EFFECTS OF LABOR EFFICIENCY IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
labor / labor efficiency / human resource / human resource management / economic factor / social factor / innovation

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Ergashev R.Kh.

The article provides suggestions and recommendations on ensuring the sustainable development of industrial enterprises in the context of innovative development of the economy, reducing labor costs for production, the impact of improving the quality and efficiency of labor on human resources.

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UDK: 648.45:078.43

Ergashev R.KhDSc in economics


Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute The Republic of Uzbekistan



Abstract. The article provides suggestions and recommendations on ensuring the sustainable development of industrial enterprises in the context of innovative development of the economy, reducing labor costs for production, the impact of improving the quality and efficiency of labor on human resources.

Keywords: labor, labor efficiency, human resource, human resource management, economic factor, social factor, innovation.

Introduction. Improving efficiency based on the identification of factors influencing labor efficiency in enterprises and the study of the level of impact is an important task facing today's economics. Therefore, we study the socioeconomic factors that affect labor productivity.

One of the conditions for the development of industrial sectors of the country and its stabilization and modernization is to increase production efficiency, provide human resources with the necessary skills, abilities and qualities, ie "human capital".

The method of determining the level of human capital in industries is an integral approach to the viability of human capital, including the assessment of basic investments in human capital and human capital development and performance indicators of employees.

In the context of the new Uzbekistan, one of the most pressing issues is to determine the amount of expenditure on human capital and ways to increase the efficiency of human capital on the basis of calculating the value of human capital in industry. Therefore, the concept of "human capital" in industrial sectors and the management of human resources and increase its efficiency, training of special knowledge, skills, practical skills required for the use of cultural, social, physical, spiritual, intellectual and professional qualities of the special employee are of great importance.

Review of the literature on the subject. In the context of modernization of the economy, domestic and foreign economists have conducted research on ways to manage and effectively use human resources by increasing labor efficiency in industrial sectors, the development of some aspects of labor efficiency in the industry. A special feature of economic factors is that their movement maintains its continuity regardless of time and space. They do not always lose their relevance in any situation, regardless of the size of the subject

under study, whether at the level of general economy, or intersect oral, or at the level of enterprises and departments.

Different scholars have different approaches to the study of factors influencing the growth of labor productivity, for example, by Q.H. Abdurahmanov "... and in some cases the implementation of more complex organizational measures does not occur spontaneously, but only as a result of the active labor activity of people who are participants in social production. This is the driving force of labor activity - the interest in achieving a certain result, which in turn allows to meet the material and spiritual needs of people involved in production", by Z.B. Irmatova ... automation and mechanization of production processes, introduction of new machines and technologies due to innovations, modernization of existing equipment, efficient use of equipment, diversification of production, improvement of scientific organization of labor, elimination of losses during working hours, use of advanced production experience tested abroad and at home, the proper organization of the system of remuneration and financial incentives, "said L.A. Kostin,"... depends on the knowledge, cultural, technical and professional level of staff and the growth of labor discipline. "

At the same time, the work of the above authors has been done at different times, in general, and has not been approached in depth, choosing ways to manage and effectively use human resources by increasing labor efficiency. At the same time, the work on the analysis of human resource management activities and increasing their efficiency by increasing labor efficiency in industrial sectors also requires a serious approach to research.

Research methodology. The study analyzes new areas of human resource management by increasing labor efficiency in industries and ensuring their effectiveness, using a systematic approach to economic factors affecting labor efficiency, abstract-logical thinking, comparison, factor analysis and comparative analysis.

Analysis and results. Improving human resource efficiency based on the study of the impact of human resource management activities on increasing labor efficiency in industrial enterprises is an important task facing today's economics. Therefore, socio-economic factors affecting the effectiveness of human resource management have been studied.

By listing one by one the social and economic factors that affect labor productivity in industrial enterprises, we believe that it is possible not to express the full scope of these factors, but to list the secondary factors that affect labor efficiency as primary factors. To avoid such a serious error, it is advisable to analyze the nature of the factors and the scope of the impact in depth, and then classify them according to the scope of the impact. It should be noted that in the analysis of social and economic factors, in relation to other groups of factors that affect efficiency, complementary and group factors might appear as socioeconomic factors. For example, in industrial enterprises, the factors that directly affect labor productivity through the objects of labor, the technological level of

production, working conditions and job satisfaction are technical and technological factors. These factors also reflect the social and economic factors that indirectly affect labor productivity. Organizational factors (division of labor and cooperation, organization of workplaces, ensuring the development of production) directly affect labor productivity in the use of labor and working time. On the other hand, the level of organization and production of labor influences an important socio-economic factor, determining the working conditions and working order and its intensity at different time intervals, the uniform distribution of labor weight, the actual duration of the working day and week. demonstrates ability, attitude to work, adherence to technological and labor procedures.

In order to better understand the scope and nature of the impact of socioeconomic factors affecting labor productivity in industrial enterprises, we study the factors in relation to individual economic and social groups. Influencing labor productivity through a system of labor incentives creates an economic factor.

The number of large industrial enterprises in Kashkadarya region is 31, which are engaged in the production of value-added: fuel, light, electricity, chemical and petrochemical, metallurgy, machinery and metal processing, food and other industries (Table 1).

Table 1. Number of large industrial enterprises operating in the industrial

sectors of Kashkadarya region

№ Network affiliation Year

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

1. Electricpower 3 3 3 3 3

2. Fuelindustry 6 6 6 6 6

3. Metallurgy 1 1 1 1 1

4. Chemicalandpetrochemicalindustry 1 1 1 1 1

5. Mechanicalengineeringandmetalprocessingindustry 1 1 1 1 1

6. Forestry, woodprocessingandpaperindustry - - - - -

7. Buildingmaterialsindustry 2 2 2 - -

8. Lightindustry 13 12 12 12 12

9. Foodindustry 4 3 3 3 3

10. Others 7 6 6 4 4

Total 38 35 35 31 31

In the course of the study, the affiliation of the largest industrial enterprises in Kashkadarya region was expressed, according to which 3 industrial enterprises in the electricity industry (Kashkadarya Regiona).

As shown in this Table 2, the instability of industrial production can affect the change in labor costs because of labor. For example, in the power industry, production increased by 116.8% in 2022 compared to 2018, the average monthly wage increased by 125%, in the engineering industry increased by 121.2% and 108%, respectively, in the light industry by 116.9% and 111., Increased by 2 percent (Table 2).

Table 2. Average monthly salary in major industries of Kashkadarya _region (in thousands of soums)_

№ Networkaffiliation Years In 2022, compared to 2018, in%

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

1. Electricpower 509,8 676,7 841,9 942,2 1178,0 125,0

2. Fuelindustry 871,0 1253,4 1459,9 1611,7 1768,5 109,7

3. Metallurgy 559,9 664,5 739,0 811,4 929,1 114,5

4. Chemicalandpetrochemicalindustry 602,7 693,9 857,7 958,1 1114,4 116,3

5. Mechanicalengineeringandmetalprocessingindustry 865,7 1255,8 1440,9 1736,0 1874,8 108,0

6. Forestry, woodprocessingandpaperindustry - - - - - -

7. Buildingmaterialsindustry 242,3 347,3 390,3 - - -

8. Lightindustry 247,1 292,7 408,7 452,6 503,5 111,2

9. Foodindustry 228,0 292,3 481,7 657,1 630,5 96,0

10. Others 232,5 528,3 671,0 625,4 736,0 117,7

Theaveragemonthlywageinlargeindustries 590,3 840,8 1017,8 1147,6 1314,6 114,6

The study shows that the data in this Table 2 show that the average monthly wage in the industrial sector has been on an upward trend over the years. While the average monthly wage in the power industry increased by 132.7% in 2016 compared to 2017, 124.4% in 2013, 111.9% in 2017 and 125% in 2020, the average monthly wage in the industry over the past 5 years was 2.3%. times. According to the analyzed periods, the level of wages in the fuel industry in 2018 increased by 143.9%, in 2017 by 116.5%, in 2018 by 110.4%, in 2022 by 109.7% and in general by 2 times, in the metallurgical industry by 1.7 times, in the chemical and petrochemical industries 1.9 times, in the machinery and metal processing industry 2.2 times, in the light industry 2 times, in the food industry 2.8 times and in other industries 3.2 times.

If we take into account that 52.4% or 19,258 of the workers in the major industries of Kashkadarya region work in the fuel industry, the wages of these workers are on average 1.8-2 times higher than those in other industries. For example, 1.5 times from the power industry, 1.9 times from the metallurgical industry, 1.6 times from the chemical and petrochemical industries, 3.5 times from the light industry, 2.8 times from the food industry and 2.4 times from others. times higher wages are paid.

In our opinion, the impact of wages as an economic factor on the growth of labor productivity in industrial enterprises is reflected, first of all, in the effective and intensive use of human labor, which provides an increase in productivity. In a broad sense, the employee's satisfaction with the wages, material and moral incentives that he receives as a result of his work, will pave the way for further increase in labor productivity. In fact, the fact that the majority of workers are satisfied with their work and work, which in turn leads to an increase in socioeconomic labor productivity and economic productive labor productivity.

Conclusions and suggestions. Labor costs, expressed in the calculation of the impact of labor efficiency on human resource management in industrial enterprises, depend on the number or time spent directly involved in production, the quality of work, the quality of labor and management, the level of experience and technology, the effective use of available labor resources and working time. the utilization rate reflects the full use of the norm of continuation of normal working hours.

The method of calculating the impact of labor efficiency on human resource management in industrial enterprises on the basis of labor performance, the result is reliable, its use is extremely effective, and it allows to determine the following: ^ Representation of indicators that do not represent labor productivity in general industrial enterprises;

^ the development of labor affects the results of labor; ^ compatibility of general and specific labor productivity indicators; ^ calculation of indicators affecting the effectiveness of labor results in an integrated system;

^ The relationship between workload and quality of work and human resource management.


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