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Ключевые слова
variety / biostimulator / bioinoculant / plant preservation factor / plant height.

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Tsyhanska О., Tsyhanskyi V.

The results of the research on the study of pre-sowing treatment of soybean seeds with biostimulant and bioinoculant in the experimental field of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University are presented. Peculiarities of phenological development of the studied soybean varieties are established. Peculiarities of formation of one of the most important components of soybean crop formation formation plant density at the time of germination and their survival, the number of plants per unit area before harvesting are analyzed. According to the results of research conducted at the experimental sites, the effect of seed treatment with biostimulant and bioinoculant on field germination, density and survival of plants of the studied soybean varieties was revealed. It is established that on average for 2019-2020, depending on the action of intensification factors, the field germination of soybeans also changed, which influenced the formation of the plant density indicator for the period of full germination. As a result of the conducted researches, the influence of seed treatment with microelements and strain of nitrogen-fixing bacteria on the dynamics of plant height formation of soybean varieties was also revealed.

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13. Методика дослвдно! справи в овочiвництвi i баштанницта / За редакщею Г.Л. Бондаренка, К. I. Яковенка. Харшв.: Основа, 2001. 369 с.

14. Паламарчук 1.1. Вплив сортових особливо-стей на врожайнють та бюметричш показники про-дукци буряка столового в Правобережному Люо-степу Украши. Збiрник наукових праць Втницького нацюнального аграрного ^верситету. Сшьське господарство та лiсiвництво. №9. Вшниця. 2018. С. 144-153.

15. Паламарчук 1.1. Вплив строив авби на формування врожаю буряку столового в правобережному Люостепу Украши. Вкник уманського нацiонального утверситету садiвництва. №1. 2020 р. С. 54-58.

16. Паламарчук 1.1. Динашка формування площi листав рослин буряка столового залежно ввд сортових особливостей та строку авби в умовах

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20. Федеращя органiчного руху в УкраМ [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу : http ://www. organic.com.ua.

21. Vdovenko S.A., Palamarchuk I.I., Pantsyreva H.V., Alexeyev O.O., Vdovenko L.O. Energy efficient growing of red beet in the conditions of central forest steppe of Ukraine. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 2018, 8(4), 34-40.


Tsyhanska O.

Cand. of agricultural sciences, Senior Lecturer

Tsyhanskyi V.

Cand. of agricultural sciences, Senior Lecturer


The results of the research on the study of pre-sowing treatment of soybean seeds with biostimulant and bioinoculant in the experimental field of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University are presented. Peculiarities of phenological development of the studied soybean varieties are established. Peculiarities of formation of one of the most important components of soybean crop formation formation - plant density at the time of germination and their survival, the number of plants per unit area before harvesting are analyzed.

According to the results of research conducted at the experimental sites, the effect of seed treatment with biostimulant and bioinoculant on field germination, density and survival of plants of the studied soybean varieties was revealed. It is established that on average for 2019-2020, depending on the action of intensification factors, the field germination of soybeans also changed, which influenced the formation of the plant density indicator for the period of full germination. As a result of the conducted researches, the influence of seed treatment with microelements and strain of nitrogen-fixing bacteria on the dynamics of plant height formation of soybean varieties was also revealed.

Keywords: variety, biostimulator, bioinoculant, plant preservation factor, plant height.

The problem formulation. Field germination of seeds - the main indicator of seedling quality - is a percentage of the number of sown similar seeds [1]. According to scientists [8], obtaining friendly and full seedlings of optimal density is the key to obtaining a high yield. According to research [10], reducing the field germination of seeds by 1% reduces the yield of spring cereals by 1-2%, winter wheat by 1-1.5%; field germination of seeds is usually: in cereals - 60-65, legumes - 70-75, sugar beets - 45-60, perennial grasses -30-40, flax and hemp - 70-75%, which leads to significant yield losses. The height of the plant, its lodging and the height of attachment of the lower beans are one of the main features of soybeans, which determine its suitability for full mechanized cultivation from sowing to harvesting. The height of plants varies depending on

the variety, year of cultivation, soil and climatic conditions and agronomic techniques used [13].

Due to the height of the plants, the number of productive nodes may increase (varieties with incomplete type of growth are indeterminate), but this feature is undesirable due to shading of the lower tiers, while reducing the inflow of solar insolation to the plant. In the future there is a struggle for assimilators between the vegetative mass of the plant and the generative, where the first indicator falls. This feature is inherent in the old varieties and varieties that are grown under irrigation in conditions of sufficient heat supply [11, 14].

Analysis of recent research and publications. A significant volume of publications is devoted to the problems of selection, cultivation and processing of soybeans and the use of growth regulating and stimulating drugs [1-5, 7, 9]. Seed treatment with plant

growth regulators stimulates the process of their germination, increases germination and significantly accelerates the growth and development of plants [6]. Plant growth regulators create a certain microbiological and biochemical environment around the sown seeds, stimulate the growth of seedlings, increase the resistance of seedlings to diseases, adverse environmental conditions, increase the activity of beneficial microflora in the soil [6, 9]. Other indicators of the yield structure of soybean plants also significantly depend on varietal characteristics [4]. Soybeans are quite sensitive to both direct action and aftereffects of fertilizers. It is possible to grow a high yield only if its need for fertilizers is fully met. Nitrogen is of particular importance for soybeans [5].

The high cost of nitrogen fertilizer production has led to the interest of farmers in biological nitrogen [6]. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation is an economically attractive and environmentally safe means of reducing the use of mineral nitrogen fertilizers in agricultural production [7]. Due to biological nitrogen fixation, soybean satisfies its need for nitrogen by 25-75% depending on growing conditions [8]. It is due to biological nitrogen fixation that the application of mineral nitrogen fertilizers under soybeans is ineffective [9]. In addition, nitrate nitrogen introduced into the soil is one of the main inhibitors of the symbiosis of nodule bacteria and soybeans [10, 12].

Presentation of the main research material. The

indicator of plant density at the time of germination and their survival, the number of plants per unit area before harvesting is one of the most important components of soybean yield formation.

According to the results of research conducted at the experimental sites, the effect of seed treatment with a biostimulator and bioinoculant on field germination, density and survival of plants of the studied soybean cultivars was revealed. It was found that on average in 2019-2020, depending on the action of intensification factors, the field germination of soybeans also changed, in the Monada variety from 83.9 to 87.6% and in the Madison variety from 89.4 to 91.6%, which influenced the formation of the plant density indicator for the period of full germination of Monad variety - 50.8-52.9 pcs / m2 and Madison variety - 54.1-55.4 pcs / m2.

The seed germination rate in the Monada variety increased to 87.6%, and in the Madison variety - up to 91.6%, while the plant density was formed at the level of 52.9 and 55.4 pcs / m2, respectively. Seed treatment in combination with the use of mineral fertilizers to some extent reduces the suppressive effect of mineral fertilizers and provides increased field germination of soybean plants. This phenomenon is due to the activation of physiological and biochemical processes in seeds and seedlings of soybeans due to inoculation of seeds with a strain of nodule bacteria in the bioinocu-lant and treatment with trace elements (table 1).

Table 1.

Dynamics of plant density of the studied soybean varieties during the growing season depending on the pre_sowing treatment of seeds 2019 - 2020_

■ Í-H <JA

<D <u fc M ÊP

tí <D S

Presowing seed treatment in a Ö ct m <+H a ,n o ! 'G •S .1? Vï n .g es Z <D

° ö 3 n o .g Ci S <D SA d <D <D m Ö T3 g ra o eu a ö o o


Without processing (control) 52,0 86,1 36,8 70,0

Stimpo (25 mg / t) 52,6 86,9 38,2 75,8

Rhizolin (2 l / t) 50,8 83,9 37,5 71,9

Stimpo(25 mg / t) + Rizoline (2 l / t) 52,9 87,6 41,7 80,8


Without processing (control) 54,1 89,4 37,6 68,2

Stimpo (25 mg / t) 54,9 90,9 37,6 69,7

Rhizolin (2 l / t) 54,2 89,6 37,4 68,3

Stimpo(25 mg / t) + Rizoline (2 l / t) 55,4 91,6 41,6 78,6

The decrease in soybean plant density was associated with vegetation conditions that were characteristic throughout the period of plant growth and development. The main reason for the decrease in the number

of plants per unit area is that they are damaged by diseases, pests, exposed to adverse weather conditions, herbicides and mechanical damage caused by agronomic measures during the growing season. At the time of harvest, the stocking density of soybean plants of the

Monad variety was 36.8-41.7 units / m2, and the Madison variety - 37.4 - 41.6 units / m2.

Seed treatment with Rhizolin bioinoculant and Stimpo biostimulator had a positive effect on plant survival. The plant survival rate in Monada and Madison was highest (80.8% and 78.6%) in the variants of the experiment where seeds were treated with Rhinoline bi-oinoculant in combination with Stimpo biostimulator, where the number of plants at harvest was 41.7 and 41.6 pcs / m2.

Table 2.

Influence of pre-sowing seed treatment on the dynamics of plant height formation of soybean varieties, cm 2019

- 2020

As a result of research, to determine the impact of seed treatment with trace elements and a strain of nitrogen-fixing bacteria on the dynamics of plant height formation of soybean varieties, it was determined that on average in 2019-2020, the studied factors positively affected the growth of soybean plants in height. The lowest height of the soybean plant varieties Monada - 54.0 cm, Madison - 52.1 cm in the budding phase was in the control version (table 2).

Pre-sowing seed treatment plant budding phase flowering phase of plants phase of filling beans


Without processing (control) 54,0 73,1 103,3

Stimpo (25 mg / t) 59,9 81,8 114,0

Rhizolin (2 l / t) 57,8 80,5 110,5

Stimpo(25 mg / t) + Rizoline (2 l / t) 62,3 83,4 117,3


Without processing (control) 52,1 74,4 110,5

Stimpo (25 mg / t) 59,0 83,5 123,6

Rhizolin (2 l / t) 56,0 81,0 120,4

Stimpo(25 mg / t) + Rizoline (2 l / t) 60,0 84,6 125,8

The height of plants increased in the Monada variety - by 7.1-15.6% and the Madison variety - by 7.615.4% in the variants where the seeds were treated with the bioinoculant Rizoline and the bioregulator of growth Stimpo.

The use of modern preparations for seed treatment provides the best conditions for plant growth. It should be noted that inoculation of seeds with Rhizoline helped to increase the height in Monada - by 7.1% and in Madison - by 7.6%.

The increase in plant height from the use of the drug Stimpo was respectively 15.6%; and 13.5%. When the treatment of seeds with bioinoculant and bioregulator of growth was combined, the growth rates were the highest, amounting to 15.6% in the Monada variety; Madison - by 15.4%. It was found that the most intensive growth of the main stem took place in the period from budding to the beginning of mass flowering, as evidenced by observations of the dynamics of growth and development of plants of the studied soybean varieties. The increase in height during this period in the Monad variety was -11.7-22.7 cm and the medium-early Madison variety -13.5-24.9 cm. up to 83.4 cm and in the Madison variety - from 74.4 to 84.6 cm.

The highest indicator of plant height in soybean varieties was recorded in the phase of filling beans, almost until the end of the growing season the growth of the main stem did not occur. The lowest values of plant height were observed in the control (103.3 cm in the variety Monada and 110.5 cm in the variety Madison).

The best options in the experimental scheme were those where the seeds were treated with the bioregulator of growth Stimpo alone and in combination with the bioinoculant Rizoline. The increments from the combined seed treatment reached 15.3 cm in the Monada

variety and 14.0 cm in the Madison variety compared to the untreated varieties. The maximum height of plants was formed in the phase of filling beans with joint treatment of seeds with bioinoculant and bioregulator of growth in the variety Madison - 125.8 cm and in the variety Monada 117.3 cm.

Conclusion. In the study of soybean varieties grown in the experimental field of VNAU, it was found that the treatment of seeds with bioinoculant Rizoline and biostimulator Stimpo had a positive effect on plant survival. The plant survival rate of Monada and Madison was highest (80.8% and 78.6%) in the variants of the experiment where the seeds were treated with Rizo-line bioinoculant in combination with Stimpo biostim-ulator, where the number of plants at harvest was 41.7 and 41.6 pcs / m2 respectively. Also, in the studied varieties, the maximum plant height was formed in the phase of filling beans with joint treatment of seeds with bioinoculant and bioregulator of growth.


1. Didur I.M., Tsyhanskyi V.I., Tsyhanska O.I., Malynka L.V., Butenko A.O., Klochkova T.I. The effect of fertilizer system on soybean productivity in the conditions of right bank forest-steppe. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 2019 Vol. 9(1), 76-80.

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8. Tsyhanska O. I. Vplyv mineralnykh dobryv, peredposivnoi obrobky nasinnia ta pozakorenevoho pi-dzhyvlennia mikroelementamy na yakisni pokaznyky zerna sortiv soi [Influence of mineral fertilizers, pre-sowing treatment seeds and foliar feeding with microelements on qualitative indicators soybean grains]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Vinnytskoho natsionalnoho ahrarnoho universytetu. Silske hospodarstvo ta lisivny-tstvo. № 8. Vinnytsia. 2018. S. 78-86. [In Ukrainian]

9. Tsyhanska O. I., Tsyhanskyi V. I. Vplyv systemy udobrennia na prokhodzhennia faz rostu i rozvytku sortiv soi ta na koefitsiient zberezhennia roslyn [Influence of fertilizer system on passing the phases of growth and development of soybean varieties and the conservation rate plants]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Vinnytskoho natsionalnoho ahrarnoho universytetu. Silske hospodarstvo ta lisivnytstvo. № 13. Vinnytsia. 2019. S. 119-133. [In Ukrainian]

10. Tsyhanska O.I. Tsyhanskyi V.I. Vplyv mineralnykh dobryv ta sposobiv vykorystannia kompleksu mikroelementiv na vysotu roslyn soi [Influence of mineral fertilizers and ways to use a complex of trace elements at the height of soybean plants]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Vinnytskoho natsionalnoho ahrarnoho universytetu. Silske hospodarstvo ta lisivnytstvo. № 15. Vinnytsia. 2019. S. 83-93. [In Ukrainian]

11. Tsyhanskyi V.I., Tsyhanska O.I. Vplyv elementiv tekhnolohii vyroshchuvannia na aktyvizatsiiu roslynno-mikrobnoho symbiozu ta protsesy transformatsii azotu u ahrotsenozakh liutserny posivnoi [Influence of elements of technology cultivation to activate plant-microbial symbiosis and processes transformation of nitrogen in agrocenoses of alfalfa]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Vinnytskoho natsionalnoho ahrarnoho universytetu. Silske hospodarstvo ta lisivnytstvo. № 16. Vinnytsia. 2020. S. 61-72. [In Ukrainian]

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13. Zabolotnyi H.M., Mazur V.A., Tsyhanska O.I,, Didur I.M., Tsyhanskyi V.I., Pantsyreva H.V. (2020). Ahrobiolohichni osnovy vyroshchuvannia soi ta shliakhy maksymalnoi realizatsii yii produktyvnosti: monohrafiia Monohrafiia [Agrobiological bases of soybean cultivation and ways of maximum realization of its productivity]. Vinnytsia: VNAU. [In Ukrainian].

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