E-LEARNING METHODOLOGEIS AND FEATURES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Rustamov Khakim Sharipovich, Khayriyev Furkat Nusrat O’g’li

The article discusses the problem of e-learning, since in today's education this problem ranks first among other educational tasks. E-learning allows users to fruitfully gather knowledge and education both by synchronous and asynchronous methodologies to effectively face the need to rapidly acquire up to date know-how within productive environments.

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Текст научной работы на тему «E-LEARNING METHODOLOGEIS AND FEATURES»


1 2 Rustamov Kh.Sh.1, Khayriyev F.N.2

1Rustamov Khakim Sharipovich - Associate Professor;


Abstract: the article discusses the problem of e-learning, since in today's education this problem ranks first among other educational tasks. E-learning allows users to fruitfully gather knowledge and education both by synchronous and asynchronous methodologies to effectively face the need to rapidly acquire up to date know-how within productive environments.

Keywords: e-learning, synchronous and asynchronous methods, e-courses, Self-paced e-learning, Instructor-led and facilitated e-learning.

Nowadays, many educational institutions and personal centers of study are widely using e-learning because it can be as effective as traditional training at a lower cost. Developing e-learning is more expensive than preparing classroom materials and training the trainers, especially if multimedia or highly interactive methods are used. However, delivery costs for e-learning (including costs of web servers and technical support) are considerably lower than those for classroom facilities, instructor time, participants' travel and job time lost to attend classroom sessions. A course that makes extensive use of e-learning may break down the traditional lesson role into several functions, which may be carried out by more than one person.

E-learning allows users to fruitfully gather knowledge and education both by synchronous and asynchronous methodologies to effectively face the need to rapidly acquire up to date know-how within productive environments.

Moreover, e-learning reaches a wider target audience by engaging learners who have difficulty attending conventional classroom training because they are:

• geographically dispersed with limited time and/or resources to travel;

• busy with work or family commitments which do not allow them to attend courses on specific dates with a fixed schedule;

• located in conflict and post-conflict areas and restricted in their mobility because of security reasons;

• limited from participating in classroom sessions because of cultural or religious beliefs;

• facing difficulties with real-time communication (e.g. foreign language learners or very shy learners).

E-learning can offer effective instructional methods, such as practising with associated feedback, combining collaboration activities with self-paced study, personalizing learning paths based on learners' needs and using simulation and games.

Further, all learners receive the same quality of instruction because there is no dependence on a specific instructor.

A training program may aim at developing different types of skills:

• cognitive skills, which can involve knowledge and comprehension (e.g. understanding scientific concepts), following instructions (procedural skills), as well as applying methods in new situations to solve problems (thinking or mental skills);

• interpersonal skills (e.g. skills involved in active listening, presenting, negotiating, etc.); as well as

• psychomotor skills, involving the acquisition of physical perceptions and movements (e.g. making sports or driving a car).

There are two general approaches in e-learning: self-paced and in instructor-led. Self-paced learners are alone and completely independent, while facilitated and instructor-led e-learning courses provide different levels of support from tutors and instructors and collaboration among learners. Often, e-learning courses combine both approaches, but for simplicity it is easy to consider the two separately.

Self-paced e-learning

Learners are offered e-learning courseware (also called Web- based training (WBT)), which can be complemented by supplemental resources and assessments.

Courseware is usually housed on a Web server, and learners can access it from an online learning platform or on CD- ROM.

Learners are free to learn at their own pace and to define personal learning paths based on their individual needs and interests. E-learning providers do not have to schedule, manage or track learners through a process. E-learning content is developed according to a set of learning objectives and is delivered using different media elements, such as text, graphics, audio and video. It must provide as much learning support as possible (through explanations, examples, interactivity, feedback, glossaries, etc.), in order to make learners self-sufficient. However, some kind of support, such as e-mail-based technical support or e-tutoring, is normally offered to learners.

When self- paced e- learning is offered through an Internet connection, there is the potential to track learners' actions in a central database.

Instructor-led and facilitated e-learning

In this model, a linear curriculum is developed that integrates several content elements and activities into a chronological course or syllabus. The course is scheduled and led by an instructor and/or facilitator through an online learning platform. E- learning content for individual study can be integrated with instructor's lectures, individual assignments and collaborative activities among learners.

Learners, facilitators and instructors can use communication tools such as e- mails, discussion forums, chats, polls, whiteboards, application sharing and audio and video conferencing to communicate and work together.

As we have seen, e-learning approaches can combine different types of e-learning components, including:

a) e-learning content;

b) e-tutoring, e-coaching, e-mentoring;

c) collaborative learning;

d) virtual classroom.

Let's have a quick look at these components.

a) E-learning content

E-learning content can include:

• simple learning resources;

• interactive e-lessons;

• electronic simulations;

• job aids.

- Simple learning resources are non-interactive resources such as documents, PowerPoint presentations, videos or audio files. These materials are non-interactive in the sense that learners can only read or watch content without performing any other action.

These resources can be quickly developed and, when they match defined learning objectives and are designed in a structured way, they can be a valuable learning resource even though they don't provide any interactivity.

- Interactive e-lessons the most common approach for self- paced e- learning is Web- based training consisting of a set of interactive e- lessons. An e- lesson is a linear sequence of screens which can include text, graphics, animations, audio, video and

interactivity in the form of questions and feedback. E- lessons can also include recommended reading and links to online resources, as well as additional information on specific topics.

Instructor-led and facilitated e-learning

In this model, a linear curriculum is developed that integrates several content elements and activities into a chronological course or syllabus.

The course is scheduled and led by an instructor and/or facilitator through an online learning platform. E-learning content for individual study can be integrated with instructor's lectures, individual assignments and collaborative activities among learners.


- Electronic simulations are highly interactive forms of e- learning. The term "simulation" basically means creating a learning environment that "simulates" the real world, allowing the learner to learn by doing. Simulations are a specific form of Web -based training that immerse the learner in a real-world situation and respond in a dynamic way to his/her behaviour.

- Job aids provide just-in-time knowledge. They can take several forms and be delivered on different platforms (e.g. computer, printed document, mobile phone). They usually provide immediate answers to specific questions, thus helping users accomplish job tasks. Technical glossaries and checklists are a few examples of simple job aids, but sophisticated expert systems can also be developed to assist workers in complex decision-making.

b) e-tutoring, e-coaching, e-mentoring

E- tutoring, e- coaching and e- mentoring provide individual support and feedback to learners through online tools and facilitation techniques.

c) Collaborative learning

Collaborative activities range from discussions and knowledge-sharing to working together on a common project. Social software, such as chats, discussion forums and blogs, are used for online collaboration among learners.

Synchronous and asynchronous online discussions are designed to facilitate communication and knowledge-sharing among learners. Learners can comment and exchange ideas about course activities or contribute to group learning by sharing their knowledge.

Collaborative project work implies collaboration among learners to perform a task. Collaborative activities can include project work and scenario-based assignments.

d) Virtual classroom

A virtual classroom is the instructional method most similar to traditional classroom training, as it is led completely by an instructor.

A virtual classroom is an e- learning event where an instructor teaches remotely and in real time to a group of learners using a combination of materials (e.g. PowerPoint slides, audio or video materials). It is also called synchronous learning.This method requires the least amount of effort to convert materials (but instructors still have to prepare them). Appropriate technology must be in place for both the learners and providers (e.g. software for the virtual classroom and good connectivity).


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Афраимов Алихан Акмалович - преподаватель, кафедра теории и методики физической культуры, Бухарский государственный университет, г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в статье анализируется архитектура, создающая среду, в которой изучение уроков физического воспитания в гибридной форме может эффективно осуществляться за счет ресурсов национальных курсов физического воспитания. Ключевые слова: видеообзор, гибридные тренировки, графика, физическая культура, видеоредактор.

Смешанное обучение становится одной из самых важных программ благодаря сочетанию электронного обучения и традиционного очного обучения. Чтобы объединить учебные ресурсы различных платформ обучения, учебный курс логически разделен на текущую часть и развивает контентную часть и интеллектуального поставщика. Предлагается видеоредактор, чтобы сделать общение и общение наглядным в процессе гибридного обучения. Приняв видеоредактор, учитель может просматривать видео о действиях учеников и комментировать неправильные действия, ученик может узнавать ошибки из своего видеоклипа. Предлагается алгоритм разделения кадров, чтобы облегчить разработку обзора, и результаты демонстрируют эффективность алгоритма.

Смешанное образование - не новая концепция, но как эффективный метод обучения Смешанное образование становится все более популярным во всем мире за последние два года. Смешанное обучение основано на инструкциях лицом к лицу (F2F). Традиционное образование интегрировано с электронным обучением, поэтому оно включает больше элементов, которые имеют преимущества по сравнению с традиционным режимом обучения F2F и электронным обучением.

Смешанное образование играет очень важную роль в учебной программе для всестороннего развития уроков физического воспитания. Хотя Смешанное


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