DRYING OF SOYBEANS SEEDS IN THE ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Ключевые слова
microwave drying / soybeans / energy efficiency / humidity.

Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Popiak O.G.

In the work were shown the energy and technological prospects of soy dehydration at band microwave dryer, was presented the scheme and objective of the experimental studies, and analyzed the results of experi-ments got through soybean dehydration.

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«етуушиим-лшшау» 2021 / agricultural sciences


УДК: 631.36:631.563.2.

Попяк О.Г.

Винницкий национальный аграрный университет Аспирант Кафедры сельскохозяйственного машиностроения и технического сервиса, Украина

DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-1299-35-40 СУШКА СЕМЯН СОИ В ЭЛЕКТРОМАГНИТНОМ ПОЛЕ

Popiak O.G.

Vinnytsia National Agrarian University Graduate student of the Department of Agricultural engineering and technical service, Ukraine



Показана энергетическая и технологическая перспектива обезвоживания подсолнечника в ленточной микроволновой сушилке. Представлена схема и задачи экспериментальных исследований. Анализируются результаты экспериментов, полученные на обезвоживании сои. Abstract.

In the work were shown the energy and technological prospects of soy dehydration at band microwave dryer, was presented the scheme and objective of the experimental studies, and analyzed the results of experiments got through soybean dehydration.

Ключевые слова: микроволновая сушка, соя, энергоэффективность, влажность. Keywords: microwave drying, soybeans, energy efficiency, humidity.

Introduction. Soy belongs to the type of plants that ripen late, and are classified to the group of oilseeds with a longer growing period than of cereals. Soy grain, which is processed, is usually dried to a moisture content of 7-8%, and intended for long-term storage - up to 6-7% [1]. The soybean grain is harvested in the third decade of August and September-October, so it coincides with the period of high humidity and low temperature of the outer air. Up to 50% of all soybeans grains that are harvested by oil extraction enterprises and grain receiving points has a humidity of up to 20% and above.

Scientific Problem and Hypothesis. The most important process in the technology of soybean oil production, which depends on the quality of the future product, is drying. A single grain, as an object of drying, by its anatomical structure and chemical composition is a biocolloid system of two-component combination: capillary-porous (fruit shell) and colloidal (kernel) bodies. They are characterized by the presence of all types of moisture bond in accord with the classification of Academician NA Rebinder [2].

Specific properties of soybeans grain as an object of drying are the following: heterogeneity of seed composition (presence of kernel, fruit, and seed shells), natural heterogeneity of grain in size, weight, and humidity, low strength of the fruit shell, low thermal conductivity, thermolability of protein and lipid parts of the grain. All these characteristics form particular demands on the method of drying and the design of drying devices [3].

Nowadays there are serious contradictions in heat drying technologies. On one hand, to increase the productivity of dryers there is a need to increase energy consumption. To intensify the wet transfer the consumption of coolant is increased which, in its turn, leads to an increase of harmful impact on the environment.

Besides, the process is regulated by the final temperature of the product. This confirms the thesis that con-vective dryers have exhausted their reserves [3].

Therefore, the research hypothesizes is that the solution to such contradictions is based on the use of electromagnetic generators as alternative energy sources [4,5]. They are capable of targeted energy delivery directly to moisture in the product.

Analysis of researches and publications. The soybeans grain is reliably stored if its humidity does not exceed 7% and the temperature is 10 ° C and below.

The drying temperature on batch grain dryers should be 60 ° C. The drying temperature on current grain dryers can reach 65 ° C. When drying soybeans seeds that are intended for sowing, the drying temperature should not exceed 43 ° C.

In recent years, there is a growing interest in dehydration technologies in the electromagnetic field. One of the types of such technology is drying in a microwave field. The duration of the drying process with the supply of microwave energy is 40 ... 90% less than the duration of drying in traditional methods [3,5]. It is established that the treatment of products by the method of microwave drying significantly reduces their microbiological contamination [4]. At the same time, there are several limitations of microwave drying: uneven electromagnetic field inside the microwave camera, which leads to uneven heating of the product; limited depth of penetration of the microwave field into the product; very high weight transfer rate, which can cause undesirable changes in a product structure [4].

Absorption and scattering of microwave radiation in food materials are determined mainly by the following processes [6]:

1) resonant absorption of radiation by molecules of dry matter (by all components that form these capillary-porous colloidal body) and molecules of structural and water associated with the material;

2) scattering due to fluctuations in density or concentration of the substance, as well as scattering on molecules (for example, on molecules of proteins, starch, polymers, etc.) or ions;

3) scattering of radiation on suspended colloidal particles, starch grains, plant cells, microfibrils, pigment particles;

4) scattering on other optical heterogeneities - capillaries and pores in capillary porous colloidal bodies, pores in foamy and slag materials [6].

In the absorption spectra of products of plant and animal origin, the absorption of microwave field is due to the total absorption of all components that make up the cell. According to this, the superposition of individual lines leads to the formation of a continuous spectrum with T > 3.0 ^m [6]. The presence of water in food products significantly affects the overall absorption spectrum.

Structural, adsorbed, capillary - condensing and free moisture in food has different physical and chemical properties [6]. In some products (vegetables, fruits) water is contained and is in predominant quantities, so their optical properties are determined mainly by the optical properties of water [6]. Water is characterized by significant absorption and very weak scattering throughout the microwave area of the spectrum [6].

The amount of microwave radiation that acts on any surface is in the spectral dependence, because the energy, which is emitted from the emitter, consists of different wavelengths and the fraction of radiation at each line of the spectrum depends on the temperature and radiation coefficient of the emitter. The wavelength at which the maximum radiation occurs is determined by the temperature of the infrared element [6].

The Aim of the Research. The research aims to determine the influence of modes and design parame-

ters on kinetics drying in a band dryer with electromagnetic energy sources, minimization of energy costs, and the guaranty of the quality parameters of seeds.

The Results of the Research. The research was carried out on a stand (Fig. 1), which consists of a loading hopper (1), a band conveyor (2), three stages of microwave processing of material (3). The module of microwave processing contains two microwave emitters with a capacity of 550 watts, and a resistance of 50 ohms each, located at a distance of 13 cm from the surface of the conveyor band. The power of the emitters is regulated by thyristor voltage regulators, controlled by electronic digital multimeter UT202. The moisture content of soybeans seeds is determined by drying the samples to a constant weight. Samples were taken before and after each microwave module.

The band is moving by an electric motor Oriental Motor 6 - 90 W, the number of wraps in which is regulated by a potentiometer. The voltage is monitored with a TL - 4M voltmeter. The engine will provide a straight line as well as reversible.

The loading hopper is provided with the gateway which regulates the thickness of a product layer on a band within 3 ... 10 mm regardless of its speed.

On the band were placed 8-10 cassettes with soya. The weight of empty cassettes and grains was determined by electronic scales TVE-0.21-0.01. Product temperatures were measured remotely by Dallas DS 18b20 sensors. The change in the weight of grain in the cassette determined the weight of moisture removed.

During the process of the experiment, there was recorded the duration of the process itself, temperature, and weight of the soybeans. The specific weight of the material (g) shows the weight (m) of the product per unit of processing surface (F), and the surface power density - microwave energy consumed per 1m2 of surface processing.

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of a band microwave dryer Range of microwave drying processes research

Table 1

Raw stuff Surface power density MW kW/ m2 Temperature T, ° C Loading g, kg / m2 The duration of the process t, min

Soybean seeds 7,33 ... 11 33 ... 43 1,7 ... 3,4 20 ... 75

Under the study was the influence of the power of the supplied energy on the average speed of the drying process. The experiments were held at the speed of the band conveyor of 0.04 m / s, with a specific load of 1.7 kg / m2 on one microwave module. The amount of specific moisture was determined by the initial and final humidity of a soybean. The drying rate was calculated

from the amount of specific moisture and the time during which the soybean was exposed to microwave radiation (Fig. 2).

With an increase of specific power by 1.5 times (Fig. 2), the drying process time decreases proportionally. The duration of the drying process to the relative product humidity in 6-7% takes 38-60 minutes. From the data (Fig. 2) the values of drying speed were determined (Fig. 3).

30 40 50 Time t, min

Fig. 2. Influence of Specific power on drying kinetics.

It is seen (Fig. 3) that with the increase of supplied energy by 1.5 times, the drying rate increases by 50%. The drying rate varies in the range of 0.5 ... 2.0% / min. The productivity of the machine in the loading mode of

1.7 kg / m2 at a speed of 0.04 m / s was 1.3 kg / h of dry

grain with a moisture content of 6.5%. At the same time, when the power is increased 1.5 times, the temperature of soybean seeds at the outlet does not exceed 40 0C (Fig. 4), which is quite important in the process of drying food products.

6,00 s.oo 10,00 Humidity W, %

Fig. 3. Influence of specific power on drying rate

Fig. 4. Influence of surface power density on product temperature

Increasing the microwave modules increases the amount of time when the product is under radiation. This allows using a higher speed of the product movement, which, in its turn, leads to increased productivity of the machine. The experiments (Fig. 5) were held using one, two, and three microwave modules at a product speed of 0.04 m / s, a load of 1.7 kg / m2, and a surface power density of each module of 9.17 kW / m2

With an increase in the number of modules in 3 times the drying rate increases proportionally (Fig. 5). The location of the modules is an independent scientific task, which should solve the contradictions between the problems of increasing the drying rate and regulations for overheating the product.


Fig. 5. The influence of the number of microwave modules on the drying rate

The specific load is regulated by the hopper of the bunker and depends on the thickness of the product layer. The experiments were held at values of a specific load of 1.7 ... 3.4 kg / m2, and the rate of the conveyor band of 0.04 m / s. The surface electric power density that was supplied to the product was 9.17 kW / m2.

With a thickening of layer (Fig. 6), energy acts not on the entire weight of the product on the band, which not only reduces the intensity of the drying process, but the upper layers of the product create resistance to moisture transfer from the lower layers to the diffusion medium.






a W





» j/r

jf * i


. q=3.4 kg/m3

2. q=1.7 kg/m!





Humiditv W, %





Fig. 6. Influence of specific loading on drying rate.

This factor can be eliminated by using several conveyor bands. When overloading occurs there would be transmition from the lower band to the upper one.

In conditions of a severe energy crisis, the feasibility of innovative technologies is assessed by the specific energy costs for the production of finished products.

Energy costs were determined by the amount of specific moisture and energy consumed by microwave emitters in the following ratio: AW • mpr

Qsp =-^ MJ / kg, (1)

sp N• n• t •lO6

where: Qsp - specific energy consumption, MJ per 1 kg of specific moisture; AW - change in product

moisture, %; mpr - the weight of the processed product, kg; N - the power of the microwave module, W; n - number of microwave modules; t - operating time of microwave emitters.

Experimental modes are given in Table 2.

Established modes with which the energy consumption for specific moisture is 3.1 ... 3.2 MJ / kg at different modes, while the specific energy consumption of existing industrial dryers reaches at least 4 ... 4.5 MJ per 1 kg of specific moisture [3, 7-9]. That is, the experimental machine on energy efficiency corresponds to the best examples of drying equipment.

Table 2

Modes of dehydration in a band microwave dryer

Band rate, m/c Specific load, kg / m2 Surface power density MW, kW/ m2 Number of modules

0.04 1.7 7.33 1

0.04 1.7 9.17 1

0.04 1.7 11 1

0.04 3.4 7.33 1

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0.04 3.4 9.17 1

0.04 3.4 11 1

0.04 1.7 18.34 2

0.04 1.7 27.51 3

Conclusion. The innovative method of drying, which is used on a band dryer, meets the requirements of modern methods of dehydration of cereals, legumes, oilseeds, fruits, berries, and vegetables. It allows to held the drying process without exceeding the regulatory temperature of the product, which allows, in its turn, to store nutrients. The process does not damage the structure of the product and preserves its presentable appearance.

Moreover, the duration of the drying process is reduced by 40-60% compared to traditional drying methods, which allows processing more products.

Due to the contactless heating of the product by microwave radiation, the stage of the interaction of the

product with the coolant is excluded. This increases the energy efficiency of the process of dehydration of food raw materials.

By adjusting the modes, a number of modules, and rate of the band, it is possible to control the drying process and change the dehydration modes on the band dryer for certain types and requirements of food raw materials.


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UDC 330.341

Амонс С.Е.

кандидат альськогосподарських наук, доцент кафедри ботанжи, генетики та захисту рослин, Вiнницький нацюнальний аграрний ymiверситет DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-1299-40-46 СУЧАСНИЙ СТАН ТА ПРОБЛЕМИ ШНОВАЦШНОГО РОЗВИТКУ ГАЛУЗ1


Amons S.E.

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Botany, Genetics and Plant Protection,

Vinnitsia National Agrarian University



У статтi розглядаються питання сучасного стану втчизняно'1 галузi кормовиробництва, пiдви-щення ii ефективностi, заснованих на формуванш i використанш економiчних принципiв, визначеннi еко-номiчних взаeмовiдносин в нових умовах розвитку втчизняного аграрного сектора.

Встановлено, що успшно виршити проблему забезпечення тваринництва високопоживними кормами можливо при оргашзацИ ттенсивного кормовиробництва як самостшног галузi, а також на основi концептуальних пiдходiв стратеги тновацшного розвитку кормовиробництва Укра'ши.

Наголошено, що тновацшну складову у втчизняному кормовиробництвi ^iд розглядати як реалгза-цт в господарськш практиц результатiв наукових до^джень та розробок нових сортiв кормових культур, кормосумшок; новiтнiх наукоемних технологш виробництва, заготiвлi та зберiгання кормiв; вико-ристання бшьш ефективних нових добрив, засобiв захисту кормових культур; нових форм орган1зацИ виробництва та управлтня галуззю кормовиробництва, що дасть можливiсть пiдвищити ii ефективтсть.


The article considers the current state of the domestic feed industry, increasing its efficiency, based on the formation and use of economic principles, determining economic relations in the new conditions of development of the domestic agricultural sector.

It is established that it is possible to successfully solve the problem of providing livestock with highly nutritious feeds by organizing intensive fodder production as an independent industry, as well as on the basis of conceptual approaches to the strategy of innovative development offodder production in Ukraine.

It is emphasized that the innovative component in the domestic feed production should be considered as the implementation in economic practice of the results of research and development of new varieties of feed crops, feed mixtures; the latest science-intensive technologies for production, procurement and storage of feed; use of more effective new fertilizers, means ofprotection offorage crops; new forms of organization ofproduction and management of the feed industry, which will increase its efficiency.

Ключовi слова: кормова площа, галузь, кормовиробництво, кормова база, тваринництво, продукти-втсть, розвиток, iнновацii, ефективтсть.

Keywords: fodder area, branch, fodder production, fodder base, animal husbandry, productivity, development, innovation, efficiency.

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