Journal of Sociology: Bulletin of Yerevan University 2024, Vol. 15, No. 1(39), June, 54-66 httDs://
Khaoula Ñachi , ORCID ID: PhD researcher, Laboratoire du changement social et relation publiques en Algérie-biskra, Mohamed Khider University- biskra (Algeria) E- mail: [email protected] Kaltoum Messaoudi , ORCID ID: PhD, Lecturer, Laboratoire du changement social et relation publiques en Algérie-biskra, Mohamed Khider University- biskra (Algeria) E- mail: [email protected]
Abstract. The study discusses the phenomenon of drug abuse and its relationship to the spread of domestic violence directed against women and its impact on the lives of abused women in the state of Tebessa - Algeria. These actions are considered violations of a system of moral values that are unacceptable within society, because they have repercussions on its most important social system, which is the family. The study used the descriptive approach because it helps in understanding social phenomena in their natural context, as the phenomenon is documented and described in a detailed and accurate manner. The snowball sample was relied on, which represented a group of women who were exposed to various types of domestic violence resulting from drug abuse and practiced against them. The interview tool was relied upon to collect data and information. The results of the study showed that drug abuse is related to the spread of domestic violence against women, as this affects the quality of family life. Drug abuse is also considered one of the causes that contribute to the spread of violence against women, and has led to disturbance and disintegration of family relationships and ties. This requires combating the phenomenon of drug abuse, because eliminating it in turn includes eliminating all the various social phenomena within the social and family structure.
Key words: drug abuse, violence, domestic violence, women, crime
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Received: 15.04.2024 Revised: 01.07.2024 Accepted: 02.07.2024 © The Author(s) 2024
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fomrnim Lmjb, ORCID ID: qn^mnpmhm, UnhmItq hmlmjumpmh-Phu^pm (Ujdhp)
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PmhmLh pmntp - plpmlji^nghhpji ±mpm2mhm.1I, pnhmpjmh, phuimhhljmhpnhmpjmh, Ijmhmjp, hmhgmqnpèmpjmh
Khaoula Nachi, ORCID ID: Chercheur doctorant, Université Mohamed Khider- biskra (Algérie) E-mail : [email protected] Kaltoum Messaoudi, ORCID ID:
Maître de conférences, Université Mohamed Khider- Biskra (Algérie) E-mail : [email protected]
Résumé. L'étude discute du phénomène de l'abus de drogues et de sa relation avec la propagation de la violence domestique dirigée contre les femmes et son impact sur la vie des femmes maltraitées dans l'État de Tebessa - Algérie. Ces actes sont considérés comme des violations d'un système de valeurs morales inacceptables au sein de la société, car ils ont des répercussions sur son système social le plus important, qui est la famille. L'étude a utilisé l'approche descriptive car elle aide à comprendre les phénomènes sociaux dans leur contexte naturel, car le phénomène est documenté et décrit de manière détaillée et précise. L'outil d'entretien a été utilisé pour collecter des données et des informations. Les résultats de l'étude ont montré que l'abus de drogues est lié à la propagation de la violence domestique contre les femmes, car celle-ci affecte la qualité de la vie familiale. L'abus de drogues est également considéré comme l'une des causes qui contribuent à la propagation de la violence à l'égard des femmes et a conduit à la perturbation et à la
désintégration des relations et des liens familiaux. Cela nécessite de lutter contre le phénomène de l'abus des drogues, car son élimination implique également l'élimination de tous les différents phénomènes sociaux au sein de la structure sociale et familiale.
Mots clés: abus de drogues, violence, violence domestique, femmes, criminalité
There have been many descriptions and types of drugs, and their dangers and harms have increased. They spread terribly among members of society, at different levels and ages. They mortgage the lives and futures of young people, negatively affecting their physical health and mental perceptions. This has created many psychological disorders and pushed users into unknown lives. The damage has exceeded all expectations, affecting various fields, making it inevitable to confront this issue from all sides. Fighting this scourge and eliminating it is the responsibility of everyone—individuals, the government, and even civil society—in order to preserve the security and stability of the nation and its people.
Today's various systems play a significant role in confronting the phenomenon of drug abuse in society. They work to implement preventive and therapeutic mechanisms, some of which are legal, while others are social, all aiming to combat drug abuse. Among the social systems, the family must have a prominent role in society in terms of combating this scourge. The discussion about the family's role in social control has evolved over time. Previously, families worked to surround individuals with a set of sound values and principles to prevent them from falling into social deviations. However, the nature of family roles today has changed, and many of its functions have been taken over by other nurturing institutions. Families now face numerous challenges and have undergone transformations due to social and cultural developments, affecting their role in social control. The decline of patriarchal roles and functions has led to some disintegration of standards and moral values that once controlled individual behavior towards deviant acts.
The Problem of the Study
The phenomenon of drug abuse is one of the chronic social scourges facing societies worldwide, both Arab and Western. The social danger it poses has led to the spread of many phenomena that have contributed to social chaos. Drug abuse itself is deviant behavior with harmful effects that extend beyond the individual user to impact families and society as a whole.
Drug use and addiction are considered among the most dangerous manifestations of social chaos that have threatened the entity and stability of society, as they are considered criminal behaviors within a society that has standards and rules by which it defines acceptable and unacceptable patterns of behavior. It is one of the phenomena that has preoccupied public opinion due to the risks that have been Drug use and addiction are among the most dangerous manifestations of social chaos that have threatened the stability of society. These behaviors are considered criminal within a society that defines acceptable and unacceptable patterns of behavior through its standards and rules. This phenomenon has preoccupied public opinion due to the significant risks it poses to societal and family security. Despite ongoing efforts to combat it, drug use continues to spread, leading to the emergence of new narcotic substances previously not classified as such. Algerian society, and families in particular, face serious social challenges due to the increasing spread of drug use and its negative consequences, including the rise in
violence, which has become a common pattern within both society and the family.
Substance abuse is one of the biggest causes of violence among both users and nonusers. Therefore, it can be said that there is a link between violent behavior and drug abuse. The latter has become a threat to individuals and society, given its psychological and social effects, which result in behaviors that violate societal standards and rules. This can be considered a manifestation of social chaos, as it weakens individuals' self-control, making it difficult for them to curb violent criminal behavior. Hence, the problem of this study lies in the following main question: What is the relationship between drug abuse and the spread of violence against women?
The following sub-questions emerge from the main question:
• How does drug abuse contribute to violence against women?
• What are the types of violence related to drug abuse against women?
• What are the effects of violence resulting from drug abuse against women?
• What are the possible mechanisms to reduce drug abuse?
The importance of this study is to identify the relationship between drug abuse and domestic violence, especially against women, and its impact on various types of crime and its effects on society and the family. The focus on domestic violence related to drug abuse stems from its nature as a social problem resulting from economic and social conditions, as well as its significant psychological and social effects and repercussions on the family. Interest in this topic aims to better understand these phenomena to improve efforts in transforming understanding into more effective prevention and control programs regarding the association of drug abuse with violence, a manifestation of social chaos. This is due to the increasing rate and spread of crimes resulting from drug abuse, which requires thorough study within society.
Aim of the Study
The research paper follows an analytical descriptive approach to describe the phenomenon of drug abuse and its effects on women. It aims to observe the changes associated with drug abuse, including the emergence of behaviors related to domestic violence, and analyze their effects on the abused women.
Objectives of the Study
Since drug abuse and drug-related violence are sources of concern, our goals are to:
• Shed light on the problem of drug abuse and its relationship to committing domestic violence against women in its various forms.
• Understand the causes and consequences of drug abuse and their relationship to domestic violence, which is essential for developing effective prevention and control strategies.
• Clarify the relationship between drug abuse and domestic violence.
• Understand the extent to which drug abuse affects the emergence of violent behavior and crime.
Major terms
Drug Abuse
The term drug abuse refers to the excessive use of drugs, whether legally prescribed (such as narcotics prescribed for moderate to severe pain) or illegal drugs. However, this
use does not rise to the level of drug dependence or addiction (Gwinnell, 2008, p. 1). Drug abuse involves taking drugs illegally, including consuming alcohol, medications, and other prohibited substances excessively or incorrectly. The World Health Organization Committee of Experts defines drug abuse as the continuous or intermittent excessive use or abuse of substances not related to accepted medical practice, leading to negative results and recurring problems.
Drug abuse causes human suffering, with consequences often reflected on individuals and society, expressing functional dysfunction at both the family and community levels. It is related to and causes the emergence of crimes such as murder, violence, and other social problems that disrupt the system of values and standards prevailing in society. Substance abuse is a chronic, progressive, and relapsing disorder that leads to physical and psychological dependence on chemicals. Like many other health disorders, it can be treated successfully (Ann H. Crowe, 1994).
Therefore, treating addicted individuals is necessary to reduce many social and other problems. This helps in controlling and confronting the spread of many diseases and criminal behaviors resulting from abuse.
1. Violence is considered irrational aggressive behavior, whether physical or moral, that causes physical or psychological harm. The meaning of violence varies, but it generally includes any aggressive act aimed at causing serious physical harm, such as injury or death (Hamby, 2017, p. 168). The problem of violence exists in human society and is similar to other social problems.
2. According to the Random House dictionary, violence includes three concepts: severity, harm, and physical force (Michaud, 1978, p. 37). Thus, the overall definitions of violence revolve around negative behaviors intended to inflict harm, whether material or moral, which makes this phenomenon a threat to the stability of society, especially the family structure.
3. Violence is one of the pathological phenomena experienced by Arab and Algerian societies in particular. It has social and psychological dimensions that have evolved over time due to various social, economic, and psychological factors, including drug abuse, which has also begun to fuel the phenomenon of violence within Algerian society and exacerbate other social problems such as family issues.
4. Violence has become widespread within the social fabric and has begun to take several forms, including physical, verbal, moral, and symbolic. Those who study the issue of violence often find it linked to means and ends aimed at achieving certain goals. When an individual is unable to meet their social needs and desires, they may resort to some form of deviation to achieve them, including violence.
Domestic Violence
The phenomenon of domestic violence has become increasingly widespread recently due to social and other conditions, such as the decline in educational values and the collapse of the moral system among perpetrators of violent crimes. Economic factors like unemployment and poverty also play a role in the spread of violence, making this phenomenon an integral part of citizens' daily lives.
The concept of domestic violence is linked to several social factors that contribute to
its formation. It is defined as "all forms and patterns of violence practiced within the family that cause material or moral harm to one of its members" (Bahri and Nazik, 2011, p. 39). There are many motives for committing violence, whether latent or apparent, and one of the primary reasons for violent acts is drug abuse. "Drug-related violence is a form of violence" (Carlc. Bell, 2014, p. 659).
Crime is considered anti-social behavior characterized by the rejection of societal standards and rules. It is defined as "acts prohibited by law that may be punished by imprisonment or a fine. Examples of crimes include murder, theft, burglary, rape, driving under the influence of alcohol, child neglect, and failure to pay taxes." The term crime is derived from the Latin word "crimen," which means crime and also the wrongdoer (Sowmyya Thotakura, 2014, p. 196).
Crime has existed alongside human existence, and the motives and reasons for committing it vary. It is a social phenomenon and a state of conflict and turmoil witnessed by all societies in general and Algerian society in particular. It has become one of the problems that threaten the stability and security of society, spreading across homes, streets, schools, and other social institutions. Crime is one of the deviant behaviors that violate the rules and standards of social control.
Crime reflects the imbalances within society and the family. It is considered one of the violent behaviors, with family factors being a common cause. These factors include an imbalance in family functions and roles, poor socialization methods by parents, and other reasons such as divorce and family disintegration. Based on the above, crime indicates a state of failure of the individual to adapt to their society.
Drug Abuse and Its Role in the Spread of Domestic Violence
The intersection between domestic violence and drug abuse presents significant challenges for any society, as both share similar risk factors. Domestic violence disrupts family relationships, which in turn affects society. Drug abuse also impacts individual behavior, increasing the likelihood of stress and aggression. There are many reasons for domestic violence, including drug abuse and consumption:
Psychological Factors
Mental illnesses have become more common in recent years, linked to the complex and changing life circumstances people face today, characterized by tension and anxiety. These disturbances in human relations generate abnormal behaviors within society, leading to various crimes, including drug abuse and addiction. Underlying personality disorders are influenced by surrounding social factors.
Drug abuse affects behavior and violent actions within the family environment, increasing aggression and tension and reducing a person's ability to control anger and behavior. Disorders such as hallucinations and psychological issues can result in abnormal behavior. Incorrect socialization methods, such as low self-esteem and family rejection, also drive individuals to use drugs to relieve tension and emotion. Improper upbringing significantly impacts the emergence of behaviors that violate societal standards and rules. Thus, psychological factors are a contributing cause of drug abuse, with the consequences of this abuse later reflected in the individual's behavior and family or social relationships.
Social Factors
• Moral Deviations: Society today is witnessing a decline in values and morals. The spread of moral decadence has impacted the social structure, indicating a deviation from the agreed-upon moral values and principles. Social changes affect individual behavior, leading to moral deviation, drug abuse, and resulting immoral behavior, most notably violence within the family environment.
• Poverty and Unemployment: Individuals suffering from poverty and unemployment may feel frustrated by their social conditions. To escape this reality, they use drugs to relieve pressure and evade social and economic problems. Unemployment and poverty negatively impact psychological health, creating psychological pressures that drive people to drug abuse as a means to alleviate stress.
Economic Factors
Economic reasons can link domestic violence to the abuser's need for money to buy drugs, prompting illegal activities such as theft and fraud, which lead to violence within the family. This can result from feelings of want, poverty, and lack of resources that prevent individuals from living with dignity.
The study was conducted in Tebessa, an eastern city in Algeria known for its culture and historical significance, with a population density of about one million people. It consists of 28 municipalities covering a wide geographical area. The study took place from June to December 2023 and was an exploratory descriptive study on the prevalence of domestic violence related to drug abuse in Tebessa and some of its municipalities. Due to the sensitivity of the topic and the extreme reservation of the families interviewed, a snowball sample was used to identify families exposed to drug-related domestic violence.
Research methods
Given the sensitive nature of the subject, especially in a conservative society where the family maintains a degree of privacy despite internal problems and unstable relationships, obtaining samples required significant efforts and interventions. The research sample consisted of interviews with women exposed to drug-related violence. Interviewing husbands and children was difficult because they were drug users within the same family, so women were chosen for the interviews. The aim was to answer questions related to the topic, identify the main factors contributing to the spread of this phenomenon, and reveal the various effects of drug abuse on the emergence of violent behaviors and crime.
Research results
First Sample
The first sample of this study was conducted in the city of Tebessa, involving a 40-year-old woman with no formal education. She reported suffering from domestic violence, stating that her husband is violent in his behavior and dealings with her and their children, with the severity of his violence increasing particularly when he stops using drugs. She added that she spent most of her time at her parents' house, but after having children, it became difficult to move them elsewhere. She noted that her husband would often sit next to a cigarette seller, look for someone to supply him with drugs, and then return home. She did not initially understand the reason behind his behavior until after she experienced beatings and physical assaults without justification. She also
noticed changes in his behavior towards the children, and their financial situation worsened due to his inability to work because of his bad behavior with colleagues.
She revealed that her husband's addiction to drugs is due to their living conditions and the environment, which is a popular and central neighborhood for selling drugs. She mentioned that this area is far from security patrols, so the sale and promotion of drugs are widespread. She stated that the most common types of violence she faces are physical and verbal, which have affected the general atmosphere of the family, especially the children's psychology, causing constant fear and anxiety and impacting their academic performance.
Despite the severity of the violence, she did not resort to any security centers or report her situation to the police or any competent authority. She justified this by saying that if her husband found out, he would become even more violent. Additionally, she stated there are no centers to support her and her children. Consequently, she feels forced to endure his violence for the sake of her children and views it as a family matter due to her fear of societal judgment if she sought a divorce. She also did not tell her family out of fear that her husband might harm them.
This sample highlights that among the families exposed to drug-related domestic violence, physical and psychological violence is prevalent. The victims are unable to confront it legally or socially due to their social background, which values family privacy and views external intervention as a violation. Her fear of societal judgment and stigmatization as a divorced woman contributes to her silence and endurance of violence. This case illustrates how socio-cultural factors impact the victim's fear of societal judgment, leading to her silence. Drug abuse affects behavior and represents a major cause of deviations and the spread of violent crimes within the family due to its effects on the user's health. Drug abuse is one of the strongest drivers of domestic violence, especially as it becomes more widespread in the community.
Second Sample
The second sample involves a 36-year-old woman who is also a victim of domestic violence. She stated that her husband is a drug user, and she did not know about his background until after their marriage. She mentioned that her marriage was a way to escape from her troubled family home. However, after several months, she discovered that her husband was a drug abuser. She noted that his violence increases, especially during Ramadan, becoming more severe due to his inability to refrain from drug use, which affects his psychology and behavior. This has led to physical assaults and daily verbal violence, including cursing and insults. He has become a victim of his addiction, unable to control his temper over trivial matters. The economic situation has also worsened due to his spending on drugs and alcohol, intensifying conflicts and violence.
She expressed difficulty in revealing her situation because of the societal contempt associated with such problems. Family support is non-existent, and she feels responsible for herself and her decisions. Therefore, she endures the abusive relationship as there are no specialized centers for abused women. She fears that planning to escape would lead to increased violence and threats from her husband, making it difficult to confront the violence and protect herself.
Drug abuse and addiction lead to the collapse and deterioration of family relationships, increasing tension and internal conflicts. The collapse of family ties can further drive a person's addiction if they do not receive care and treatment.
According to the second case, one of the reasons that pushes the victim to remain in her abusive relationship with her husband is the feeling of loneliness and the lack of hope for help, especially from her family. Fear of societal judgment in such cases, and according to her statements, prevents them from changing their situation, both financially and socially. This is to avoid the stigma that affects women more than men and undermines their status, particularly if a woman leaves home or complains of mistreatment. Social and cultural behavioral patterns make abused women submit to violence without disclosing it due to family upbringing that emphasizes the importance of family privacy. They fear that revealing family secrets is wrong. Customs and traditions significantly control any decisions related to social ties, especially family ties. Abused women hesitate to report attacks due to fear and societal stigma, and the lack of designated centers for support forces them to remain silent.
Third Sample
A 35-year-old woman and mother of three children reported that her husband exhibits violent behavior, especially when using drugs. She revealed that his drug use is driven by unemployment and their difficult living conditions. She has a history of physical and mental assaults, such as beatings and insults. She tolerated his treatment for years and did not report him to the authorities because of her children. She was unaware of his drug use until 2016 when he tied her arms and beat her until she lost consciousness. His sister intervened, saving her from further harm. Her children suffered as well, often locked in a room by their father, leading to constant fear and anxiety.
On the day she decided to go to the authorities, she did not receive any support from the competent authorities. When they called her husband, he claimed she had fallen from the stairs, and no further investigations were conducted. As a result, she could not protect herself and her children from the violence. This incident affected them psychologically and isolated them from the outside world due to fear of gossip and an inability to build social relationships.
Psychological and physical violence against family members, especially children, causes significant harm. Ignorance of the nature and effects of drugs can destabilize family stability and lead to the collapse of relationships. Harsh words, insults, threats, and physical abuse affect the safety and stability of the family. Violence resulting from drug abuse refers to the harmful behavior that addicts inflict on family members, causing moral or physical harm. A bad family environment and broken family relationships can incentivize children to turn towards drug abuse, growing up in an environment that deals with drugs and poor upbringing that affects their future personal lives.
Fourth Sample
The fourth sample involves a 29-year-old woman who endured abuse from her brother at home. His violent behavior and frequent beatings prompted her to accept the first marriage proposal she received. She got married in 2019, only to discover that her husband was also a drug user. Two weeks after her marriage, she noticed strange behavior from her husband, later learning about his drug use. The drugs affected his behavior and emotions, but she had no way to leave him and return to her brother's home, as both places had drug users.
She became pregnant, hoping it would change her husband's behavior, but he continued to abuse her even after the birth of their child. She often reached a state of nervous breakdown due to the severity of the violence. She refrained from informing the authorities as she did not believe there were adequate measures to combat drug abuse, pursue addicts, or protect victims of violence. She feared that her husband would take revenge if he were released from prison. She added that if there were supportive bodies and protection centers for abused women, many would file complaints against their abusers. The lack of support for cases like hers left lasting psychological effects, eroding her trust in people and preventing her from building relationships outside the home.
According to the fourth informant, the absence of a stand-alone law protecting abused women from domestic violence exacerbates the situation. Survivors have reported that even when they filed complaints at security centers, they felt there was no response or follow-up to investigations and a lack of interest in such cases. They felt that the police were inadequate in handling these situations. One of the most prominent obstacles women face when filing complaints is the police's behavior, which does not encourage support for domestic violence victims. The persistent lack of investigations in these cases contributes to the conflict abused women experience due to the authorities' failure to provide necessary support, protection, and treatment. Weak confidence in judicial bodies among abused women will not lead to any improvement in their quality of life, prompting victims to remain silent and not report their cases.
Domestic violence is a hidden phenomenon, especially when linked to drug abuse. It is a criminal behavior that threatens the safety and security of society if not addressed. This requires confronting the spread of drugs in society.
Fifth Sample
A 56-year-old woman residing in one of Tebessa's new urban neighborhoods declared that she and her daughters suffer drug-related violence from her sons. She noted that their violent behavior worsens when they use drugs. She believes this behavior resulted from a lack of control during their childhood, as their father was absent, and they did not grow up in a balanced family. This lack of parental control affected them, leading to early deviance and drug use. Her sons even began promoting hallucinogens. She feared their reactions due to their drug use, which affected their behavior. Despite the violence they inflicted on her and their sisters, she did not report them to the authorities because they were her children. Ultimately, they were imprisoned after being caught with hallucinogenic tablets by anti-drug patrols.
A bad family environment and broken family relationships can incentivize children to turn towards drug abuse. Growing up in such an environment can lead to increased domestic violence related to drug abuse. An addict's behavior undermines trust, security, and instills constant fear due to their unpredictable actions. These factors contribute to an unstable family with weakened interactive relationships and social ties. The absence of a parent affects a child's life, especially in the context of increasing drug spread in society. Children learning deviant behaviors from their environment are more likely to commit violence.
The family is a crucial center for the social self-formation of individuals. Positive methods in the socialization process help protect children from deviance and drug addiction. Conversely, the absence of parental roles or a drug-using parent increases
family problems, destabilizes bonds, and collapses interactive relationships due to the psychological and mental health effects on the user.
Sixth Sample
A 20-year-old woman from the suburbs of Tebessa lives with her parents. She reported that her family lacks stability due to her father's drug use, especially alcohol. This has affected his relationship with them, leading to daily verbal and physical abuse. She recalled that he would physically abuse her mother and create an unpredictable and frightening home environment. His addiction led him to neglect his responsibilities, refuse to work, and prevent her mother from working, exacerbating their financial situation. This financial burden increased conflicts among family members regarding money and material needs. Her mother ultimately filed for divorce, leading to family disintegration due to mistreatment.
Drug abuse can increase the severity of domestic violence, as users become unable to control their behavior and actions, leading to aggression towards family members and increased stress and disorder. Drugs destabilize the social structure of the family, weaken interaction bonds, and increase spousal problems, leading to family disintegration and divorce. Financial neglect by the addict also adds pressure and tension in family relations. Consequently, domestic violence, especially when linked to drug abuse, is a significant factor behind many divorce cases.
Results of the study
First Question: How does drug abuse contribute to violence against women?
Drug abuse enhances domestic violence, especially against women, by causing changes in behavior and mood, increasing tension and aggression, which in turn heightens the likelihood of domestic violence. Drug abuse leads to social and financial problems, increasing life pressures and affecting family relationships. Its impact on the human mind and behavior can escalate tensions and weaken family bonds, resulting in psychological and physical harm. These issues increase family disputes. An addicted individual's inability to control aggressive behavior raises the rate and probability of domestic violence due to the psychological and mental effects of drugs, which cause unbalanced emotional and mood swings. Additionally, individuals may resort to crime to obtain drugs. Drug abuse leads to various forms of deviance, affecting family relationships and communication. Consequently, domestic violence extends beyond the family, impacting society's security, increasing crime rates, deteriorating social relations, and destabilizing trust within the social fabric, thus affecting societal stability.
Second Question: What are the types of violence related to drug abuse against women?
There are many forms of drug-related domestic violence, varying with the social status of the drug user. The most widespread types are physical, psychological, and verbal violence. These forms have developed for several reasons, making violence a commonly overlooked phenomenon. Fear and threats from the abuser make victims succumb to mistreatment, often due to a lack of support from family or security institutions. Customs and traditions can contribute to the symbolic glorification of
domestic violence, making it accepted by victims and society. Lack of awareness of rights and ignorance of domestic violence laws also contribute to the spread of violence, perpetuating a culture of shame and secrecy about family violence. Psychological and physical violence related to drugs involves violent and aggressive actions influenced by the effect of drugs on the nervous system. These lead to personality, behavior, and emotional changes, increasing aggression and the likelihood of violence. Withdrawal and cessation of drug use can also trigger violence.
Third Question: What are the effects of violence resulting from drug abuse against women?
• Drug abuse significantly impacts societal security and family stability. Ignorance of addiction's effects reflects negatively on family life quality.
• It leads to family relationship breakdown due to the drug user's behavioral changes and lack of emotional control.
• The collapse of role models within the family increases the likelihood of children deviating into abuse and addiction, especially in the presence of bad role models.
• It disrupts normal parental upbringing patterns, undermining family stability and balance.
• Family members may fall into a cycle of abuse, imitation, and curiosity, influenced by witnessing abnormal behaviors at home.
• Social ostracism towards the addicted individual and their family weakens their ability to socialize and build relationships.
• Financial neglect arises as addicts prioritize drug costs over family responsibilities.
• Moral degradation leads to a loss of social values and control.
• Domestic violence linked to drug abuse is a significant factor behind many divorce cases, further contributing to family disintegration.
Fourth Question: What are the possible mechanisms to reduce drug abuse?
• Establishing Legislation and Laws: Enacting strict and effective laws and intensifying legal procedures against those involved in drug-related domestic violence can create a disciplinary environment, provide protection for victims, and deter drug abuse. Raising awareness and education about social issues, especially family-related ones, can mitigate the spread of drug abuse.
• Social Support: Enhancing social support for domestic violence victims by providing financial and emotional assistance can improve the general situation of affected families. Emotional and social support are crucial in recovery and overcoming violence, offering a safe and secure environment for the family.
• Providing Treatment and Counseling: Guidance, awareness, and education can reduce domestic violence cases and improve coping mechanisms for families with substance abusers. Dedicated centers for violence victims can help them rebuild their lives away from threats and fears associated with the addict's behavior, especially if they face social rejection.
Understanding the relationship between drug abuse and violence against women is crucial, as continuous drug abuse can escalate family violence. Studies confirm a strong link between drug abuse and high rates of domestic violence. Continuous drug use may alter behavior and increase mental agitation, raising the likelihood of domestic violence. Drugs like cocaine and amphetamines are known to increase stress and aggression in users, making them more prone to committing domestic violence.
Drug abuse treatment is essential in reducing violence against women by improving the addict's behavior and mentality, thereby decreasing the likelihood of violent acts against family members. Communities must work together to provide supportive environments for drug abuse sufferers and offer treatment programs and psychological support for victims. Raising awareness about the effects of drug abuse and domestic violence among young people and adolescents is crucial to prevent these harmful phenomena.
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Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no ethical issues or conflicts of interest in this research. Ethical Standards
The authors affirm this research did not involve human subjects.