Научная статья на тему 'Ecological and economic efficiency of the horizontal impervious screen for localization of toxic and radioactive waste'

Ecological and economic efficiency of the horizontal impervious screen for localization of toxic and radioactive waste Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
horizontal screen / impervious diaphragm / “wall in the ground” / ecological-economic impact / application area / горизонтальный экран / непроницаемая диафрагма / «стена в грунте» / эколого- экономический эффект / сфера применения

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — A. Galinskyi, A. Meneylyuk, A. Petrovskyi

Purpose. The definition of the ecological and economic impact and efficient use of the horizontal impervious screen in dependence on the depth of location of the impermeable soil layer. Methodology. Synthesis, analysis, mathematical methods. The technique of definition of harm size caused by pollution and clogging of land resources through violation of environmental legislation, developed by the Ministry of environmental protection and nuclear safety of Ukraine. Findings. The initial date for definition of harm size caused by pollution and clogging of land resources after horizontal impervious screen arrangement is selected. The disadvantages of governmental technique are found and the method of improvement is developed. Originality. The governmental technique of definition of harm size caused by pollution and clogging of land resources was improved. Practical value. There was made environmental effect assessment of HIS adoption in water permeable soils combined with imperfect impervious diaphragm (ID), carried out by means of “diaphragm wall” in case of natural waterproof layer of soil absence Аlso the ecological-economic effective application of HIS compared with perfect ID buried into a natural waterproof layer of soil was determined.

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Цель. Определение экологического и экономического влияния, путей эффективного использования горизонтальных противофильтрационных экранов в зависимости от глубины залегания водоупора. Методика. Синтез, анализ, математические методы. Методика определения вреда от загрязнения земляных ресурсов в результате нарушения природоохранного законодательства, разработанная Министерством защиты окружающей среды и радиационной безопасности Украины. Результаты. Собраны исходные данные для определения размеров вреда, причинённого загрязнением земляных ресурсов при устройстве горизонтального противофильтрационного экрана. Научная новизна. Усовершенствована отраслевая методика определения вреда от загрязнения земляных ресурсов в результате нарушения природоохранного законодательства. Практическая значимость. Определено влияние устройства горизонтального противофильтрационного экрана в водопроницаемых грунтах на окружающую среду при его соединении с водонепроницаемой диафрагмой, сооружённой методом «стена в грунте» до водоупора. Также определён эколого-экономический эффект устройства горизонтального противофильтрационного экрана при его соединении с водонепроницаемой диафрагмой, заглубленной в природный водоупор.

Текст научной работы на тему «Ecological and economic efficiency of the horizontal impervious screen for localization of toxic and radioactive waste»


UDC 628.4.047:502.36


1 Research Institute of building production, Lobanovskogo prosp., 51, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03037, e-mail agalin@ukr.net, ORCID 0000-0003-3648-4572

2* Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Didrihsona str., 4, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029, tel. +38 (048) 723 61 51, e-mail pr.mai@mail.ru, ORCID 0000-0002-1007-309X

3 Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Didrihsona str., 4, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029, e-mail san-one@te.net.ua


Purpose. The definition of the ecological and economic impact and efficient use of the horizontal impervious screen in dependence on the depth of location of the impermeable soil layer. Methodology. Synthesis, analysis, mathematical methods. The technique of definition of harm size caused by pollution and clogging of land resources through violation of environmental legislation, developed by the Ministry of environmental protection and nuclear safety of Ukraine. Findings. The initial date for definition of harm size caused by pollution and clogging of land resources after horizontal impervious screen arrangement is selected. The disadvantages of governmental technique are found and the method of improvement is developed. Originality. The governmental technique of definition of harm size caused by pollution and clogging of land resources was improved. Practical value. There was made environmental effect assessment of HIS adoption in water permeable soils combined with imperfect impervious diaphragm (ID), carried out by means of "diaphragm wall" in case of natural waterproof layer of soil absence Also the ecological-economic effective application of HIS compared with perfect ID buried into a natural waterproof layer of soil was determined.

Keywords: horizontal screen; impervious diaphragm; cation area


Environmental safety of soils and groundwater's has become particularly relevant due to objective necessity related to the growth of harmful influence of human activity on the environment.

Need to ensure environmental protection of underground space is also associated with the Kyoto Protocol, signed by majority of large industrial countries, including Ukraine. Ukrainian legislation provides general requirements to environmental safety, including construction of underground facilities, where a special place is occupied by toxic and radioactive waste storages.

In case of violating hygienic requirements for disposal and destruction of toxic industrial wastes at temporary storage sites, soils might be polluted, which in chain may contribute to migration of toxic chemicals coming into contact with medium soil, into groundwater, underground and surface water basins.

"wall in the ground"; ecological-economic impact; appli-

Accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant resulted in contamination over 4,6 million. Ha of soil with radionuclide's including 3,1 million Ha of arable land.

Should be separately noted pollution of soil and groundwater as a result of infiltration of atmospheric precipitations through buried storages of radioactive waste (RW), which were spontaneously created on the territory of Chernobyl nuclear power plant when eliminating consequences of the accident. In these vaults there were buried remains of machinery, equipment, construction materials, animals and other things having come under ionizing radiation, at the same time proper waterproofing of these storage facilities generally has not been performed.

Analyzing possibility of soil contamination with various chemicals, elements should be divided into two groups: - The first group comprises substances and their compounds insoluble in water

and therefore their penetration depth into soil is rather insignificant and does not exceed 2...3 m; -the second group - chemicals soluble in water and radionuclide's, which by means of infiltration may penetrate to considerable depths, contaminating soils and aquifers. Penetration depth and contaminated water filtration speed depends on the filtration properties of soils and barrier to spreading such contamination, in this case, may be natural impermeable soil layers, for example of clay.

Actuality of soil and aquifer protection from contamination with technogenic effluents of industrial enterprises and radionuclide's increases every day. Equally important is localization of already contaminated lithosphere and preventing toxic spread both in a horizontal sense and at the significant depth.

Analysis of recent research and publications

Preventing contamination proliferation at large territory and localization of contaminated soils and

groundwater's is possible by constructing impervious diaphragm (ID) in the perimeter of contamination source, for example, "wall in the ground", to cut the ground aquifers, [1]. The effectiveness of such curtain is determined by the presence of waterproof layer of soil at a technically attainable depth.

If the waterproof layer of soil is missing or is technically inaccessible, or installing cutoff device to a considerable depth it is not economically feasible, there is a need in the artificial creation waterproof layer, for example, horizontal impervious screen (HIS) (Fig. 1) [2,3].

The analysis of the works Smorodinov M. I., Filatova A. L, Zubkov V. M., Kruglikova N. N. Chernukhina A. M , studies in NIIOSP im. Gerse-vanov N. M. (Moscow), NIISP (Kiev), showed the need to improve methods of locating contaminated soil and groundwater in the absence of the reachable depth of the impermeable layer [4, 5, 6].

Fig. 1. Scheme of protection of soil and groundwater against contamination:

- at presence of waterproof layer; b - at absence of waterproof layer; 1 - storage; 2 - GWC; 3 - HIS - artificial waterproof layer; 4 natural waterproof layer; 5 - contaminated soil; 6 - drainage Link: developed by the authors

Unsolved aspects of the problem

Technology of impervious curtain construction (GWC) made by method of "wall in the ground" includes development of a vertical trench (cavity) protected by clay mud as a rule plunged in the waterproof layer at depth of 1.. .2 m, and filling of the trench with watertight material.

New construction technology of horizontal impervious screen (HIS) is based on the known method of horizontal directional drilling (HDD), and includes location of two parallel guiding horizontal wells protected by clay mud in the plane authentic to base of the facility, soil excavation

between the holes is made by relevant body to form a cavity and further filling this cavity with impervious material (IM) [7, 8].

Technologies of construction of ID and HIS have a number of common features: environmental protection, application of clay solutions to hold the trench walls from collapse, formation of cavities (vertical and horizontal) and their subsequent filling with impervious material.

However, scope of the technologies significantly varies due to the fact that the new HIS construction technique can be applied to a depth of 5m from the surface, while the depth of ID construction by "wall in the ground" method may reach



depths of over 100m., depending on the equipment used.

Application of the above technologies could provide equal environmental effect localizing equal areas to prevent spread of soil and ground-water contamination, but volume of contaminated soil and, accordingly, comparative economic effect determined by lithosphere treatment (recovery) cost will be different.

Thus, for territories equal in area, level of soil contamination with water soluble toxic substances and/or radionuclide's, for HIS technology will be determined by the depth of the artificial waterproof layer (5m), and for the ID, "wall in the ground", hypothetically, in case of water permeable soil, by natural impermeable soil layer depth.

Other words, ecological and economic effect of creating an artificial waterproof layer by constructing HIS is to reduce the amount of polluted soil subject to further recovery.


The definition of the ecological and economic impact and efficient use of the horizontal impervious screen in dependence on the depth of location of the impermeable soil layer.


To estimate the ecological and economic benefits from the construction of HIS, compared with the construction of ID as "diaphragm wall" it is necessary to determine initial data to calculate both options (Figure 2.3) Provided that:

- contamination source - buried storage of toxic and/or radioactive waste located in sandy (sandy loam) soils 1-2 class of excavation difficulty;

- storage dimensions: length - 50 m, width -46 m, underground part of storage recessed by 3 m;

Variant I (Fig. 2, a.):

- HIS is performed in accordance with technological map [9] at a depth of 5 m from the ground (2 m from the base of the vault). Screen material -clay-cement-sand mortar. Waterproof layer of soil at attainable depths is absent;

- to create closed loop and to prevent filtration on both sides of the screen at a distance of 2 m from the storage imperfect ID "wall in the ground" is arranged 1m below HIS. ID material is clay-cement-sand paste, possibly contaminated area (localization area) - 5000 m2.

Variant II (Fig. 2, b):

- HIS is performed under Var. 1;

- to create closed loop, prevent filtration, reduce possible contamination area (territory of localization) imperfect ID "wall in the ground" is constructed at the perimeter of the storage at a distance of 2 meters from its boundaries 1m below HIS, possibly contaminated area (localization area) - 2,700 m2.

Variant III (Fig. 3):

- along the perimeter of storage at a distance of 2 meters from its borders is arranged perfect ID "wall in the ground" recessed in the waterproof layer of soil at 1 meter. Material of curtain - clay and sand-cement paste, waterproof layer soil -Clay of 3 excavation difficulty class, possibly contaminated area (localization area) - 2700 m2.

To estimate cost of implementing new construction technology HIS there were used regulatory estimates of labor and material resources, defined on the basis of technological map [9, 10].

Construction of IDs by "wall in the ground" method is widely displayed in regulatory framework of Ukraine and, therefore, to estimate cost there were used existing resource elemental estimate standards that display corresponding process.


Technical and economic indicators of the implementation of above options are shown in Tab. 1. Moreover in Tab. 1 for comparison are provided indicators of ID construction variants at depth 10, 15, 20 and 25 m with a natural waterproof layer of soil at depth of 9, 14, 19 and 24 m and corresponding possible contamination area (localization area).

Fig. 4 shows a plot of the specific cost of localization for equal areas (ratio of ID cost to localization area) depending on the depth of the natural waterproof layer of soil in comparison with localization cost of the contaminated soil without waterproof layer of soil using HIS technology combined with imperfect ID.

At equal localization areas, comparing construction cost of HIS combined with imperfect ID with depth of 6 meters and construction of a perfect ID discovers effectiveness of building artificial waterproof layer of soil under the condition of natural aquitard presence at depths exceeding 13 m.

As mentioned above area of contamination can not characterize environmental damage caused by contact of toxic radionuclide's with the ground,

since such loss is estimated by cost of treatment ing localization cost, we can estimate ecological (recovery) of the whole soil volume which is de- and economic effect of preventing spread of pollupending to a large extent on the depth of penetra- tants, using HIS combined with imperfect ID with

tion of contaminants.

Defining the counter of possible soil contami- perfect ID. nation volumes and corresponding damage includ-

depth of 6 m, compared with the construction of a

Fig. 2. Localization variant for storage without waterproof layer of soil:

a) - curtain at both sides of the screen; b) - a curtain along the perimeter of storage 1 - storage; 2 - imperfect ID; 3 - contaminated soil; 4 - HIS - artificial waterproof layer of soil Link: developed by the authors

Fig. 3. Localization variant for storage with an waterproof layer of soil:

1 - storage; 2 - perfect ID; 3 - polluted soil; 4 - natural waterproof layer of soil Link: developed by the authors

Technical and economic indicators of pollution localization variants

Table 1

aiar v m •tí g Natural waterproof layer m M gphra m a J3 ~ m ra ci M Й Localization cost, million UAH Localization area, m2 Specific cost of localization thousand UAH /m2 d e ■а o "c3 .M g о о ,

n io at iz la c o L £ f o s ^ Й Availability Depth, m 3 й / p /e s ^ re c S Screen /diap area, m cd ij3 g s g ev r c S .3 "ё С ^ S3 £ tí Д ^ S ^ P tí о H >

I HIS 5 5000 750 21,б5 5000 4,33 19250

ID б 1200 720

II HIS 5 5000 750 21,9б 2700 8,13 13500

ID б 1248 749

III ID + 5 б 1248 749 10,45 2700 3,87 13500

IV ID + 9 10 2080 1248 15,92 2700 5,90 24300

V ID + 14 15 3120 1870 22,7б 2700 8,43 37800

VI ID + 19 20 41б0 249б 29,б1 2700 11,97 51300

VII ID + 24 25 5200 3120 3б,45 2700 13,50 б4800

Link: developed by the authors

Fig. 4. Graph of the specific localization cost depending on the depth of the waterproof layer of soil:

1 - HIS combined with ID without the natural waterproof layer; 2 - ID at presence of natural waterproof layer of soil

Link: developed by the authors

According to the "Methodology ..." [11] amount of damage from land pollution is determined by the formula (1):

S = A • G • P • K1 - K2 - H.


where: S - size of damage caused by soil contamination (cost of soil treatment (recovery)), UAH; A = 0,5 - specific costs to eliminate the impact of plot pollution; G = 94,5 UAH/m2 - normative monetary valuation of a polluted land plot. It is assumed at the level of 4.5 thousand US dollars per

1 hectare. [12]; P - area of a polluted land plot (localization area), m2 (see tabl. 1.); K1 - coefficient of land plot pollution, characterizing amount of the pollutant in the volume of contaminated land, depending on infiltration depth; K2 = 4,0 -hazard ratio of the pollutant. Assumed according to [11], Appendix 1 "extremely dangerous"; H = 0,2 - ecological and economic purpose of land scale indicator. Assumed according to [11, Appendix 2] "industrial land, transport, communications, ener-

gy, defense"; K - pollution coefficient of a land plot calculated according to the formula (2):

K = T • P ■ 4 ,


where: O - the amount of the pollutant, m3. Accepted conditionally on the level of 1 % of the volume of localized (polluted) soil; T = 0,2 m -thickness of earth layer, which is dimensional unit to calculate remediation costs, depending on the infiltration depth [11]; ln - correcting index to

expenses for liquidation of pollution, depending on pollutant infiltration depth.

According to [11] 1n is calculated only to the depth of infiltration 2m (Tab. 2). In this case, specified that expenditures for the implementation of activities to reduce or eliminate land pollution increases depending on the depth of pollutant infiltration in the ratio of 10 : 3. I.e. as depth increases of 10 times thicker than land at 0,2 m costs for the pollution elimination increase 3 times.

Table 2

Correction indexes to expenses ( ln )

Infiltration depth ln Infiltration depth ln

0.0,2 0,100 0.1,2 0,049

0.0,4 0,082 0.1,4 0,044

0.0,6 0,070 0.1,6 0,040

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0.0,8 0,060 0.1,8 0,037

0.1,0 0,054 0.2,0 0,033

Link: [11]

Analyzing the graph of the exponential approximation of the data in Table 2 (Fig. 5), it can be argued that at considerable depths infiltration Index of corrections to cost 1P approximates to values close to zero.

According to the schedule, to calculate coefficient of pollution for a land plot K3 regarding infiltration depth: 0...5 m ln Index of corrections to costs is accepted 0,006 for depths of 0.10 m -0,0012, for the depths of 0.15 - 0,0005, and for infiltration depth more than 15 m - 0,0001.

Calculations discovered possibility of significant reducing volume of soil pollution with radio-nuclide's or toxic waste and, accordingly, a significant reduction in its recovery cost in case of using HIS localization variants (Tab. 3).

The graph in Fig. 6 shows efficiency of HIS construction combined with imperfect ID of 6m depth, compared with the construction of a perfect ID as a part of complex activities on liquidation of consequences of soil pollution in case of natural waterproof layer of soil is present at depths of more than 6,5.8 m.

Fig. 5. Graph of dependence ln of Infiltration depth contaminated water:

1 - curve according to the tab. 2; 2 - approximated curve Link: developed by the authors

Technical and economic indicators of soil pollution liquidation variants

Table 3

Localization variant Kinds of works Screen / diaphragm depth, m Natural waterproof layer of soil depth, m Localization area, m2 Volume of localized soils subject to treatment, m3 Localization cost, million UAH Pollutant volume, m3 Treatment costs, million UAH Liquidation of pollution consequences , million UAH Specific expenses for the elimination thousand UAH/m3

I HIS 5 5000 19250 21,б5 192,5 б,0б 27,71 1,45

ID б

II HIS 5 2700 13500 21,9б 135,0 4,25 2б,21 1,94

ID б

III ID б 5 2700 13500 10,45 135,0 4,25 14,70 1,09

IV ID 10 9 2700 24300 15,92 243,0 38,27 54,19 2,23

V ID 15 14 2700 37800 22,7б 378,0 142,88 1б5,б4 4,38

VI ID 20 19 2700 51300 29,б1 513,0 9б9,57 999,18 19,48

VII ID 25 24 2700 б4800 Зб,45 б48,0 1224,72 12б1,17 19,4б

Link: developed by the authors

Fig. 6. Graph of the specific costs of pollution elimination against the depth of the waterproof layer of soil:

1 - HIS combined with ID along the two sides of the screen, without the natural waterproof layer (Fig. 2, a); 2 - HIS combined with ID at the perimeter of the storage without natural waterproof layer of (Fig. 2, b.); 3 - ID at presence of natural waterproof

layer (Fig. 3) Link: developed by the authors

Scientific novelty

The governmental technique of definition of harm size caused by pollution and clogging of land resources was improved.

Practical importance

There was made environmental effect assessment of HIS adoption in water permeable soils combined with imperfect impervious diaphragm (ID), carried out by means of "diaphragm wall" in case of natural waterproof layer of soil absence

Also the ecological-economic effective application of HIS compared with perfect ID buried into a natural waterproof layer of soil was determined.


1. Comparing localization costs of land sites of equal area polluted with toxic waste or with radionuclide's, shows efficiency of building a horizontal impervious screen (artificial aquitard) at a depth of 5m combined with imperfect grout curtain of 6m depth, compared with the construction of perfect

Мости та тунелк теорiя, дослщження, практика, 2015, № 8


curtain, if the natural waterproof layer of soil is located at depths exceeding 13 m.

2. The construction of the horizontal impervious screen (artificial waterproof layer of soil) in combination with imperfect grout curtain would greatly reduce possible volumes of soil pollution and, therefore, significantly reduce soil treatment costs (recovery).

3. Application of horizontal impervious screen (artificial a waterproof layer of soil) as part of a complex of actions on liquidation of consequences pollution of soils at a depth of 5 m combined with imperfect grout curtain of 6m depth of the shows screen efficiency in comparison with a perfect grout curtain under the condition of the natural waterproof layer of soil location at depths of more than 6,5.8 m.

4. Ecological and economic effect of the application together with a vertical screen, horizontal impervious screen, is to reduce 10 times the cost of restoring contaminated soil from 19,48 to 1,94 thousand UAH. for 1 m3.


1. DSTU-N B V. 2.1-29:2014, Guidance on the design of the device is recessed structures by the method of "wall in soil" Kiev, Ministry of regional development of Ukraine, 2014. 69 p.

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1 Науково-до^дний шститут будшельного виробництва, пр. Лобановського, 51, Кшв, Украша, 03037, ел. пошта agalin@ukr.net, ORCID 0000-0003-3648-4572

2* Одеська державна академш будiвництва i архггектури, вул. Дщргхсона, 4, Одеса, Украша, 65029, тел. +38 (048) 723 61 51, ел. пошта pr.mai@mail.ru, ORCID 0000-0002-1007-309X 3 Одеська державна академiя будiвництва i архггектури, вул. Двдргхсона, 4, Одеса, Украша, 65029, ел. пошта san-one@te.net.ua



Мета. Визначення еколопчного та eK0H0Mi4H0r0 впливу, шляхiв ефективного використання горизонта-льних протифiльтрацiйних екрашв в залежностi вiд глибини залягання водоупору. Методика. Синтез, ана-л1з, математичнi методи. Методика визначення шкоди вiд забруднення земельних ресурсiв в результата по-рушення природоохоронного законодавства, розроблена Мiнiстерством захисту навколишнього середовища та радiацiйноl безпеки Укра!ни. Результати. Зiбрано вихiднi данi для визначення розмiрiв шкоди, заподiяноl забрудненням земельних ресурав при влаштуваннi горизонтального проти фiльтрацiйного екрана. Наукова новизна. Удосконалено галузева методика визначення шкоди вщ забруднення земельних ресурсiв в результата порушення природоохоронного законодавства. Практична значимкть. Визначено вплив пристрою горизонтального проти фшьтрацшного екрана водопроникних грунтах на навколишне середовище при його поеднанш з водонепроникною дiафрагмою, споруджено! методом «стана в грунта» до водоупору. Також визначено еколого-економiчний ефект пристрою горизонтального проти фшьтрацшного екрана при його поеднанш з водонепроникною дiафрагмою, заглибленою в природний водоупор.

Ключовi слова: горизонтальний екран; непроникна дiафрагма; «стана в грунта»; еколого-економiчний ефект; сфера використання


1 Научно-исследовательский институт строительного производства, пр. Лобановского, 51, Киев, Украина, 03037, эл. почта agalin@ukr.net, ORCID 0000-0003-3648-4572

2* Одесская государственная академия строительства и архитектуры, ул. Дидрихсона, 4, Одесса, Украина, 65029, тел. +38 (048) 723 61 51, эл. почта pr.mai@mail.ru, ORCID 0000-0002-1007-309X

3 Одесская государственная академия строительства и архитектуры, ул. Дидрихсона, 4, Одесса, Украина, 65029, эл. почта san-one@te.net.ua


Цель. Определение экологического и экономического влияния, путей эффективного использования горизонтальных противофильтрационных экранов в зависимости от глубины залегания водоупора. Методика. Синтез, анализ, математические методы. Методика определения вреда от загрязнения земляных ресурсов в результате нарушения природоохранного законодательства, разработанная Министерством защиты окружающей среды и радиационной безопасности Украины. Результаты. Собраны исходные данные для определения размеров вреда, причинённого загрязнением земляных ресурсов при устройстве горизонтального противофильтрационного экрана. Научная новизна. Усовершенствована отраслевая методика определения вреда от загрязнения земляных ресурсов в результате нарушения природоохранного законодательства. Практическая значимость. Определено влияние устройства горизонтального противофильтрационного экрана в водопроницаемых грунтах на окружающую среду при его соединении с водонепроницаемой диафрагмой, сооружённой методом «стена в грунте» до водоупора. Также определён эколого-экономический эффект устройства горизонтального противофильтрационного экрана при его соединении с водонепроницаемой диафрагмой, заглубленной в природный водоупор.

Ключевые слова: горизонтальный экран; непроницаемая диафрагма; «стена в грунте»; эколого-экономический эффект; сфера применения

Prof. V. A. Halushko, D. Sc. (Technical, Ukraine) and Prof. V. D. Petrenko, D. Sc. (Technical, Ukraine) recommended this article to be published.

Received: December 15, 2015. Accepted: December 21, 2015.

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