EFFECTIVE PRINCIPLES ARE A SIGN OF QUALITY EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
student / principle / person orientation / competence / project technology / quality of education

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mukhabbat Yusupova Anatolevna

The article discusses not only the problems of improving the quality and efficiency of education, but also the implementation of innovative methods of ensuring the quality of education. That is, as the student learns to go beyond the limits of his personal capabilities, he acquires knowledge, skills and competences of the English language in specific pedagogical situations.

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Mukhabbat Yusupova Anatolevna

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics and English Teaching Methodology, Faculty of Tourism, Chirchik State Pedagogical University


The article discusses not only the problems of improving the quality and efficiency of education, but also the implementation of innovative methods of ensuring the quality of education. That is, as the student learns to go beyond the limits of his personal capabilities, he acquires knowledge, skills and competences of the English language in specific pedagogical situations.

Keywords: student, principle, person orientation, competence, project technology, quality of education


Maqolada ta'lim sifati va samaradorligini oshirish yo'nalishidagi nafaqat muammolarni, balki ta'lim sifatini ta'minlashning innovatsion metodlarini amaliyotga tatbiq etish masalalari haqida so'z boradi. Ya'ni, talaba o'z shaxsiy imkoniyatlari chegarasidan tashqariga chiqishni o'rganar ekan, aniq pedagogik vaziyatlarda ingliz tilidan bilim, ko'nikma va malakalarini egallaydi.

Kalit so'zlar: talaba, tamoyil, shaxsga yo'naltirilganlik, kompetentsiya, loyiha texnologiyasi, ta'lim sifati


Improving the quality of the education system requires critical analysis and updating of state education standards and curricula taking into account modern requirements, as well as improvement of the system of organization and management of pedagogical processes in educational institutions. Because today, it is demanded that leaders and pedagogues who can effectively use the modern conditions and opportunities created in educational institutions, who can establish cooperation between the educational institution, the family and the neighborhood, and who are deeply knowledgeable and self-developing. Analysis and coordination of mutual relations, teacher-student and student-student relations among the participants of pedagogical processes as modern requirements that arise in the direction of increasing the quality and efficiency of education; competent diagnosis; issues of study, analysis and objective assessment of the needs for the implementation of modern educational technologies that are oriented towards the individual can be cited.


This raises not only the problems of improving the quality and efficiency of education, but also the implementation of innovative methods of ensuring the quality of education.


The guiding principle of using project technology in the educational process is individual orientation. Based on this principle, the main subject of teacher-student actions in the educational system is the competences of the learner and the abilities to cross this border.

"The student acquires knowledge, skills and competences in English in specific pedagogical situations as he learns to go beyond the limits of his personal capabilities. In such a situation, the teacher occupies a socio-cultural position, he brings the student to the educational activity. The pedagogue separates pure culture from his practical actions and presents it to students." [1].

The theoretical concepts of J. Dewey served as the basis for the creation of the project method for the American educator: U. Kilpatrick. According to them, students willingly do activities that they choose and that arouse great interest in them [5].

In order to achieve educational goals in project technology, it is necessary to create conflicts with a positive content. The material presented in English does not mean to divide the individual operations in the cooperative learning activity of the students, on the contrary, it teaches them to accept and coordinate different points of view. In this case, it is necessary to have different points of view in relation to the studied problem within the framework of a whole educational process.

Through this organization of mutual relations, their scattered points of view are coordinated [4].

Also, students' self-study on the text is organized when project technology is applied in English classes. As a result, metacognitive experience is accumulated, controlled self-study activity is formed. As a result, students' acquisition rates increase by revising the learning material several times. The stages of using project technology for students are distinguished:

1) introduction (problem, topic and who to cooperate with) 2) research (process: creating a wall newspaper, article, bibliography, dictionary, business plan, interview, challenge, translation (proverbs, epics, fairy tales), holiday scenarios , videos...)) 3) presentation 4) evaluation of the final result.

During the implementation of the project, various work organization options are used: division into small groups and distribution of topics and work; individual work with the text; work in small groups; information exchange; presentation of the results of small groups; output the overall result; consists of mutual evaluation of the results and


finalization of the project. The project technology, which encourages students to become a source of intellectual and emotional development in English classes, provides an opportunity to expand their interest in learning, their inclination to communicate with their peers, and their ability to fully express their thoughts.

The project technology used in English lessons should be convenient for students to understand the material to be learned. It is necessary to create successful situations in order to achieve cooperation between the teacher and the students and the students with the students. In addition, the educational materials in the textbooks should serve to form general methods of mastering actions and concepts in the English language. For this, it is important that they understand the causal connections between English grammar, language constructions, coherence and cohision.

At the same time, in the introduction of the system of assignments from the English language to the content of the educational material, it is necessary to ensure the balance between the knowledge, the content of the information and the perceptual characteristics of the students who master it, the levels of logical thinking and intuition, words and visual symbols, conscious and unconscious situations, events. The uniqueness of the content of the educational material is reflected in the teaching methodology.


In English classes, project technology is selected taking into account the content of education, the acceleration of mental activity in students, the organization of successful activities focused on perspective, and the effective activity of each learner.

It is no exaggeration to say that the characteristic feature of the activity of pedagogues or the modern methodology of students' learning of foreign languages is based on the communicative approach, which strives to bring the process of language learning as close as possible to live communication.

One of the main tasks in the application of the communicative approach, aimed at bringing the language learning process as close as possible to live communication, is the use of materials acquired from the first sources in the original foreign language, which have a specific value, that is, the real communicative product of the language teacher. In addition, we should take into account that the increasing interest of stylists in using authentic materials is primarily related to the reconsideration of the role of the sociocultural component of foreign language communicative competence.

Communicative competence is not formed by the learner in the language, but is formed by a range of knowledge, skills and abilities that can be applied. The content of communicative competence varies widely in the scientific and methodological literature. In particular, D. Hymes confirms that communicative competence consists of grammatical, socio-linguistic, strategic, and discursive competences [2].


E.V. Tarmaeva notes that the process of forming communicative competence in the future teacher will be successful only if the following pedagogical conditions are met:

- communicative competence is recognized as the teacher's readiness to interact with the learning process by the subjects of the learning process;

- the learning process is organized as a dialogual and communicative interaction between the learner and the teacher, which enables the development of empirical orientation in empirical teaching;

- the formation of socially valuable attitude of the trainee in the context of future professional activity [3].

The need to improve the system of teaching future English language teachers to use project technology in the educational process is the wide use of information and communication technologies, authorship, interactive methods, modern pedagogical technologies in the process of teaching English, as well as the use of various interactive tools, including interactive whiteboards, in the organization of the educational process. enrichment with interactive audio-visual tools, electronic textbooks and other types of advanced principles and improvement of the pedagogical content of the subject is important.


1. Ibragimova F.K. Development of professional competence of future English language teachers based on gaining interest in English culture: PhD diss. ... autoref.-T.: 2018. p. 44

2. Yusupova M.A. Methods of applying project technologies in teaching the language // Researchers of science and scientific - Methodical journal 2019. -1/2. pp.137-140

3. Raytsev A.V. The development of professional competence of students in the educational system of a modern university: dis. ... DSc: St.Petersburg. - 2004. p.309

4. Tarmaeva E.V. The development of communicative competence in future teachers: diss ... can. Ped.science. - Ulan-Ude. - 2007

5. https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=ru&user=WcSnmOc AAAAJ&citation for view=WcSnmOcAAAAJ:2osOgNQ5qMEC


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