Ukrainian Journal of Ecology
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 2020, 10(1), 55-61, 10.15 4 21/2 0 2 0_9
Ecological-coenotic features of rare flora species of pine-oak
stands of Volyn Polissya
S. O. Glinska, S. S. Shtokalo, D. V. Lyko, Ya. V. Stepaniuk, L. K. Savchuk
Rivne State University of the Humanities, Ukraine
E-mail: [email protected] Received13.01.2020 Accepted13.02.2020
Anthropogenic influence on the natural vegetation of Voiyn Poiissya threatens the existence of habitats of rare and endangered species of flora. Therefore, the region, unique in botanical and geographical terms, is gradually losing its specific vegetation characteristics. Having analyzed the literature data, herbarium data and materials of our own field studies in 2016-2019, we have compiled a list of rare and endangered species of pine-oak stands. In the habitat of pine-oak stands 89 rare species were found, 29 of which are listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine, while SHene iithuanica is included in the European Red List. 3 species (Cypripedium cacceoius, Trapa natans Ta Caidesia pamassifoiia) are included into appendices of "The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora". 10 species are subject to protection according to the appendix of "Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats" 56 species are regionally rare species for the flora of the Volyn region, 4 species are rare species of pine-oak stands. In our research we have analyzed the age range, density and recovery index for the species studied. The study found that for 63 rare species the dynamics of species abundance and distribution are satisfactory. The area of distribution and the number of 7 species is increasing: Aiium ursinum, Gaianthus nivalis, Piatanthera chiorantha, Anemone syivestris, Campanula persicffoiia, Corydaiis cava, Isopyrum thaiictroides In the study area 14 species grow sporadically: Juniperus communis, Potentiiia alba, Digitalis grandffiora, Gymnocarpium dryoptheris, Daphne mezereum, Neottia nidus-avis, Epipactis heiieborine, Scorzonera purpurea, Asparagus officinafis, Iris sibirica, Adonis vernaiis, Cephaianthera damasonium, Gentiana cruciate, Gentiana pneumonanthe. Dissemination information for Caidesia parnassffoiia, Succiseiia infiexa, Genisteiia sagtttais, Salix myrtiiioides, Ophiogiossum vuigatum is insufficient for establishing species dynamics and needs further investigation. The conservation of pine-oak stands in Volyn Polissya will help to create the conditions for the growth of rare and endangered species of flora.
Keywords: Rare species; Population; Age spectrum of the population
Anthropogenic influence on the natural vegetation of Volyn Polissya threatens the existence of habitats of rare and endangered species of flora. Therefore, the region, unique in botanical and geographical terms, is gradually losing its specific vegetation characteristics. Information about the rare species of the flora of Volyn Polissya is given in the works of researchers, which mainly covered information about their geographical distribution (Vandas, 1986; Pachoski, 1900; Macko, 1937; Andrienko, et al., 2004, 2009). The current status of rare flora species of pine-oak stands of Volyn Polissya has not been sufficiently investigated, there are no satisfactory data on the geographical location of the localities and the state of the populations of the species, there is no general analysis of the horological patterns. The purpose of the research is to establish ecological-coenotic features of rare flora species of pine-oak stands of Volyn Polissya.
To achieve this goal, the following objectives were set:
- To compile a list of rare and endangered species of flora;
- To conduct a sozological analysis of rare species;
- To establish dynamic trends in the geographical distribution of rare flora species.
Therefore, studying the features of the current distribution of rare flora species, monitoring their status and population structure is an urgent and important task, without which there are risks of the extinction of some rare species from the natural flora of the region.
Objectives and Research Methods
Field studies of rare and endangered species were conducted from 2016 to 2019. During this time, locations known for literary and herbarium data were checked and new rare species were found. Field surveys were carried out annually using forwarding methods in the territory of the Lopatyn, Ozersk, and Zviriv Nature Conservation Departments of Kivertsi National Natural Park "Tsumanska Pushcha".
For each botanical permanent sampling area (BA) a passport was established, a geobotanical description was made, and the age spectrum of the population was analyzed. Phytocoenotic descriptions were performed by the method (Rabotnov, 1978). Population age structure and their types by age composition have been studied by methods (Uranov, 1975; Rabotnov, 1978). The analysis of
the coenopopulations of rare species of flora was carried out on the basis of the quantitative ratio of plants of different ontogenetic states in permanent sampling areas. The study identified four age groups: juvenile (j), immature (im), virginal (v) and generative (g). For the analysis of the dynamics of self-sustaining population, the RI - renewal index was used as the ratio of the number of preregenerative specimens to the number of generative plants.
Results of the research
Information on the distribution of rare species of flora is given in the works of researchers of Volyn Polissya. For the outskirts of the Tsuman village four rare species are listed as habitats: Betula humilis Schrank., Anemone sylvestris L., Cimicffjga europaea Schipcz, Clematis recta L. (Vandas, 1886). By studying the flora of Polissya, the author points at seven habitats of rare species of the studied area: Cypripedium calceolus L, Platanthera bffoiia (L.) Rich., Betula humiiis, Anemone sylvestris, Meiittis sarmatica L., Cimicffjga europaea, Clematis recta (Paczoski, 1900). In describing the vegetation cover of the projected reserve "Yulana Area" in the vicinity of Lutsk are given Gladiolus imbricatus L., LHium martagon L., Anemone sylvestris, Campanula cervicaria L., Clematis recta (Macko, 1937). 21 species of vascular plants from the Red Data Book of Ukraine were found within the Kivertsi National Nature Park "Tsumanska Pushchä' (Caldesiaparnassifoiia (L.) Parl., Aliium ursinum L., Galanthusnivalis L., Gladiolus imbricatus, Carex umbrosa Host., LHium martagon, Cephalanthera longffoiia (l.) Fritsch., Cypripedium calceolus, Dactylorhzza incarnata (L.) Soo., Dactylorhiza fuchsii(Druce) Soo., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz., Epipactis atrorubens (Hoffm. ex Bernh.) Besser., Neottia nidus-avis (L.) Rich., Platanthera bffoiia, Platanthera chlorantha (Cust.) Rchb., Betula humiiis Schrank., Genistella sagittafis (L.) Gams., Salix myrtilloides L., Iris sibirica L., Succisella inflexa (Kluk) G. Beck., SHene fithuanica Zapai); 9 regionally rare species (Astrantia major L., Polypodium vulgare L., Ophioglossum vulgatum L., Gymnocarpium dryoptheris (L.) Newm., Cimicffjga europaea, Nimphaea candida C. Presl., Campanula persicffoiia L., Mefittis sarmatica, Trolfius europaeus L.); 3 rare species (AquHegia vulgaris L., Nimphaea alba L., Lonicera xylosteum L.) (Andrienko, et al., 2004). During the study of flora of the Volyn region, the habitat of rare species for Kivertsi National Nature Park "Tsumanska Pushcha" is given for: Lycopoduum annotinum L., Allium ursinum, Galanthus nivalis, Carex umbrosa, Lilium martagon, Cephalanthera longffolia, Cypripedium calceolus, Dactylorhzza incarnata (L.) Soo., Dactylorhzza fuchsii, Epipactis helleborine, Epipactis atrorubens, Neottia nidus-avis, Platanthera bffoiia, Platanthera chlorantha, Betula humiiis, Genistella sagittaiis, Salix myrtilloides, Astrantia major (Andrienko, et al., 2009). The Red Data Book of Ukraine provides information on the protection of the following species in the study area: Caldesia parnassifoiia (the reserve of the national value "Kormin" and the general zoological reserve of the local value "Devil's Swamp"); Succisella infiexa (landscape reserve "Kormin"); Genisteiia sagittaiis (local reserve "Lopatynska Dibrova").
Having analyzed the literature, herbarium data and materials of our own field studies (Glinska et al. 2017, 2018; Shtokalo et al. 2017, 2018), we have compiled a list of rare and endangered species of pine-oak stands. The list was based on the species listed in the "Red Data Book of Ukraine" and the dominant species of the "Green Data Book of Ukraine", in the Appendices of "The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora", "Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats" and other international rare plant lists, at "List of rare and endangered plant species in the Volyn region" (Table 1).
Table 1. Rare and endangered species of flora in the lists of species in need of protection. -ae
№ Flora species
Diphasiastrum camplanatum (L.) Holub
Lycopodium annotinum L.
Caldesia parnassifoiia (L.)Parl.
Adonis vernalis L.
Allium ursinum L.
Galanthus nivalis L.
Carex umbrosa Host
Gladiolus imbricatus L.
Iris sibirica L.
Lilium martagon L.
Cephalanthera damasonium (Mill.) Druce Cephalanthera longffolia (L.) Fritsch. Cephalanthera rubra (L.) Rich. Cypripedium calceolus L. Dactylorhiza incarnata (L.) Soo Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) Soo_
ai r
o o
Q ■o
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io a
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a) .x rr aRr par
■a c
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b c
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X TJ c
e p
i o a e
a c
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e p
+ + +
Dactyiorhiza majaiis (Rich.) P.F. Hunt et Summerhayes + +
Epppactis palustris (L.) Crantz + +
Epppactis heiieborine (L.) Crantz + +
Epppactis atrorubens (Hoffm. ex Bernh.) Besser + +
Neottia nidus-avis (L.) Rich. + +
Piatanthera bffoia (L.) Rich. + +
Piatanthera chiorantha (Cust.) Rchb. + +
Betuia humiis Schrank +
Siiene iithuanica Zapai. +
Succisella infiexa (Kluk) G. Beck +
Genistella sagittaiis (L.) Gams +
Saix myrtiiioides L. +
Trapa natans L. + +
Aconitum variegatum L. Astrantia major L. Anemone sylvestris L. Poiypodium vulgare L. Vinca minor L.
Lerchenfeidia fiexuosa (L.) Schur Daphne mezereum L. Wolffia arrhiza (L.) Horkel ex Wimmer Ophiogiossum vuigatum L. Actaea spicata L.
Gymnocarpium dryopthheris (L.) Newm.
Campanula cervicaria L.
Campanula sibircca L.
Genista germanica L.
Chimaphyiia umbeiiata (L.) W. Barton
Dentaria glandulosa Waidst. et Kit.
Meitttis sarmatcca L.
Poiygaia amareiia Crantz
Trifolium aipestre L.
Thfoiuum montanum L.
Acer pseudoplatanus L.
Cimicifuga europaea Schipcz.
Troiiius europaeus L.
Ceratophyium submersum L.
Digitalis grandifiora Mill.
Aquiiegia vulgaris L.
Potentiiia alba L.
Hepatcca nobiiis Mill.
Hedera helix L.
Primula eiatior (L.) Hill.
Dentaria buibifera L.
Nimphaea alba L.
Nimphaea candida C. Presl.
Gypsophiiia panicuiata L.
Clematis recta L.
Thesium iinifoiium L.
Pyrethrum corymbosum (L.) Scop.
Erynguum planum L.
Sempervivumruthenicum Schnittsp. et C.B. Lehm.
Inula heienium L.
Meiampyrum arvense L.
Campanula pers'icifoiia L.
Lonccera xyiosteuma L.
Isopyrum thaiictroides L.
Corydaiss cava (L.) Schweigg et Koerte
Sperguia morisonii Boreau
Scorzonera humiiss L.
Scorzonera purpurea L.
Prunella grandifiora Scholl.
Gentiana cruciata L.
Gentiana pneumonanthe L.
Asparagus officinaiis L.
Aliium vineaie L.
Circaea intermedia Ehrh.
Stachys recta L.
Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.)Woynar ex Schinz et Thell. Andromeda poiifoiia L._
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Dianthus pseudosquarrossus (Novak) Klok. Pulmonaria angustifoiia L. Juniperus communis L. Total
+ + +
56 4
As shown in Table 1, 89 rare species habitats have been found in pine-oak stands, 29 of them are in the Red Data Book of Ukraine, and Silene lithuanica is listed in the European Red List. 3 species (Cypripedium caiceoius, Trapa natansTa Caidesiaparnassffoiia) are included into Appendix of "The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora". 10 species are subject to protection according to the Appendix of "Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats" 56 species are regionally rare species for the flora of the Volyn region, 4 species are rare species for pine-oak stands. To monitor the status of populations of rare flora species, Botanical Permanent Sampling Areas (BA) have been established in the
Nature conservation Research Branches (NCRB) of Kivertsi National Nature Park "Tsumanska Pushcha":
BA - 1 - Lopatyn NCRB SE "Tsuman Forestry" Partisan Forestry, quarter 11, section 1, with an area of 22 hectares
BA - 2- Lopatyn NCRB Berestyane Forestry, quarter 9, section 24, 3.0 hectares.
BA - 3 - Lopatyn NCRB SE "Tsuman Forestry", quarter 6, section 34, 2.8 hectares.
BA - 4 - Lopatyn NCRB SE "Tsuman Forestry", quarter 2, section 5, 4.1 hectares.
BA - 5 - Lopatyn NCRB SE "Tsuman Forestry", quarter 41, section 6, 1.3 hectares.
BA - 6 - Zviriv NCRB SE "Tsuman Forestry" Moshchanytsia forestry, quarter 74.
BA - 7 - Ozersk NCRB Volyn Forestry of SE "Lviv Military Forest Multi-unit Enterprise", quarter 38, section 15, 3.0 hectares.
BA - 8 - Ozersk NCRB Volyn Forestry of SE "Lviv Military Forest Multi-unit Enterprise", quarter 38, section 13, 3.0 hectares.
BA - 9 - Zviriv NCRB SE "Tsuman Forestry" Horyn forestry, quarter 49.
BA - 10 - Lopatyn NCRB Berestyane Forestry, Kormin area, quarter 25, section 6, 5.7 hectares.
BA - 11 - Lopatyn NCRB Berestyane Forestry, Kormin area, quarter 44, section 26.
BA - 12 - Lopatyn NCRB Berestyane Forestry, Kormin area, quarter 25, section 20, 2.2 hectares.
BA - 13 - Lopatyn NCRB SE "Tsuman Forestry" Partisan Forestry, quarter 26, section 3, with an area of 25.5 hectares.
BA - 14 - Lopatyn NCRB SE "Tsuman Forestry" Partisan Forestry, quarter 26, section 3, with an area of 25.5 hectares.
BA - 15 - Ozersk NCRB Volyn Forestry of SE "Lviv Military Forest Multi-unit Enterprise", quarter 38, section 15, with an area of 3.0
BA - 17 - Ozersk NCRB SE "Kivertsi Forestry" Trostianets forestry, quarter 58.
Population age range, density, and renewal index (RI) were analyzed for the species studied (Table 2).
Table 2. Age range of populations of rare flora species in permanent sampling areas.
a e
C O '.5
Age groups
Galanthus nivalis L.
Im oc.
V oc.
E o o
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2016 27 3,5 87 11,3 153 19,8 504 65,4 771 53
2017 48 4,4 143 13,3 231 21,4 657 60,9 1079 64,2
2018 41 3,8 137 12,6 267 24,5 643 59,1 1088 69,2
2019 44 4,7 123 13,0 169 17,9 610 64,5 946 0,55
2016 37 4,4 73 8,8 232 27,9 491 58,9 833 0,70
2017 59 5,9 114 11,3 270 26,8 563 56,0 1006 0,79
2018 41 4,1 98 9,8 283 28,2 582 58,0 1004 0,73
2019 48 5,0 107 11,1 275 28,6 533 55,3 963 0,81
ursinum L.
2016 7 10,8 11 16,9 17 26,2 30 46,2 65 1,17
2017 10 11,4 21 23,9 23 26,1 34 38,6 88 1,59
2018 12 15,0 15 18,8 16 20,0 37 46,3 80 1,16
2019 12 15,0 17 21,3 21 26,3 30 37,5 80 1,67
2016 277 10,3 812 30,1 786 29,1 823 30,5 2698 2,28
2017 249 9,3 783 29,2 814 30,4 836 31,2 2682 2,21
2018 283 10,4 796 29,3 795 29,3 843 31,0 2717 2,22
2019 261 9,9 754 28,5 801 30,3 831 31,4 2647 2,19
2016 373 9,4 2536 63,7 719 18,0 356 8,9 3984 10,19
2017 BA-5 2018 389 253 9,6 6,5 2448 2359 60,4 60,9 746 783 18,4 20,2 469 476 11,6 12,3 4052 3871 7,64 7,13
2019 271 7,1 2275 59,7 802 21,0 465 12,2 3813 7,20
Dentaria glandulosa Waldst. et Kit.
2016 17 2,9 21 3,6 225 38,6 320 54,9 583 0,82
2017 BA - 4 2018 21 12 3,5 2,0 23 26 3,8 4,4 235 253 38.8 42.9 327 299 54,0 50,7 606 590 0,85 0,97
2019 16 2,7 29 4,8 251 41,8 305 50,7 601 0,97
Dentaria bulbifera L.
2016 16 1,3 21 1,7 759 61,9 430 35,1 1226 1,85
2017 BA-3 2018 21 11 1,6 0,9 34 42 2,7 3,3 783 753 61,2 58,4 441 483 34,5 37,5 1279 1289 1,90 1,67
2019 7 0,6 28 2,2 742 58,5 491 38,7 1268 1,58
2016 5 2,3 14 6,3 56 25,3 146 66,1 221 0,51
2017 BA-4 2018 4 9 1,8 4,1 9 12 3,9 5,5 61 73 26,8 33,2 154 126 67,5 57,3 228 220 0,48 0,75
2019 15 6,1 14 5,7 54 22,1 161 66,0 244 0,52
Isopyrum thalictroides L.
2016 2 1,3 3 1,9 14 9,1 135 87,7 154 0,14
2017 BA - 3 2018 3 6 1,8 3,4 6 5 3,6 2,8 17 14 10,2 7,9 141 153 84,4 86,0 167 178 0,18 0,16
2019 7 4,0 6 3,4 18 10,2 146 82,5 177 0,21
2016 8 3,4 11 4,7 57 24,3 159 67,7 235 0,48
2017 BA - 4 2018 3 1 1,3 0,4 9 5 4.0 2.1 46 59 20,4 25,0 167 171 74,2 72,5 225 236 0,35 0,38
2019 5 2,3 7 3,3 48 22,4 154 72,0 214 0,39
2016 8 3,3 12 5,0 38 15,8 182 75,8 240 0,32
2017 BA - 5 2018 5 3 1,9 1,1 10 7 3,8 2,5 47 51 18,1 18,5 198 214 76,2 77,8 260 275 0,31 0,29
2019 4 1,5 15 5,5 46 17,0 206 76,0 271 0,32
Anemone sylvestris L.
2017 0,0 217 15,1 813 56,6 407 28,3 1437 2,53
BA - 6 2018 15 0,9 243 15,1 897 55,9 451 28,1 1606 2,56
2019 21 1,4 267 18,0 805 54,2 393 26,4 1486 2,78
Cephalanthera damasonium (Mill.) Druce
2017 0,0 1 2,4 8 19,0 33 78,6 42 0,27
BA - 7 2018 0,0 1 2,4 6 14,3 35 83,3 42 0,20
2019 0,0 0,0 4 22,2 14 77,8 18 0,29
Epipactis helleborine (L) Crantz.
2017 0,0 1 12,5 2 25,0 5 62,5 8 0,60
BA - 7 2018 0,0 0,0 1 12,5 7 87,5 8 0,14
2019 0,0 0,0 2 28,6 5 71,4 7 0,40
2017 0,0 1 3,1 4 12,5 27 84,4 32 0,19
"At n , „ 2018 Panas's" 0,0 0,0 2 7,4 25 92,6 27 0,08
2019 0,0 0,0 1 3,3 29 96,7 30 0,03
LUium martagón L.
2017 0,0 8 8,4 51 53,7 36 37,9 95 1,64
BA - 8 2018 0,0 3 3,1 57 58,8 37 38,1 97 1,62
2019 0,0 0,0 9 90,0 1 10,0 10 9,00
Dactilorhiza majaiis (Rchb.) Hult. et Summerhayer
2018 0,0 5 11,1 12 26,7 28 62,2 45 0,61
BA - 9
2019 0,0 1 3,6 11 39,3 16 57,1 28 0,75
2018 0,0 2 14,3 5 35,7 7 50,0 14 1,00
BA - 10
2019 0,0 0,0 6 60,0 4 40,0 10 1,50
2018 0,0 1 8,3 3 25,0 8 66,7 12 0,50
BA - 11
2019 0,0 0,0 5 50,0 5 50,0 10 1,00
Dactilorhiza incarnata (L.) Soo'
2018 0,0 1 12,5 2 25,0 5 62,5 8 0,60
BA - 11
2019 0,0 0,0 1 16,7 5 83,3 6 0,20
Iris sibirica L.
2018 0,0 0,0 1 20,0 4 80,0 5 0,25
BA - 12
2019 0,0 0,0 2 25,0 6 75,0 8 0,33
Betula obscura A. Kotula
2018 0,0 0,0 0,0 4 100,0 4 0,00
BA - 13
2019 0,0 0,0 0,0 1 100,0 1 0,00
Platanthera bifolia (L.) Rich.
2018 0,0 3 11,5 7 26,9 16 61,5 26 0,63
BA - 14
2019 0,0 5 14,3 12 34,3 18 51,4 35 0,94
Astrantia major L.
2016 5 7,8 8 12,5 34 53,1 17 26,6 64 2,76
2017 2 3,1 4 6,3 39 60,9 19 29,7 64 2,37
BA - 15
2018 6 8,1 10 13,5 32 43,2 26 35,1 74 1,85
2019 4 5,6 7 9,7 38 52,8 23 31,9 72 2,13
Silene lithuanica Zapal.
2018 1 3,3 4 13,3 4 13,3 21 70,0 30 0,43
BA - 17
2019 3 7,0 5 11,6 6 14,0 29 67,4 43 0,48
Studies have found that the highest population density recorded was the following: Allium ursinum - 4052 specimens/100 m2; Anemone sylvestris - 1606 specimens/100 m2; Dentaria bulbffera - 1289 specimens/100 m2; Galanthus nivalis - 1088 specimens/100 m2; Dentaria glandulosa - 606 specimens/100 m2. Populations of Orchidaceae have low quantity and density, right-sided spectra of ontogenetic states dominated by generative individuals: Cephalanthera damasonium - 18-42 specimens/100 m2; Epipactis helleborine - 7-32 specimens/100 m2; Dactilorhiza majaiis - 10-45 specimens/100 m2; Dactilorhiza incarnata - 6-8 specimens/100 m2; Platanthera bifoiia - 26-35 specimens/100 m2. Population Betula obscura consist of 1 tree about 80 years old, seed reproduction is not observed. In January 2019, three trees were killed as a result of the storm.
Having analyzed the literary information, herbarium data and materials of our own field research, we have compiled a list of rare and endangered species of pine-oak tree stands of 89 species. The study found that for 63 rare species population dynamics and distribution of species is satisfactory. The area of distribution and the quantity of 7 species is increasing: Allium ursinum, Galanthus nivais, Platanthera chlorantha, Anemone sylvestris, Campanula persicffoiia, Corydais cava, Isopyrum thaictroides. In the study area 14 species grow sporadically: Juniperus communis, Potentilla alba, Digitalis grandfflora, Gymnocarpium dryoptheris, Daphne mezereum, Neottia nidus-avis, Epipactis helleborine, Scorzonera purpurea, Asparagus officinafis, Iris sibirica, Adonis vernais, Cephalanthera damasonium, Gentiana cruciate, Gentiana pneumonanthe. Distribution information on Caldesia parnassffoia, Succisella inflexa, Genistella sagtttais, Salix myrtilloides, Ophioglossum vulgatum is insufficient to establish the species dynamics and needs further investigation. The importance of preserving the species in this area is difficult to quantify. It is extremely important to preserve species that are confined to meadows and wetlands specific to the study area: Gladiolus imbricatus, Iris sibirica, Dactylorhiza incarnata, Dactylorhiza fuchsii, Dactylorhzza majaiis, Epipactis palustris, Betula humiiis, Succisella inflexa, Genistella sagtttais, Salix myrtilloides, Trapa natans. Preservation of pine-oak stands of Volyn Polissya will help to create conditions for growth: Diphasiastrum camplanatum, Cephalanthera damasonium, Cephalanthera longifolia, Cephalanthera rubra, Epipactis
helleborine, Epipactis atrorubens, Neottia nidus-avis, Platanthera bifoiia, Platanthera chlorantha, Si/ene iithuanica, Dianthus pseudosquarrossus, Cimicifuga europaea, Primula elatior
Andriienko, T. L., Konishchuk, V. V. & Priadko, O. I. (2009). Ridkisni vydy sudynnykh roslyn Volynskoi oblasti [Rare species of vascular plants of Volyn Region]. Zapovidna sprava v Ukraini [Nature Conservation in Ukraine]. 15(2), 20-26. [in Ukrainian]. Andriienko, T. L., Kliestov, M. L., Khymyn, M. V., Priadko, O. I., Onyshchenko, V. A., Kot, A.S. & Hryhorenko, S.O. (2004). Bioriznomanittia Tsumanskoi pushchi ta pytannia yoho zberezhennia [The biodiversity of Tsumanska Pushcha and its conservation issues]. Kyiv: Fitosotsiolohichnyi tsentr [in Ukrainian].
Glinska, S., Shvets, H., Shtokalo, S. & Nykytiuk, T. (2017). Rarytetni vydy flory Kivertsivskoho natsionalnoho pryrodnoho parku "Tsumanska pushcha" [Rare species of flora of Kivertsi National Nature Park "Tsumanska Pushcha"]. Mynule i suchasne Volyni ta Polissia. Kivertsivshchyna ta Olyka v istorii Ukrainy ta Volyni [Past and present of Volhynia and Polissia. Kivertsi district and Olyka in the history of Ukraine and Volyn]. 62, 439 - 443. [in Ukrainian].
Glinska, S.O, Shvets, H.I. & Shtokalo, S.S. (2018). Poshyrennia rehionalno-ridkisnykh vydiv u Volynskii oblasti [The distribution of
regionally rare species in Volyn region] The 2d International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problemy ekolohii ta evoliutsii
ekosystem v umovakh transformovanoho seredovyshcha" [Problems of Ecology and Evolution of Ecosystems in Transformed
Environment] (11-12.10.2018, Chernihiv). Chernihiv : Desna Polihraf. 185-188. [in Ukrainian].
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (1999). Kyiv. [in Ukrainian].
Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (1998). Kyiv. [in Ukrainian].
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