EACHING ENGLISH IN THE FIELD OF TOURISM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Keywords: International tourism / English language / international language / world population / mother tongue / development.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ayatov R.I.

Abstract. This article provides information about the importance of the English in the field of tourism in today's rapidly developing word and the role of the English language in the development of international tourism.

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Текст научной работы на тему «EACHING ENGLISH IN THE FIELD OF TOURISM»

Ayatov R.I. english teacher Faculty of Tourism Department of "Interfacultforeign languages" Non-governmental organization of higher education "Alfraganus University" Yunusabad district of Tashkent



Abstract. This article provides information about the importance of the English in the field of tourism in today's rapidly developing word and the role of the English language in the development of international tourism.

Keywords: International tourism, English language, international language, world population, mother tongue, development.


Today, as in all spheres, the demand for English is growing in the field of tourism development. It is known from world experience that English is not only an international language, but is also the native language of half of the world's population. Based on this, the most comprehensive and most widely spoken language in the world is English. Despite the wide variety of options and many distinctive features, English is rising to the level of the most popular language in the world. In general, the development of major global industries such as economics, politics, science and technology, modern sports, and international tourism, which promote countries on the world stage, occurs directly through the English language. In addition, in world politics, in the organization of interstate relations, in the application of advanced scientific achievements, in international trade, in the process of interethnic transport and communication exchange, during the organization of international conferences, summits and events of national importance for scientists, academicians and doctors of sciences, on the scale of sports competitions between states, the Olympic Games and all international tournaments in the use of digital technologies and gadgets, English acts as the main language.

Literature analysis and methodology

Looking at the place of the English language in world tourism, this language acquires great importance in terms of coverage among the world's population. Most countries of the world have adopted this language as an official one and communicate in English along with their native language. This means that tourists who go on a trip with a desire to relax can arrange an easy and comfortable trip to many countries of the world if they speak English. In addition, for traveling from one country to another, of course, modes of transport are chosen, whether by train,

plane or sea. International air travel, service on flights and at international ports is also provided in English. In addition, most travel agencies operate in English. Tourism - tourism is one of the developing industries that arose as a result of globalization as a result of the increasing needs of the world's population for recreation. Tourism is a branch of the economy that covers and allows the direct development of many industries, including transport, communications, road construction, hotel and catering, service, consumer services, and trade. Tourism is also a major source of financing for some countries. Through tourism, some states support the well-being of their people and living conditions. Tourism is developing in many countries of the world as a single system, bringing significant income to the country's budget. Tourism is not only one of the largest industries in the world, but also one of the fastest growing industries. There are different approaches and definitions to tourism. Tourism is the activity of a person who travels and stays in places outside the ordinary environment, for recreation, work, education or other social purposes, for no more than one year, as defined at the BTT - World Tourism Organization conference in Ottawa in 1991. In article 3 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Tourism", tourism is expressed as follows: "tourism is the departure (journey) of an individual from a place of permanent residence for a period of one year away from the destination (country), without engaging in paid activities for recreational, educational, professional, practical or other purposes. Tourism is a mass form of recreation, meaningful leisure activities. All forms of tourism involve some kind of travel, but not all types of travel are tourism. This area, in turn, is divided into industries, including sports tourism, educational tourism, social tourism, recreational tourism, exotic tourism, eco-tourism, tourist tourism, etc.

The term "English for specific purposes" (English for specific purposes or ESP) appeared in the 60s of the XX century in English-speaking countries both as a scientific direction and as a type of English language teaching that meets the needs of students. The field of specialized English language teaching (ESP) is one of the fastest growing at the moment. This is reflected in university programs offering a master's course in this field, as well as in the emergence of a huge number of courses for international students, scientific communities operate, and international conferences are held [3].

Currently, there are several types of ESP, such as:

1. English for Academic Purposes (English for Academic Purposes) is one of the priority areas of modern language training. The content of this direction is determined, on the one hand, by the practical needs of students related to the fulfillment of academic and professional tasks, on the other hand, by the requirements imposed by educational programs for the quality of language training. This course includes working with a large number of authentic texts, as well as a variety of exercises and tasks aimed at developing and improving lexical and grammatical skills, practicing language and academic skills. This course is most

often used by students around the world, getting a particular profession at a university in their country or abroad [5].

2. English for work (English for Occupational Purposes). This course includes seminars throughout the year for those who require special language skills for work, since in an ever-changing work environment it is necessary to be able to adapt, gain new knowledge and improve efficiency, increasing employment opportunities with a higher degree of remuneration [5].

3. English for Business Purposes is in demand among "non-native" English speakers and is studied for the purpose of doing business with English-speaking countries or companies located outside the English-speaking world, but which nevertheless use English as an international language. In such cases, effective communication is also the object of the exercise. Strict grammar rules

In such cases, they are sometimes ignored, for example, when the sole purpose of the negotiator is to reach the fastest possible agreement [5].

4. English for Professional Purposes (English for Professional Purposes) involves increasing skills in spoken and written English, with the aim of confident self-expression and potential advancement in professional settings. For example, this course is often necessary for doctors to study and implement new technologies, as well as due to the fact that most of the medical literature and terminology have Latin designations [5].

5. English for tourist purposes (English for Vacation Purposes). This course is specifically designed to help professionals in the international tourism industry improve their English communication skills as well as their international tourism techniques. This course will give students a broader understanding of the international tourism sector, as well as equip them with useful skills when working with clients. In addition, this course opens up the boundaries of communication for the average tourist at every stage of their journey anywhere in the world [5].

6. English for Aviation is an English language specifically designed to teach English communication skills to pilots and air traffic controllers, as well as to assist them in achieving and maintaining operational level 4 (now a requirement of the International Civil Aviation Organization). Aviation English also includes the so-called language of flight (the language of a flight), which contains about three hundred words and is a combination of professional "jargon" and simple English. (For example: approach - landing; mayday - a message about a life-threatening alarm; pan-pan - a message about a non-life-threatening alarm; standby - standby mode; wilco - formed from "will comply" means that the pilot has received the message and will follow it; and much more). This vocabulary was created in order to prevent pilots and air traffic controllers from misunderstood each other due to incorrect pronunciation, which could potentially lead to a fatal accident [5].


The importance of foreign languages, including English, in the field of tourism is also invaluable. Because there is also a high demand in this area for

qualified employees who speak foreign languages. The leading language of most hotel and service dishes is English. Moreover, as one of the folk sayings says: "The language knows - El knows ". After all, in our rapidly developing time, when you want to become a part of tourism and see the world, go on a trip, enrich your worldview and face the world for other social reasons, learn the language! This is not just a recommendation, it is a time requirement. If you want to know many peoples of the world, be one of the first to learn the news, read scientific materials and samples of literature in the original, learning English is for you! And most importantly, if you intend to travel the world and return to your country with new ideas as a cultural leisure for yourself, start learning English right now!

For our research, it is of interest to study the peculiarities of the English language for special purposes in the field of tourism and hospitality, as well as the specifics of its teaching.

At the moment, the tourism sector is one of the most popular. Many graduates choose to work in the tourism sector after graduating from higher education institutions or receive a second higher education in this specialty. The school English course does not involve obtaining such specific knowledge, therefore this course is intended for students who wish to expand their knowledge of the English language in such a specialty as tourism [7, 8].

Twenty years ago, any teaching was based on the classical methodology, in which most of the time was devoted to the theory of a foreign language. In the lessons, students studied syntactic constructions, new vocabulary, discussed grammatical rules, as well as read and translated texts, did written assignments and sometimes listened to audio recordings. The development of conversational skills took only ten percent of the time of the entire lesson. As a result, the student understood the texts in English and knew the grammatical rules, but could not express his thoughts. That is why in the ESP course for tourism developed by us there is a radically different approach, in which the maximum amount of time is devoted to the development of communication skills, namely listening and speaking [7].

Thus, in the course we have developed, we have applied the following techniques:

Communicative - its main principle is the use of lexical units and grammatical structures studied in lessons in speech, both oral and written. All classes are developed and conducted in a foreign language or with minimal inclusion of native speech. The teacher only guides the students, asks them questions and creates a communicative situation, while 70% of the time of the entire lesson is spoken by the students.

Project-based - initially, this method of teaching English was intended for children, but today it has become more relevant for adults with an elementary level of English and especially for those who want to master it to work in the tourism sector. Its meaning is to use the studied material in practice and is optimal for organizing knowledge control at the end of the whole module.

Intensive - this technique has gained particular popularity among those who seek to learn how to speak English in the shortest possible time. To achieve this seemingly unrealistic goal, a high level of language template and a good basic level of knowledge of the student allows. Due to the study of a large number of stable expressions, their memorization and working out, a student can learn to explain himself in a foreign language and understand the interlocutor in a fairly short time



Thus, it can be concluded that the use of these techniques and techniques in ESP lessons contributes to the expansion and deepening of English language knowledge at a sufficient level to navigate in the field of tourism and hospitality. The developed methods will be effective for teaching project work skills, developing correct pronunciation, helping students overcome the language barrier and learn to engage in conversation with foreign guests without embarrassment and awkwardness and maintain a conversation on various topics (about the traditions and culture of the country, about the sights of the city, etc.). For a person planning to link his future with employment in this field of activity, mastering a professional language is relevant and appropriate, since tourism is not only a way for a person to know the world, but also the most promising area of the economy, which contributes to the intensification of international contacts and the expansion of intercultural ties.


1.National Encyclopedia Of Uzbekistan. Volume One. Tashkent-2000 2.International tourism. Mamatqulov X. M. Tukhliyev I. S., Bektemirov A. B.

3.Gak V.G. Pragmatics, usage and grammar of speech // Foreign languages at school. - 1982. - No. 5. - pp. 11-17.

4. Dobrovolsky E.P., Smirnova S.M., Pron I.A. The role of the English language in the modern world // Young Scientist. - 2015. - No. 3. - pp. 28-30.

5. Pan-European competences of foreign language proficiency: study, teaching, assessment. - Strasbourg; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: MGLU, 2003. - 242 p.

6. The role of the English language in the modern world. The relevance of learning English [Electronic resource]. - URL: https://fb.ru/article/277662/rol-angliyskogo-yazyika-v-sovremennom-mire-aktualnost-izucheniya-angliyskogo-yazyika

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