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Emotional intelligence among female baseball players: a psychological probe Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Dalwinder Singh, Gaurav Dureja, Dolly Dr.

Purpose : The present study was conducted to determine the emotional intelligence among Indian female baseball players. Material : For the purpose of present study, two hundred (N=200) senior national female baseball players were selected through purposive sampling technique from different regions of India. They were selected from four different regions: A (North region baseball players=50), B (East region baseball players=50), C (West region baseball players=50) and D (South region baseball players=50). To collect the required data for the present study, the questionnaire developed by Hyde et al. (2001) on emotional intelligence was administered. One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was employed to compare the entire regions. Where ‘F’ values were found significant, LSD (Least Significant Difference) Post-hoc test was applied to find out the direction and degree of difference. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Results : Significant differences were observed among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players on the sub-parameters; empathy, self-development, value orientation and on the parameter Emotional Intelligence (Total). No significant differences were noticed on the sub-parameters; self-awareness, self-motivation, emotional stability, managing relations, integrity, commitment and altruistic behaviour. Conclusion: The outcome of results might be due to the fact that East region female baseball players are able to pay attention to the worries and concerns of others, can listen to someone without the urge to say something, can stay focused under pressure, are able to handle multiple demands and able to identify and separate their emotions.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Emotional intelligence among female baseball players: a psychological probe»



Emotional intelligence among female baseball players:

a psychological probe

Dalwinder Singh1, Gaurav Dureja2, Dolly1

1Panjab University, Chandigarh, India 2Postgraduate Government College, Sector-11, Chandigarh, India


Purpose: The present study was conducted to determine the emotional intelligence among Indian female baseball players. Material: For the purpose of present study, two hundred (N=200) senior national female baseball players were selected through purposive sampling technique from different regions of India. They were selected from four different regions: A (North region baseball players=50), B (East region baseball players=50), C (West region baseball players=50) and D (South region baseball players=50). To collect the required data for the present study, the questionnaire developed by Hyde et al. (2001) on emotional intelligence was administered. One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was employed to compare the entire regions. Where 'F' values were found significant, LSD (Least Significant Difference) Post-hoc test was applied to find out the direction and degree of difference. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Results: Significant differences were observed among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players on the sub-parameters; empathy, self-development, value orientation and on the parameter Emotional Intelligence (Total). No significant differences were noticed on the sub-parameters; self-awareness, self-motivation, emotional stability, managing relations, integrity, commitment and altruistic behaviour. Conclusion: The outcome of results might be due to the fact that East region female baseball players are able to pay attention to the worries and concerns of others, can listen to someone without the urge to say something, can stay focused under pressure, are able to handle multiple demands and able to identify and separate their emotions.

Keywords: emotional intelligence, female, baseball players, motivation.

Далвиндер Сингх, Гаурав Дурея, Долли. Эмоциональный интеллект среди девушек бейсболистов: психологическая проба. Цель: настоящее исследование было проведено с целью определения эмоционального интеллекта среди индийских женщин-игроков в бейсбол. Материал: в данном исследовании путем целенаправленной методики выборки были отобраны двести (N = 200) опытных женщин-бейсболисток из разных регионов Индии. Они были отобраны из четырех разных регионов: (Северный регион n = 50), B (Восточный регион n = 50), С (Западный регион n = 50) и D (Южный регион n = 50). Для сбора необходимых данных для настоящего исследования была использована анкета эмоционального интеллекта, разработанная Гайд др. (2001). Для сравнения целых регионов был использован однофактор-ный дисперсионный анализ (ANOVA). Если были обнаружены существенные значения 'F', тогда использовался LSD (наименее существенное различие) специальный тест с целью выявления направления и степени различия. Уровень достоверности был установлен на уровне 0,05. Результаты: Наблюдались существенные различия между регионами Север, Восток, запад и Юг у женщин-бейсболисток на подгруппам параметров: сопереживание, саморазвитие, ценностные ориентации и Эмоциональный интеллект (общий). Никаких существенных различий не было замечено у подгрупп параметров: самосознание, самомотивация, эмоциональная устойчивость, управление отношениями, честность, преданность и альтруистическое поведение. Выводы: Исходные результаты могут быть связаны с тем, что женщины бейсболистки Восточного региона были в состоянии обратить внимание на заботы и проблемы других людей. Они может слушать кого-то без стремления что-то сказать и могут сосредоточиться под давлением, а также в состоянии справиться с многочисленными требованиями и способны идентифицировать и разделить их эмоции.

эмоциональный интеллект, женщины, бейсболисты, мотивация.

Далвшдер Сшгх, Гаурав Дури Доллк Емоцшний штелект серед дiвчат бейсболюлв: психолопчна проба.

Мета: дослщження було проведено з метою визначення емоцмного Ыте-лекту серед Ыдшських жЫок-грав^в у бейсбол. Матерiал:: в даному до-слщжены шляхом цтеспрямованоТ методики вибiрки були вобран двют (n = 200) опитаних жшок-бейсболюток з рiзних репожв 1ндм. Вони були вобран з чотирьох рiзних репоыв: (^в-ычний репон n = 50), B (Схщний репон n = 50), С (Захщний репон n = 50) i D (^вденний репон n = 50). Для збору необхщних даних для цього досль дження була використана анкета емо-цмного штелекту, розроблена Гайд Ы. (2001). Для порiвняння цтих репоыв був використаний однофакторний дис-персмний аналiз (aNoVa). Якщо були виявлен ютоты значення 'F', тодi ви-користовувався LSD (найменш ютотна вщмшнють) спе^альний тест з метою виявлення напрямку i ступеню вщмш-ностк Рiвень дост^рност був вста-новлений на рiвнi 0,05. Результати: Спостергалися ютоты вiдмiнностi мiж регiонами Пiвнiч, Схщ, Захiд i Пiвдень у жЫок-бейсболюток по пiдгрупах па-раметрiв: ствпереживання, самороз-виток, цiннiснi орieнтацiТ та емоцмний iнтелект (загальний). Нiяких ютотних вiдмiнностей не було помiчено у пщ-груп параметрiв: самосвiдомiсть, самомотива^я, емоцiйна стiйкiсть, управлiння вiдносинами, чеснють, вщ-данiсть i альтруТстичне поводження. Висновки: Вихщы результати можуть бути пов'язан з тим, що жшки бей-сболiсткi Схiдного регiонУ були в змозi звернути увагу на турботи i проблеми iнших людей. Вони можуть слухати когось без прагнення щось сказати i можуть зосередитися пщ тиском, а також в змозi впоратися з численними вимогами i здатн iдентифiкувати i роз-дiлити Тх емоцiТ.

емо^йний iнтелект, жiнки, бейсбо-лсти, мотивац/я.


Emotional intelligence was established as a popular area of research during the 1990s and since then has emerged as an important construct (Meyer & Zizzi, 2007; Petrides et al., 2004). Emotional intelligence is defined as "the ability to perceive, monitor, employ and manage emotions within oneself and in others" (Salovey & Mayer, 1990). Although, the popularity of emotional intelligence begun when Goleman (1995) emphasized the construct being more useful than intelligence quotient (IQ) in the workplace (Mayer et al., 2008). Zizzi et al. (2003) explored relationships between emotional intelligence and baseball performance and found that the emotional

© Dalwinder Singh, Gaurav Dureja, Dolly, 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.15561/18189172.2015.0912

intelligence was an important predictor of success for pitchers, though comparatively it was not as strong for batters. They suggested that emotional intelligence for pitchers was higher because they have more time to think of their own emotions and engage in regulatory processes.

Emotional intelligence is a concept that helps out to know how to separate healthy from unhealthy feelings and how to transform negative feelings into positive ones. Goleman (1999) explored the means for managing feelings so that they are expressed appropriately and effectively, enabling people to work together smoothly towards their common goals. According to him, emotional intelligence has proved to be an effective measure of human capabilities and programmes of emotional intelligence have shown to enhance an individual's productivity in different fields of

I nEflArOHKA I Ta MeflMK0"6i0^0riHHi

- - npoô^eMM ^i3MHHoro

BMXoBaHHA i cnopTy _


human activities.

Spinoza (1677) revealed that both the emotion and intellect together contribute to the ultimate cognitive tool. He talked about three levels of cognition i.e. emotional cognition, intellectual cognition and a kind of intuition. Emotional intelligence has been accepted by the psychologists as the one which affects human performance. It is one such thing which drives man as a motivational force leading to all his achievements. Therefore, the present days' training is needed to consider this aspect of human psychology for complete preparation of the sportsperson for the competition. For this, the nature in which emotional intelligence affects the sports performance has to be tested with appropriate psychological tools and methods. Baseball was the first sport to successfully employ the league structure (Masteralexis et al., 2009). Baseball, perhaps more than any other sport, combines both individual and team effort. The battle between the pitcher and the batter is an individual one; play in the field is performed by individual players with individual responsibilities yet each man's own effort must be subordinated to that of the team. It is a wonderful game that teaches youngsters how to win their individual battles within a frame work of cooperative enterprise. In baseball the good of the group is always of paramount importance, yet completely dependent upon the individual efforts of each man (Watts, 1964).

Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the emotional intelligence among female baseball players of India.

Method and procedure

Sample: Two hundred (N=200) senior national female baseball players were selected through purposive sampling technique from different regions of India.They were selected from different regions: A (North region baseball players=50), B (East region baseball players=50), C (West region baseball players=50) and D (South region baseball players=50).

Instrument: The Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire

developed by Hyde et al. (2001) was administered.

Statistical Analysis: One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was employed to compare the entire regions. Where 'F' values were found significant, LSD (Least Significant Difference) Post-hoc test was applied to find out the direction and degree of difference. The level of significance was set at 0.05.

Ethical Committee: This study was approved by the Joint Research Board (JRB) of Panjab University, Chandigarh (India).


The results depicted in table 1 revealed insignificant differences with regard to the sub-parameter Self-Awareness among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players as the P-value (Sig.) .704 was found higher than 0.05 level of significance (p>0.05). Since F-value was found insignificant, therefore, there is no need to apply Post-hoc test.

The results projected in table 2 described significant differences with regard to the sub-parameter Empathy among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players as the P-value (Sig.) .000 was found smaller than 0.05 level of significance (p<0.05).

Since the obtained F-value was found significant, therefore, Least Significant Difference (LSD) Post-hoc test was employed to study the direction and significance of differences between paired means among various regions female baseball players on the sub-parameter Empathy. The results of LSD Post-hoc test have been presented in Table 3.

The results in table 3 showed insignificant differences between North and East, North and West regions female baseball players as the P-values (Sig.) .543, .082 respectively were found greater than 0.05 of significance level on the sub-parameter Empathy.

The above table showed significant differences between North and South, East and West, East and South, West and South regions female baseball players as the P-values (Sig.) .000, .019, .000, .019 respectively were

Table 1

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) results among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players with regard to the sub-parameter Self-Awareness

Source of Variation Sum of Squares Degree of Freedom Mean Square F-value P-value (Sig.)

Between Groups 6.660 3 2.220

Within Groups 927.960 196 4.734 .469 .704

Total 934.620 199

F0.05 (3,1%)

Table 2

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) results among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players with

regard to the sub-parameter Empathy

Source of Sum of Degree of Mean F-value P-value

Variation Squares Freedom Square (Sig.)

Between Groups 162.295 3 54.098

Within Groups 1187.100 196 6.057 8.932* .000

Total 1349.395 199

* Significant at 0.05

F0.05 (V96)



found lesser than 0.05 of significance level on the subparameter Empathy. The graphical representation of mean scores of Empathy among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players has been exhibited in Figure 1.

It is evident from table 4 that insignificant differences were found with regard to the sub-parameter Self-Motivation among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players as the P-value (Sig.) .263 was found higher than 0.05 level of significance (p>0.05). Since F-value was found insignificant, therefore, there is no need to apply Post-hoc test.

The results presented in table 5 showed insignificant differences with regard to the sub-parameter Emotional Stability among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players as the P-value (Sig.) .073 was found higher than 0.05 level of significance (p>0.05). Since F-value was found insignificant, therefore, Post-hoc test has not been applied.

Table 6 showed insignificant differences with regard to the sub-parameter Managing Relations among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players as the P-value (Sig.) .462 was found higher than the 0.05 level of significance (p>0.05). Since F-value was found insignificant, therefore, there is no need to apply Post-hoc test.

It appears from table 7 above that insignificant differences were found with regard to the sub-parameter Integrity among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players as the P-value (Sig.) .484 was found higher than the 0.05 level of significance (p>0.05). Since F-value was found insignificant, therefore, there is no need to apply Post-hoc test.

The results in table 8 explored significant differences with regard to the sub-parameter Self-Development among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players as the P-value (Sig.) .003 was found smaller than 0.05 level of significance (p<0.05).

Table 3

Significant differences among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players with regard to the subparameter Empathy

Means Mean Difference P-value (Sig.)

East[20.14] 0.30 .543

North West[18.98] 0.86 .082

[19.84] South[17.82] 2.02* .000

North[19.84] 0.30 .543

East West[18.98] 1.16* .019

[20.14] South[17.82] 2.32* .000

North[19.84] 0.86 .082

West East[20.14] 1.16* .019

[18.98] South[17.82] 1.16* .019

North[19.84] 2.02* .000

South East[20.14] 2.32* .000

[17.82] West[18.98] 1.16* .019

* Significant at 0.05

20,5 20 19,5 19 18,5 18 17,5 17 16,5 19,8 North 20,14 U 18,9 Hi 1 East West 8 17,82 17,82 1 1 South

Figure 1. Graphical representation of mean scores with regard to North, East, West and South regions female

baseball players on the sub-parameter Empathy

I nEflArOHKA I Ta MeflMK0"6i0^0riHHi

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Since the obtained F-value was found significant, therefore, Least Significant Difference (LSD) Post-hoc test was employed to study the direction and significance of differences between paired means among various regions female baseball players on the sub-parameter Self-Development. The results of LSD Post-hoc test have been presented in Table 9.

Table 9 demonstrated significant differences between

North and East, East and West, East and South regions female baseball players as the P-values (Sig.) .008, .001, .004 respectively were found lesser than 0.05 of significance level on the sub-parameter Self-development.

Insignificant differences were found between North and West, North and South, West and South regions female baseball players as the P-values (Sig.) .430, .808, .585 respectively were found higher than 0.05 of

Table 4

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) results among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players with

regard to the sub-parameter Self-Motivation

Source of Variation Sum of Squares Degree of Freedom Mean Square F-value P-value (Sig.)

Between Groups 28.415 3 9.472 1.339 .263

Within Groups 1386.180 196 7.072

Total 1414.595 199

F0.05 (3,1%)

Table 5

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) results among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players with

regard to the sub-parameter Emotional Stability

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Source of Sum of Degree of Mean F-value P-value

Variation Squares Freedom Square (Sig.)

Between Groups 40.740 3 13.580

Within Groups 1126.760 196 5.749 2.362 .073

Total 1167.500 199

F0.05 C3,196)

Table 6

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) results among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players with

regard to the sub-parameter Managing Relations

Source of Variation Sum of Squares Degree of Freedom Mean Square F-value P-value (Sig.)

Between Groups 14.695 3 4.898 .861 .462

Within Groups 1114.860 196 5.688

Total 1129.555 199

F0.05 (3,196)

Table 7

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) results among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players with

regard to the sub-parameter Integrity

Source of Variation Sum of Squares Degree of Freedom Mean Square F-value P-value (Sig.)

Between Groups 9.695 3 3.232

Within Groups 772.260 196 3.940 .820 .484

Total 781.955 199

F0.05 (3,1%)

Table 8

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) results among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players with

regard to the sub-parameter Self-Development

Source of Variation Sum of Squares Degree of Freedom Mean Square F-value P-value (Sig.)

Between Groups 38.775 3 12.925

Within Groups 529.620 196 2.702 4.783* .003

Total 568.395 199

^Significant at 0.05

Fo05 (3,196)

significance level on the sub-parameter Self-development. The graphical representation of mean scores of Self-Development among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players has been exhibited in Figure 2.

It is evident from table 10 that significant differences were found with regard to the sub-parameter Value Orientation among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players as the P-value (Sig.) .009 was found smaller than 0.05 level of significance (p<0.05).

Since the obtained F-value was found significant,

therefore, Least Significant Difference (LSD) Post-hoc test was employed to study the direction and significance of differences between paired means among various regions female baseball players on the sub-parameter Value Orientation. The results of LSD Post-hoc test have been presented in Table 11.

Table 11 demonstrated significant differences between North and South, East and South, West and South regions female baseball players as the P-values (Sig.) .004, .003, .045 respectively were found lesser than 0.05 of

Table 9

Significant difference among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players with regard to the subparameter Self-Development

Means Mean Difference P-value (Sig.)

East[8.44] 0.88* .008

North West[7.30] 0.26 .430

[7.56] South[7.48] 0.08 .808

North[7.56] 0.88* .008

East West[7.30] 1.14* .001

[8.44] South[7.48] 0.96* .004

North[7.56] 0.26 .430

West East[8.44] 1.14* .001

[7.30] South[7.48] 0.18 .585

North[7.56] 0.08 .808

South East[8.44] 0.96* .004

[7.48] West[7.30] 0.18 .585

* Significant at 0.05

Figure 2. Graphical representation of mean scores with regard to North, East, West and South regions female baseball players on the sub-parameter Self-Development

Table 10

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) results among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players with

regard to the sub-parameter Value Orientation

Source of Variation Sum of Squares Degree of Freedom Mean Square F-value P-value (Sig.)

Between Groups 24.695 3 8.232

Within Groups 405.900 196 2.071 3.975* .009

Total 430.595 199

* Significant at 0.05

Fo05 (3,196)

I nEflArOHKA I Ta MeflMK0"6i0^0riHHi

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significance level on the sub-parameter Value Orientation.

Insignificant differences were found between North and East, North and West, East and West regions female baseball players as the P-values (Sig.) .890, .367, .299 respectively were found higher than 0.05 of significance level on the sub-parameter Value Orientation. The graphical representation of mean scores of Value Orientation among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players has been exhibited in Figure 3.

It can be observed from table 12 that insignificant differences were found with regard to the sub-parameter Commitment among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players as the P-value (Sig.) .217 was found higher than 0.05 level of significance (p>0.05). Since F-value was found insignificant, therefore, there is no need to apply Post-hoc test.

The results projected in table 13 revealed insignificant differences with regard to the sub-parameter Altruistic

Table 11

Significant difference among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players with regard to the subparameter Value Orientation

Means Mean Difference P-value (Sig.)

North [8.22] East[8.26] 0.04 .890

West[7.96] 0.26 .367

South[7.38] 0.84* .004

East [8.26] North[8.22] 0.04 .890

West[7.96] 0.30 .299

South[7.38] 0.88* .003

West [7.96] North[8.22] 0.26 .367

East[8.26] 0.30 .299

South[7.38] 0.58* .045

South [7.38] North[8.22] 0.84* .004

East[8.26] 0.88* .003

West[7.96] 0.58* .045

* Significant at 0.05

Figure 3. Graphical representation of mean scores with regard to North, East, West and South regions female baseball players on the sub-parameter Value Orientation

Table 12

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) results among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players with

regard to the sub-parameter Commitment

Source of Variation Sum of Squares Degree of Freedom Mean Square F-value P-value (Sig.)

Between Groups 7.480 3 2.493

Within Groups 326.600 196 1.666 1.496 .217

Total 334.080 199

Foo5 (3,196)

Behaviour among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players as the P-value (Sig.) .166 was found higher than 0.05 level of significance (p>0.05). Since F-value was found insignificant, therefore, Post-hoc test has not been applied.

Table 14 showed significant differences with regard to the parameter Emotional Intelligence (Total) among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players as the P-value (Sig.) .030 was found smaller than 0.05 level of significance (p<0.05).

Since the obtained F-value was found significant, therefore, Least Significant Difference (LSD) Post-hoc test was employed to study the direction and significance of differences between paired means among various regions female baseball players on the parameter Emotional Intelligence (Total). The results of LSD Post-

hoc test have been presented in Table 15.

The results in table 15 showed insignificant differences between North and East, North and West, East and West, West and South regions female baseball players as the P-values (Sig.) .845, .289, .210, .155 respectively were found greater than 0.05 of significance level on the parameter Emotional Intelligence (Total).

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The above table showed significant differences between North and South, East and South regions female baseball players as the P-values (Sig.) .014, 008, respectively were found lesser than 0.05 of significance level on the parameter Emotional Intelligence (Total). The graphical representation of mean scores of parameter Emotional Intelligence (Total) among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players has been exhibited in Figure 4.

Table 13

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) results among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players with

regard to the sub-parameter Altruistic Behaviour

Source of Variation Sum of Squares Degree of Freedom Mean Square F-value P-value (Sig.)

Between Groups 13.015 3 4.338

Within Groups 496.980 196 2.536 1.711 .166

Total 509.995 199

F0.05 (3,1%)

Table 14

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) results among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players with

regard to the parameter Emotional Intelligence (Total)

Source of Sum of Squares Degree of Mean Square F-value P-value

Variation Freedom (Sig.)

Between Groups 1259.935 3 419.978 3.033* .030

Within Groups 27144.220 196 13.491

Total 28404.155 199

* Significant at 0.05 F005 (3,196)

Table 15

Significant difference among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players with regard to the

parameter Emotional Intelligence (Total)

Means Mean Difference P-value (Sig.)

North [137.04] F,ast[137 50] 0 46 845

West[134 54] 2 50 289

South[131 18] 5 86* 014

East [137.50] North[137 10] 0 46 845

West[134 54] 2 96 210

South[131 18] 6 32* 008

West [134.54] North[137 10] 2 50 289

Fast[137.50] 2.96 .210

South[131 18] 3 36 155

South [131.18] North[137 10] 5 86* 014

Fast[137.50] 6 32* .008

West[134 54] 3 36 155

* Significant at 0.05

I nEflArOHKA I Ta MeflMK°"6io^oriHHi

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BMXoBaHHA i cnopTy _


138 136 134 132 130 128









Figure 4. Graphical representation of mean scores with regard to North, East, West and South regions female baseball players on the parameter Emotional Intelligence (Total)


It is evident from above results that significant differences were found among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players with regard to the sub-parameters; empathy, self-development, value orientation and the parameter emotional intelligence (total). While comparing the mean values of the entire regions, it has been noticed that East region female baseball players demonstrated significantly better empathy, self-development, value orientation and emotional intelligence (total) than their counterpart North, West and South regions female baseball players. The outcome of results might be due to the fact that East region female baseball players are able to pay attention to the worries and concerns of others, can listen to someone without the urge to say something, can stay focused under pressure, are able to handle multiple demands and able to identify and separate their emotions. They feel that they must develop themselves even when their job does not demand it, are able to maintain the standards of honesty and integrity and also able to confront unethical actions in others which enable them to outdo their counterparts on the said sub-parameters and parameter. Kaur (2008) reported significant differences on self-motivation among scheduled caste, backward class and general adolescent girls. Amy et al. (2007) reported that Taiwan physical education teachers were found to be significantly higher on value orientation mastery than Hong Kong and Shanghai physical education teachers. Ahmed et al. (2011) reported that male volleyball players had more emotional intelligence than the female volleyball players. Kumar (2009) revealed significant differences among swimming, kayaking and canoeing players on the parameter emotional intelligence.

However, insignificant differences were found on the sub-parameters; self-awareness, self-motivation,

emotional stability, managing relations, integrity, commitment and altruistic behaviour among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players. It can be safely surmised that the female baseball players of entire regions were equally developed on the said sub-parameters. Torkfar et al. (2011) reported insignificant differences on the sub-parameters; self-awareness and empathy between team and individual sports athletes. Kajtna et al. (2004) revealed that high risk sports athletes scored highest in emotional stability followed by the non-athletes and the lowest scores were achieved by non-risk sports athletes. Sandhu et al. (2009) found that Coaches with experience of more than 20 years are more committed, better in control and challenge dimensions of hardiness as compared to the coaches with experience of less than 10 years and between 11 to 20 years. Bawa (2005) found significant relationship between commitment and control in relation to athletic, gymnastic, hockey and wrestling coaches.


It is concluded that significant differences were observed among North, East, West and South regions female baseball players on the sub-parameters; empathy, self-development, value orientation and on the parameter Emotional Intelligence (Total). While comparing the mean values of the entire regions, it has been noticed that East region female baseball players demonstrated significantly better empathy, self-development, value orientation and emotional intelligence (total) than their counterpart North, West and South regions female baseball players. No significant differences were noticed on the subparameters; self-awareness, self-motivation, emotional stability, managing relations, integrity, commitment and altruistic behaviour.

Conflict of interests

Authors declare that there is no conflict of interests.




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Информация об авторах: Далвиндер Сингх; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4969-0167; dalwinder_pu@yahoo.com; Университет Панжаб; Сектор 14, Чандигарх, 160014, Индия.

Гаурав Дурея; http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0508-6387; g_ dureja83@yahoo.com; Колледж Пост Градуейт Говермент; Сектор 11Д, Чандигарх, 160011, Индия.

Др. Долли; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8676-7784; g_ dureja83@yahoo.com; Университет Панжаб; Сектор 14, Чандигарх, 160014, Индия.

Цитируйте эту статью как: Далвиндер Сингх, Гаурав Дурея, Долли. Эмоциональный интеллект среди девушек бейсболистов: психологическая проба // Педагопка, психолопя та медико-бюлопчш проблеми фiзичного ви-ховання i спорту. - 2015. - N 9. - С. 75-83. http://dx.doi. org/10.15561/18189172.2015.0912

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Дата поступления в редакцию: 04.07.2015 Принята: 21.07.2015; Опубликована: 20.07.2015

Information about the authors: Dalwinder Singh; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4969-0167; dalwinder_pu@yahoo.com; Department of Physical Education, Panjab University; Sector 14, Chandigarh, 160014, India;

Gaurav Dureja; http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0508-6387; g_ dureja83@yahoo.com; Department of Physical Education-TE&L, Post Graduate Government College; Madhya Marg, Sector 11D, Chandigarh, 160011, India.

Dr. Dolly; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8676-7784; g_dureja83@ yahoo.com; Directorate of Sports, Panjab University; Sector 14, Chandigarh, 160014, India.

Cite this article as: Dalwinder Singh, Gaurav Dureja, Dolly. Emotional intelligence among female baseball players: a psychological probe. Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports, 2015;9:75-83. http://dx.doi.org/10.15561/18189172.2015.0912

The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://www.sportpedagogy.org.ua/html/arhive-e.html

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Received: 04.07.2015

Accepted: 21.07.2015; Published: 20.07.2015

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