ECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS IN THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN AND THE WAYS OF SOLVING THEM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Ismailov A.A., Omarbaeva L.K.

This article examines the environmental problems of some Central Asian countries associated with the intensive development of the resources of the Caspian Sea shelf, the degradation of the Aral Sea ecosystem, the functioning of mining and metallurgical industries in the Fergana Valley, deforestation, the use of subalpine meadows and steppes for agricultural land, the construction of various hydraulic structures in combination with agricultural development of the territory, intensification of agriculture, which lead to the climate change, ozone layer depletion, biodiversity reduction, desertification and land degradation, destruction of the ecosystem balance of our planet. The main directions of the solution of environmental problems of the region are considered through the development and consistent, maximum effective implementation of the state environmental policy for the formation of modern environmental legislation corresponding to the requirements of the time, the creation of an optimal system of state management of environmental management and protection of the environment, ensuring the optimal financing for rational use of natural resources and environmental protection, high effect investment in environmental protection, attracting the broad sections of the population to the environmental protection, organizing the environmental monitoring at the local and regional levels, educating the environmental literacy, environmental culture and environmental awareness in the human being, and focused training of environmental specialists in the fields of techniques, technology, law, sociology, biology, hydrology in the countries of Central Asia and Kazakhstan.

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C. o L. S Ismailov A. A., Omarbaeva L. K.

Kazakstan, Shymkent s, South Kazakhstan State University

Abstract. This article examines the environmental problems of some Central Asian countries associated with the intensive development of the resources of the Caspian Sea shelf, the degradation of the Aral Sea ecosystem, the functioning of mining and metallurgical industries in the Fergana Valley, deforestation, the use of subalpine meadows and steppes for agricultural land, the construction of various hydraulic structures in combination with agricultural development of the territory, intensification of agriculture, which lead to the climate change, ozone layer depletion, biodiversity reduction, desertification and land degradation, destruction of the ecosystem balance of our planet.

The main directions of the solution of environmental problems of the region are considered through the development and consistent, maximum effective implementation of the state environmental policy for the formation of modern environmental legislation corresponding to the requirements of the time, the creation of an optimal system of state management of environmental management and protection of the environment, ensuring the optimal financing for rational use of natural resources and environmental protection, high effect investment in environmental protection, attracting the broad sections of the population to the environmental protection, organizing the environmental monitoring at the local and regional levels, educating the environmental literacy, environmental culture and environmental awareness in the human being, and focused training of environmental specialists in the fields of techniques, technology, law, sociology, biology, hydrology in the countries of Central Asia and Kazakhstan.

Keywords: ecology, environment, environmental problems, environmental legislation, nature, nature usage, ecological education, ecological sense of justice, ecological policy, nature protection financing, biodiversity

Introduction. Mankind enters to the new Era of its history; its most characteristic feature is the emergence of the global environmental problems. It already lives in a collapsing world in the face of an ever-growing cruel ecological crisis that is turning into a crisis of the whole civilization. Global problems are generated by the contradictions of social development, the sharply increased scale of the impact of human activities on the world around them and are also associated with the uneven socioeconomic and scientific and technological development of the countries and regions.

Methods (methodology of the experiment). Methods of achieving the research goal are the application and use of the following methods: general scientific methods (historical method, logical, analysis, synthesis, system method, functional method); private scientific (statistical method, method of modeling, method of concrete sociological research, method of socio-legal experiment, comparative method); special legal methods (formal-logical, comparative-jurisprudence, historical).

This research will be based on an integrated approach to developing the mechanisms for addressing environmental problems that occur in some regions of the Central Asian Republics - such as air pollution, water resources, irrational use of natural resources, climate change, etc.

The methodological basis of this research is: sociological, environmental, legal studies of domestic and foreign scientists, state and public figures affecting the problems of environmental safety of society and the state, ways and forms of resolving the environmental problems, the studied regions.

The problems of the environmental character are also inherent in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In most regions of the country, the environmental situation is not only unfavorable, but also catastrophic. These are the problems associated with the intensive development of the resources of the Caspian Sea shelf: depletion and contamination of water resources; use of trans-boundary rivers, impact of polygons of military space and test facilities. The problems of the Caspian and oil and gas pollution are acute because of the continuing rise in the level of the Caspian Sea. The Aral ecological crisis in a number of global catastrophes of the world occupies a special place and is a consequence of the largest anthropogenic interference in the natural environment on the planet. The degradation of the ecosystem of the Aral Sea also caused the serious socio-economic consequences for the region. A special emphasis in the aggravation of the environmental situation in the Karaganda region was made by the activity of "Baikonur" complex, the "Sary-Shagan" military missile test site, and the consequences of the long-term operation of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. A complex ecological situation in the basin of the Lake

Balkhash was caused by the construction of the Kapshagay hydroelectric complex, in which the state of the natural complex of the Ile zone was not taken into account, which caused significant harm to the muskrat and fish farms, agriculture and livestock of these places.

The enterprises of the oil and gas complex of Aktyubinsk, Atyrau, Mangistau, Kyzylorda and West Kazakhstan areas have a negative influence on air pollution. Also, the most harmful manufactures are available: in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Shymkent, Taraz, Aktyubinsk (lead-zinc, lead-phosphate, chrome enterprises, phosphor industry, etc.). So, for example, a critical situation has developed in the cities of Taraz, Temirtau, Pavlodar, Zhezkazgan, Ekibastuz. Aktobe. Almaty, Shymkent. where the concentration of harmful emissions in the air as much as possible exceeds the maximum permissible norm [1].

Almost the same situation is in other Central Asian Republics. For example, one of the most important types of anthropogenic impacts on landscape complexes in the south of Kyrgyzstan is the construction of various hydraulic structures in combination with agricultural development of the territory, intensification of agriculture, road, urban and mining industries. As a result of such impacts, the following environmental problems arose in the south of Kyrgyzstan.

There is a danger of contamination of the Fergana Valley by radioactive and heavy metals. In particular, in Kyrgyzstan there are 4 uranium production waste storages in the territory of Minkush, the danger of which is that in case of an avalanche, a landslide, warehouses can be flooded and radioactive waste can get to the rivers Naryn and Kokomeren, through them to the Toktogul reservoir, providing water supply of the Fergana Valley. The total area of the pollution is 61,000 sq.m. and the maximum dose of irradiation is 30-100 micro R/h. [2].

As a result of the consumption of natural resources in mountainous areas (deforestation, conversion of pastures to takyrs, use of subalpine meadows and steppes under agricultural lands), soil erosion is spreading, the hydrological regime is being violated and mudflows and landslides are increasing year by year. Currently, most landslides occur in the south of Kyrgyzstan. The main cause of landslide processes is the anthropogenic factor, i.e. our careless attitude towards nature and irrational use of its resources.

With the extensive use of land resources, the areas of natural complexes such as walnut-fruit, juniper and spruce forests, pastures, steppes, etc., have been greatly reduced. As a result of the reduction in the area of natural ecosystems, the species diversity of the plant and animal world has decreased. For example, over the past 50 years, the area covered by forests in the republic has almost halved - from 1.2 million hectares to 680,000 hectares, including walnut-fruit forests - by 62 %; archaids - 2.3 times, spruce - almost 2 times.

Currently, more than 60 plant species, 18 species of insects, 49 species of vertebrates are on the list of endangered species. Populations of the red wolf and the river otter have almost disappeared on the territory of the republic. On the verge of extinction are the gazelle and the marmot.

Further reduction of the areas of walnut-fruit, archaid forests will have tragic consequences not only for Kyrgyzstan, but for the entire Central Asia, because most sources of water originate in these forests. And if the forests are exterminated at the same rate, by the year 2020 the majority of small streams and rivers will dry up and this process will spread to larger rivers.

The problem of reducing biological diversity is one of the most difficult environmental problems for the future of mankind, since it is impossible to restore a disappeared species in principle.

Deforestation, environmental pollution and other anthropogenic factors cause a decrease in the species diversity of flora and fauna. The fact is that for today science has convincingly proved that physicochemical parameters of the environment and natural resources were created by the vital activity of microorganisms, plants, animals for more than three and a half billion years of existence of life on earth. And now, without a clear understanding of the role of life of different organisms in the creation of the past, present and future biosciences, the solution of ecological problems and rational nature is inconceivable.

In fact, a person, regardless of natural laws, has achieved that nature began to act against man. For example, the honeycomb is more human in Kyrgyzstan remains under a landslide, as happened, for example in the village as Tosoy, the intensive mud flows every year destroy the cities, villages, farmlands and so on. This makes us recall the pessimistic statement of V.Lamarck. "You might say. -He warned at the beginning of the nineteenth century that the appointment of a person as it is concluded in destroying your gender, preliminary making the globe unfit for habitation" [3]. The results of sociological surveys are such that the population is more concerned with crime and high food prices than with the environmental situation around them.

The environmental factor of the development of society persistently declares its priority. If we cannot breathe with air, can't drink water, and can't eat food, then all social problems lose their meaning.

64 № 2(30), Vol.5, February 2018


Naturally, the question arises as to how to solve my environmental problems. Of course, this is a very difficult task, especially with the difficult economic problems of our Central Asian Republics.

Solving the global problems, in our opinion, requires the formation of a new environmental and legal worldview. To overcome the ecological crisis and the consistent solution of environmental problems, mankind needs a completely new and valuable legal worldview. His scientific and philosophical basis can be the doctrine of the noo-sphere, in the development of which a great contribution was made by the Russian natural scientist, Academician V. I. Vernadsky. It is permeated with the idea of humanism, aimed at transforming relations with the environment in the interests of free thinking humanity as a whole.

The basis for the formation of a new environmental and legal worldview can be a rethinking on the basis of modern natural and social knowledge of the theory of natural law and natural justice. At the same time, the problem of restoring the long-lost healthy connection between man and nature and the correlation of the legal norms on which a person lives or should live, with natural imperatives arising from the laws of the development of nature, needs to be solved. When educating, forming an ecological outlook, these truths must be taken as a basis. Recognizing his life as the highest value, one must learn to appreciate all life on Earth in order to resolutely re-arrange the conditions of joint the life of mankind and the nature.

Especially it should be noted that environmental problems should be solved at the level of the state - the executive and especially the legislative branches of power. It is necessary to carry out socioeconomic reforms, which should be based not on economic but on environmental interests. These interests should be taken into account when locating the objects of the national economy. Conducting socio-ecological and economic expertise of possible impacts in the implementation of projects should become the norm, the work of nature protection and rational nature management should become an element of state policy.

Results and discussion. On the topic "Environmental problems in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the ways of solving them"a round table was held where the professor-supervisors' staff of the cathedra of Civil Law and Civil Procedure of the South Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezov, the Head of the Department of Ecology of the South Kazakhstan District's Committee of the Environmental Control Regulation and State Inspection in the Oil and Gas Complex of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Meyrbekova B.K. and the Vice deputy of this department Utebaeva R.S. took part; An application was submitted for the participation in the grant competition for the scientific projects for 2018-2020 years in the priority area: "Rational use of natural resources, including the water resources, geology, processing, new materials and technologies, safe products and structures".

Conclusions. To solve the environmental problems of the Central Asian Republics, it is necessary to carry out the social and economic reforms, which should be based not on economic but on the environmental interests.

It is necessary to create the system of special legislative acts in the field of the environment, the acts of natural resource legislation and the ecologization of the following branches of law -administrative, civil, entrepreneurial, tax, financial, criminal law; form a mechanism to ensure the implementation of legal environmental requirements; legislatively regulate the strategy of environmental protection; to organize the management proceeding not only from the administrative-territorial, but also the natural-geographical zoning of the country, to create a legal mechanism for ensuring the maximum effect of capital investments in the sphere of nature management and environmental protection.

One of the recent trends is related to the democratization of environmental law. This is manifested in the creation of organizational and legal conditions for the participation of interested public groups and citizens in the preparation and adoption of environmentally significant economic, managerial and other decisions. In this regard, it is necessary to solve the problem of education of ecological literacy, ecological culture and ecological sense of justice among the citizens, to prepare the specialists - ecologists.


1. Ecology of Kazakhstan. http://www.dishisvobodno.ru/eco_kaz.html

2. Ecological situation in Kyrgyzstan. French-Kyrgyz Ecotourism Association. https://www.larevuefranco-kirghize.com/pdf/kirghizstan/ecologie-Kirghizstan-ru.pdf

3. Lamarck Zh. B. Analytical system of positive human knowledge, obtained directly or indirectly from observations./Selected, works in 2 vol. M., 1959. P.442.

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