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Ключевые слова
pedagogical conditions / communicative competence / personality-oriented approach / the subject position of students / contextual learning / future agrarian engineers.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kovalova K.

The article examines the pedagogical conditions of formation of the communicative competence of future agrarian engineers. The formation of the communicative competence of future engineers requires the need to substantiate the pedagogical conditions under which the formation will take place in the most effective way. The purpose of the article is to consider the pedagogical conditions for the formation of the communicative competence of future engineers. It is shown that the process of forming of the communicative competence of future agrarian engineers is impossible without the creation and implementation of pedagogical conditions, on which the efficiency of the learning process depends and that affects the quality of the training of future specialists. It has been proved that this process will be more successful, while using such pedagogical conditions as the use of a personality-oriented approach in teaching, providing of a contextual approach and the subject position of students in the process of professional communication training; the use of training exercises aimed at increasing the communication activity of students

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Переход от авторитарной педагогики к гуманистической потребовал осознания проблемы культуры межличностного взаимодействия педагога с воспитанниками, а также умений строить учебно-воспитательный процесс с учетом перцепции и побуждать в каждом воспитаннике стремление к творчеству, создавать условия для потенциального самовыражения личности и развития всех ее совокупных возможностей; своевременно предупреждать отрицательные проявления учащихся и умело разрешать конфликтные ситуации; моделировать общение и жить жизнью воспитанников; создавать на занятии и вне его психологический настрой на восприятие информации, на предмет. Педагогическое взаимодействие направлено не только на развитие личности учащегося, но и - прежде всего - личности самого педагога.

Для реализации многочисленных целей воспитания и обучения необходима система условий для самоидентификации и социокультурного самопроизводства воспитанников, обучаемых. И в этом смысле неоценима роль педагога высших образовательных учреждений. Многочисленные исследования убеждают нас в необходимости выделения в

ранг ценностной приоритетности профессионально-нравственных и нормативных характеристик педагога. Это его культурные ценности, педагогическое мировоззрение, креативность, ценностные ориентиры - щедрость души и любовь, постоянный интерес к людям и готовность отдавать свои силы их развитию. Таким образом, личность педагога может рассматриваться как педагогическая ценность.

Список литературы

1. Буланова-Топоркова М.В. Педагогика и психология высшей школы: Учебное пособие. - Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2002.

2. Зимняя И.А. Педагогическая психология. -М: Логос, 2004.

З.Эверт Н.А. Профессиональная компетентность работников образовательных учреждений. Учебно-метод. пособие. - Красноярск 2005, гос. Пед. Ун-т им. В.П. Астафьева.

4.Эверт Н.А. Этика и деонтология педагога в обновленном образовании: учебно-методическое пособие. - Красноярск 2008, гос. Пед. Ун-т им. В.П. Астафьева.


Kovalova K.

PhD, Associate Professor of the department of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


The article examines the pedagogical conditions of formation of the communicative competence of future agrarian engineers. The formation of the communicative competence of future engineers requires the need to substantiate the pedagogical conditions under which the formation will take place in the most effective way. The purpose of the article is to consider the pedagogical conditions for the formation of the communicative competence of future engineers. It is shown that the process of forming of the communicative competence of future agrarian engineers is impossible without the creation and implementation of pedagogical conditions, on which the efficiency of the learning process depends and that affects the quality of the training of future specialists. It has been proved that this process will be more successful, while using such pedagogical conditions as the use of a personality-oriented approach in teaching, providing of a contextual approach and the subject position of students in the process of professional communication training; the use of training exercises aimed at increasing the communication activity of students.

Keywords: pedagogical conditions, communicative competence, personality-oriented approach, the subject position of students, contextual learning, future agrarian engineers.

The State National Program "Education" focuses on the important task of the education sector - the creation of a viable system of continuous education and upbringing to achieve high educational goals, provide opportunities for continuous self-improvement of the individual, the formation of intellectual and cultural potential as the highest value of the nation. According to the Laws of Ukraine "About Education", one of the main tasks of modern education is the formation of communicative competence based on the expansion of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary directly to increase labor productivity, as well as in the field of life in general.

The integration of Ukraine into the European space, the intense transformations in the social life of the country at the beginning of the 21st century, connected with the globalization of the world economy, its general informatization raise new requirements for communication processes in the society. The success of adapting of future specialists in a professional environment, the quality of performing of functional responsibilities, and the resolution of professional and social problems depend on the ability to communicate effectively. Therefore, today we should pay special attention to the issues of development and formation of the communicative competence of the specialist, as an im-

portant humanitarian aspect of adaptation in a transformative society and building a successful career in the future.

The process of forming the communicative competence of future engineers is impossible without the creation and implementation of pedagogical conditions on which the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process depend and that affect the quality of training of future specialists. Scientists N. Logutina, M. Li-soviy, V. Liventsova classify pedagogical conditions in different ways that contribute to the effective formation of students' communicative competence. The personality-oriented approach was studied by such scientists as G.O. Bal, I.D.Bekh, O.M. Pehota, V.V. Ribalka, V.A. Semichenko, V.V. Serikov, S.A., Sysoeva, I.S. Ya-kimanska.

The formation of the communicative competence of future engineers requires the need to substantiate the pedagogical conditions under which the formation will take place in the most effective way. The concept of "pedagogical condition" includes two components "pedagogical" and "condition". The Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Ukrainian Language interprets this term as follows: "pedagogical" - meeting the rules and requirements of pedagogy. [1, p. 713].

Macmillan interprets the concept of "pedagogical" as being comparable to educational methods and principles. The concept of "condition" is a broader concept and is considered in many social sciences: pedagogy, psychology, philosophy, sociology, and the other. As for example, the Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Ukrainian Language gives this concept as follows: "condition" - a necessary circumstance that makes the implementation, creation, accumulation of something or contributes to it [1, p. 1295].

The Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary, edited by L.F. Illyichov, speaks of conditions as "something on which another depends (") "; the existence of this phenomenon "[2, p.707]. Therefore, we can conclude that a condition is a circumstance or factors that contribute to and make possible a certain state or process.

N.M. Kostritsa in his dissertation research for the formation of professional speech defines psychological and pedagogical conditions as essential components in the process of language learning, internal and external circumstances that influence and contribute to the active process of mastering professional speech. The article investigates and resolves the problem of more effective formation of the communicative competence of future engineers, while using such pedagogical conditions as a personality-oriented approach in teaching, providing a contextual approach and the subject position of students in the process of professional communication training; the use of training exercises aimed at increasing the communicative activity of students.

The purpose of the article is to consider the pedagogical conditions for the formation of the communicative competence of future engineers.

Having analyzed the existing definitions, pedagogical conditions should be understood as: a set of circumstances that contribute to ensuring the desired effectiveness of the learning process and the successful

achievement of its specific goals. Therefore, one of the tasks of organizing the learning process is to create favorable pedagogical conditions.

Scientists classify pedagogical conditions in different ways that contribute to the effective formation of students' communicative competence. In particular, N. Logutina attributed the following effective conditions for the formation of professional foreign language communication among future economists:

- promoting students' awareness of the role of professional foreign language communication in the foreign economic activity of an economist;

- implementation of a contextual approach to the educational process;

- use of forms and methods of interactive teaching;

- provision of reflexive analysis by future managers of their own communication capabilities [3].

M. Lisnoy, investigating the problem of the formation of the professional speech of future medical workers, notes that for the formation of the professional speech of medical students, it is important to take into account and adhere to the basic principles of language teaching:

- the unity of the development of speech and thinking;

- communication of oral and written speech;

- communication of the formation of a culture of professional speech with the study of humanitarian and special disciplines [4, p. 81].

Liventsova, in order to improve the culture of professional communication of future managers, identifies the following pedagogical conditions:

- the formation of students' reflective attitude to the communicative aspect of future professional activity,

- the use of group forms of organization of training, built in accordance with the principles of social and psychological training;

- the use of role-playing and business games as methods of active learning

- orientation of the teacher to the dialogical form of educational interaction with students, which provides a favorable psychological microclimate in the group, an atmosphere of creativity and spontaneity during classes, emotional contact with students [5, p. 119].

One of the important pedagogical conditions for the formation of the communicative competence of future engineers is the use of a personality-oriented approach in teaching, aimed at the development of dialog-ical interaction in teaching.

Personality-oriented approach (G. Bal, I. Bekh, O. Pekhota, V. Rybalko, V. Semichenko, V. Serikov, S. Sisoeva, I. Yakimanska) as an educational process in higher pedagogical educational institutions provides the transition from knowledge of subject as the goal of learning to the subject as a means of professional development of the personality; from the priority of highly specialized tasks to the integral development of the personality of the future teacher; from subcontracting in the teacher-student system to pedagogical interaction and cooperation; freedom of choice of educa-

tional tasks and creation of conditions for self-affirmation and self-development in a professional environment.

A person-centered approach helps to reveal the hidden potential of students, to encourage learning, arouses a thirst for knowledge, for independent activity and self-development. One of the main tasks of the personality-oriented approach in teaching is to create conditions under which both professional knowledge and a spiritually rich personality are formed, who are aware of their own significance.

For a teacher, this approach to professional training is primarily a rejection of the authoritarian style of communication with students and the transition to a democratic style, which provides respect for everyone's personality, humanism, recognition of the right to individuality. The teacher's pedagogical communication should be based on this approach, which assumes subject-subject interaction between the teacher and the student. The teacher must have pedagogical communication at a high professional level, help the student to become an equal, active, proactive participant in the pedagogical process.

The concept of personality-oriented learning, as O. Savchenko appropriately notes, provides its organization based on deep respect for the student's personality, taking into account the characteristics of individual development, treating him as a conscious responsible subject of educational and educational interaction, as well as the formation of an integral personality, realizing his dignity [6, p. 127].

The opinion of such scientists as O. Padalka, A. Nisimchuk, I. Smolyuk and A. Shpak deserves special attention, who believe that the process of developing a student's personality in a university is precisely in transforming his inclinations into abilities. Personally-oriented learning involves dialogical interaction between a teacher and a student, which is carried out using such teaching methods as problem lectures, educational discussions, role-playing games, in which the potential of students is revealed, and communicative abilities are activated. The pedagogy of cooperation, which was studied by such scientists as Sh. Amonashvili, D. Vigotskyi, Makarenko, A. Sukhomlinskyi, is based on student-centered learning.

The main goal of cooperation pedagogy is the joint activity of a teacher and a student, helps to work in a team, to form a favorable microclimate and friendly, partnership relations. Involvement in joint collective activities requires students to activate cognitive activity, thinking, contributes to the effectiveness of problem solving, and also helps to increase self-esteem and self-confidence. Group work allows you to gain new knowledge, share your own experience; contributes to the creation of situations of success and increase motivation to master communicative knowledge, skills, and abilities.

So, student-centered learning provides effective conditions for the formation of the communicative competence of future engineers, creating an atmosphere of equality and respect.

The next pedagogical condition for the formation of the communicative competence of future agrarian

engineers is the modeling in the educational process of communicative situations of future professional activity. Modeling of situations of future professional activity is reflected in the technology of contextual learning. In foreign pedagogy, the technology of contextual learning is often called "Case-Study", which literally means - the study of a situation, a case. This technology was developed by A. Verbitskyi.

This technology is designed to improve the efficiency of education in higher education and combines training in specially simulated professional situations.

Modeling of real professional situations helps students to understand responsibility for their actions, teaches them to interact with colleagues, understand them, feel the need to establish and maintain contacts with people for the further development of professional relations in the team. Thus, the use of contextual learning technology is a promising tool in the preparation of students of agrarian specialties, because it helps them to effectively assimilate the educational material of a professional direction, increases their creative activity, develops communication skills, and helps to understand the importance of the chosen profession.

The next pedagogical condition for the formation of the communicative competence of future agrarian engineers is to ensure the subjective position of students in the process of professional communication training.

As I. Prokopenko notes, "subjective experience, which manifests itself in target guidelines, attitudes, aspirations, values, needs, personal plans - all this include professional and pedagogical experience of teachers "[8, p.56].

The teacher's attitude towards the student as a self-sufficient person instills in the student self-confidence, allows him to feel respect for his thoughts, and in turn, increases motivation for learning in general, and for mastering communicative competence in particular.

Taking into account the subjective experience of the student allows you to find out what the students know and multiply this experience. It is important to use the previous experience of students in the selection of teaching methods in order to develop those skills that students do not yet possess, and not to dwell on the material that is already well known and learned.

This is facilitated by the use of problem situations, role-playing games, during which students use the already acquired life experience and at the same time try to apply new theoretical knowledge in practice.

In order to form the subject position in the process of professional communication training, the concept of joint solution of educational tasks should be used. This concept was developed by researcher V. Laudis. The concept of "joint educational activity" is interpreted as an act of exchange of actions, operations between the teacher and the student, as well as between the students themselves in the process of forming the learned activity.

The purpose of the joint educational activity of the teacher and the student, the researcher determines as the construction of a mechanism for self-regulation of learning. The joint solution of educational problems presupposes a certain phasing in the interaction of a

teacher and a student. At the initial stage, the importance of the teacher is maximum, then the student's independent activity gradually increases. Ultimately, teacher involvement is minimal and students interact with each other.

Such students are characterized by a creative approach to the performance of their duties and are distinguished by a high level of communicative competence. An important pedagogical condition that ensures the formation of communicative competence is the use of training exercises aimed at increasing communicative activity. A person's communicative activity is characterized by such signs as initiative, a positive attitude towards communication, motivation to establish contact, interest in the subject of the conversation, focus on achieving a result in the conversation.

In the educational activities of students, activity is understood as the orientation of the individual towards the purposeful mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities. Exercises contributing to the formation of the communicative competence of future engineers should be in two directions: the first direction - developmental exercises and tasks that arouse interest among students and promote active participation in their performance, the second direction - exercises containing information that relates to production, professional, business problems and questions.

Exercises and tasks of the first direction are more used in classes on the basics of pedagogy and psychology, where they study psychological cognitive processes such as sensation, perception, memory, attention, imagination, thinking and their role in human life.

The study of these issues in lectures allows them to be discussed at seminars using the methods of discussion, the method of specific situations, didactic and role-playing games aimed at consolidating knowledge of this discipline.

The second direction of exercises and assignments contains problems and situations that relate to the future professional activity of students and should be based on the principle of modeling the working conditions of work. Most often, the method of analysis of specific situations is used here, in which students are offered various professional and industrial situations, as well as

the method of discussions, where questions and problems concerning both professional and universal aspects of the life of human society are discussed.

Thus, the formation of the communicative competence of future agrarian engineers takes place in an effective way, while using such pedagogical conditions as the personality-oriented approach in teaching, the contextual approach and the subject position of students in the process of professional communication training; the use of training exercises aimed at increasing the communicative activity of students.


1. Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Ukrainian Language. comp. and chapters. ed. V.T. Bu-sel. - K.; Irpin: Perun, 2001.

2. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary: reference. ed. Comp. E. F. Gubskyi, G. V. Korableva, V. A. Lutchenko. - M.: INFRA-M, 2006. 3. Logutina N.V.

3. Formation of readiness for professional foreign language communication among future managers of foreign economic activity: author. dis. cand. ped. sciences: 13.00.04. Natalya Vladimirovna Logutina; Moscow. state ped. un. Mikhail Kotsyubinskyi. - Vinnitsa, 2006.- 20 p.

4. Mikola Ivanovich Lesnoy; Moscow. state ped. un. Mikhailo Kotsyubinskyi. - Vinnytsia, 2006.

5.Liventsova V.A. Formation of students' communicative competence in the process of learning a foreign language. Modern information technologies and innovative teaching methods in training specialists: methodology, theory, experience, probl. : Vinnitsa, 2005. -Issue 7 - P. 361-365.

6. Savchenko O. Ya. Primary School Didactics: A Textbook for Students of Pedagogical Faculties. - M.: Abris, 1997.

7. Verbitskyi A.A. Active learning in higher education: contextual approach: method. Verbitskyi A.A. -M.: Higher. sch., 1991.

8. Prokopenko I. F. Pedagogical technologies: textbook. Benefit. I.F. Prokopenko, I. Evdokimov. -M.: Collegium, 2005

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