ECONOMISM AND COMMERCIALIZATION AS MANIFESTATION OF THE GLOBALIZATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
sociology of education / globalization / modern society

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Stryhul M., Khomeriki O.

The article provides a theoretical and methodological analysis of the impact of globalization on the educa-tional system through the prism of sociological analysis and, at the same time, identifies the main causes and components of the globalization of education in the context of educational practices and discourses. In the modern modernized society, where a significant role is given to the processes of informatization, globalization, McDon-aldization, westernization, educational processes and their influence on the functioning of society are of extraor-dinary attention. The sociological dimension of education is to consider the latter in the context of social interaction as one of the subsystems of the social system, as well as as one of the most important social institutions, performing a number of vital functions.

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Stryhul M.

Ph.D. (in Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Political Science,National Aviation University

Khomeriki O. Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Sociology and Political Science, National Aviation University


The article provides a theoretical and methodological analysis of the impact of globalization on the educational system through the prism of sociological analysis and, at the same time, identifies the main causes and components of the globalization of education in the context of educational practices and discourses. In the modern modernized society, where a significant role is given to the processes of informatization, globalization, McDon-aldization, westernization, educational processes and their influence on the functioning of society are of extraordinary attention. The sociological dimension of education is to consider the latter in the context of social interaction as one of the subsystems of the social system, as well as as one of the most important social institutions, performing a number of vital functions.

Keywords: sociology of education, globalization, modern society.

Before to define the influence of globalization factors on educational system, it's necessary to define a globalization essence as phenomenon of modern society, in concepts of social and humanitarian knowledge of the end of the 20th century term "globalization" became a key, giving a basis for understanding of the new welfare phenomena. However the variety of the ideas, their variety and versatility have caused existence of a research of the concept "globalization". In general, globalization is considered to be common problems concerning the world and also a consequence of integration processes such as the formation of the uniform world market, the distribution of goods, free exchange of goods and capital.

The American sociologists M. Castells and P. Evans claim that globalization has significantly changed the nature of the modern national states as the main organizers of accumulation of the capital and as carriers and creators of national identities. Gradual withdrawal of the national state from the higher education was expressed in particular in reduction of the state resources, competition strengthening. Still, traditional autonomy of educational institutions and their experts from the national states and the markets considerably decreases recently [4].

The American philosopher V. Volin expresses the point of view that globalization is a product and, in turn, line, that promotes growth of an economization of the society and the destruction of everything that is considered "public" whereas P. Evans perceives globalization as changes in character and ability of the national states. The American sociologist S. Margenson considers in the last continuous expansion of the markets, in particular in education and productions of knowledge, all this promotes a decrease in trust of society to the universities, institutes which strongly depend on the state resources.

The Mexican scientist D. Barriga recognizes globalizations as crisis of publicity and degradation of social trust in education characterizes by expression of constant problems on the way of efficiency, productivity, lack of justice and poor quality of large educational systems.

Till 1970 the higher education didn't expand the number of students, teachers and existence of financial resources. According to the World Bank (2010) indicators of coverage of students have grown from 9% to 14% from 1965 to 1975. Around the world, in the countries with the lowest and average level of income developing from 4% to 7% and in the countries with high income level from 20% to 33%. From 1980, however, the state resources for the higher education considerably have been lowered almost in each country. Tertiary expenses for education of one school student as a percentage were per capita cut by GDP from 16,3% to 77% in general from 1990 to 2005. With the low and average level of the countries from 25,9% to 91% and the countries with high income level from 39% to 26%.

According to the American sociologists Sh. Sloter, L. Lesley, I. Ordorika, globalization in the sphere of the higher education also substantially materializes thanks to the emergence of the new markets and the market relations of higher educational institutions and their "production". Acceptance of market practice or those procedures which try to imitate these practicians (the markets, pseudo-markets or the fictitious markets) became one of the most relevant characteristics of the modern higher education.

It's worth addressing the analysis of hierarchy of higher education in which the last at the global level represents the expression of the imperious relations. In this area the elite research universities interact directly with each other within the general global networks, within the national systems of higher education they are closely involved in policy of the government and also react on districts are more localized.

According to the French sociologist P. Bourdieu international field of higher education uneven, hierarchical and constant competing. The universities are located in this area on the basis of their historical circumstances, university traditions and local parameters, in particular, possession of financial and cultural achievements and also through the situation, accepting strategy which also historically caused [2].

Productivity of researches is fundamental in the creation of the university as institutions at the international and local levels. Their national popularity and influence on state policy depends on the productivity of researches more and more and complicates ability and readiness of this establishment in local problems.

Globalization of higher education has changed the relation to university ratings. Around the world the attention to the ratings of the universities is signed of the new world market. Comparisons reflect and enhance structure of these markets as the systems of the power. In this context of perception of institutional and individual competitions within the international market of the higher education strengthens business presence as practicians and problems. The officials' disturbance is in how to reach higher performance level of researches from the most effective levels of investments into material and human resources that is how to increase the academic productivity [5].

However, university ratings show rather uneven distribution of resources and the status. The greatest ratings now in the universities in the USA and Great Britain. English arises only global language for carrying out the international researches. More important the fact that national and state committees in support of the higher education take the lesser participation in the international support of the sphere of the higher education and its standards.

According to the Swedish sociologist B. Vitrok, despite great similarities between systems and institutes, in the world, there was no uniform idea of the university. On the contrary, various traditions of the university work at national, global or regional levels. Some models or traditions are defined by national borders or in certain cases post-colonial traditions, another connected with culture or geographical proximity.

Even while some of these models have more international influence, than others, all of them represent university traditions.

In this global era in which model, the ideas and policy freely interact through national borders it would be possible to expect that various traditions collectively contribute to the development international the higher education. Tendencies in the field of global standardization partially reflect emergence of the general principles and systems in the sphere of the higher education, but they also reflect cultural and material distinctions and inequalities.

For institutions, politicians and even teachers and students there have from around the world come hard times avoidance of the above-stated tendencies. In spite of the fact that separate cases of resistance were observed, the alternatives of the dominant model practically doesn't exist. To construct an alternative and to expand a concept of higher contribution of education to society, there is a need to be aware of homogenization of effects of productivity of policy, their influence on the narrowing of the purposes of the universities and negative consequences for social responsibility of the universities. It is for this purpose more and more important to understand character of concepts and concepts of research activity and productivity, which deeply connected with higher educational institutions which are focused on the market.


1. Slaughter S. Academic Capitalism: Politics, Policies, and the Entrepreneurial University / Slaughter S., Leslie L. - Baltimore - London: John Hopkins University Press, 1997.- 353 p.

2. Бурдье П. Социология социального пространства / П. Бурдье; [пер. с франц. Н.А. Шматко]. - Санкт-Петербург: Речь, 2005. - 211 с.

3. Гидденс Э. Ускользающий мир: как глобализация меняет нашу жизнь / Э. Гидденс -Москва: Весь мир, 2004. - 120 с.

4. Кастелльс М. Становление общества сетевых структур / Кастелльс М. // Новая постиндустриальная волна на Западе: антология / Под ред. В.Л. Иноземцева. - Москва: Академия, 1990. - 232 c.

5. Лесли Т. Политическая экономия Адама Смита / Т.Лесли - Москва : Прогрес, 1970. - 238 с.

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