ECONOMIC SUBSTANTIATION OF CALCULATION OF THE PROGRAM OF MAINTENANCE AND CURRENT REPAIR OF VEHICLES (MAN) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Xametov Z.M., Normatov I.I., Sobirov B.U., Isroilov A.I.

Meanwhile market economy, meeting unlimited needs from limited resources is one of our highest goals. Rational use of the raw material base will boost the country's economy. This, in turn, ensures cost-effectiveness and achievement of the desired goal by improving the products and services produced in various industries. Undoubtedly, the automotive industry is one of the leading industries today. Therefore, maintenance and repair work in this area is very important. With this in mind, we discuss in the article the analysis of the impact of internal factors affecting the maintenance and routine maintenance of vehicles.

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DOI 10.46566/2225-1545_2022_1_97_298

Xametov Z.M., candidate of technical science (PhD.)

Fergana Polytechnic Institute Normatov I.I. assistant

Andijan Machine building Institute Sobirov B.U., master Andijan Machine building Institute

Isroilov A.I. student

Fergana Polytechnic Institute



Abstract: Meanwhile market economy, meeting unlimited needs from limited resources is one of our highest goals. Rational use of the raw material base will boost the country's economy. This, in turn, ensures cost-effectiveness and achievement of the desired goal by improving the products and services produced in various industries. Undoubtedly, the automotive industry is one of the leading industries today. Therefore, maintenance and repair work in this area is very important. With this in mind, we discuss in the article the analysis of the impact of internal factors affecting the maintenance and routine maintenance of vehicles.

Key words: Maintenance, current repair, efficiency, consumption, shift,


Introduction Modern transport must meet the real conditions of the external environment (economic and technological) to ensure normal operation and growth in the market of transport services. Unfortunately, the technical base for the production of many vehicles today does not meet today's requirements. In addition, due to the obsolescence of development regulations and the inability to provide maintenance and repair programs for modern transports, the current repair costs have increased, so it is necessary to develop a scientific approach to this situation. The development of a program of maintenance and repair of modern cars requires the development of guidelines that meet modern requirements.

The task before us is to improve the methodology for calculating the maintenance and repair production program, the choice of vehicles based on the conditions of international transportation, to determine the specific cost of labor in the current repair work.

The object of the article is to improve the methodology for calculating the maintenance and current repair production program of a car service with high-resource rolling stock.

This article used the methods used to acquire new knowledge and evidence, discover new formulas, improve theory and develop practical recommendations, methods of collecting and processing scientific and practical data: observation, comparison, analysis.

The research method of selecting the solution of the selected specific problem requires a sequence of solving specific problems based on the conditions, requirements and limitations of the research. For example, the improvement of the calculation method of the maintenance and current repair production program determines the sequence: first the quantitative indicators (factors) are evaluated, then the qualitative indicators. These are a means of addressing the purpose of the study.

Rozhdestvenskiy, Yu.V., Ivanov, D.Yu., Gavrilov K.V., Levanov, I.G. "Modern problems and directions of development of constructions of cars".

Khasanov R.X. "Fundamentals of technical operation of automobiles."

Xamraev. Oh, Magdiev. Sh, Qodirov. T "Fundamentals of car service"

Usmonov. J "Regulations on maintenance of rolling stock of the Republic of Uzbekistan"

I also used foreign literature and internet materials.

From foreign scholars in the United States:

Jean-Paul Rodrigue «The Geography of Transport Systems»; Lester A. Hoel.Nicholas J. Garber. Adel W. Sadeklarning Transportation infrastructure Enjineering A Multimodal Integration;

Kimball, Cheryl. Startur. Start your own Transportation service Taxi. Limousine. Rideshare Trucking. Specialty. Medical Description;

Belyaev VM "Organization of automobile transport and traffic safety."

I used the literatures above to organize service work, perform technological calculations and identify modern trends in the subject.

There are special requirements for vehicles. The most important of them is environmental friendliness. Therefore, the article considers the least harmful to the environment.

In this literature, the operational characteristics of the process of transportation of vehicles by the method of calculation of the production program for maintenance and repair of rolling stock, are described in detail. The article reviews the truck service process using the literature mentioned above.

150 MAN will be put into practice by economically justifying the organization of maintenance of truck loads. The cost of the service is calculated and compared with the market price, the degree of competition is taken into account when creating a service program. the bank loan interest is charged on the funds required for the implementation of the project, the repayment period of

which should not exceed the condition.Such an economic justification is made in the following sequence:

1. Preliminary data on the organization of maintenance of 150 MAN trucks are given in Table 1.1.

2. The main fund and production fund of the organization of maintenance of 150 MAN trucks is calculated.

3. Calculation of the organization of maintenance of 150 MAN trucks, the annual volume of maintenance and the cost of preparation (per unit of service).

4. A production program will be developed for the organization of maintenance of 4,150 MAN trucks.Revenue from it is cost, gross profit, depreciation and amortization.

5. The payback period for the organization of maintenance of 150 MAN trucks.

6. Indicators of the use of fixed assets: return on assets is the number of revolving funds, annual labor productivity, profitability.

I. Equipment, resources involved in the service process, their market prices and consumption norms (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1

# Name of indicators Unit of measurement Value

1 Organization of maintenance of 150 MAN trucks Piece 1

2 The project cost is the introduction of mln.soum 692000

the organization of maintenance of mln.soum 950000*150=

150 MAN Euro-5 trucks mln.soum 142500000 151364000

4 ATC productivity in the current Repair system km/ day 72000

3 YMM standard:

Fuel Soum/lit 5500

Oil Soum/lit 24000

6 Number of employees: Drivers People 240

Repairmen People 45

7 Number of shifts Shift 2,0

8 The average salary of workers mln.soum. 4500,2500,1000

9 Number of working days per year Day 303

II. The main and maintenance fund for the organization of maintenance of 150 MAN trucks is calculated.

Also, the calculation of the service fund for the organization of work (cost) The cost of construction of the truck depot Fcons* 800= 8650*800=692000 mln.soum, The cost of freight cars 950000*150=142500000 mln.soum

Total freight cost of the car park 692000 +142500000= 151364000 mln.soum.

1)Fp = 151364000 mln. soum

3) Total fixed asset valueFt= 151364000 mln. soum

4) Working capital value Fw = Ft*0,14=151364000 * 0,14=20046880mln.


3) We find the total value of the production fund "XFp" XFp = Ft+ Fw= 151364000 +20046880= 163238880 mln. soum AFp= Fp *K=163238880*0,14=51583443 mln. soum K= XFp + AFp= 163238880+ 51583443=186092323 mln.Soum

III Annual maintenance volume and preparation cost (per unit of service) for the organization of maintenance of 150 MAN trucks

a) annual service volume:

X Q = dn1* Dwc= 72000*303=21816000 km/year, herein dn1 - Cargo ATK productivity 150 cars =72000 km/day Dwc - calendar days at work, 303 day

IV The cost of arranging maintenance for 150 MAN trucks will be found. Income is cost, gross profit, depreciation and amortization. We calculate the unit cost of the service provided at the station. The cost of manufacturing a production unit is found by the following model:

D1 = m1 +X1 + X2+ X3+ X4+ X3+ X6+ X8+ X9, m1 labor cost per unit of product

XI - fuel consumption

X2 - consumption of lubricants

X3 - the cost of preparing the equipment for use

X4 - tire consumption

X5 - depreciation expense

X6 - operating expenses

X8 - gross profit

X9 - Allocation of profits for the road fund

A) M1 - Calculation of monthly salary expenses for a machine worker (driver)

M1 = Tg*Cx*K/1,28 /XQ;

Herein: Tg - annual working hours of the designed bench Kd - coefficient of overfulfilment of the plan 1.2 Tg = Dwc* Tc* n* Ncw=303*7* 2* 120=538734hour/ year Dwc - number of workers 303 day Tc - shift duration 7 hours; n- number of shifts 2,0 Ncw - The number of cars in operation is 120

m1 = Tg *Cx*Kd *1,28 /XQ =538734*23788*1,28/21816000 = 752 soumm/km, herein

Tyear - Annual balance hour of the projected car park;

Tyear =Dwc*Tc*n*Np =303* 7*2*127=538734 hour/year, herein

Dwc -303- workers of the year;

Ts - shift duration, 7 s; n - number of shifts 2 Na - number of cars at work 127 cars;

Ct - (M/F)K1= 351060°200* 1,15=23788 soum/year, herein

M - the amount of the monthly salary of the equipment worker; 3500 mln.soum

F - monthly balance hour 169,2 hour K1 - fog coefficients 1,15;

Kd - the coefficient that takes into account the overfulfilment of the plan


j - the balancing factor of the equipment worker; £Lt - the total mileage of annual vehicles E) 0,28 - social allocations;

B) Fuel consumption X1=F1^*H1*K2 soum/km


X1=—*5500*1,03=2379soum/km 1 100 '

K2 - coefficient taking into account the winter period 1,03; F100 - fuel consumption is 42 liters per 100 km H1 - The cost of 1 liter of fuel 5500 soum/lit 3) Consumption of lubricants.

X2=X21+X22+X23+X24soum/km X2=302+30+30+30=392 soum/km

X2l=MlooНм*■-¡166soum/km 42

X21=0,03 *24000*—-^302soum/km 21 100




X22=0,003* 24000*^-30soum/km 22 100

X22= X23= X24=30soum/km

X2з=CMloo*Нс*F166 100

M1000 n

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24 1000

Hm— Price of 1 liter of oil 24000 soum

M100 - Fuel consumption per 100 liters is the standard for a truck - 0,033 Ht- Price of 1 liter of transmission oil 24000 soum TM100 - Price of 1 liter of transmission oil 24000 soum transmission oil standard per 100 liters of fuel (0,003)

Hg - Price of 1 liter of grease 24000 soum

GN100 - Price of 1 liter of grease 24000 soum grease consumption rate (0,003)

Consumption rate of 1 grease is the rate of consumption of grease per 100 liters of fuel (0,003)

M1000- Minor consumption and wiping materials per 1000 km

4)X3- the cost of preparing moving content for use X3=X31+X32+m2; soum/km X3=67+52+293=412soum/km

а) X31 - spare part consumption


31 1000 3


31 1000

Mspc - Spare part cost per 1000 km 28000 soum K3 - coefficient taking into account road conditions. K3=1.0- for the first category road K3= 1,1 For II and III category roads K3= 1,2 For IV and V category roads

б) X32 - consumption of materials


32 1000 3

X32=-* 1,3=52soum/km

32 1000

Mcm-Material consumption for 1000 km mileage 20000


H21- the number of car mechanics per car:

For the truck 0,33

1.3 The coefficient of comparison of the salary of a car mechanic with respect to the driver. This is 1.2-1.3 for freight and bus. 3) Tire consumption «X4»

,, Ht*n



X4=2000000* 14/140000=200 soum/km Ht - Price of 1 set of tires 200 mln.so'm Lt - tire life 140 m.km n - the number of moving tires is 14 6) The cost of restoring moving content Xs= K *En/XQ

Xs=186092323000*0,12/21816000= 1023 soum/km K - Balance sheet value of moving content.

Taking into account the loan interest for the ATK project 186092323 mln.so'm

En-0,13 normative coefficient of efficiency Dwc- working days of the year Lday - average daily mileage

7) «Xy» we calculate the incomplete cost Xy=m1+X1+X2+X3+X4+Xs=752+2379+392+412+200+1023 =5158 soum/km;

Xm=Xy+X6+X9= 5158+1612+483=7253 soum/km; X6= D1* ^6= 8059*0.20 =1612 soum/km

X9= D1* ^9= 8059*0.06=483 soum/km

We determine the share of incomplete cost in revenue nxy

nxy=1 -(^6+^8+^9)^6=0.20 ^8=0.10 ^9=0.04+0.02=0.06

nxy=1-(0.20 +0.10 +0.06) =0,64

8) We will determine the tariff on the account D1

D1=Xy/ nxy;

D1=5158 /0,64= 8059 soum/km

10) We define the annual production program L^; LXm; LX8 ^A1=A1* XL

L^1=8059*21816000=175815144000 soum/year LXm=Xm*I Q =7253*21816000=158231448000 soum/year LX8=L^1-LXm=175815144000-158231448000=17583696000 soum/year X'8=IX8*jsol=17583696000*1=17583696000 soum/year, herein Jtax - profit tax ratio (1).

1) We determine the internal capacity to repay the loan received ¿Xlun=IX5+IX'8 = 22317768000 +17583696000=39901464000


2)£Xs = Xs*IQ*jr=1023*21816000*1=22317768000 soum/year

We will determine the deadline for returning the capital investment received for the project to the bank. We will determine the minimum whitewash period of the designed truck palace.

To'k=£Fp /£Xm. =186092323:39901464000=4,66 year VI. We determine a number of indicators of the use of fixed assets: return on assets, the number of revolving funds, cost, productivity, profitability of production

IFp = Fm+ Fr= 151364000 +20046880= 163238880 mln. soum

AFp= Fp *K=163238880*0,14=51583443 mln. soum

K= ^Fp + AFp= 163238880+ 51583443=186092323 mln. soum

1) We determine the return ratio of the fund Krf

Krf =^D1/Fp=175815144000 /163238880000=1,07 soum/soum,herein

2) The effective volume obtained from modernization

3) E=£Xim.

4) We define productivity

a) technological workers

Ptech=ID1/PT=175815144000/254=692185 mln.soum/person, herein Ptech - number of technological workers (equipment workers and masters)

b) general workers

Pt=£D1/Pt= 175815144000/277=634711 mln.soum/person, herein

Pt=Ptech+ Pom=254+14+9=277 person, herein

Pom - other managers are 9 people and 14 repairmen

Table 1.2

Economic basis for improving the method of calculation of moving contents

maintenance and current repair proc luction program

# Indicators Symbols Unit of measurement Value

1 Project to improve the calculation method of the maintenance and current repair production program Np Com 1

2 Fixed assets IFm mln.soum 151364000

3 The volume of revolving funds Fr mln.soum 20046880

4 Capital for the project Fp mln.soum 186092323

3 Fund return Kfr soum/soum 1,07

7 Number of drivers Ptech Person 254

8 Total number of employees Pt Person 277

9 Labor productivity

- to technical workers Ptw mln.soum/person 692185

- general workers ngm m.so'm/person 634711

10 Total cost IXm mln.soum 158231448

11 Accounts receivable XD1 mln.soum 175815144

12 Net profit IPnp mln.soum 17583696

13 Annual fruit E mln.soum 39901464

14 The payback period of the investment Tpp Year 4,66

Economic efficiency indicators

Table 1.3

Names of indicators and units of measurement The value of indicators

1. Annual production costs for maintenance and repair mln.soum 186092323

2. The amount of annual cost reductions mln.soum 7583696

3. Payback period of capital investment 4,66

4. Cost-effectiveness of project implementation 39901464

It was concluded that the project to organize the maintenance of 150 MAN trucks was based on today's market demand.

Conclusion To conclude, in order to conduct an experimental study to test the idea that it is possible to determine the program of maintenance and current repairs for existing mobile enterprises of foreign-made cars, in the case of implementing the full idea of maintenance, cars We take into account the mileage of the walk in the regulations of the full complex maintenance. However, in each individual case, the impact of vehicle downtime on maintenance and its timing on the overall performance of the maintenance and maintenance production program can be seen in the calculations and tables above can be viewed.


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