№ 5 (98)_-V, r - - ._май. 2022 г.
DOI - 10.32 743/UniTech.2022.98.5.13655
Oleg Ablyalimov
Doctor of philosophy, professor, professor of the chair «Lommotives and locomotive economy»
Tashkent state transpоrt university, Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: o. [email protected]
Аблялимов Олег Сергеевич
канд. техн. наук, профессор, проф. кафедры «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство» Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет,
Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент
An assessment of the efficiency of the transportation work of three-section main (train) freight electric locomotives 3VL80S on a virtual hilly section of the railway when freight trains move without stops and with stops on intermediate separate points is presented. The foregoing is implemented by substantiating the energy indicators of the use of 3 VL80S electric locomotives by averaging the calculated values, taking into account the kinematic parameters of the movement of freight trains. The results of the research are recommended for practical use by driver-instructors whose activities relate to the energy issues of the movement of freight trains on virtual and, identical to them, real hilly sections of railways, including Uzbek ones.
Представлена оценка эффективности перевозочной работы трёхсекционных магистральных (поездных) грузовых электровозов 3ВЛ80С на виртуальном холмистом участке железной дороги при движении грузовых поездов без остановок и с остановками на промежуточных раздельных пунктах. Сказанное реализуется путём обоснования энергетических показателей использования электровозов 3ВЛ80С методом осреднения расчётных величин с учётом кинематических параметров движения грузовых поездов. Результаты исследований рекомендуются для практического использования машинистам - инструкторам, деятельность которых касается вопросов энергетики движения грузовых поездов на виртуальных и, идентичных им, реальных холмистых участках железных дорог, в том числе узбекских.
Keywords: freight train, electric locomotive, railroad, parameter, electric traction , calculated value, section, virtual.
Ключевые слова: грузовой поезд, электровоз, железная дорога, параметр, электрическая тяга, расчётная величина, участок, виртуальный.
At the department "Locomotives and locomotive economy" of the Tashkent State Transport University (TSTU), many years of research are being carried out to substantiate the indicators of fuel and energy efficiency of using the locomotive fleet of the Uzbek railway, some of which are indicated in works [1-3 and others].
The present research is a continuation of the work [4,5], the purpose of which is to substantiate the indicators and evaluate the efficiency of the transportation work of electric locomotives by averaging method the calculated values in various conditions for the organization of railway transportation of goods on a virtual, hilly section of the railway.
The basis of the method of averaging the calculated values is the averaged values of the indicators of the
transportation work of three-section main (train) freight electric locomotives 3 VL80S on the studied section of the railway. These are the arithmetic mean values obtained as a result of the movement of freight trains without stops and with stops at intermediate stations in the range of changes in masses of compositions accepted by us from Qi = 2500 t to Q3 = 3500 t, taking into account their differentiations by AQ = 500t value and a constant number of axles in the composition m = 200 axles.
In Table 1 shows the average values of the indicators of transportation work (use) of the mentioned 3VL80S electric locomotives for different variants of traction calculation [6], where the asterisk index * is the value of the cost of consumed electrical energy, into account of value added tax (VAT).
Библиографическое описание: Ablyalimov O. EFFICIENCY EVALUATION OF 3VL80S ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVES BY THE METHOD OF AVERAGING CALCULATED OF VALUES // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 5(98). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/13655
№ 5 (98)_-V, r - - ._май. 2022 г.
Table 1.
Indicators of the use of electric locomotives 3 VL80S on a virtual hilly section of the railway
Traction of calculation option Conditions of transportation work Train travel time, min Electrical consumption energy Cash costs
composition mass Q,t number of axles m, axes technical speed of motion Vt, km/h total, tm in traction mode, ttr in idling and braking mode, tid,br total per trip A, kVt-h specific per trip a, Vt-h/ткм full Ce, thousand soums specific consumption Ce, thousand soums /km
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Electric locomotives 3 VL80S
1 2500 200 84,24 32,92 21,07 11,85 2492,79 21,72 216,97 260,25* 4,727 5,670*
2 3000 200 81,57 34,05 21,70 12,35 2800,55 20,33 243,76 292,38* 5,311 6,300*
3 3500 200 78,47 35,40 22,45 12,95 3006,08 18,71 261,65 313,83* 5,756 6,837*
On fig. 1 shows the nature of the change in the average parameters of some of the main indicators of the transportation work (use) of three-section mainline (train) freight electric locomotives 3VL80S on a given hilly section of the railway. The average values of some parameters of the main indicators of the use of the studied freight electric locomotives 3VL80S in fig. 1 are
changed: the value of the total A consumption of electrical energy is reduced by 10 times, the values of the technical speed Vt of movement are increased by 2 times. The value of specific of the cost Ce and Ce* (including VAT) of electric energy is of increased, respectively, by 20 and 10 times.
Figure 1. Dynamics of the average parameters of the main indicators of use of electric locomotives 3VL80S
on a virtual hilly section of the railway
The analytical expressions obtained by us (polynomial dependencies), designed to organize the calculation of the average parameters of some basic indicators of the transportation operation of 3 VL80S electric locomotives on a hilly section of the railway track, are built using the standard Microsoft Excel Office program, in which the
value of R2 = 1.0 is a sufficient value for the approximation reliability (necessary condition of reliability - R2 > 0.8). Here the index asterisk * - is the value of the cost of consumed electrical energy, taking into account value added tax (VAT).
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май, 2022 г.
Technical speed of motion, km/h
Vt = -0,215Q-2 - 2,025Qi + 86,48 R2=1,0 (1)
Total train time, min
tm = 0,11 Qi2 + 0,8Qi + 32,01 R2=1,0 (2)
Train travel time in tractions mode, min
ttr = 0,06 Qi2 + 0,45 Qi + 20,56 R2=1,0 (3)
Train travel time in idling and braking mode, min tlclbr = 0,05Q,2 + 0,35Qi + 11,45 R2= 1,0 (4)
Total electrical energy consumption per trip, kVt-h A = -51,115Qi2 + 461,11 Qi + 2082,8 R2=1,0 (5)
Specific consumption of electrical energy per trip, Vt-h/t km gross
а = -0,115Qi2 - 1,045Qi + 22,88 R2= 1,0 (6)
Full cash costs, тыс. сум/km
Сэ = -4,45Qi2 + 40,14Qi, + 181,88 R2 = 1,0 (7)
Full cash costs including VAT, thousand soums/km Сэ* = -5,34Qi2 + 48,15Qi, + 217,44 R2 = 1,0 (8)
Reduced (specific) cash costs, thousand soums/km C3 = -0,0695Qi2 + 0,7925Qi, + 4,004 R2 = 1,0 (9)
Reduced (specific) cash costs including VAT, thousand soums /km
= -0,0465Qi2 + 0,7695Qi, + 4,947 R2 = 1,0 (10)
Analysis of the results of the conducted research showed the following:
• the nature of the change in the averaged parameters of some basic indicators of the transportation work (use) of 3 VL80S electric locomotives on a hilly railway section, depending on the mass of the freight train compound , is described by polynomial laws (dependencies);
• a decrease of the mass compound and the operating time of the power energy systems of 3 VL80S electric locomotives in the traction mode leads to a decrease in the amount of electric energy consumed by them for traction of trains;
• an increase for every AQ = 500 t of mass compound from 2500 t to 3500 t leads to an increase in the cost of rail transportation of goods and a decrease in the specific consumption of electrical energy for train traction.
The regression equations obtained by us will be useful to locomotive instructor drivers and specialists of the locomotive depot operation shop, whose work is directly related to the transportation process of traction (main) electric rolling stock.
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2. Ablyalimov O.S. To the use of diesel locomotives 3TE10M on the section Marokand - Kattakurgan of the Uzbek railway [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov // International scientific. - pract. conf. "Transport in Russia: problems and prospects" / Institute of Transport Problems. N.S. Solomenko of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - St. Petersburg, 2018. - S. 111 - 114.
3. Ablyalimov O.S. Analysis of the efficiency of diesel traction on the section Marokand - Kattakurgan of the Uzbek railway by the method of averaging the calculated values [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov, O.R. Khamidov // VI-th All-Russian scientific. - tech. conf. with international participation "Operational reliability of the locomotive fleet and improving the efficiency of train traction" / Omsk State. University of Communications. - Omsk, 2021. - P. 123 - 129.
4. Ablyalimov O.S. Evaluation of the transportation work of 3 VL80S electric locomotives by the method of averaging calculated values [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov, O.R. Khamidov // Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference "Transport of Russia: problems and prospects - 2021". - St. Petersburg: IPT RAS, 2021. Volume 1. -P. 132 - 137.
5. Ablyalimov O.S. Traction calculations for electric locomotives 3VL80S on a hilly section of the railway [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov, B.I. Gairatov, M.A. Krivitsky, F.F. Mamedov, B.U. Akhmedov , I.I. Bakhriddinov // Collection of articles based on the materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Innovative approaches to solving scientific problems" (November 14, 2019, Ufa). - Ufa: Ed. Scientific Research Center Bulletin of Science, 2019. - P. 28 - 43.
6. Ablyalimov O.S. Fundamentals of train traction [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov, D.N. Kurilkin, I.S. Kamalov, O.T. Kasimov // Textbook for higher educational institutions of railway transport. Under the general editorship of O.S. Ablyalimov. -Tashkent: "Complex Print" nashriyoti, 2020. - 662 p.