Научная статья на тему 'Economic-ecological elements in neo-institutional economic theory'

Economic-ecological elements in neo-institutional economic theory Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Rubel Oleg Evgrnyevich

The article considers the Economic-Ecological Elements neo-institutional economics, economic and environmental transaction economics conventions.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Economic-ecological elements in neo-institutional economic theory»

Economic-ecological elements in neo-institutional economic theory

Section 14. Economics and management

Rubel Oleg Evgrnyevich, Institute of Market Problems and Economic-Ecological Researches of NAS of Ukraine, Senior Researcher E-mail: rubeloleg@gmail.com

Economic-ecological elements in neo-institutional economic theory

Abstract: The article considers the Economic-Ecological Elements neo-institutional economics, economic and environmental transaction economics conventions.

Keywords: neo-institutional economics, transaction, economic-ecological science

The institutional structures, as a rule, do not arise spontaneously because a special role in this process is played by the informal rules that determine the moral — ethical standards of behavior. With all the variety of institutional conditions in each country is dominated a certain model of the institutional environment, which reflects the level of economic development, social, cultural and historical features of society.

The purpose of this work is to describe the methodological transformations of neo-institutional economics in the process of its genesis, with special consideration of its thesaurus.

Realization of this goal requires a synthesis of the achievements of the various areas of economic knowledge presented in the following work. The institutional approach to the study of economic processes occupies a special place in modern science. The historic priority in the formation of an independent research program of institutional economic theory belongs to the American school. Fundamentals of its methodology are contained in the writings of T. Veblen, J. Commons, W. Mitchell [4; 18; 19]. Much later arise a new institutional economics, whose methodology was developed by R. Kose, D. North, O. Williamson et al. [19].

In the domestic scientific environment, the methodology of neo-institutional economic approaches studied by V. Geyets, A. Gritsenko, V. Dementieva [6]. The works of I. M. Vak-hovich, Z. V. Gerasimchuk, V. A. Golyan, B. M. Danilishin, V. M. Tregobchuk, M. A. Hvesik, I. A. Aleksandrova, A. I. Mar-tienko [1-7; 15; 16] are devoted to the institutional transformations in the economic and environmental sector.

However, it should be noted that in most cases we investigate the importance of an individual institutions while the characteristics of the institutional environment is still poorly understood. This category is either not considered at all, or it is given the secondary importance [18].

In modern economics the particular attention in the questions of property is given in general to the institutional theory. However, it should be noted that the institutional theory approaches to the issues of property from the legal point of view [5].

For the economic and environmental aspects there is not any unified concept or tools which provides it and covering all the stages of social reproduction of basic economic and superstructural (political, legal, scientific, educational, and others) relations of ownership to the natural objects [12].

The controversy arises from the fact that representatives of economic science consider that "property» is a legal category [9], and the legists believe that it is an economic category [1].

Property — is an economic category, through which is manifested the nature of relationship of social systems, collective groups of individuals, with the objects of the material world and the results of material production, its objects and things [1]. law Institute — is the system of unrelated legal norms, relatively isolated from the others, which are regulating certain group (type) of homogeneous social relations. Institutions of law are an essential link in the whole system of law. As a rule, each branch of law has certain law institutions as its independent structural unit [9]. The Environmental law institute -is a relatively isolated a set of environmental standards and principles that govern and protect the homogeneous ecological relationships [15].

Under the term opportunism (fr. Opportunism — opportunism from the Latin. Opportunus — comfortable, convenient, easy) is often enough understood the behavior, the aim ofwhich is to provide benefits by dishonest means (opportunism). B. Korniychuk believes [10, p. 245], that the opportunism is the behavior, which aimed at the pursuit of self-interest and is not limited by considerations of morality, that is, with the use of deception, cunning and guile. This view is shared by P. Milgrom and John Roberts, who believe that opportunistic behavior — is "selfish behavior which is not constrained by considerations of moral order" [14, p. 379]. Transaction realization of property relations are economic and legal relations on the transfer of economic and legal rights of the subject of natural capital and receiving an income from its operation, as well as all the other economic and legal rights and obligations according to the "bundle" of rights considered in the context

Section 14. Economics and management

of the ownership of natural resources [11]. The transaction may have a one-time character or repeated many times. It can be aimed at a complete change of ownership or only transfer the right of use of the natural capital.

Change processes of transactions can be classified as follows by areas of exchange of objects of the property:

— The transaction on the exchange of ownership and natural capital objects between the owner and user of natural;

— The transaction on the exchange of property to a natural capital object and execution by other subject the specific complex ofworks on protection, restoration and reproduction of natural resources;

— The transaction on the exchange of ownership to a natural capital objects and to the investment capital of its other owners;

— A loan transaction under the ownership for the objects of natural capital (mortgage) [12].

In our opinion the neo-institutional economic and ecological concept should be based on five "pillars". These pillars: economic and legal relations, economic relations of property, contractual relations and economic and environmental transaction, opportunistic behavior. Such a statement is intersected with the views of other Ukrainian scientists — institutional-ists, [11; 16].

Each of these "pillars" can be represented as a vertex of a pentagon (economic and legal relationship (L), the economic relations of property (P), the contractual relationship (C) and economic and environmental transaction (T), opportunistic behavior (O)), which is formed by vectors. The main vectors are forming an appropriate cycle: L^P; P^C; C^T; T^O; O^L.

Each of these vectors has its economic and environmental exegesis and institutional interpretation and can be described separately.

Connection between the economic and legal relations and the formation of economic relations of ownership is obvious, A.I. Martienko describes it as follows [11]: Institutional theory puts in the first place and focuses on the legal issues of expression and securing property. However, the legal issues of ownership are secondary and objectively reflect the basic relations of production, which are based on property relations [12].

The connection between the property (P) and contractual relationships (C) on the economic and environmental sphere is shown in the following ... Treaty, being an agreement between the various actors in the field of environmental management may include regulatory standards for the sides, establishing not only the rights and duties, but also specific rules of conduct . The main purpose of the contract is in the regulation of people's behavior in the framework of the law by designation of its borders and determine the consequences of violation of the relevant requirements [11, p. 10].

Interconnection between the contract (contract, Conventional) relationship (C) and transactions (T) has the following feature: not all types of transactions (eg, transaction rationing, transaction management, transaction transaction [22]) associated with the contractual relationship, but contractual relations are realized, usually through transactions.

As a rule, a contract (convention) is static, and the transaction is a dynamic display of the contractual relations.

Transaction - is a strategic relationship in the course of economic activity, the transactions - are actions that forms the motivation for economic activity.

Economic and environmental transaction can be considered as part of the deal of usage of nature, which, in its turn, can be described by the following heuristic formula:

Usage of nature = Transformation of resources + Economy-Environment transaction

Under the economic and environmental transaction is understood an elementary economic interaction between the subj ects of usage of nature, which determines the shape, direction, contents and motivation related resource transformation in the process of usage of nature.

The connection of transaction (T), including economic, environmental and opportunistic behavior (O) is manifested in the behavior of economic agents, which, in accordance with its own interests, prejudicing the interests of the partners, including environmental, economic and environmental interests.

A significant part of social institutions - traditions, customs, legal norms - is admitted to minimize the negative effects of bounded rationality and opportunistic behavior [2]. The intention of institutions to restrain opportunistic behavior of economic and economic-ecological studies is becoming a source of legal relations and legal institutions (L).


1. Methodological approaches of neoclassical direction of the economy are not enough demand in the process of forming the basis of modern economic reforms. However, namely the neoclassical theory, which describes the subtle mechanisms of self-regulation of a modern society based on economic, social and psychological motivation is able to clarify the processes of market formation as well as decisionmaking. As shown in the presented work the attribute of cyclic recurrence and coherence appears quite clearly in neoclassical economics.

2. Methodological commonality which is manifested in the properties of cyclic recurrence, systemic, synergies and special significance of communication mechanisms between the neo-institutional and economic and environmental (ecological) theory allows to use the methods of neo-institutional theory in the application for solving economic and environmental problems.


1. Aleksandrov I. O. Future of Ukraine: strategy of gait: monograph/I. O. Aleksandrov, O. I. Amosha, V. P. Antoniuk, I. V. Bagrova, N. A. Baltacheyeva, S. O. Bila, I. I. Homal, V. M. Hrinyova, L. I. Dmytrychenko, V. V. Dorofienko; Ukraine

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