EFFECTIVENESS OF USE OF LAND RESOURCES BY AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES OF THE REGION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
land resources / agricultural lands / agricultural enterprises / efficiency of use / production of products

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Dobrovolska Ella Volodymyrivna, Koval Nonna Vasylivna

Any state’s riches and prosperity are based on its land, and the effectiveness with which it is used determines the nation’s level of technological advancement. The amount of agricultural production and the food crisis are intimately tied to the wise use of land resources, which is crucial for the growth of the national economy. The primary component that has a major impact on the socioeconomic conditions in specific regions, as well as the nation at large, is the efficiency of agricultural land usage. It has been determined that the adoption of a set of actions aimed at maintaining and improving crop productivity, soil fertility, and the creation of favorable conditions for the growth and development of crops, labor, and human vitality can result in the effective use of land resources.

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ISSN 2310-5690 ppublishing.org



Dobrovolska Ella Volodymyrivna1, Koval Nonna Vasylivna1

1 Department of Management and Public Administration, Higher Educational Institution "Podillia State University"

Cite: Dobrovolska E. V., Koval N. V. (2023). Effectiveness of use of Land Resources by Agricultural Enterprises of The Region. European Journal of Economics and Management Sciences 2024, No 1. https://doi.org/10.29013/EJEMS-24-1-25-28


Any state's riches and prosperity are based on its land, and the effectiveness with which it is used determines the nation's level of technological advancement. The amount of agricultural production and the food crisis are intimately tied to the wise use of land resources, which is crucial for the growth of the national economy. The primary component that has a major impact on the socioeconomic conditions in specific regions, as well as the nation at large, is the efficiency of agricultural land usage. It has been determined that the adoption of a set of actions aimed at maintaining and improving crop productivity, soil fertility, and the creation of favorable conditions for the growth and development of crops, labor, and human vitality can result in the effective use of land resources.

Keywords: land resources, agricultural lands, agricultural enterprises, efficiency of use, production of products


Land resources are extremely important for the development of the country, regions, and society in general. They are the basis for agricultural production, where food products are grown that ensure food security for the population. Effective use of land resources by agricultural enterprises is a key factor in achieving the development of the region. These include optimal planning of land use, balanced arrangement of agricultural land, protection and restoration of

soil cover, rational use of water resources, and consideration of ecological aspects. Productive use of land resources contributes to the economic development of the region, creating jobs, providing income for the rural population, and contributing to the growth of GDP. In addition, efficient use of land can have a positive impact on social development, providing access to food, improving the living conditions of the rural population, and developing infrastructure and social services.

Methodology and the purpose of the study:

The methodological basis of the research is a systematic approach to the study of economic processes based on the dialectical method of cognition, the use of scientific developments of domestic and foreign scientists on the effectiveness of the use of land resources of agricultural enterprises, legislative and regulatory acts of the state authorities of Ukraine regarding the development of agriculture. In the process of developing theoretical generalizations and formulating conclusions and proposals, such methods of economic research were used as analysis and synthesis (study of theoretical and practical provisions of effective use of land resources), abstract and logical (theoretical generalizations and formation of conclusions), statistical and economic (analysis of modern state and level of efficiency of land use in agricultural enterprises) and others.

Research objectives: determination of practical aspects regarding the effectiveness of the use of land resources for agricultural production in the Khmelnytskyi region.

Literature review

The following Ukrainian scientists deal with the issue of effective use of land resources, namely: Averchev, O. V., Hunchenko, O. V., Zinchenko, O. I., Koshkaldaa, I. V., Lazarie-va, O. V., Semenda, O. V., Tomchuk, O. F. and others.

Thus, O. V. Averchev investigates the effectiveness of using the potential of land based on indicators of the cost of gross production, productivity, and the level of profitability of production of the main types of products (Averchev, O. V., 2020).

O. F. Tomchuk believes that the efficiency of using the land resource potential of agricultural enterprises is determined by calculating the cost of produced products per unit area. This indicator reflects not only the use of land but also the entire production potential of the enterprise, its compatibility, and its interchangeability (Tomchuk, O. F., Kozhukhar, V. V., 2019).

O. V. Lazarieva examines the effectiveness of land use through the calculation of indicators characterizing the degree of land use, the level of land use, the sown area of

agricultural land, the yield of crops and their gross harvest, the production of products per person (Lazarieva, O. V., 2020).

Such diverse methodological approaches to the study of the efficiency of land use form a broad subject field for further study of its problems.

Analysis of results

The main prerequisite and natural basis for the functioning of an agricultural enterprise is the high efficiency of the use of land resources, which are the most important factor in production and, thanks to fertility, have an active influence on the production process. Being the material basis of agricultural development, and an invaluable national wealth, the land represented by agricultural land is a global factor of production, a base for the organic combination of other production resources (Hutorov, O., 2006).

Land resources in the case of their use form about 95% of the volume of the food fund and 2/3 of the fund of consumer goods and are the primary factor of production, the basis of the economy of Ukraine. If we consider the total land resources of our country, then the largest component is agricultural land, which is the basis of production formation. In this aspect, the fact that Ukraine is an agricultural country plays its role. It should be noted that land, as a resource for ensuring the well-being of the state, makes up 40% of the total fund of all available resources, and accordingly, income from the use of land makes up almost 45% in the process of forming the state budget (Muzyka, P. M., Urba, S. I., Honcharenko, L. V., 2019).

If we consider all the available lands of the Khmelnytskyi region, the following distribution can be made: agricultural lands — 1,560.5 thousand ha; forests and other forested areas — 294.4 thousand ha; built-up land — 132.6 thousand ha; land under water — 41.0 thousand ha; open wetlands — 13.8 thousand ha; other lands — 20.6 thousand ha.

Important indicators of the efficiency of the use of land resources by agricultural enterprises are the productivity and gross collection of agricultural products. The conducted analysis of the level of economic efficiency of land use in agricultural enterprises testified to the tendency to increase the volume of

gross agricultural products. The criterion of effective land use in the region is the average amount of agricultural products produced per person, which increased during the analyzed period and indicates that agriculture produces more products with fewer resources and labor, which is positive for the economy and sustainable development. As a result of the study of the production of products by agricultural enterprises in the section of the main crops, an increase in the gross collection and productivity was established, except for sugar beets, potatoes, and vegetable crops; an increase in productivity indicates the success of the measures that were taken to increase the yield of crops. The largest expansion of the harvest area is observed for sunflowers, which is associated with a large export demand. With a reduction in production costs and a significant increase in profit, there is a tendency to increase the profitability of operating activities and all activities. These positive changes characterize the ability of the region's agricultural enterprises to make a profit from their activities as a result of their effective use of land resources.

The increase in the production of domestic agricultural products in enterprises is due to the cultivation of high-margin crops: wheat, corn, soybeans, rapeseed, sunflower, and others. In animal husbandry, agricultural producers prefer early maturing branches of animal husbandry: poultry and pig breeding. In search of high prices for agricultural products, producers prefer to sell them on the world market. In 2021, agricultural products worth USD513,184.9 thousand were exported. The USA, which is 127.8% more than in 2017 accounted for 55.9% of the exported products of all branches of the region's economy. That is, the export of products of the

region is raw material-oriented, which restrains the formation of the gross added value of the industry and does not have a strong potential for the application of intensification measures in agriculture.

As for import revenues from the agricultural sector to the economy of the region, it can be stated that in 2021 agricultural products were imported in the amount of 32,662.3 thousand dollars. USA, which is 57.9% more than in 2017. Products of animal and vegetable origin account for 70.0% of the import of all products of the region. In general, we can say that national food security is formed at the expense of own production of agricultural products and is less dependent on imported food products. However, the export of finished products is 31.1% lower than the import. This situation is economically unjustified, as gross added value is washed out of the national economy.


Khmelnytskyi region development is greatly impacted by agricultural firms' efficient utilization of land resources. The main objective of this influence is to maximize the use of land potential to achieve economic, social, and environmental goals. This is ensured by the growing volumes of agricultural production, the region's economic growth concerning an increase in GDP, the development of related infrastructure and service industries, the creation of new jobs, luring investments into the region and the agricultural sector, raising the local population's standard of living, guaranteeing food security, and protecting the environment. By considering and advancing these aspects, the region's socioeconomic landscape will be able to advance to new heights.


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Tomchuk, O. F., Kozhukhar, V. V. (2019). Analiz efektyvnosti vykorystannia zemelnykh resur-siv [Analysis of the effectiveness of land resources use]. Ahrosvit [Agromir],— No 19.— P. 38-46. DOI: 10.32702/ 2306-6792.2019.19.38.

Lazarieva, O. V. (2020). Efektyvnist vykorystannia zemli [Efficiency of land use] Problemy systemnoho pidkhodu v ekonomitsi [Difficulties of system approach in economics],—

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from: URL: https://minagro.gov.ua/ua/investoram/monitoring-stanu-apk nonnakoval69@gmail.com; dobrovolskaella@gmail.com

submitted 22.08.2023; accepted for publication 20.09.2023; published 8.10.2023 © Dobrovolska E. V., Koval N. V. Contact: dobrovolskaella@gmail.com

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