Научная статья на тему 'Economic relations in integrated agroformations in the Republic of Kazakhstan'

Economic relations in integrated agroformations in the Republic of Kazakhstan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
organization / integration / economic relations / relationships / resources / mechanism / integration links

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Zamanbekova Altynshash Bolatovna, Uaisova Amina, Turdibakiyeva Raushangul Abdisalamovna, Kazakh Ablai Khan University, Akhmejanova Dilda Zhaishigalievna

The most important laws governing the functioning of development of agriculture in any country are the various forms of integration of enterprises and organizations engaged in the production of raw materials, their preparation, and storage, processing and marketing of the final product. In this regard, the role of integrated structures is based on market principles of management.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Economic relations in integrated agroformations in the Republic of Kazakhstan»

Section 9. Economics, organization and management of enterprises, branches, complexes

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/EJEMS-17-3-73-75

Zamanbekova Altynshash Bolatovna, Docent, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Department of International Tourism Management, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages E-mail: altinshash77@mail.ru Uaisova Amina,

Senior Lecturer, Department of International Tourism Management,

Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages E-mail: aminauaisova@mail.ru Turdibakiyeva Raushangul Abdisalamovna, Senior Lecturer, Department of International Tourism Management,

Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages E-mail: turdibakieva.r@mail.ru Akhmejanova Dilda Zhaishigalievna, Senior Lecturer, Department of International Tourism Management,

Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages E-mail: dilda-71@mail.ru


Abstract: The most important laws governing the functioning of development of agriculture in any country are the various forms of integration of enterprises and organizations engaged in the production of raw materials, their preparation, and storage, processing and marketing of the final product. In this regard, the role of integrated structures is based on market principles of management.

Keywords: organization, integration, economic relations, relationships, resources, mechanism, integration links.

Section 9. Economics, organization and management of enterprises, branches, complexes

The agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan represents a complex system for the production, processing and sale of agricultural products and food.

However, research shows that, due to imperfect market mechanism of economic management, and, first of all, inefficient economic relationships between agricultural, processing and other economic entities, lead to irrational use of the resource potential of agro-industrial production.

The organization of a multistructure economy, the reform of processing and service industries led to the destruction of the existing system of economic relations, including the agro-industrial integration and, ultimately, a reduction in volumes of agricultural products and food products that are not competitive both in domestic and foreign markets.

Integration (from the Latin Integer — whole) is the unification of economic entities, intensification of their interaction, developing links between them. Economic integration takes place both at the level of national economies of whole countries, and between enterprises, firms, companies, corporations. Economic integration is manifested in the expansion and intensification of industrial and technological relations, sharing the resources, aggregating total capital, creation of favorable conditions for economic activity, eliminating the mutual barriers.

Integration is a form of organization of production and management that accelerates productivity growth and contributes to the improvement of production relations. It also provides the economic entity with a complete set of funds for achieving the final results.

Economic relations between economic entities are built on commodity-money relations, taking into account complexity, efficiency, equivalence and responsibility.

The economic essence of the productive-economic relations mechanism is expressed in the exchange equivalent of the results of the labor of cooperating enterprises, aimed at ensuring their mutual beneficial participation in joint activities.

Having integrated into this or that structure, the managing subject acquires economic and financial stability and receives additional profit. The competition and the stability of the economic situation of enterprises are major conditions for the development, and integration is the key to economic stability of any enterprise. There are vertical and horizontal integration of companies.

The territorial aspect of AIC formation is based on the fact that its structure has specific features for each district, region, and region of the republic, related to soil-climatic, economic, social and other conditions. However, the principles of the formation and development of the AIC are identical and are conditioned by objective processes of agro-industrial integration at all levels of the national economy.

The main part of the agro-industrial complex is the food complex (FC), which accounts for 83-85% of gross output [1], representing a set of technologically, economically and organizationally related industries, united by a single ultimate goal — satisfying the needs of the population in food. In its economic essence, the food complex is an objective economic category, conditioned by the enhancement of the social division of labor and the development of productive forces [2; 3]. Its functional structure consists of consumer, sectors and territories. At the same time, the consumer structure is food product sub complexes with the production of final food products. Therefore, in terms of structure, the food sub complex is almost identical with agro-industrial complex, with the exception of the non-productive sphere with its non-food sub complexes (leather, karakul, fur, wool, etc.), producing fur and karakul products, woolen and cotton fabrics, shoes, etc. [4; 5].

An important component of the economic mechanism of the agro-industrial complex is the integration of agriculture with the processing industry. Here the concept of "connection" can be defined as an objectively conditioned interaction of two entities, since the social division of labor calls for the

exchange of its results between different spheres of production. Exchange acts as a norm of particular production links between integrated enterprises through which they are involved in the system of social production. The links established through the activity exchange results of the integrated enterprises are called "productive inter-branch relations" [6].

The study of the processes of agricultural cooperation has shown that the creation of agricultural production cooperatives in the region is held back for a number of reasons. In our opinion, the following can be attributed to such reasons:

- imperfection of the legislative base in the field of cooperation; - ignorance of the essence and principles of cooperative movement by the overwhelming majority of agricultural workers due to insufficient propaganda of cooperative formations in specialized literature and the media, as well as inadequate professional cooperative education in agrarian educational institutions;

- lack of state support for agricultural co-operatives;

- counteraction between the management and specialists of agricultural enterprises; lack of the initiative to establish a joint venture, since members of the cooperative have broader rights to participate in management, organization of production, in the dis-

tribution of income as well as solving other production and financial issues.

As a result of research, the author develops a model for the formation and functioning of integration of enterprises at the district and regional levels, including the mechanism of on-farm production and economic relations, which are discussed in the subsequent sections of the dissertation.

To activate the processes of integration of enterprises at the regional level, it is recommended oor-ganize inter-farm cooperatives for the maintenance, storage, processing and sale of products on the basis of existing servicing and processing enterprises, as well as open joint-stock companies or associations.

Based on the experience of the regional cooperative structures existing in a number of regions of Kazakhstan, it is expedient to develop and implement a comprehensive program for the development of cooperation and integration at the level of the districts of the Pavlodar region. The purpose of the proposed program for the development of integration of enterprises is to increase the efficiency of economic entities of the multi-sector agrarian sector of the region on the basis of creation and development, new production and economic relations in cooperative formations that are adequate to the requirements of a market economy.


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