Научная статья на тему 'Efficiency of the organization staff work: synthesis of organizational behaviour'

Efficiency of the organization staff work: synthesis of organizational behaviour Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Stoyanov La

There have been described several types of workers behaviour and their influence on the productivity in organization. There is presented a number of issues which make it possible to determine the type of staff behavior and possible ways to control this behavior.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Efficiency of the organization staff work: synthesis of organizational behaviour»

I. A. Stoyanov

Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafiev, Russia, Krasnoyarsk


There have been described several types ofworkers behaviour and their influence on the productivity in organization. There is presented a number of issues which make it possible to determine the type of staffbehavior and possible ways to control this behavior.

Keywords: organization behavior, motivation, efficiency, productivity, loyalty, staff

Human resources management department, or depending on the size of the company scale, department on work with the personnel is to solve a number of very important issues connected with the staff of the organization. One of such issues is revealing type of behaviour of the employee, one does not consider type of the person, and directing this behavior to a channel of increasing productivity of this or thatworker.

In our opinion, the result of work of the employee in the organization is determined by behavior and does not depend on the person. There is an opinion that it is exactly the type of the person that predetermines success and productivity of the worker. While hiring the person they use the test for personal qualities check in which basis there lies the assumption that that answers to questions will predict behavior of the worker in the course of performance of works. As a result of work of a test complex it is possible to predict approximate indicators of work of the person and to make the forecast of its further development. In the course of research the number of tests of executives of higher and middle rank have been carried out with the purpose to define the type of personality. It should be noted that companies taking part in the researches are distinguished by the stable indicators of successful development during the number of years. Result - four executives with different type of personality and personal qualities, but all of them achieved good results in their work and work of their companies. How to explain it? One of executives - timid, quiet, not showing character. Another - the bright leader possessing charismatic lines etc. In work of any company we are interested its productivity first of all, i.e. indicators of work of the company. Thus, it is possible to summarize, that productivity is not a consequence and work of personal qualities.

The basic difference between the person and behaviour is that the traits of character in greater degree are fixed at early age and subsequently change a little. Giving due to the fact, that in a current reality our world changes and develops very quickly, what means that the work also should not be static and invariable, otherwise consequences will not keep themselves waiting long. Onthe basis of the researches done in the different countries, it is possible to draw a conclusion that personal qualities of the person are formed up to three-year age and do not change after that.

Human will be human, he can’t change his traits of character, but he can change his activity. The main factor influencing and predetermining the labor productivity is behavior. The employees classification on basis of the type of personality is of great interest due to the fact that instead

of research ofbig number ofbehavioral characteristics it is possible to limit oneself to its small set.

The term «personality» speaks about the set of traits of character. One can describe the personality with words opened, easily adapting, inquisitive, flexible, dominating, timid etc. These words give the description of the person and show, how it is perceived by the outside people. But these general traits not always can predict behavior of the worker in this or that situation. When different employees face the same problem on work, their reaction is far from being unequivocal.

Many personnel department managers consider the use of various tests justified. Supporters of personality tests believe, that thanks to them people start to think about their behavior, about behavior of other people and as a result -efficiency of their work raises. On the other hand, various researches in this area have shown, that less than 20 % of persons are inclined to analyze their behavior and extrapolation on their own work efficiency. The basic motive in behavior of the person on a workplace, is the working situation into which he gets, and it is also important, that to the extent the situation changes, the behavior of the person changes as well.

Nobody strives for defeat when it is possible to achieve success. The employees change their behavior depending on the working situation which they face showing traits of character of various personality types simultaneously. Description of personality types is, to our mind psychological projection. Traits of character can not predict the labor efficiency as people adapt themselves to various situations much quicker than it is prescribed by types of personality. Personality tests cannot predict how a person will act in this or that working situation and don’t do it. The key factor here is the behavior on the working place.

The employee behavior depends on the requirements, job description, the work itself. In our study we have asked employees of various companies several questions about what influences the work results most, especially at two last jobs. As the result - the answers differed, what proves the opinion, that despite of one and the same of type of personality, the problems were solved differently. In the process of the working situation solutionwe eachtime adapt ourselves to new situation and adapt ourbehavior to this or that situation.

The understanding of own personality gives a choice of that behavior at which one feels himself most at ease. The person shows, how he will behave, with other things being equal, that is if there were no requirements to an exact working

situation. Classification of types of personality gives the workers the justification not to adapt the behavior to a changing situation. While finding-outthe reasons, preventing the employee to carry out thejob task, he can tell, that he is not able to carry out exact operations, as it is noted in his resume. But, ifhis life depends onthe performance of exact operation, no doubt, that he will do it accurately and in short term. If the worker constantly avoids the work he doesn’t like, but which is necessary for the company, he will hardly learn to carry it out. On the other hand, if he likes to do something, he will do it more and more. This process is called practice, and practice is known to raise productivity and efficiency of work. One of the tasks of personnel department management, is to explain the worker that he should in any case do the work he dislikes because his skill and promotion depend on it.

Efficiency of actions of the worker depends on a working situation. Efficiency in work is result of performance of the necessary work during necessary time limits. The most difficult here is to define what is “necessary” in this or that situation. The multitude of books on management give hundreds of advices, but from experience it is possible to conclude, that there is no simple list of types of behavior which would be useful for successful executives and workers in their work. The ways leading to success are different. Studying of personal qualities of effective workers has not revealed correlation between any certain set of traits of character and success achievement. The principal cause is a variability of working situations. Attempt to define the list of models of the behavior leading to successful work faces hundreds the factors distinguishing one work fromthe other. To make work or to play a working role means performance of certain functions. All kinds of works have the certain behavioral requirements necessary for its effective performance. Each kind of activity has the set of these requirements. Behavior models differ one from the other, therefore for effective and successful performance of work it is necessary to have accurate idea of the behavior leading to increase of productivity, not to its decrease.

It is possible to present figuratively zones of behavior and requirements to a working situation as two areas. The more these areas overlap, the more we can speak about the productivity. Thus, productivity can change from low to high levels what directly depends on behavior of the employee and requirements to work. The productivity increase involves the behavior revision at the present moment and determination of what and how should be changed in the work for to meet the work requirements. The employees who can get adapted to new job or to functions change of the currentjob are doomed to low productivity. It is possible to confirm it with that fact, that if the enterprise will not follow in step with development of the segment of the market, will not introduce an innovation in work, it will shortly experience the crash.

But how to make the worker change his behavior as to increase productivity of his work? The decision to change behavior in itself results either from aspiration to an ideal, or in a critical situation. The employee himself will never change behavior if he is not forced to do it by circumstances. Some changes in behavior can be casual, but in most cases they

result from that model when behavior change is welcomed by a management or on the contrary, is punished. It is possible to say that the behavior is modified by the consequences which the worker feels.

Any change of behavior leads to productivity increase. Employees will not change something, that leads to decrease of productivity. Here it is possible to divide concept of increase in productivity in sharp and continuous one. The first kind has radical character and is connected with the big level of the losses, the second is constant and protects the organization from any threats. The sense of continuous increase of productivity consists not in sharp lifting of indicators at first, and then in their recession, it consists in continuous increase of indicators of work. Productivity increase is focused directly on the employee, on what he can make and change, and also onwhat is in a range ofhis control.

Productivity increase is based on that fact, that the employee knows, what he does at the present moment. The main issue consists in the fact that the management does not know what workers do in workplaces, but they know exactly, what they expect as result. It results from the fact, that the management wishes to see result, but is not involved in process. But, according to the rank, the management gives advice and instructions what and how to do, as a result -dissatisfaction the worker and result. Instead of understanding work, the management often projects the feelings, desires and experience, without any adaptation to concrete conditions.Aproblem is that all works are different and also have different character of execution.

One of the key points in change ofbehavior of the worker is creation of such situation and conditions where the worker himself becomes the initiator of changes. If employees are trusted such changes upon one may fail to reach success. All of them come to work with their thoughts, vision and possible development of a working situation and try to do what meets their desires but not desires of company management. The task of the personnel department, a management consists exactly in estimation of situation and its modeling. There are two types of “relation” to workers -to consider their opinion or to ignore it. In the first case we see a picture when all changes are imposed from above without due adaptation to working process and as result -the blocking of changes leading to decrease of productivity. In the second - the management expects offers from workers, realizing, that nobody but them, knows better how to organize work. As a result it is possible to observe continuous increase of productivity.

For productivity increase one must focus on employees activity, theirbehaviorkinds. We speak not aboutthe various styles of behavior but about specific things they do and decisions they make. One of the problems of style notion -the leader’s, management, behavior style - is that the styles description looks like personality types description. If one gives the leader’s style description closer consideration, he can see that it is the traits of personality but not the behavior style consideration. For example, “orientation at people” describes attitude, but what attitude must be shown to see this orientation? For to see the changes one must be able to measure the behavior. Otherwise if you give the worker the task to change anything in his work, for example to become

more friendly to the customers, you won’tbe able to control the fulfillment of this task.

For to change behavior of employees a management should have the accurately formulated aim and criteria of behavior at present moment on which it is possible to build strategy of increase of productivity. They should have the detailed card of behavior which will serve as a manual for behavior change in such a way as to stimulate the increase of productivity .

The productivity is the result of usage of combination of some types ofbehavior of the executive aimed at productivity support and its acceleration. Both behavior types may manifest themselves in different ways. The main ways of their activity are concentration on action, person or system and their combination as well.

The behavior oriented at the action is characterized by initiative, personal example, inspiration and installation of feeling of interest, outlining of specific goals and problems, monitoring of productivity against objects inview, attention to details, timely performance of the schedule of works. The behavior focused on the person, is characterised by distribution of duties and the accountability, creation of teams, the organisation of training and personal development, help and support provision. The behaviour directed on system, is characterisedby coordinationactivity, integration of productivity and results, long-term planning, creation of conditions for work of systems for productivity, rather than against it, the analysis and an estimation. No one of these types of behavior is not more effective, than others; all depends on a situation.

The behavior directed on action, person or system, differs depending on an object in view: to accelerate productivity or to support it. The behavior focused on action, necessary for acceleration, includes initiative display, a personal example, enthusiasm and energy creation. If it is necessary to support productivity, the behavior includes accurate statement of a problem, the coordination of the purposes and fidelity to them, monitoring of productivity against objects in view, attention to details.

The behavior focused on the person necessary for acceleration, includes distribution of duties, trust creation, creation of strong mutual relations in a team, creation of fidelity to the purposes and interests of the organization. If it is necessary to support productivity, the behavior includes creation of culture of the help, support, loyalty and feeling of “family” in work, and also maintenance of the worthy relation to people.

The behavior focused on system necessary for acceleration, includes creation of effective structure and an infrastructure, reception from systems, processes and procedures of additional profit, coordination of activity of separate people and groups, integration of results of various teams, departments and divisions, maintenance oflong-term strategic thinking. If it is necessary to support productivity, the behavior includes maintenance of a continuity of process, predictability, rationality and stability. It also includes creation of frameworks inwhich limits the organization works: a communication network, productions, financial systems and monitoring systems, definition of works and roles, compensatory systems, procedures of purchase, distribution system etc.

Some actions are knownto accelerate productivity, others support it and there is a third type - it gives negative consequences and reduces productivity. This behavior hinders changes, destroys vision and impedes achievement of objects in view and problems. Such behavior is called blocking productivity.

The blocking behavior impedes changes, undermines vision and hinders achievement of the purposes and problems. We are witnesses that people often do it, we are subject to it ourselves, but one speaks about such behavior in principle and does focus on it. However results can be destructive for productivity. One of results is whenemployees “give up work”.

The reason ofblocking behavior are the external reasons and influences. This point is not connected with the person. It appears as a result of frustration, uncertainty, uneasiness, threat, humiliation, the power or control lack. The most negative aspect ofblocking behavior is not that the group of people in the organization wastes time and efforts in vain, performing unproductive or counterproductive work, but the negative influence, which suchbehavior has on others. The blockingbehavioris extremely infectious.

The blocking behavior almost always correlates with feeling of loss or a power and control lack. The behavior which result in people feeling humiliated, unnecessary, undemanded, causes the reaction sharply distracting attention and energy from efficiency and creation. The fear, uncertainty and frustration are negative motivating factors.

If you want to lessen the blocking behavior of the employees, the best way is to listen to opinion of the people of personnel department which diagnosed such behavior by means of diagnostic behavior questionnaire. If you want to change behavior and to raise labor productivity, find some time and effortsfor it. You cannot change behavior of employees and own one, until you don’t know precisely, what are you doing at the moment. And you will not change the behavior, until you recognize and understand what you do.

The reasons of blocking behavior may be external, but treatment forthem - internal. You should do something with it. It’s you who should understand what makes yourbehavior blocking and try to cope with the reason. To get rid of the reason is much more effective, than to treat symptoms. One can understand the manifestation ofblocking behavior; but to continue it afteryou have understood, what is happening is inexcusable.

The behaviorblocking productivity is reactionto this or that threat. In working conditions it can be threat to a selfestimation of the worker, competence, knowledge and abilities, reputation etc. Reaction is connected with some loss, and this reaction is shown by struggle, leaving or submission. If in the behavior connected with acceleration and maintenance of productivity the person has insignificant influence, in definition of types ofblocking behavior the person plays a considerable role, especially if it is subject to threat.

The protectively-aggressive behavior is observed basically as reactionto anencroachmentto a self-estimation. Consequences of protectively-aggressive behavior are long term and also are able to cause serious consequences. The protectively-aggressive behavior is often the displaced aggression. It also can be reaction to pressure from above, made for productivity increase, and on inadequate

productivity from below or as result of the high standard which others cannot reach. However whatever was the reason of frustration, rage or irritation manifestation but reduces the productivity. Like spoilt children, the employees persistently showing defensive-aggressive behavior, know, that they will not be punished for bad behavior. They constantly do it because they understand, that nobody will rise and oppose them, will not tell, how their behavior is perceived by others and what results will be.

The main reason for avoiding the conflict behavior is the understanding of a conflict situation as advantageous or losing with expectation of high probability to lose in it. This type ofbehavior is focused on how to avoid contradictions, risk, not to cause negative opinion of associates, not to express the people negative opinion on their work, not to act with constructive criticism and, in general, to try to direct the agreement to those points of view and decisions which others have adopted, whether they real or not. The people working with colleagues and manifesting such behavior may face very big problems. They will not hear the real decision; will not hear fair opinion; will not receive an adequate feedback, as they are. They just do not know, where they are, and as result of it they are afraid, upset and often angry. And thus leads to the further waste of efforts.

The main reason of the behavior showing itself in avoidance from responsibility is the fear of criticism or punishment for the mistake made. The organisations punishing for mistakes, have a disproportionate high percent of people which show the behavior connected with avoiding the responsibility. The behavior connected with avoiding responsibility, is reaction to stress, threat, uncertainty and frustration. It holds the person away from a source of discomfort. The behavior connected with avoiding responsibility, is manifested in shrinking to own shell, decrease in participation in the disputes, obvious loss of interest. The people with experience of suchbehavior, learn to be unnoticeable, sometimes to extreme degree. This is the behavior of a chameleon which merges with a background and flees from potential risk. Such behavior mainly is reflection of management where not enough respect is shown to people or of irresolute and easily changing the positions management which criticizes and punishes for mistakes, in other words of just bad management.

The blocking behavior costs very much. The energy spent for blocking behavior, is the energy which could be directed at increase of productivity or its support. Due to its infectious nature the blocking behavior creates waves of the further such behavior which spreads on the whole organisation.

Any discussion about continuous increase of productivity should concern a motivation question. The main principle of change of behavior consists in the fact that people change because they want it, but not because someone wants it from them. The question, of course, is why do they want changes?

There are many wrong ideas concerning motivation. For example that motivation is the trait of character it either exists or not. The main thing that creates motivation is the money. Or that people get motivation from the event that excites them. Certainly all depends on him who passes this important forthemmessage.

The motivation is a desire to direct the energy on purpose achievement. The higher the motivation is, the more energy you are ready to spend. The motivation is not trait of character. It is characteristic for everyone. It is difficult to understand motivation of the person as performance of one and the same action can have different motives. When we say, that someone does not have motivation, we mean, that they do not have motives to do what we consider, they should do. The logic and motivation have very weak link. More often, than it seems to us, the motivation to actions is based on emotions, instead of the logic. The falsity of idea that the logic argument can create motives to actions, is based on the assumption, that process of thinking is the same in everybody and if we consider something as logic the others also do it.

As for external stimulus, such as the salary, the award, privileges (or even negative stimulus as threats), the great number of researches testifies that they have a small influence on efforts or productivity or do not have it at all. The motivation is rather inward state, than what one person does for another. People have a motivationto do something when they want it and when they want it, they will do all without the help. The motivation can appear and disappear. There are days, when we are extremely motivated on actions, and days when we would like to have a rest. The motivation is based upon what we are, what we wish to be, what we need and what pleasure do we get from work, therefore it depends on the person and the purpose.

Payment and reward from the outside are sufficient to convince the person to spend time in the organization, but they are not enough to convince them to give all for achievement of the purposes of the company. The motivation proceeds from such factors, as a challenge, an achievement recognition, feeling of importance and possibility to make the significant contribution. Payments and privileges only compensate time outlay; they generate neither initiatives, nor movement forward.

There is a strong link between motivation and behavior. We do something when it gives us pleasure or is well paid, and we stop something to do or we avoid it, when there is no payment when it is not pleasant for us or it is unpleasant. We think that something that gives us the pleasure and payment, is motivating, and we do it in great volume. Therefore if you look at dominating, repeating behavior, you can draw a conclusion, that it is exactly what motivates people to activity. The more from this we integrate into work, the more motivation it will bring.

There are many researches proving, what managers expect from subordinates, and how managers project these expectations, what is reflected inbehavior and productivity.

Motivational dynamics of expectations includes a selfestimation, feeling of achievement and other moral compensations. As people react sensitively enough to expectations, it is very important, that those who write and speak about them, themselves believe in them. We inform people more often about bad expectations, than about good, and they don’t like it much. And we also do not understand that those expectations which to us seem unreasonable, will notbe motivating, they will rathermake reverse effect, effect ofblocking behavior.

Behavior change helps to determine what motivates workers and executives. The first question which rises is “What are you doing at present to cope with work?” In motivation terms the following question: whether “Do you like what you do, and does it give to you pleasure?” If it not so, obviously you have no motives for it. The third question “What should you do to be more effective on work?” raises the mainproblem, whether your present work is motivating for you. If what you should do, still does not bring to you

pleasure and does not give you compensation, then find such work which will give it to you.

At the modern stage of personnel department development diagnostics and management of the organization staff behavior. The more thorough and full is the diagnostics of behavior and exact measures taken together with the organization management aimed at staff labor productivity support and increase the quicker will the organization reach the success in achieving the purposes in view.

© StoyanovI. A., 2009

G. Ya. Belyakova, A. K. Vladyko Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev, Russia, Krasnoyarsk


The tendencies of the foreign trade cooperation between Krasnoyarsk region and China in the system of market economy are considered. The offers for the foreign trade cooperation with purpose to increase the efficiency of two side advantageous relations are resulted.

Keywords: foreign trade, cooperation.

The urgency of the given work is defined by variety of forms of the foreign trade cooperation and foreign trade activities between Russia and China, an imperative need of their deep analysis and working out of a new approaches to trade expansion in the system of market relations. The object of the work is a foreign trade of Krasnoyarsk region and China. The practical importance of the work is defined by the analysis of the already existing directions of the foreign trade cooperation ofKrasnoyarsk region with China and the offer of new potential ways of foreign trade cooperation of Krasnoyarsk region with China with purpose to increase the efficiency ofbilateral advantageous cooperation.

According to the indicators of goods turnover throughout a number of years China is included into the five of the basic trading partners ofKrasnoyarsk region.

The favorable geographical position, the developed transporting network, an availability of the customs coordination caused by close frontier position of the given territories, is the reason for active business cooperation between Krasnoyarsk region and the Chinese provinces.

It is possible to express schematically the basic directions of the foreign trade relations ofKrasnoyarsk region and the PeoplesRepublicofChina(fig. 1):

Fig. 1. The main directions of the foreign trade cooperation ofKrasnoyarsk region with China

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