Эффективность современной модели обучения в школах и лицеях
Шарифов Галиб Мовсум оглу,
доктор философских наук по физике, доцент, Азербайджанский государственный педагогический университет
E-mail: galib_sharifov@mail.ru
Данная статья посвящена исследованию модели 7Е в преподавании физики в школах и лицеях. Среди учащихся 11-х классов были проведены педагогические эксперименты по изучению эффективности этой модели на основе их знаний и практических навыков о рассеянии света, дифракции и интерференции. В рамках педагогических экспериментов была изучена эффективность учебника на основе модели 7Е для 11-го класса в школах и лицеях Азербайджана. В результате было установлено, что данная модель оказала положительное влияние на усвоение световых событий в обеих образовательных системах Азербайджана.
Ключевые слова: урок физики, модель 7Е, преподавание физики, дисперсия, дифракция, интерференция.
It is well-known that our modern world has entered a period of the rapid development of technology. This development also reflects the development of education. Many countries are improving their education systems and are seeking cooperation with other countries. In this way, they analyze new educational models used in each other's education system and explore the perspectives of their application in their own countries. One of those models is the 7E model, which is an enhanced version of the 5E model.
It is accepted that the initial version of the taxonomy of learning objectives was proposed by American psychologist Benjamen Bloom (Bloom, B et al., 1956). The 5E model, based on the first version of Blum's taxonomy, was submitted in 1997 by the famous American educator, Professor Rocher Baybee (1997). This model was widely used in American schools in the late XX century. The 5E model is a five-story constructive learning model: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate. Later, L. Anderson and D. Krathwohl (2001) being the followers of Rocher Baybee proposed a new version of the Bloom taxonomy. Subsequently, a 7E model with an expanded version of the 5E was proposed by Arthur Elsenkraft (2003), a professor at Masachu University. He has firstly introduced a transition scheme from 5E to 7E (Figure 1).
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Fig. 1. Transition scheme from 5E to 7E Source: Elsenkraft (2003)
As shown in Figure 1, the Engage part of the lesson is divided into two stages: Elicit and Engage. The added step involves previous knowledge and relying on this knowledge, and students can acquire new insight by activating undiscovered knowledge. The stages of Elaboration and Evaluation are divided into three steps: Elaboration, Evaluation, and Extend. The Extend part following the Evaluation involves the application of newly obtained knowledge and skills in new situations. Elsenkraft (2003) describes the stages of the 7E model as follows.
1) Elicit - the teacher should encourage students to express their acquired knowledge.
2) Engage - the teacher must take a step that will capture the attention of the students
3) Explore - the teacher should take the research steps to create a hypothesis or identify possible choices in students and collect data.
4) Explain - the teacher must take new actions, analyze the information obtained, comment on it, summarize the results.
5) Elaborate - the teacher must take steps to connect with old knowledge or old concepts to explain student activities or other events.
6) Evaluate - the teacher must evaluate the results of the students to see what they have learned and how well they embezzle newly obtained knowledge.
7) Extend - the teacher must be sure that the students can use the knowledge that they have gained.
Some researchers (Balta, N and Sarac, H. 2016) have reported that the teaching science subject through the model 7E has a very positive effect on students' success in this subject. Srisawan A et al. (2017) found that the physics lessons taught by 7E model became significantly positive in the ability of 11th-grade students to solve physics problems compared to students learning this subject traditionally. In these studies (Turgut U et al., 2017; Demirezen S and Yagba-san R, 2013), it is revealed that the 7E model plays a significant role in improving students' misconceptions about some topics in physics. Also, Sarac and Devrim (2017) compared the impact of multimedia learning materials, their academic success and traditional knowledge gained on the scientific model based on the 7E learning model. Moreover, the design stages of the activity based on the 7E model and the virtual laboratory environment (Karagoz O and Saka A., 2015) for the subject "Electricity" in secondary schools were developed.
There are some scientific publications in the literature about the teaching method of the wave nature of light (Teng B et al., 2018; Maurer L, 2012; Colin P, and Viennot L., 2001; Ding Y, and Fang H., 2009; Nursu-hud P et al., 2019). Most studies in teaching the topics regarding the light event have only been carried out in a small number of areas. However, interpreting the subject regarding light events based on the 7E model has not been explored in literature. Therefore, this article examines the effectiveness of using the 7E model within the study of physical phenomena such as light dispersion, interference and diffraction in the 11th grade in Azerbaijan. The purpose of this article
is to explore the scientific and practical significance of the application of the 7E model in 11th-grade physics.
Materials and methods
Pedagogical experiments were conducted in two schools and two lyceums to investigate the impact of the textbook based on the 7E model on the physics education of 11th-grade students. To explore the applicability of the 7E model in the 11th grade and to develop the practical skills of this grade students, a textbook prepared based on the 7E model was used in these grades during 2018/2019 academic school year (Abdurazaqov et al., 2018). That "Physics" textbook meets all requirements for standards of general education (State standards and curricula, 2010), learning outcomes reflected in the physics curriculum and the assessment concept (Assessment Concepts, 2009) for 11th grade.
Fifty students from all educational institutions and fifty students from lyceums participated in the experiments. A large number of supervisory and practice teams have been set up for the participants. The control group taught the lessons on the dispersion, interference and diffraction of light using the traditional method, and to the experimental group the textbook based on the model 7E for the 11th grade. Then, precise physics tasks were used as a pedagogical tool for group evaluation and data collection. Each test is composed of 30 tasks with different content (10 - quantity, 10 - quality, 10 - experiment) and every ten questions consist of 20% easy tasks, 20% very difficult, 30% easy and 30% difficult.
Individual blocks (Figure 2a, b) for the textbook based on the 7E model designed for the lesson that lasts 45 minutes. Therefore, physics teacher should strictly follow the time distribution for each stage of the lesson. Furthermore, interdisciplinary integration was taken into account while developing themes. The teaching materials in the textbook are designed, taking into account the age psychology of the students.
In the textbook, the training materials for each topic are grouped according to their content. (Figure 2a, b):
(1) Elicit - 3 min. It establishes the interdisciplinary connection by reminding the students of the knowledge taught in 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th grades of the subject.
(2) Engage - 5 min. Different situations and events are described to focus on the topic, concluding with a discussion. The questions asked based on previously acquired knowledge are considered to involve students to be active in lesson.
(3) Explore - 9 min. Experience, laboratory work, and various theoretical and practical tasks will be given to investigate the phenomenon regarding a new topic and to determine the definite relationship between these events. This work can be done individually or as a group. Giving the student these tasks, physics teacher tries to build a link between existing knowledge and new learning material. Questions will be asked to discuss the results of the work done and to investigate the errors appeared.
(4) Explain - 8 min. At this stage, student share compiled information with their friends. Some disclo-
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sures are made about the facts revealed during the operation. Essential definitions, explanations, definitions, rules, the main content of the lesson are reflected here.
(5) Elaborate - 8 min. It is reflected in-depth knowledge about the new topic (deepened mathematical apparatus).
1. Problem Solving or Practical Practice - Research. Assignments are given to reinforce what has been learned on the subject.
2. Associate with life. This part is a theoretical and practical task to explain the scientific basis of events that can become across in daily life, and students strive to respond to them.
(6) Evaluate (Self-assessment) - 8 min. The student answers the questions in the table. These answers are then putting by the mark "+" or "-" in one of the cells called "weak", "medium" or "good".
1 Fig. 2.(a). The structure of the topic in the 11th-grade textbook based on the 7E model
1 Fig. 2.(b). The structure of the topic in the 11th-grade textbook based on the 7E model
(7) Extend - 4 min. "What have you learned?" block serves to summarize the new knowledge obtained in the lesson. At this stage, using the latest concepts learned in the lesson, students may write an essay on the topic, or give a definition, or write the formulas and or give a brief explanation, it is intended to.
The project. This partwork is expected to be done at home. These projects are of theoretical or experimental nature and can be used from various sources.
Results and Discussion
After preparing materials, the effectiveness of 7E model explored in schools and lyceums. So, this model was firstly applied in schools. It was divided into two groups, such as control and experimental. Thus, the physics lessons based on the traditional method were conducted in control groups and the lesson based on the 7E model in the experimental groups. As a result, at the end of these pedagogical experiments, they were asked 30 questions. The result of students' responds is given in percentages in Figure 3.
Fig. 3. The results of pedagogical experiments in schools
As can be seen from Figure 3, the 7E model has most influenced the development of students' practical skills. So, while the practical skills to solve quantitative and qualitative issues increased by 16%, the practical skills to solve the experimental exercises increased by 28%.
These experiments were also implemented in lyceums, and the results were shown in Figure 4.
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Fig. 4. The results of pedagogical experiments in lyceums
Figure 4 shows that lyceum students have also increased their ability to solve practical type physics tasks. Thus, while the ability to do quantitative and qualitative issues grew very little (4%), experimental ones increased by 16%.
Overall, as can be seen from Figure 3 and 4, lyceum students surpass school students in answering quantitative, qualitative and experimental tasks from physics. Thus, lyceum students outperform school students with a 16% increase in quality and quantitative type of physics task, and with a 20% in an experimen-
tal kind of physics task. This fact should be explained by the fact that unlike school students, the lyceum students are enrolled in a particular choice.
These pedagogical studies have shown that school students are more likely to understand the nature of light dispersion, interference and diffraction based on the 7E model. The academic knowledge and practical skills related to the subject have increased dramatically. It developed logic, critical and creative abilities of students related to these topics. However, the application of this model in lyceums has been useful only for students' improving practical knowledge. For this reason, it would be advisable to develop new and more advanced textbooks for lyceum students.
As it is known, the Azerbaijan Republic has been a part of the USSR for more than 70 years. At that time, academic knowledge was more prevalent in schools. Practical skills, however, were not usually contested. However, in the framework of the Education Reform Program, which was adopted in 1996, students' practical skills have been put forward as a definite requirement of the modern age.
Based on the pedagogical inquiries, it was found that "Associate with Life" in the Elaborate section in the 11th-grade textbook, prepared by the co-authors of this article, has been of great interest to both school and lyceum students. They noticed that teaching this unit based on the 7E model has a significant influence on their practical knowledge.
The formulation of self-assessment in the Evaluation section for each topic in the textbook shows the extent to which students acquire the knowledge gained during the course. There are several publications in the evaluation literature (Brown G and Harris L., 2013, 2014; Sharma R et al. 2016) that revealed proof of the significant impact of the self-assessment of the students' acquisition of lessons and new knowledge. Besides, this "self-assessment" gives students confidence in what they are learning. An increase in the practical skills of 11-grade students in pedagogical practices is due to the availability of rigorous standards for developing students' experience in the modern curriculum in secondary schools.
As a result of the experiments mentioned above, it has been shown that the using the 7E model in 11th grade has been very useful in physics teaching of some topics which are relatively difficult for students to understand. From the pedagogical point of view, 7E model as modern learning model had a positive impact on the development of some problematic subjects in physics for both academic and practical skills of 11th-grade students.
Sharifov G.M.
Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
This article deals with the pedagogical investigation of the 7E model in physics teaching in schools and lyceums. Pedagogical exper-
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iments were carried out among the 11th-grade students to explore the effectiveness of this model on their knowledge and practical skills about light dispersion, diffraction, and interference. Within the pedagogical experiments, it was studied the effectiveness of the textbook based on the 7E model for 11th grade in schools and lyceums of Azerbaijan. The dramatic increase was observed in the obtaining of practical skills to solve the experimental exercises among school and lyceum students.
As a result, it was established that the 7E model had a positive impact on developing practical skills and on the understanding of light events in both educational systems in Azerbaijan.
Keywords: physics lesson, 7E model, physics teaching, dispersion, diffraction, interference
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