EDUCATION - WARRANTY OF PROSPEROUS LIFE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — G' Sotiboldiyev

In this article highlights of education and its importance of society and human life, basis of education development.

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Текст научной работы на тему «EDUCATION - WARRANTY OF PROSPEROUS LIFE»

UDK 37.02

Sotiboldiyev G'., senior teacher Namangan Engineering-Construction Institute


Annotation: In this article highlights of education and its importance of society and human life, basis of education development.

Key words: education, prosperous life, pedagogical technology.

We are all disturbed by today's controversy in different parts of the world, including the bloody conflicts in the Middle East, Iraq, and Syria. Today, 781 million people in the world do not know how to read, that is, illiteracy. 45% of those who are illiterate are South Asia, 27% to African countries below Sahroi Kabir, 10% to East and South East Asia, 9% to North Africa and Western Asia, and 4% to Latin America and the Caribbean. But these figures have already begun to influence the growing US and European countries. The main reason for this is that we can recognize that spirituality is weakened. More than 805 million people are suffering from hunger. More than 46 million citizens from around the world are seeking asylum abroad. 58 million school-age children are unable to attend. Today, there is a global problem in the world. A journalist Sharofiddin Tulyaganov's "Global Issue: What's Life in the World?" Featured on Zamin.uz: "One out of every ten children living in Central and West Africa is called a Talyzer of any armed group. Modern "police boys" are regarded as a "bed sick" in a number of African countries. For example, in 2008, about half of the military units in the Democratic Republic of Congo said they had children. In Uganda, 70 percent of militants are children and teenagers. In this country, kidnapped militants are turned into soldiers and daughters to wives. In the African countries, militants are attacking the villages, first of all, kidnap children and use them to fight the government. Children who are trying to escape are shot at the same place. In some cases, there are cases where parents are willing to hand over their children to militants to ensure their own security. " These figures are now being used by forces that form the world of organized crime, terrorism, religious extremism, missionary work, and proselytism.

President Shavkat Mirziyayev in his speech at the United Nations General Assembly in New York on September 19, 2017, highlighted these issues: "The growing threat of terrorism in the world, especially in recent years, shows that the method of combating terrorism is not justified . In this case, it is often restricted not only to the major causes of threats, but also to the consequences of threats. I believe that the roots of international terrorism and extremism are, among other things, ignorance and intolerance. In this regard, it is the most important task of educating and educating the people, first of all, on the enlightenment of the minds of young people. Most offenses involving extremist activity and violence are committed by young people under the age of 30. Today's youth of the world are the largest generation in all human history, since they make up 2 billion people. The future of our planet depends on the well-being of our children. Our main task is to create the

necessary conditions for the youth to demonstrate their potential, to prevent the spread of the "virus" of the idea of violence. "In addition, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan called for the adoption of a special resolution of the UN General Assembly called" Education and Religious Tolerance ". The main purpose of this document is to provide the right of everyone to education and to eliminate illiteracy and ignorance.

We have established friendly relations with our neighbors, following the wise saying: "You will have peace in your neighborhood". In addition, close neighborly relations with the Republic of Afghanistan have been established. In particular, a number of partnerships have been established in the field of education. In particular, training at the Termez State University for Afghan youth was organized.

The use of international experience for the development of education system in Uzbekistan is crucial. Given the experience of developed countries, we can see that all of them have a special focus on education. Experts say that the best education system in the world is in Finland. Finland is one of the most developed countries in Europe. This is because of the lack of prestigious or ordinary schools in Finland and the fact that all schools belong to the state, they are equipped with the same equipment, writing many essays for independent thinking of children, the same attitude to all subjects, the comparison of one student with another, Finn schools were supposed to prepare the reader for independent living. Additionally, the presence of a great competition for the profession of teacher profession in Finland and the ability to work as a teacher in higher education is of particular importance. General secondary education in Finland is free of charge. This includes free obed, excursion, school buses, and books. As you know, Finland is a small country in Europe. It does not have significant natural resources, trade benefits, or other significant sources of income. At the beginning of the 20th century, Finland was one of the poorest countries in Europe. In those years, thousands of fines went to the United States, England, Germany and France as regular workers (labor migrants). At that time, the American servant called him a "finka." Nowadays, Finland is one of the world's leading analytical centers, according to which "the best country in the world", "Equal rights for men and women", "The most stable country in the world", "The safest country in the world", " worth Therefore, wide-ranging reforms in education in Uzbekistan are of great practical significance for addressing acute problems in this area. In particular, we can conclude that a number of reforms in the field of education: pre-school education, general secondary education, and a number of laws and regulations on higher education, and the large-scale funding from the state budget for these sectors.

In 2017, only 9 percent of those who want to study, have succeeded in enrolling, and this figure has dramatically increased in 2018. More than 100,000 students have been enrolled in this year, and various forms of education have been introduced. In addition, branches of higher education institutions are being established to improve the inclusion of young people in higher education. The main purpose is not to involve all of them in higher education, but to train leading specialists for the development of our state. On October 18, 2011 for the first time

the Uzbek-Russian media forum was held, on the eve of which was held an educational forum with participation of leading Russian higher education institutions. The main goal is to prevent young people from being exposed to such negative phenomena as terrorism, extremism and proselytism, which is not only the security of our country, but also the global problem of the whole world.


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2. N.T.Omonov N.X. Xo'jaev va boshqalar. Pedagogik texnologiya va pedagogik mahorat. Darslik. T.: 2009.

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UDK 39.33

Turaboyeva Y.R., assistant Andijan branch Tashkent state Agrarian University

Uzbekistan, Andijan city


Annotation: In this article highlights of agriculture, its importance of our country and the raising of agricultural culture.

Key words: agriculture, culture, development, farming system, modernization and integration.

In Uzbekistan, agriculture is one of the most important areas of the market economy. In Uzbekistan, the share of agriculture in agriculture is higher. Agricultural development is inextricably linked with the farming and dekhkan farming. In addition to cultivating these areas, it also implies the study of the culture of agriculture. Because it can be a growth and development in every aspect of culture.

Agriculture is a combination of people who live only in rural areas, deal with agriculture, lifestyles and so on.

Proof of systemic farming in Uzbekistan is the mention of it in this territory 9,000 years ago. This means that agriculture in modern Uzbekistan has a thousand-year history and testifies to the ancient experience of cultivating land, storing agricultural products, as well as its processing. Although the ancient people were engaged in agriculture mainly in water oases, agriculture was, nevertheless, a challenge of time and, accordingly, required lengthy experiments and accumulation of experience. Dekhkanin was forced not only to learn to overcome the difficulties of cultivating the land and its irrigation, but also to be able to deal with unpredictable natural conditions. This, however, led to an amazing technique and forms of agriculture and horticulture. Despite the harsh and sometimes disappointing climatic conditions, local dekhkans managed to achieve brilliant forms of farming. Starting

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