occurrence and suppression of SEB. Thus, today, there are many studies on the relationship between the level of emotional intelligence with the mental characteristics of the individuals and their abilities to decline the symptoms of SEB. We can say that the emotional component of intelligence plays an important role in the process of socialization and professional development of a student. It is worth to highlight that the level of emotional intelligence of teachers also affects the successful adaptation of young people. The high level of

emotional intelligence of teachers contributes to the effective organization of the educational process and serves as an additional factor to prevent the growth of nervous tension in students. The effectiveness of students learning can be considered from the point of view of the needs of a student. Students, without covering their basic needs (in this case, the need for security), are not motivated to perform intellectual activities. Within educational institutions, the need for security may be unsatisfied due to a teacher-student conflict. Therefore, in order to organize an effective educational process, it is important for participants in the educational process to work on their own emotional component, which causes often misunderstandings and conflicts. Popularization of emotional intelligence should be carried out by highlighting its importance in the media, further publication of scientific articles and introducing practices that allow people to improve their emotional intelligence.


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