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Два новых вида жуков-усачей из Ирана (Coleoptera, cerambycidae) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Данилевский М.Л., Скрыльник Ю.Е.

Ropalopus (s. str.) nataliyae, sp. n. close to R. lederi (Ganglbauer, 1882) and Leiopus (s. str.) evgeniyi, sp. n. close to Leiopus femoratus Fairmaire, 1859 are described from North Iran (Golestan). The distinguishing characters are discussed.

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Two new Longicorn (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) species from Iran

Ropalopus (s. str.) nataliyae, sp. n. close to R. lederi (Ganglbauer, 1882) and Leiopus (s. str.) evgeniyi, sp. n. close to Leiopus femoratus Fairmaire, 1859 are described from North Iran (Golestan). The distinguishing characters are discussed.

Текст научной работы на тему «Два новых вида жуков-усачей из Ирана (Coleoptera, cerambycidae)»

Humanity space International almanac VOL. 3, No 4, 2014: 690-694

Two new Longicorn (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) species from Iran

M. L. Danilevsky1 & Yu. E. Skrylnik2

'A.N. Severtzov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Leninsky prospect 33, Moscow 119071 Russia

e-mail: danilevskyml@rambler.ru, danilevsky@cerambycidae.net

2Ukrainian Research Institute of Forestry & Forest Melioration

Pushkinska str. 86, Kharkov 61024 Ukraine

e-mail: yuriy.skrylnik@gmail.com, sklif83@mail.ru

Key words: Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae, Lamiinae, Ropalopus, Leiopus, new species, Iran.

Abstract: Ropalopus (s. str.) nataliyae, sp. n. close to R. lederi (Ganglbauer, 1882) and Leiopus (s. str.) evgeniyi, sp. n. close to Leiopus femoratus Fairmaire, 1859 are described from North Iran (Golestan). The distinguishing characters are discussed.

The third Iranian collecting trip 2014 of Yu. E. Skrylnik was concentrated on the east part of Elburs Mountains. Two new Cerambycidae spercies of that expedition are described bellow.

Ropalopus (s. str.) nataliyae, sp. n. Fig. 1

Only one female avilable. The species is very close to R. lederi (Ganglbauer, 1882) being black with green shining elytra.

Head between antennal tubercles nearly flat; apical palpal joints elongated, but relatively wide, triangular; antennae short, reaching to about apical elytral forth; 1st antennal joint about equal in length to 5th, 4th joint a little shorter, 3rd joint is the longest; 3rd - 7th joints with distinct apical internal spines; outer angles of joints very distinct, but not protruding in spines; apical antennal joint abou 2 times longer than wide; prothorax transverse, 1.5 times wider, than long; much wider anteriorly, than posteriorly; lateral side curved outward anteriorly and inward posteriorly; pronotum flat, glabrous, shining, without big smooth areas (only small narrow longitudinal smooth stripe present near base), with relatively regular, not very dense (but partly conjugated) punctation in the middle, without wrinkles, with very dense small punctation at sides; scutellum

transverse, glabrous, semicircular; elytra rather long, about 2.7.times longer than bassal width, strongly evenly widened behind middle, parallelsided in anterior third, with separately rounded apices; anterior elytral sculpture with conjugated dots, slighly rugose, posterior sculpture - much finer; femora relatively narrow; posterior tibiae nearly straight; posterior margin of the last abdominal sternite with very small emargination; body length 18.5 mm, body width at elytral base 5.8 mm, elytral width behind middle 6.5 mm.

Females of R. lederi differ by longer antennae, much rougher pronotal sculpture, shorter elytra, 6th -7th antennal joints with distinct outer spines; apical palpal joint wider; femora thicker. Material. Holotype, female, Iran, prov. Golestan, 2,5 km SW Khosh Aylaq vill., 2040 m, 36°49'55.33"N, 55°20'3.28"E, 10.6.2014, Yu. Skrylnik leg. - collection of M. Danilevsky.

Biology. The specimen was caught flying along a canyon (Fig. 2) with scattered small stunted maples (Acer sp.) at about high limit of its local area. There are many large groups of big maples (more than 5 m high) at about 6 km down the canyon beneath the collecting site. Once an old dead Acer was discovered nearby (4 km E Khosh Aylaq, 1600 m, 36°51'10.05"N, 55°23'44.95"E) with numerous deep larval galleries typical for Ropalopus under the bark in the sapwood accompanied by several emergence holes.

Etymology. The new species is dedicated to Nataliya Valerievna Skrylnik - beloved wife of Yuriy Skrylnik.

Leiopus (s. str.) evgeniyi, sp. n.

Figs 3-4

The species is very close to Leiopus femoratus Fairmaire, 1859, which was described from Istambul environs, Turkey ("Trouvé à Constantinople").

Body black with pale bases of antennal joints and several pale leg areas: femora bases, middle tibiae parts, parts of tarsi joints; elytral areas under white pubescence also pale; the distence between inner eye borders is about same as the height of frons; genae distincly shorter, than the lower eye lobes; antennae very long, in males and in female more than two times longer than body; 1st joint is about as long as 5th, shorter than 4th, and much shorter than 3rd;

prothorax in males and in female about 1.2 times shorter than basal width, with small moderately dense, regular punctation; elytral punctation larger, but also regular and moderately dense; elytra in males parallelsided, in female a little widened posteriorly; in males about 2 times longer than width near humeri, in female - about 2.2 times; with scattered black spots partly conjugated; transverse posterior black band never complete, sometimes totally absent; apical black area absent; femora strongly clavate; pygidium in males rounded with very small apical emargination, last abdominal sternite truncated; pygidium in female attenuated and slightly sharpened, last sbdominal sternite triangularly emarginated; body length in males: 4.1-5.1 mm; width: 1.5-1.7 mm, body length in female: 6.0 mm, width - 1.8 mm.

The nearest species L. femoratus Fairmaire, 1859 is now accepted with very large area from France and Italy (including Sicily) to Talysh mountains in south Azerbaijan with neighbor regions of North Iran. In Russia it is known northwards to Rostov region. Most probably a lot of rather different populations of the species in such a vast area can represent local subspecies or even species. L. pachymerus Ganglbauer, 1884 and L. femoratus var. caspius Ganglbauer, 1884 (both names were proposed for "Caucasus") are now regarded as synonyms of L. femoratus Fairmaire, 1859. L. femoratus closest to L. evgeniyi, sp. n. is distributed in Talysh mountains and represented in the collection of M.Danilevsky by 4 males (5.1-7.4mm) and 6 females (4.7-7.3mm). It differs from L. evgeniyi, sp. n. by shorter antennae (less than twice longer than body), prothorax usually relatively wider, male elytra with sides converging posteriorly; black elytral band usully well developed; posterior emargination of last abdominal sternite in females less pronounced or indistinct.

Material. Holotype, male, Iran, prov. Golestan, 8 km SE Minudasht, near Tashte vill., Elburz Mts., h=430m, 37°12'58.09"N, 55°27'51.26"E, 8.VI.2014, leg. Skrylnik Yu. - collection of M. Danilevsky; 3 paratypes, 2 males and 1 female with same label -collections of M. Danilevsky and Yu. Skrylnik. Biology. All specimens were collected by sweeping over lower dead thin (up to 3cm in diameter) branches of deciduous trees in the broad-leaved forest (Fig. 5) with Quercus, Fagus and Carpinus.

Etymology. The new species is dedicated to Evgeniy Vladimirovitch Skrylnik - father of Yuriy Skrylnik.

Acknowledgements. We are very grateful to Igor Pliushch (Kiev) and Oleg Pak (Donetsk ) for their constant field collaboration and arousal inspiration. Our special thanks to Alexander Slutsky (Kharkov) for his perfect photographs of holotypes.


Fairmaire L. 1859. Miscellanea Entomologica. Troisième partie.- Annales de la

Société Entomologique de France, (3) 7: 21-64. Ganglbauer L. 1882. Bestimmungstabellen der europäischen Coleopteren. VII. Cerambycidae.- Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen ZoologischBotanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 31 [1881]: 681-758, pl. 22. Ganglbauer L. 1884. Bestimmungstabellen europäischer Coleopteren: VIII. Cerambycidae. (Schluss.) Mit Berücksichtigung der Formen Algiers und des paläarktischen Asiens, exclusive jener von Japan.- Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 33 [1883]: 437-586.

Fig. 1. Ropalopus (s. str.) nataliyae, sp. n.

holotype, female (photo by A.Slutsky slightly modified by authors). Fig. 2. The site of Ropalopus (s. str.) nataliyae, sp. n. Figs 3-4. Leiopus evgeniyi, sp. n.:

2 - holotype, male (photo by A.Slutsky slightly modified by authors);

3 - paratype, female.

Fig. 5. The site of Leiopus evgeniyi, sp. n.

Received: 22.10.2014 Accepted: 14.11.2014

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