EFFECTIVE ASPECTS OF THE USE OF PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS IN THE FIELD OF PUBLIC SAFETY Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Mirkhalilova G.

The article analyzes the sphere of Public Private Partnership on the example of foreign countries. Some aspects of the implementation of the PPPs in the public security system are described.

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Mirkhalilova G. independent researcher Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Republic of Uzbekistan


Annotation: The article analyzes the sphere of Public Private Partnership on the example of foreign countries. Some aspects of the implementation of the PPPs in the public security system are described.

Key words: public-private partnership, legislation in the field of Public Private Partnership, public security system, ensuring public security.

In the conditions of today's rapidly advancing modern market economy, public-private partnership (PPP) is an effective means of economic and social development at the national and regional level, attracting funds to investment projects aimed at maintaining control by state and local government bodies and establishing effective economic cooperation with the private sector. and is a means of implementation. Today, we can see that public-private partnership (PPP) relations play a major role in the development of the country's economy, the effective implementation of large infrastructure projects, and the improvement of social infrastructure in the country. In this regard, one of the important tasks is to study the experience of developing countries and introduce their practices to our country. In particular, it is especially important to study the experiences of the most developed countries of the world and other developed and developing countries regarding public-private partnership relations and directly introduce successful practices in this regard to our country. The main factors that can have a direct impact on the economic growth of our country are the insufficient development of infrastructure sectors such as transport, energy, and communal services. Also, the lack of investments and the low level of involvement of modern technologies for the implementation of the necessary investment projects for the development and modernization of infrastructure facilities in these sectors are among the main problems. One of the most effective ways to solve such problems in world practice is the implementation of investment projects based on public-private partnership.

Although the PPP institute is widely used in most countries of the world today, there is no uniform definition of it in practice and in the scientific field.

For example, Russian scientist V.G. The definition provided by Varnavsky is noteworthy: "PPP is a variety of services strategic, institutional

cooperation between the state and business for the implementation of socially significant projects and programs in the fields of scientific research"1.

Legal scientist A. V. Belitskaya "public-private partnership between public and private business entities believes that mutually beneficial cooperation in relation to objects in the field of direct state interests and control"2.

Economist K.A.Antonova describes "DDSH as an institution of cooperation between state and business entities on the basis of a contract."3.

E.V. Gorchakova notes that "PPP is a union of state agencies and private business, cooperation aimed at the development of service areas of social importance."4.

P. Snelson says that "FDI is the distribution of the benefits resulting from the implementation of economic activities as a result of cooperation between the state and the private sector"5.

In the European Union, the term PPP is considered as "a form of cooperation between state bodies and enterprises that serves the financing, construction, modernization, management, efficient use of infrastructure of state bodies or provision of services".6

In Germany, PPP in most cases is "a long-term cooperation between public authorities and the private sector of the economy on the one hand, and resources necessary for mutual benefit on the other (for example, know-how, means of production, capital, personnel, etc.)7

In particular, there is a legal framework that classifies this concept in our country. Law "On Public-Private Partnership of the Republic of Uzbekistan" adopted on May 10, 2019 Article 3 states that "PPP is a state partner (state administration and local executive authorities, as well as other authorized legal entities) and a private partner (an individual entrepreneur, legal entity, or association of legal entities that has concluded a public-private partnership agreement with a state partner) defined as "cooperation based on pooling of resources to solve economic, social and infrastructural tasks for a certain period of time"."8

Ensuring public order and security in each country is defined as a strategic task. Before the concept of providing public safety on the basis of public-private

1 Varnavskiy V. G. "Public-Private Partnership in Russia: Problems of Formation" [Public-private partnership in Russia: problems of formation // internal notes. 2004. No. 6. P. 31;

2 Beliskaya A. V. "Legal definition of public-private partnership" [legal definition of public-private partnership]. Legislation [Legislation]. 2009. No. 8. s. 42;

3 Kabashkin V. A. Public-private partnership in the regions of the Russian Federation: a textbook / Kabashkin V. A. — M.: 2010. C.120.;

4 Gorchakova E.V. Public-private partnership - a new paradigm in Russia, News SamSU, 2011 №1/1 (82). ;

5 Snelson P. "Public-private partnerships in countries with economies in transition." URL: http://www.ebrd.com.;

6 User Guidebook on "Implementing Public-Private Partnerships for Transportation Infrastructure Projects in the United States". Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Washington. 2007. P. 60.;

7Knüpfer, Werner "Public-private partnership using modern forms of management of real estate complexes". Link to the site http://www.duma.gov.ru/sobstven/analysis/corporation/161007/5knupfer.htm;

8 Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Public-Private Partnership" No. ORQ-537. May 10, 2019. - Article 3.;

partnership, it is necessary to answer the question of what "public safety system" is.

As noted by our legal scholars M.Kh. Baratov and N.A. Kuldashev "Ensuring public safety is a comprehensive system, which includes political, socio-economic, legal and other complex organizational measures established by the state to protect society from threats, which are constantly being improved"9.

Russian scientist A. A. Karmolitskiy considers "public security as a system of relations and it develops in the process of preventing and eliminating threats to human life and health."10.

A.A. Nikolaev believes that "in a state where public peace, personal integrity, and integrity of property are maintained, all relationships will be healthy."11

If we look at the experience of foreign countries, we can find different types of sectors based on public-private partnership in the provision of public security. For example, the English police system has introduced an approach called the "extended police family" based on public-private partnerships to improve efficiency in the investigation of crimes.12

In conclusion, it is very important to properly organize the provision of the public security system in our country on the basis of public-private partnership and to define future plans for the development of this sector.


1. Varnavskiy V. G. "Public-private partnership in Russia: problems of formation" [Public-private partnership in Russia: problems of formation // internal notes. ] 2004. No.6. P. 31;

2. Beliskaya A. V. "Legal definition of public-private partnership" [legal definition of public-private partnership]. Legislation [Legislation]. 2009. No.8. s. 42;

3. Kabashkin V.A. "Public-Private Partnership in the Regions of the Russian Federation" (textbook) / Kabashkin V. A. — M.: 2010. C.120;

4. Gorchakova E.V. "Public-private partnership - a new paradigm"; Russia, News SamSU, 2011 №1/1 (82);

5. Snelson P. " Public-private partnerships in countries with economies in transition." URL: http://www.ebrd.com.;

6. User Guidebook on "Implementing Public -Private Partnerships for Transportation Infrastructure Projects in the United States". Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Washington. 2007. P. 60.;

9 M.Baratov, N.Kuldashev. "Prospects of providing public safety on the basis of public-private partnership". https://uza.uz/uz/posts/ Prospects of providing public safety on the basis of public-private partnership _349465;

10 Alekhin A.P., Karmoliskiy A.A., Kozlov, Yu.M. Administrative law of Russia. Part one. M., 2011. C. 519.;

11 Commentary in the Code of Administrative Offenses / Under the general. ed. A.A. Nikolaev. T. 1. M., 2003. C. 1023.;

12 See: "International Centre for the Prevention of Crime. (2005). Urban Crime Prevention and Youth at Risk: Compendium of Promising Strategies and Programmes from around the World . Prepared for the 11th UN Congress on Crime Prevention & Criminal Justice. Montreal: ICPC. ( Available in English, French and Spanish).

7. Geddes R.R. Wagner B.L. (2013) "Why do U.S. states adopt public-private partnership enabling legislation?" Journal of Urban Economics, vol. 78. Pp. 30-41;

8. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Public-Private Partnership" No. ORQ-537. May 10, 2019. - Article 3;

9. M.Baratov, N.Kuldashev "Prospects of providing public safety on the basis of public-private partnership". https://uza.uz/uz/posts/jamoat-xavfsizligini-davlat-xususiy-sheriklik-asosida-taminlash-istiqbollari_349465;

10. Alekhin A.P., Karmoliskiy A.A., Kozlov, Yu.M. "Administrative Law of Russia." Part one. M., 2011. C. 519;

11. A.A. Nikolaeva "Commentary in the Code of Administrative Offenses / Under the general edition". T. 1. M., 2003. C. 1023;

12. Prepared for the 11th UN Congress on Crime Prevention & Criminal Justice. Montreal: ICPC. ( Available in English, French and Spanish) "International Centre for the Prevention of Crime. (2005). Urban Crime Prevention and Youth at Risk: Compendium of Promising Strategies and Programmes from around the World ".

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