ЭКОЛОГО-ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКАЯ ПОЛИТИКА НА СОВРЕМЕННОМ ЭТАПЕ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Мудрецов Анатолий Филиппович, Авраменко Андрей Алексеевич, Тулупов Александр Сергеевич

Актуальность исследования. Повышенная антропогенная нагрузка представляет серьезную опасность для человечества и грозит создать трудноразрешимые проблемы, если промышленность и другие виды деятельности будут продолжать развиваться прежними темпами и способами. На современном этапе развития возникает необходимость повышенного внимания к экологической составляющей проводимой государственной политики. Цель исследования заключается в необходимости совершенствования экономической политики государства посредством широкого применения эколого-экономических регуляторов, способствующих переходу к «зеленой экономике» как новой модели устойчивого развития. Методы исследования. Обоснованность выводов проведенного исследования обеспечивалась системным подходом к решению поставленной проблемы, применением комплекса методов и методик, адекватных задачам исследования. Главными научными инструментами работы явились экономический анализ, включая эколого-экономический вид такого анализа, системный анализ и его разновидности - понятийный контент-анализ, информационное моделирование. Результаты исследования: предложены направления устойчивой эколого-экономической политики, среди которых важнейшими должны являться резервирование финансово-кредитных ресурсов на природоохранные нужды, экологизация налоговой системы страны, страхование антропогенной нагрузки, государственные контроль и мониторинг системы рационального природопользования и охраны окружающей среды. Практическая значимость: результаты исследования имеют прикладное значение для законодательных и исполнительных органов государственной власти (Министерства экономического развития РФ, Министерства природных ресурсов и экологии РФ), научно-исследовательских организаций.

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Похожие темы научных работ по социальной и экономической географии , автор научной работы — Мудрецов Анатолий Филиппович, Авраменко Андрей Алексеевич, Тулупов Александр Сергеевич

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Relevance of the research. The increased anthropogenic load is a serious threat to humanity and threatens to create intractable problems if industry and other activities continue to develop at the same pace and in the same way. At the present stage of development, there is a need for increased attention to the environmental component of the state policy. The purpose of the research is to improve the state's economic policy through the wide application of environmental and economic regulators that contribute to the transition to the "green economy" as a new model of sustainable development. Method of research. The validity of the conclusions of the study was provided by a systematic approach to solving the problem, using a set of methods and techniques that are adequate to the tasks of the study. The main scientific tools of the work were economic analysis, including the ecological and economic type of such analysis, system analysis and its varieties-conceptual content analysis, information modeling. Research result: the directions of sustainable ecological and economic policy are proposed, among which the most important should be the reservation of financial and credit resources for environmental needs, greening of the country's tax system, insurance of anthropogenic load, state control and monitoring of the system of rational nature management and environmental protection. Practical significance: the results of the research are of applied significance for legislative and Executive bodies of state power (the Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation), research organizations.


Экономика природопользования


д.э.н., главный научный сотрудник лаборатории экономического регулирования экологически устойчивого хозяйствования, Институт проблем рынка РАН, г. Москва.

e-mail: afmudretsov@yandex.ru


к.э.н., доцент кафедры международных комплексных проблем природопользования и экологии МГИМО МИД России; г. Москва,

E-mail: ecology@inno.mgimo.ru


д.э.н., заведующий лабораторией экономического регулирования экологически устойчивого хозяйствования, Институт проблем рынка РАН, г. Москва.

e-mail: tul@bk.ru


Аннотация. Актуальность исследования. Повышенная антропогенная нагрузка представляет серьезную опасность для человечества и грозит создать трудноразрешимые проблемы, если промышленность и другие виды деятельности будут продолжать развиваться прежними темпами и способами. На современном этапе развития возникает необходимость повышенного внимания к экологической составляющей проводимой государственной политики. Цель исследования заключается в необходимости совершенствования экономической политики государства посредством широкого применения эко-лого-экономических регуляторов, способствующих переходу к «зеленой экономике» как новой модели устойчивого развития. Методы исследования. Обоснованность выводов проведенного исследования обеспечивалась системным подходом к решению поставленной проблемы, применением комплекса методов и методик, адекватных задачам исследования. Главными научными инструментами работы явились экономический анализ, включая эколого-экономический вид такого анализа, системный анализ и его разновидности — понятийный контент-анализ, информационное моделирование. Результаты исследования: предложены направления устойчивой эколого-экономической политики, среди которых важнейшими должны являться резервирование финансово-кредитных ресурсов на природоохранные нужды, экологизация налоговой системы страны, страхование антропогенной нагрузки, государственные контроль и мониторинг системы рационального природопользования и охраны окружающей среды. Практическая значимость: результаты исследования имеют прикладное значение для законодательных и исполнительных органов государственной власти (Министерства экономического развития РФ, Министерства природных ресурсов и экологии РФ), научно-исследовательских организаций. Ключевые слова: государственная политика, эколого-экономическое регулирование, зеленая экономика, устойчивое развитие.

JEL: Q58, Q56, Q34


doctor of Economics, chief researcher of the laboratory of economic regulation environmentally sustainable management, Market Economy Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.

e-mail: afmudretsov@yandex.ru

1 Статья подготовлена в рамках государственного задания Института проблем рынка РАН, тема НИР «Проблемы устойчивого развития России: эколого-экономический аспект».


Ph. D. in Economics, associate Professor of international complex problems nature management and ecology MGIMO MFA of Russia; Moscow,

E-mail: ecology@inno.mgimo.ru


doctor of Economics, head of the laboratory of economic regulation. sustainable management, Market Economy Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.

e-mail: tul@bk.ru


Abstract. Relevance of the research. The increased anthropogenic load is a serious threat to humanity and threatens to create intractable problems if industry and other activities continue to develop at the same pace and in the same way. At the present stage of development, there is a need for increased attention to the environmental component of the state policy. The purpose of the research is to improve the state's economic policy through the wide application of environmental and economic regulators that contribute to the transition to the "green economy" as a new model of sustainable development. Method of research. The validity of the conclusions of the study was provided by a systematic approach to solving the problem, using a set of methods and techniques that are adequate to the tasks of the study. The main scientific tools of the work were economic analysis, including the ecological and economic type of such analysis, system analysis and its varieties-conceptual content analysis, information modeling. Research result: the directions of sustainable ecological and economic policy are proposed, among which the most important should be the reservation of financial and credit resources for environmental needs, greening of the country's tax system, insurance of anthropogenic load, state control and monitoring of the system of rational nature management and environmental protection. Practical significance: the results of the research are of applied significance for legislative and Executive bodies of state power (the Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation), research organizations.

Keywords: state policy, environmental and economic regulation, green economy, sustainable development. JEL: Q58, Q56, Q34

Introduction. The past century was marked by great successes of mankind, developing along the path of scientific and technological progress, which also gave rise to many quite serious problems. This is due to the fact that in the process of human activity, natural resources of almost all kinds are used, which affects the economic growth of countries, the welfare of people, and leads to a noticeable change in the natural environment, and in many ways negative. If until recently these changes were mainly local in nature, now they have acquired global trends, which led to the excess of assimilation abilities of local ecosystems. The use of renewable natural resources has an increasing and diverse impact on the environment. So, changes of the environment, its balance prevailing in the natural circulation of various substances, both due to the withdrawal of the substances from the natural cycle, and at the expense of introducing additional substances, industrial waste, atmospheric pollution and water pollution. Pollution of the natural environment is a serious threat to humanity right now and threatens to create intractable problems in the near future if industry and other activities continue to develop at the same pace and in the same way. Thus, there is a need for increased attention to the environmental component of the state policy.

Research result. The strategic objectives developed for the world community require their con-cretization within the framework of the concepts of sustainable development and environmental security for each individual state. This certainly applies to the Russian Federation.

The formation of an institutional structure of environmentally sustainable management, due to the awakening of economic interest in environmental and resource-saving activities of enterprises, will ensure the implementation of environmental programs in Russia with minimal financial and human resources.

Based on our research [1-5, 10, 11, 13, 16-19] and our colleagues [6, 14, 15, 20] studies, we note

Мудрецов А.Ф., Авраменко А.А., Тулупов А.С.


that an important element in the institutional structure of environmentally sustainable management is the centralized regulation of financing, which is based on the reservation of financial and credit resources for environmental needs. However, to date, the accumulation of financial resources for environmental rehabilitation is carried out on a residual basis. To ensure environmental safety, environmental parameters must be clearly established before allocating material resources for accumulation and consumption, as well as for other long-term planning purposes.

In order to ensure the financing of environmental protection and nature-saving activities of enterprises, it is necessary to create specialized funds in which financial resources directed to the protection and reproduction of natural resources would be accumulated.

One of the important elements of the institutional structure of environmentally sustainable management is the greening of the tax system of the country. On the one hand, it can be expressed in increase of costs of harmful productions by introduction of additional tax burden, and on the other hand, application of tax preferences for the ecologically pure economic subjects developing the nature protection industry, reducing emissions of polluting substances, producing ecologically pure production, resource-saving, restoring and expanding resource potential. Such an approach will invariably change the structure of the economy and create conditions for long-term and sustainable economic growth.

A certain place in the institutional structure of environmentally sustainable management is occupied by the problems of liability insurance of the potential culprit in case of harm caused by environmental pollution [7, 9]. Insurance of this liability solves the following tasks: first, it reduces the costs of economic entities in satisfying the claims of victims of environmental pollution; secondly, it is guaranteed to compensate the victims of the amount of damage regardless of the financial condition of the perpetrator of the environmental offense; third, it finances various measures to prevent environmental harm to the environment at all global levels. Environmental insurance should be both voluntary and compulsory. The obligation of environmental insurance should be assigned to economic entities and activities with increased danger to the environment.

Increased attention to ensuring environmentally sustainable management requires improvement of tax legislation. You must shift the emphasis in the current system of tax laws and to develop self-regulatory framework flexible payments to ensure rational use of natural resources must take a more significant share in the overall structure taxes, and develop a comprehensive mechanism for the formation of EC-sources of various levels of financing of protection and reproduction of natural resources.

The institutional structure of environmentally sustainable management should include a system of state management of natural resources, as well as a set of economic incentives for environmentally sound management, which means tax, credit and other economic instruments. For the inextricable connection of the above-mentioned instruments of environmental management, it is necessary to have perfect legislation in the field of environmental protection, modern systems of monitoring the state of the natural environment and effective control in the field of its protection.

Currently, Russia has developed a strategy of environmental security [12], which became the basis for the formation and implementation of the state policy of environmental security, aimed at preventing and eliminating internal and external challenges and threats of environmental nature. As a result, the state policy should be aimed at achieving sustainable balanced ecological and economic development. In many ways, this will be facilitated by the transition from the traditional model of economic growth to the "green economy". Promotion of the "green economy" is the main way of development, which was supported by quite a large number of countries that stated that they will make efforts to implement green growth strategies because, in their opinion, the concepts of" green "and" growth " are quite closely related. "Green" growth means stimulating economic growth and development while preserving natural assets and continuously providing the resources and ecosystem services on which our well-being depends. For this purpose, green growth should serve as a basis for attracting investments and introducing innovations that will become the basis for sustainable growth and lead to new economic opportunities [8].

Today, the international community is objectively forced to look for ways to transition to the "green economy" - an economy that, based on resource-saving and environmentally friendly production, increases the well-being of people and reduces risks to the environment. Thus, the "green econ-

omy" is the economy of tomorrow, and it should be the driving force of economic development of the XXI century.

Conclusion. When evaluating the performance of the economic instruments for environmentally sustainable management proposed in this article may encounter difficulties, as in the process of transition to the green economy involves a variety of organizations and agencies, which leads to a broad interpretation of the concept of sustainable development covering many sectors and priorities. It is important to note that the problems of nature management and environmental safety are interpreted in national policies and development strategies of different countries of the world in different ways. This also applies to the green economy transition Strategy developed by the Organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD).

Thus, the "green economy" is an important tool for achieving sustainable environmental and economic development. The transition to a" green economy" requires the complexity and interconnect-edness of the measures carried out in the regions of the country, presented in the form of individual plans, covering both potential and expected socio-economic effects. At the same time, the proposed instruments of a balanced environmental policy should complement each other as much as possible, since the most significant environmental and economic effect can be achieved only if they interact in an integrated manner.

The article was prepared in the framework of the state task for the Market Economy Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences(MEI RAS), the theme of research "Problems of sustainable development of Russia: environmental and economic aspect".


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Мудрецов А.Ф., Авраменко А.А., Тулупов А.С.


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