Научная статья на тему 'Effect of mineral fertilization on productivity and quality of early potato'

Effect of mineral fertilization on productivity and quality of early potato Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Boteva Hriska Manusheva

The effect of mineral fertilization on the biological manifestations, yield and dry matter content in potato tubers form variety Nadejda suitable for early field production, was studied during three years in the “Maritsa“ Vegetable Crops Research Institute, Plovdiv on heavy leached meadow-cinnamon soil. A field experiment with increasing nitrogen rates: 0, 80, 160 и 240 kg/ha input separately and at background of phosphorus: 0, 80, 160 and 240 kg Р2О5/ha and chosen variants for potassium: 0, 80 and 160 kg К2О/ha is carried out in order to established the optimal rates and N:P:K proportions. Equations of the curved lines expressing the relationship between the rates and nitrogen, PK background and yield are found by regression analysis. The purpose of the study is to optimize the nutrient regime in potatoes early field production for obtaining of high yields and produce with high biological value, satisfying the requirements of the organic agriculture.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Effect of mineral fertilization on productivity and quality of early potato»

Table 1.

Biochemical analysis of the pepper fruits, varietes KypTOBCKa Kanna 1

№ Variants Dry matter % Total sugar % Vitamin C mg%

1. Control 9.45 7.31 186.51

2. N18P14K16 10.50 7.79 194.58

3. Labin 10.70 8.02 212.02

4. BioOne 10.88 8.37 202.23

5. Tecamin 10.45 8.25 224.65

6. Agriful 10.98 8.37 230.04

7. Humustim 10.50 7.86 195.89

8. Biohumus 10.54 7.95 200.25


The application of bio-products in reduced mineral fertilization results in increase of the pepper yield from 8.9% / after fertilization with Labin/ to 22.8% /after fertilization with Agriful/compared to the control plants. It was found that the studied fertilizes increase the pepper fruit weight. The differences between the treatments are not statistically proven.

The fertilization with Agriful and Tecamin has a positive effect on the content of vitamin C in pepper. The impact of bio-fertilizes on the dry matter and sugars content in the fruits is insignificant.

Bio-fertilizes, studied in this research are of interest for the practice. They are an alternative to reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers, which is a prerequisite for the production of ecologically pure produce.


1. Rasool A., Parviz Sharifi Ziveh and Mohammad Reza Satari. 2008. Effect of vermicompost on growt, yield and nutrition status of tomato (Licopersicum esculentum), Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 11 (14): 1797 - 1802

2. Mitova I., R. Kancheva, N. Dinev and Hr. Botev. 2009. Growth and reproductive manifestations of tomatoes - an mid-early production in the open field, depending on variety and

fertilizer applied. Proceedings of IlIth International symposium «Ecological approaches towards the production of safety food»; 177-182

3. Sengalevich D. et al. 2007. Proceedings of scientific articles - Humustim gift of nature, «Dimi 99» LTD 204.

4. Tringovska I, Kanazirska V., 2007; Effect of some organic fertilizers on plant growth and fruit yield of greenhouse tomatoes. Proceedings of the International Conference Research people and actual tasks on multidisciplinary sciences, 1: 32-36

5. Dincheva Ts., And Dimov, Hr. Botev 2008. Influence of organic products on the yield of green pepper, middle early production. Proceedings of the VII National Conference with international participation, Plovdiv, 203-208

6. Mitova I., P. Kancheva. 2010. On biohichnite quality indicators in greenhouse production of tomatoes. Proceedings of the VIII National Conference with international participation «Ecology and Health» 2010, May 19 Plovdiv, 159-164.

7. Vlahova, V. (2013). The impact of biofertilization on the quality parameters of the pepper fruit (Capsicum annum L.) in organic agriculture condition. Scientific paper Series B, Holticulture, Vol. LVII, Bucharest, 289-294

8. Duncan D, Multiple range and multiple F-test. Biometrics. 1955; 11: 1-42.



Boteva Hriska Manusheva

Assoc. Prof. PhD, Maritsa Vegetable Crops Research Institute, Plovdiv,Bulgaria


The effect of mineral fertilization on the biological manifestations, yield and dry matter content in potato tubers form variety Na-dejda suitable for early field production, was studied during three years in the "Maritsa" Vegetable Crops Research Institute, Plovdiv on heavy leached meadow-cinnamon soil.

A field experiment with increasing nitrogen rates: 0, 80, 160 h 240 kg/ha input separately and at background of phosphorus: 0, 80, 160 and 240 kg P205/ha and chosen variants for potassium: 0, 80 and 160 kg K20/ha is carried out in order to established the optimal rates and N:P:K proportions. Equations of the curved lines expressing the relationship between the rates and nitrogen, PK background and yield are found by regression analysis.

The purpose of the study is to optimize the nutrient regime in potatoes - early field production for obtaining of high yields and produce with high biological value, satisfying the requirements of the organic agriculture.

Keywords: early potato, mineral fertilization, yield, dry matter content

Potatoes are one of the main food crops in the country. The formation of a large vegetative mass for a short period (60-90 days) and receiving relatively high yields, accompanied by significant biological export of nutrient elements, determines their greater exactingness to the soil nutrient regime [1].

Results from studies indicate that in intensive mineral fertilization, which sharply increase the yields, the nutritional value of the potato the most frequently decreases [2, 3]. It was established that the dry matter and starch content decreases with an increase in nitrogen and potassium fertilizers in comparison

with the phosphorus fertilizers [4].

Researches in the field of breeding for development of new potato varieties [5] have conducted in Bulgaria and some agronomic factors associated with potato growing have studied [6, 7]. The researches on the influence of fertilization as one of the main factors are limited. They are aimed mainly for medium early production [8].

MATERIAL AND METHODS. The influence of mineral fertilization on biological manifestations, yield and dry matter content in the potato tuber of variety "Nadejda", early field production has studied for three years.

Increasing rates for nitrogen were studied: 0, 80, 160 and 240 kg/ha, applied separately and at phosphorus background: 0, 80, 160 and 240 kg/ha and selected variants of the potassium: 0, 80 and 160 kg/ha. It was used ammonium nitrate, triple superphosphate and potassium sulphate. Specified amounts of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers were applied once in preparing of the soil for planting while the nitrogen fertilizer - twofold: in combination with phosphorus and potassium and during the vegetation period with the first hoeing. The experiment was conducted by the block method in four repetitions on a reporting area of 9,6 m2 by 80 x 25 cm scheme.

The strongly leached meadow cinnamon soil is with humus

content of 2.1%, pH (H2O) - 6.9 - 7.0; mineral N/NH4-N + NO3-N/ - 1.93 mg/100g soil (defined by distillation); movable P2O5 and K2O (determined by Egner-Riem method) - 27.8 mg and 20.4 mg/100 g soil, respectively.

The indexes of the study: biometric measurements - plant height, number of leaves and tubers per plant, tuber weight; yield; quality - dry matter content in the tubers /weight/. The equations of the curves expressing the relationship between the rate of nitrogen, PK background and yield were determined by regression analysis.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. It was established that changes in the stem height, and stem weight was related mainly with increase of the rate of nitrogen from 0 to 240 kgN/ha, as the relation is a direct ratio /Table. 1/. The tendency is kept in increased levels of phosphorus. The greatest foliar weight is obtained in fertilization with N240P80 - 273.4 kg/plant.

The results of the yield as the most significant indexes show that it is the highest after fertilization with N160P160K160 - 3 9420 kg/ha, followed by that after fertilization with N160P160K80 - 3 7200 kg/ha, as the increase towards the control is 83.0% and 73.3%, respectively /Table. 1/. The difference between the variants is statistically well proven.

Table 1.

Biometric measurements and productivity in potato

Varisnts Stems Leaves Tuberts

h number massa number massa number yield %

cm g g kg

Wo 44.5 2.9 43.5 36.9 94.4 1o.3 2147o 1oo

NsoPoKo 54.Ö 3.1 8o.o 46.o 132.2 12.8 28o5o 13o.6

VoK, 61.3 2.6 143.o 88.o 24o.1 13.9 312oo 145.3

N Р К 24o o o 61.7 2.4 157.1 78.8 249.o 12.6 2338o Ю8.9

NoPsoKo 5o.1 2.8 78.6 6o.9 176.8 13.3 272oo 126.7

NsoPsoKo 53.8 2.7 1o8.o 71.1 213.1 14.2 235oo Ю9.5

N16oPsoKo 64.1 2.4 154.8 79.6 228.5 2o.7 3481o 162.1

N24oP8oKo 64.4 3.o 147.8 76.2 273.4 18.5 3352o 156.1

NAÄ 47.3 2.5 49.3 45.7 138.5 9.3 2775o 129.2

6o.9 3.1 145.5 82.1 251.8 15.5 3o55o 142.3

VKA 65.7 3.o 152.o 81.1 244.3 13.5 29o5o 135.3

VKA 66.6 3.1 194.1 Ш1.5 26o.9 14.5 261oo 121.6

N Р К o 24o o 49.9 2.o 43.4 44.6 135.4 8.2 29o3o 135.2

N8oP24Ko 64.9 2.5 144.6 75.5 227.6 17.3 3156o 141.9

N16oP24oKo 66.9 2.1 13o.6 66.7 197.2 14.6 3549o 165.3

N24oP24oKo 68.1 3.5 164.3 67.4 188.7 15.1 347oo 161.6

NoPoK8o 45.4 3.3 45.8 48.4 124.6 8.2 2165o 1oo.8

NsoPsoKso 55.1 2.7 125.4 85.9 254.5 11.2 2293o Ю6.8

N16oP16oK8o 61.8 3.5 117.6 56.4 197.2 14.o 372oo 173.3

N24oP24oK8o 68.9 3.8 153.3 63.6 2oo.8 14.2 35o7o 163.4

NoPoK16o 49.1 3.1 54.2 37.4 118.5 9.9 3o87o 143.8

N Р К 8o 8o 16o 6o.7 3.2 137.1 67.5 241.o 12.3 3252o 151.5

N Р К 16o 16o 16o 61.9 3.o 189.6 81.7 263.4 13.4 3942o 183.6

N Р К 24o 24o 16o 62.9 2.2 171.2 7o.o 211.4 11.2 2427o 127.o

GD 5% 564.5

GD 1% 753.6

GD 0.1% 985.8

The yield increases up to 45.3% in increase of the rate of nitrogen from 0 to 160 kg N/ha applied separately. Fertilization with 240 kg N/ha results in a decrease of the yield compared to other variants, while towards the control the increase is with 8.9%. The same trend was established on a background P160 and P240. The differences are statistically well proven.

The yield increases in a direct ratio with the increase of fertilizer rate in nutrition with phosphorus separately. The greatest increase was obtained after fertilization with 240 kg P2O5 /ha -2 9030 kg/ha, or with 35.2 percent more compared to the control.

These results can be explained by the great responsiveness of root-- and tuber crops to the phosphorus-potassium fertilization. This is confirmed by the variants with potassium fertilization, applied separately. Greater increase in the yield on a background of K80 and K160 was observed in the use of 160 kg N/ha.

Statistically proven impact of mineral fertilization on yield gives a reason to determine also the corresponding regression equations expressing the relationship between the rate of nitrogen at background PK and plant productivity /Figure 1/. The adequacy is very good in all equations (R2 = 0,63 - 0,96).

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Figure 2. Dry matter content in tubers

The dry matter content in tubers varies averagely for the period from 20.3% after separately-fertilization with 240 kg N/da to 26.8% and 26.2% after fertilization N160P160 at a background 80 or 160 kg K2O/da /Figure 2/. The higher rates of nitrogen used both separately and on a background PK result in a

decrease of the value of this index. These results demonstrate the higher effect of the combined mineral fertilization on the quality of the produce compared to the fertilization with phosphorus and potassium, applied separately with 80, 160 and 240 kg N/da.

Figure 1. Amendment yield at different fertilization CONCLUSIONS:

1. The highest standard yield of potato is obtained after fertilization with N160P160K160 - 39420 kg/ha. The increase towards the control is 83.0%. The separately fertilization with nitrogen over 160 kg N/ha results in reduction of the standard yield. The effect of phosphorus fertilization on yield is the highest in a background 240 kg P2O5/ha, and of potassium

fertilization - in a background of 160 kg K2O/ha.

2. The equations of the curves expressing the relationship between rate of nitrogen, background PK and productivity of plants are determined by regression analysis. A trend towards decrease of dry matter in tubers with increase of nitrogen fertilizer rate applied both separately and on a background PK is established.


1. Fedotova, M. C. [2003]. The conditions mineral nutrition, productivity and quality potatoes. Agrochemistry, № 2, 31-36

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2. Atanasova, E. [2005]. Quality of the potato depending on the mineral fertilization. Soil science, agricultural chemistry and ecology., Years. XL, №1, 45-48

3. Dimitrov St., V Blagoeva. [1995]. Effect of fertilization and some soil on accumulation of nitrate in potatoes. Scientific papers of the Agricultural University, Vol. 2, 223-228

4. Dimitrov St. [1975]. Soil science and agricultural chemistry, №3

5. Nacheva, E. [2004]. Rozhen - a new Bulgarian potato variety suitable for fresh consumption and processing. Lucrari

stiintifice. Anale. Institutul de Cercetare - Dezvoltare Pentru Cartof si Sfecla de Zahar Vol. XXXI. Proceedings of EAPR Agronomy Section Meeting. Mamaia, Romania, June 23 - 27th 2004, Brasov, 57-65.

6. Petkova, V, Peneva IS. [2002]. Effects of high temperature and drought on chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in varieties and breeding lines potatoes. Scientific papers of the Union of Scientists, vol. II, 75-82

7. Nacheva, E. [2006]. Evaluation of the productivity components in potato breeding materials. J. Selekcia I semenarstvo. Plant breeding and seed production. Novi sad XII, Broj 3-4, 9-13

8. Dimitrov St. [1971]. PhD Tesis, Plovdiv, 185



Dintcheva Tsvetanka Ivanova

Assist. Prof. PhD, Maritsa Vegetable Crops Research Institute, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Boteva Hriska Manusheva

Assoc. Prof. PhD, Maritsa Vegetable Crops Research Institute, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Arnaoudov Boyan Dimov

Assist. PhD, Maritsa Vegetable Crops Research Institute, Plovdiv, Bulgaria


Effects of dosage levels for vermicompost and system of growing of tomatoes seedlings were observed to establish optimal conditions for young plants. The experiments were carried out with tomato cv. Nikolina F1, in Maritsa VCRI, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, during period 2014-2015 years. Two systems - traditional seed bed and modified floating system in five treatments were used: Control 1 - without fertilizers; Control 2 - with mineral fertilizers; Vermicompost 25% of substrate mixture; Vermicompost 50 % of substrate mixture; Vermicompost 75% of substrate mixture. Vermicompost 50% of substrate affected very well habit of plants from traditional seed bed: plant height 18,33 cm, stem fresh weight 3,47 g, diameter of stem 4,56 mm, 3,98 leaves with weight 2,51 g. Vermicompost 25% of substrate affected very well habit of plants from modified floating system: plant height 4,94 cm, stem fresh weight 0,29 g, diameter of stem 2,69 mm, 2,60 leaves with weigh 0,38 g. Seedlings from traditional seed bed have a strong plant habit than those grown in modified floating system.

Keywords: vermicompost, traditional seed bed, modified floating system, tomatoes seedlings

Growing seedlings of tomatoes in open field for late production in Bulgaria is a process which depend of climatic conditions, especially from temperature. Dry and hot weather is a precondition for death of young plants. That's the reason to looking for alternative methods for growing seedlings. To obtain good quality of seedlings in recent years some experiments were conducted in foam trays with different size of cells and enrichment of substrate mixture with organic fertilizers with broccoli and tomatoes [1, 2, 3, 4]. These results indicate the need to study optimum dosage levels for vermicompost and system of growing, with the aim to providing quality of tomatoes seedlings in open field.

Material and methods. The experiments were carried out with tomato seedlings, cv. Nikolina F1, in Maritsa VCRI, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, during period 2014-2015 years. Two systems of

growing seedlings were used: traditional seed bed and modified floating system. Traditional seed bed: seeds were sown in bed in soil, scattered, with food area of one plant about 11,56 cm2. Substrate mixture of peat moss and perlite 3:1(v/v), enriched with vermicompost according to variants was used to cover seeds. Modified floating system: seeds were sown in foam trays filled with mixture of peat moss and perlite 7:3 (v/v), enriched with vermicompost according to variants. The trays were 33 x 53 cm, with 70 cells (3,4 x 3,4 cm; 11,56 cm2 food area of one plant). Foam trays are situated in water beds (10 L water in 2 m2 per day). In both systems seeds were sown on June1. The experiment was conducted in 3 repetitions with 10 plants. The experiment finished 25 days after sowing. Soil samples from the top layer (0-15 cm depth), substrate mixtures and vermicompost were analyzed before sowing of seeds (Table 1).

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