Научная статья на тему 'Education and geopolitics of the new world: new priorities, deadlocks and traps of development'

Education and geopolitics of the new world: new priorities, deadlocks and traps of development Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Moskvich Yuri N.

The analysis of the key challenges of modern education is given. The requirements of emerging innovative societies to the modern changing education are considered. The most important education deadlocks and traps in view of the new geopolitics, based on the creativity are discussed. A new model of geopoliticsgeopolitics of creativity is proposed.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Education and geopolitics of the new world: new priorities, deadlocks and traps of development»

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 9 (2013 6) 1251-1255

УДК 37.014.5:316.324

Education and Geopolitics of the New World: New Priorities, Deadlocks and Traps of Development

Yuri N. Moskvich*

Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University

them. VP Astafeva 89 Ada Lebedeva Str., Krasnoyarsk, 660049 Russia

Received 07.08.2013, received in revised form 14.08.2013, accepted 02.09.2013

The analysis of the key challenges of modern education is given. The requirements of emerging innovative societies to the modern changing education are considered. The most important education deadlocks and traps in view of the new geopolitics, based on the creativity are discussed. A new model of geopolitics - geopolitics of creativity is proposed.

Keywords: globalization, innovative society, education, geopolitics, based on creativity.

The world development is getting more and more non-linear. The main news that is very difficult to get used to is the drastic time shortening of changes of developed countries' residents' habitation techno sphere: they are becoming 5-7 times shorter than adult life. The observed world development acceleration is in the first place connected with the increase in the number of innovation waves. The new type economy significance becomes determining in the changing world, so we can speak about the new geopolitical mechanism of the world management. The factors related to the geographical distribution of creators and builders of the new society are becoming geopolitically important (Moskvich, 2007). Availability or nonavailability of the critical mass of the new type workers and employees starts to have a significant influence on the probability of the presence of this

© Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved

* Corresponding author E-mail address: moskvich@kspu.ru

or that country on the changing map of the world's economical and technological development. On the basis of this logic, the prosperous future of this or that country firstly depends on what interrelations of the two key groups of modern workers and employees will be - the groups of "creators" and "organizers"? the managers of new type of organizations.

Initially in the beginning of the 90-s of the last century the significance of the "creators" and "organizers" was considered equally significant for the development of society and especially "new economy" (Drucker, 1999). However soon, some ten years later, quite another paradigm became dominant, the paradigm of the priority significance of work of creators (Florida, 2005), who had to offer new ideas and concepts nonstop and make new discoveries for the increasing new demand waves, small and global problems.

The mankind development started to resemble the squirrel cage which may be in movement only when the squirrel runs in it without stop. Its absence ceases the fascinating movement.

The absence of creators is equally catastrophic for the development of mankind and separate countries. The deadlock of "simulation of creative abilities' development" or "soap bubbles of creative development" in education is the most significant by its consequences. The search of the way out of it is becoming crucial (Moskvich et al, 2013).

The intellectual geographical landscape of the country, its innovative culture landscape, its human capital space become the new factors and bases of the new geopolitics. The country survival in the tough competitive globalization world is defined now not only by the usual natural resources and geographical peculiarities of the country, but by the level and quality of the mastering of the needed knowledge, skills and competences by a significant part of its population. In the new world that country will be a leader which will succeed in the area of the mass "production" of the people of the new time, the country with the appropriate level of education. Geopolitics is not only the science but also the skill of managing the living space of the countries and civilizations. The new mechanism of management that is the changing education and upbringing, or maybe we should say upbringing and education calls for reconsideration of the important postulates of geopolitics. In the newest geopolitics not only the strength of mind starts to dominate (Dergachev, 2004), but in greater degree the strength of creation, the strength of human capital. "Clever power" into which the new human qualities needed by time are integrated inevitably comes to change "hard" and "soft" powers. It is important for his creative forces to be oriented at the creation of the principally new, solving the really important problem.

There are two strategies of the country conduct which are possible in this direction in the globalization epoch: attracting the gifted persons from other countries to the country (the strategy of the increase of the country's intellectual landscape variety) and the directed creation of the own growth points (the strategy of development of the new quality of public education and the change in the mentality and culture of the population's majority). In the latter case the availability of the generally accepted project of the future is a key one. The future arises from the sharpened wish of the available intellectual landscape transformation into the new type meeting the new conditions and challenges. Speculations on the topic "why change anything" are in fact agreeing to refuse from the development. "Clash of the future" is in this case inevitable and it can really become the second possible deadlock of the country development. The education apart from the new goal of the country development is not only "ramshackle" but even suicidally dangerous. This situation is comparable with the new glaciation and the full loss of Hartland of our country.

As not less dangerous deadlock of development there can become the non-systematic, non- directed accumulation in education of the translational type of unordered information and common knowledge by the pupils. Information is not knowledge in itself and the search of the needed knowledge should be accompanied by the acquisition of the new skill - the ability to forget the growing volume of information in general. Not common, but specialized knowledge is important in innovative creation. According to the famous expert in modern management Peter Drucker such "transition from common knowledge to the intergration of specialized knowledge turns the knowledge into the force able to create the new society" (Drucker, 1999). The required, constantly growing accumulation of such knowledge exceeds the human ability to control it; it is necessary to

teach the new generations in another way before working with knowledge, master it and get rid of the most of it. It will possible become the first task of the coming post-human.

There are objectively several potential traps in the traditional education which must be comprehended and purposefully overcome in the new education formation process. The most dangerous of them is "the moral emptiness trap". It arises from the established traditions of priority in knowledge formation (Humboldt doctrine), what is an intolerable terrible sin in the complexly arranged team "clever synergetic economy". Not less significant is "the lost development trap". It results from the radical change in family upbringing, a sharp competence of educational institutions for development resources. Both of them do not take into account the determining role of the sensitive periods of human development, according to which the main stage of man's development as personality completes in the early childhood (up to 7 years) - and that is where the main financial and intellectual resources of education should be concentrated. It is too revolutionary to overturn the financing pyramid from university to family and kindergarten to be implemented in short time period. The principle "not in time - late for ever!" is really apprehended in our country only by small part of the political class experiencing a lot of problems in education and oriented at other development goals.

There is another still hardly discernible "farsightedness trap" in education. It appeared and naturally settled down in the system of industrial general education, because the main goal of this education is the teaching persons with identical level of knowledge and skills, deprived of originality and creative aspirations, whereas the teachers' efforts are directed not to the children's positive inclinations development, but to the overcoming of their drawbacks. In

this teaching system the teacher is always in the role of a person who has just descended from the heights of knowledge with the sharply changed eyesight. The professional farsightedness becomes his lot; it does not notice the world of the child, the adolescent, the youngster nearby. The logical consequence of not- equal relationship between teachers and pupils is the professional haughtiness and aspiration to the comfortable life within the conquered spaces of "ebony tower" outside the actual problems. Apparently, this education type can not work in the case, when the education should be oriented at the personal charm, empathy, intellect, spirit of enterprise, innovative culture and ability to solve problems.

One more important trap creates the new global crises - "the trap of well known knowledge". It becomes more and more clear that our way of the world cognition based on the observations is limited, a short life of our "habitual knowledge" occurs more and more often. These limitations, in principle, make it impossible to foresee the unpredictable events, making strong impact on many social processes. This effect was named the effect of "black swan", whose gist is that it is hardly possible to predict anything basing on the previous experience and reading books (Taleb, 2007). Black swan is not just a hardly probable event - it is something which we could not even think of. Black swans' effect logic consists in that what we do not know is far more important than what we know today. Futurological blindness, according to Nassim Taleb the author of the Black Swan effect is our natural inability to take into account the properties of the future, similar to autism, which makes it difficult to take into account the existence of other minds. Apparently, the time of different cognition of the world and education has come, preventing such unexpected traps.

As the new generations; "adaptability" criterion for the forming realities of the changing

society there becomes their apprehension of material values post- primarity and re-orientation at the human abilities development tasks as the new time main resource (Dergachev, 2004). The forming new social order for the education should be, first of all, oriented at this.

The world of traditional geopolitical view is radically changing. The new development priority alongside with the habitual concept of geopolitics, i.e. the politics connected with country's geographical position peculiarities, calls for new concept of creapolitics, that is the politics connected with the creation of the necessary habitat and development of creative persons and conditions for their successful activity.

By analogy with the history of the transformation of the concept "ecology" into the creative myth of the public opinion a new notion - creatology - must appear and quickly become the fact of the public recognition. From this view point the the widening of the concept "geopolitics" is the natural and necessary step whereby the logical transition from geographical and ethnocentric models to psychological models is made as the personality development is directly connected with the personality psychological bases.

In reality, in the new history there emerges the new mutually complementary mechanism of the country's dynamic and purposeful

development, making it possible to implement the development strategies of countries with high geopolitical resources and to overcome their restrictions. The amazing success of the number of small countries (Finland, Malaysia, Ireland and others) in the last decades is the good example of such new development type.

Evidently, the new world formation is actually becoming the key factor of the selection of behavior ethics of a big number of new persons, possessing new values, skills and knowledge due to or despite the education. The observed synthesis of ethic values (the growth of the social, cultural, human capital of the country and its regions), the introduction of solidarity education practice in the modern education have a very important practical purpose - the arrangement of the world changing before our eyes. But they can become the basis for the achievement of another purpose - the implementation of the declared ideas of the "other", more human and controlled globalization - alter globalization. The geopolitics of the new world is objectively the limiting factor and counterbalance of the spontaneously developed globalization, because its main doer is the new person - "creating person", the new character of geopolitics. For it to occur it is necessary to look at the existing traps and deadlocks in the education from the other point of view.


1. Moskvich Yu.N., Creators and doers of the new world: from they where came and where they head. Judgment of the global world: collective monograph [Tvortsy i sozidateli novogo mira: otkuda prishli i kuda derzhat put. osmyslenie globalnogo mira: koll. Monografiya], Seriya: biblioteka aktualnoj filosofii] vyp. 1 (Series: Library of the urgent philosophy, issue 1 ), Krasnoyarsk: Publishing house «Litera-print», 2007, 176 pp., pp.5-56, URL: www.dialog21.ru.

2. Drucker,PeterF.,Post-capitalistsociety/Post-industrialwaveintheWest.[Postkapitalisticheskoe obschestvo / postindustrialnaya volna na zapade], Moscow, 1999

3. Florida R., Creative class: people who change the future [Kreativny klass: lyudi, kotorye menyayut buduschee], transl. from English, Moscow: Publishing House «Klassika-XXI», 2005, 421 pp.

4. Moskvich Yu.N., Diev V.S., Vestnik kgpu imeni V.P. Astafeva (Bulletin of KSPU after V.P. Astafiev) №2, 2013.

5. Dergachev V.A., Geopolitics [Geopolitika], 2004.

6. Taleb Nassim Nicholas., The Black Swan. The Impact of the Highly Improbable [Cherny lebed. Pod znakom nepredskazuemosti ] , Moscow: Publishing House KoLibri, 2009, -528 pp.

7. Inozemtsev V., «On modern inequality. Sociobiological nature of contradictions of the XXI century [Sotsiobilogicheskaya priroda protivorechij XXI veka ], sbornik «Postchelovechestvo» (collected articles "Post Humanity), «Algoritm», Moscow, 2007.

Образование и геополитика нового мира: новые приоритеты, тупики и ловушки развития

Ю.Н. Москвич

Красноярский государственный педагогический университет

им. В.П. Астафьева Россия 660049, Красноярск, ул. Ады Лебедевой, 89

Дан анализ современных ключевых вызовов образованию. Рассмотрены требования формирующихся инновационных обществ к меняющемуся образованию. Выявлены и рассмотрены важнейшие перспективы, тупики и ловушки развития образования с учетом геополитики нового времени, основанном на творчестве. Предлагается новая модель геополитики - геополитика творчества.

Ключевые слова: глобализация, инновационное общество, образование, геополитика, основанная на творчестве.

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