ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF RISK IN ENTREPRENEURIAL ACTIVITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Tuleshova G., Zhansbaeva S.

The article examines the essence of the category of the concept of "risk" from the positions of various authors and approaches. The fundamental theoretical components of entrepreneurial risk based on the history of the emergence and development of this concept in the world economy are also presented.

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Tuleshova G.,

Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of OP "Economics" Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov

Zhansbaeva S. Master's student of OP "Economics" Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov


The article examines the essence of the category of the concept of "risk" from the positions of various authors and approaches. The fundamental theoretical components of entrepreneurial risk based on the history of the emergence and development of this concept in the world economy are also presented.

Keywords: risk, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial risk, risk management, risk minimization.

The concept of "entrepreneurship" in economic theory is divided into several stages depending on the specifics. The first stage of the concept of entrepreneur-ship is associated with the name of the classic "theory of entrepreneurship" R. Contillon. For the first time he defined the essence and content of entrepreneurship: "an entrepreneur is a person who buys goods at a certain price, but sells them at a higher price in the presence of the risk of volatile income" [1, p.27].

In classical economic theory, entrepreneurship was considered as a process of generating income under conditions of risk. Adam Smith was considered the founder of the theory of market economy, he used the term "entrepreneur" to imply the owner of the enterprise. Supporting R. Contillion's position, A. Smith presented the following: "the entrepreneur, being the owner of a certain capital, unequivocally risks for the sake of profit in order to achieve previously established commercial goals.

The ideas about the role of the entrepreneur were further developed in the work of D. Ricardo in his scientific work "Beginnings of Political Economy and Tax Education". D.Ricardo, being in favor of free entrepreneurial activity, considered it as an obligatory element of effective economic management. To reduce risk, the entrepreneur has to effectively combine the main factors of production: land, labor, capital.

Jean Baptiste Say paid great attention to the role of the entrepreneur in the economy, along with high praise for entrepreneurial activity, he recognized its importance in the creation of products [2, p.32].

In the early nineteenth century economic progress was driven more by active, educated, courageous, and business-minded people. Jean Baptiste Say sees the entrepreneur as an intermediary who seeks and uses the resources of production in order to satisfy the needs of the buyer. The demand for resources by the entrepreneur and the supply of resources by their owners determine their price, in particular wages, rents, and interest. There is a relationship between the demand for resources and the demand for the final product. Thanks to the entrepreneur, the value of products is distributed among the owners of productive resources, and the resources themselves are distributed among industries depending on needs. Thus, according to Jean Baptiste

Say, wages, interest and rent simultaneously depend on the demand for products [3, p.81].

Jean Baptiste Sayu distinguished between the income of the capitalist and the entrepreneur (which was not the case in the English classical school). He called income from capital as such interest, while he regarded profit as a reward for the entrepreneur's ability and activity. Jean Baptiste Say regarded entrepreneurship as a special kind of labor, but the income of entrepreneurs was objectively higher than the wages of workers, because of the higher qualifications available.

Schumpeter praised the general economic equilibrium theory of L. Walras, but noted its static, circular flow-like nature. There is no entrepreneurial profit in an equilibrium state. The economy becomes dynamic when significant discrete changes vary the state of equilibrium, with the entrepreneur (innovator) as the driving force of economic development. Schumpeter writes that the entrepreneur is characterized not only by property, but by special character traits: initiative, intuitio The entrepreneur carries out new combinations (innovations, innovations) of factors of production, which break the circular process and give the economy a dynamic character. The new combinations cover the following stages:

1) production of a new product;

2) implementation of a new technique;

3) development of a new market;

4) acquisition of a new source of raw materials;

5) using of new organization of production. n, readiness for risk.

As part of the introduction of innovation, the economy moves out of its former state of equilibrium, as the conditions of its functioning become different. It is at this stage as a result of innovation there is entrepreneurial profit, which disappears as soon as the innovative form of production turns into a traditional one. The transition of the economy from one equilibrium to another as a result of the actions of innovators is, in fact, what Schumpeter called economic development [4, p.42-46].

At the present stage in economic science the main emphasis is focused on the managerial function of en-trepreneurship. The phenomenon of the entrepreneur is

even more distant from the figure of the owner, the importance of the managerial role in the implementation of entrepreneurial activity increases.

In the theory of formation and development of en-trepreneurship deserves attention the interpretation of P. Drucker, B. Karloff, who associate entrepreneurship with innovation management. P. Drucker, introducing into economic science and economic practice the concepts of "entrepreneurial enterprise", "entrepreneurial society", "entrepreneurial management", connects the essence of entrepreneurship with the ability to identify, expand and implement business opportunities.

In general, the development of entrepreneurship theory is a type of activity that reflects the personal, economic and organizational, innovative, risk-taking nature of entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship of any kind is usually associated with risk, which is commonly referred to as economic or entrepreneurial risk. Risk is the probability of losses or reduction of income compared to the acceptable option. The main prerequisite for the emergence of entrepreneurial risk is the presence of competition and alternative solutions to certain issues of development of the enterprise, its effective functioning.

Entrepreneurial risk is a state of an entrepreneur due to the uncertainty of economic and other situations in conditions of lack of information, expressed in the inevitability of a constant choice in the process of doing business with the interaction of objective and subjective factors from a variety of options for one or another behavior, which may result in certain consequences for him, affecting his financial situation [5, p. 116-122].

In his article, B.A. Raizberg considers the meaning of risk in entrepreneurial activity, pays great attention to the evaluation of economic risk, and, which is very interesting, considers the psychology of risk, the attitude of entrepreneurs to risk and their behavior in a risky situation [6, p.56].

Historical experience shows that the risk of failure to obtain the intended results especially became apparent with the universality of commodity-money relations, competition of participants in economic turnover. Therefore, with the emergence and development of capitalist relations various theories of risk appear, and the classics of economic theory pay much attention to the study of risk problems in entrepreneurial activity.

In business, risk is the threat of the loss of resources invested in the production process, the shortfall in the planned income or the emergence of additional costs. It can arise at any stage of production and in any area of business: the risk of losing a material supplier, the risk of choosing the wrong marketing strategy, the risk of hiring an incompetent person for a key position, etc.

There are many risks associated with a variety of socio-economic relations, with the risk of loss in business. At present there is no generally accepted and at the same time complete classification of risks in economic theory. This is due to the fact that there are many different types of risks, new types of risks appear, and

one type of risk can be expressed in different terms. At the same time, it is very difficult to single out certain types of risk.

The organization of entrepreneurial activity is associated with a variety of economic risks, which are associated with emerging socio-economic dangers. These include, first of all, the danger of losing profits or the danger of not receiving anything. The word risk is of Spanish-Portuguese origin and means danger. Consequently, an important point in the organization of entrepreneurial activity is to create a system of economic security of the firm (organization), which will allow to protect the commercial firm (business), that is, the protection of the information, the loss of which may lead to losses. In this regard, the following areas of business security can be distinguished: legal, insurance, ensuring physical and personal security, organizational and managerial and administrative, engineering and technical, educational and educational [7, p. 147]

In general, in entrepreneurial activity, risk can be understood as the probability of failure to obtain the planned result in the implementation of activities. The process of risk management in entrepreneurial activity is connected, first of all, with the analysis of all the factors that create the external and internal environment of the process of economic activity. It is practically impossible to avoid risk in entrepreneurial activity, but it can be minimized. And it depends on how professionally and correctly the entrepreneur himself acts, what strategy he will choose within the framework of risk reduction. Therefore, knowledge in the field of risk management is necessary for the organization of a successfully developing business. There is a direct correlation between the dynamics of the level of risk and the dynamics of profitability, namely: the higher the average profitability of an operation, the higher the risk associated with it. Consequently, it is practically impossible to increase the profit without increasing the risk or to decrease the risk without decreasing the profit.


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5. Busygin, A.V. Entrepreneurship. Textbook / A.V. Busygin. - M.: INFRA-M, 2012. - 608 p.

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Халекеева З.П.

Независимый соискатель кафедры «Финансы» ТГЭУ


Khalekeyeva Z.

Independent researcher of the Department of Finance, TSUE


В статье рассмотрено основные задачи предприятия, такие как материальные потоки и получение прибыли. Правильное управление материальными запасами, минимизация запасов с обеспечением хозяйственной деятельности могут быть залогом процветания предприятия и его конкурентоспособности на рынке. К тому же, рассмотрено функционально правильное управление запасами на предприятиях, внедрение современных механизмов финансового управления в практику хозяйствования предприятий, которое способствует повышению производительности труда работников, связанные со всеми структурами предприятия в целом.


The article considers the main tasks of the enterprise, such as material flows and profit. Proper management of inventories, minimization of inventories with the provision of economic activity can be the key to the prosperity of the enterprise and its competitiveness in the market. In addition, the functionally correct inventory management at enterprises, the introduction of modern financial management mechanisms into the practice of enterprise management are considered, which helps to increase the productivity of employees associated with all structures of the enterprise as a whole.

Ключевые слова: финансовое управление, товарно-материальный запас, эффективное управление, методы управления запасами.

Keywords: financial management, inventory, effective management, inventory management methods.


В нынешних условиях экономики становится актуальным совершенствование организации управления предприятием и, прежде всего, процессом производства, эффективным использованием финансовых, материальных ресурсов, материальных запасов и т.д. В настоящее время необходимо вооружить финансовых менеджеров целенаправленной системой методов и алгоритмов обоснования наиболее эффективных управленческих решений по отдельным аспектам финансовой деятельности, внедрить современные механизмы финансового управления в практику хозяйствования предприятий. Вопросы материально-технического обеспечения в последние годы выходят на одно из первых мест в области управления финансами предприятий [1].

Эффективное управление материальными ресурсами повышает прибыль и обеспечивает необходимые инвестиции. Для поддержания высокой прибыльности и ликвидности значительную роль играет управление текущей деятельностью предприятий, в частности управление материальными запасами. Управление товарными запасами направленно на повышение рентабельности и скорости обращения вложенного капитала[2]. Оно предусматривает на стадии формирования товарных запасов - контроль уровня товарных запасов и обоснования оптимального объема заказов, на стадии реализации товарных запасов - изменение объемов и причин создания товарных запасов и разработка

политики реализации сверхнормативных товарных запасов.

Теоретические основы исследования.

Материально-производственные запасы, являясь предметом труда, обеспечивают вместе со средствами труда и рабочей силой производственный процесс организации. Они целиком потребляются в каждом производственном цикле и полностью переносят свою стоимость на стоимость производимой продукции (работ, услуг).

Материальные запасы - различные вещественные элементы производства, используемые в качестве предметов труда в производственном процессе. Они целиком потребляются в каждом производственном цикле и полностью переносят свою стоимость на стоимость производимой продукции. Для правильной организации учета материалов важное значение имеют их научно обоснованная классификация, оценка и выбор единицы учета.

Производственные запасы в данном случае понимаются в более широком смысле, нежели просто сырье и материалы, необходимые для производственного процесса, а именно к ним относятся сырье и материалы, включая малоценные и быстроизнашивающиеся предметы, незавершенное производства и готовая продукция, а также и товары для предприятия[3]. Для финансового менеджера предметно-вещественная природа запасов не имеет особого значения; важна лишь общая сумма денежных средств, омертвленных в запасах в течении технологического (производственного) цикла; именно

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