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Sciences of Europe
Ключевые слова
phytopreparations / expectorant properties / pharmaceutical market research / marketing.

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Shyrko A., Budniak L., Vasenda M., Pokotylo O., Sinichenko A.

The aim of the study is a research of assortment of phytopreparations with expectorant properties in the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market. The assortment research was carried out in accordance with the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine, handbook of drugs Compendium online, Anatomical-therapeutic-chemical classification (group of drugs code R05C A "expectorants"), Internet resources for finding drugs in pharmacies of Ukraine "GeoApteka" and "Tabletki.ua". According to the data of the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine (as in October 2020) 86 trade names of pharmaceuticals with expectorant properties have been presented in 93 assortment positions. It’s established that domestically produced drugs are dominated (70%) in the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine. The leaders among the Ukrainian manufacturers are Pharmaceutical Factory "Viola" (23%), PJSC "Liktravy" (20%) and LLC "Ternopharm" (17%). Among the countries-importers of phytopreparations Germany ranks first place (50%). The assortment of the monocomponent preparations with expectorant properties is significant in the pharmaceutical market and consists 65%, amount of twoand multi-component preparations is lower and consists 17.5%. Considering that the demand for herbal preparations is constantly increases, in comparison with synthetic ones, it’s advisable to further increasing the nomenclature of phytopreparations with expectorant properties.

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Shyrko A.,

I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University MoH of Ukraine, Student of the Pharmaceutical Faculty, Ternopil, Ukraine

Budniak L.,

I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University MoH of Ukraine, PhD (Pharmacy), Assistant of the Department of Pharmacy Management, Economics and Technology, Ternopil, Ukraine Vasenda M.,

I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University MoH of Ukraine, PhD (Pharmacy), Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacy Management, Economics and Technology, Ternopil, Ukraine Pokotylo ().,

I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University MoH of Ukraine, PhD (Pharmacy), Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacy Management, Economics and Technology, Ternopil, Ukraine Sinichenko A.

SHEI «Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University», PhD (Pharmacy), Department of Organization and

Economics and Drug Technology, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine DPI: 10.24412/3162-2364-2020-60-1-27-31


The aim of the study is a research of assortment of phytopreparations with expectorant properties in the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market. The assortment research was carried out in accordance with the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine, handbook of drugs Compendium online, Anatomical-therapeutic-chemical classification (group of drugs code R05C A "expectorants"), Internet resources for finding drugs in pharmacies of Ukraine "Ge-oApteka" and "Tabletki.ua". According to the data of the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine (as in October 2020) 86 trade names of pharmaceuticals with expectorant properties have been presented in 93 assortment positions. It’s established that domestically produced dmgs are dominated (70%) in the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine. The leaders among the Ukrainian manufacturers are Pharmaceutical Factory "Viola" (23%), PJSC "Lik-travy" (20%) and LLC "Temopharm" (17%). Among the countries-importers of phytopreparations Germany ranks first place (50%). The assortment of the monocomponent preparations with expectorant properties is significant in the pharmaceutical market and consists 65%, amount of two- and multi-component preparations is lower and consists 17.5%. Considering that the demand for herbal preparations is constantly increases, in comparison with synthetic ones, it’s advisable to further increasing the nomenclature of phytopreparations with expectorant properties.

Keywords: phytopreparations, expectorant properties, pharmaceutical market research, marketing.

Introduction. Expectorants, like mucoactive agents, increase secretion of mucins and are defined as drugs that induce discharge or expulsion of mucus from the respiratory tract [1]. Although it has been thought that synthetic agents more effective and widespread, however, medicinal plants are not less important and actual, taking into account that they are their chemical analogues and often model an action of its biologically active substances [2]. The advantage of herbal preparations against synthetic ones is that they rarely cause side effects and are well tolerated by patients regardless of age [3, 4, 5]. Expectorant phytopreparations include products based on marshmallow roots, ivy leaves, pine buds, mother-and-stepmother leaves, licorice root, root ergot, oregano, violet herb and other plant raw materials.

The aim of the study is a research of assortment of phytopreparations with expectorant properties in the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market.

Materials and methods. The object of the study was data about registered medicines in Ukraine from

the website "Regulatory documents of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine".

The assortment research was carried out in accordance with the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine, handbook of dmgs Compendium online, Anatomical-therapeutic-chemical classification (group of dmgs code R05C A "expectorants"), Internet resources for finding drugs in pharmacies of Ukraine "GeoApteka" and "Tabletki.ua" [6]. Such methods as marketing, mathematical and statistical methods of research, logical and graphic generalization were used for analyzing data [7]. The scientific information has been systematized and presented in diagrams with explanations and conclusions [8].

Results. According to the data of the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine [9] (as in October 2020) 86 trade names (TN) of pharmaceuticals with expectorant properties are presented in 93 assortment positions (AP).

The Ukrainian pharmaceutical market of phytoexpectorants is presented by foreign (30 %; 26 TN) and domestic (70 %; 60 TN) drugs’ manufacturers.







□ Domestic medicines

□ Foreign medicines

Fig. 1. The correlation between domestic and imported phytopreparations with expectorant properties.

Among the domestic manufacturers, the leader according to nomenclature of medicines is PJSC Pharmaceutical Factory' "Viola", PJSC "Liktravy" and LLC "Temophann", which has about 60% of the assotment (Table 1).

Table L

Domestic companies-manufacturers of phytopreparations with expectorant properties

Name of manufacturer Number of trade names Corellation between amount

of phytopreparations of phytopreparations, %

PJSC Pharmaceutical Factory "Viola" 14 23

PJSC "Liktravy" 12 20

LLC "Temophann" 10 17

JSC "Galichphann" 5 7

Sanofi-Aventis Ukraine LLC 3 5

LLC "Phannaceutical company" Health" 2 3

LLC "Research and production phannaceutical 2 3

company" Aim"

PJSC "Phytopharm" 2 3

PJSC "Farmak" 2 3

LLC Research Plant "GNCLS" 1 2

State Enterprise "Experimental Plant of Medical 1 2

Preparations IBONH NAS of Ukraine"

LLC "DKP" Pharmaceutical Factory" 1 2

PJSC "Vitamins" 1 2

PJSC "Pharmaceutical firm" Damitsa" 1 2

PJSC "Chimphannzavod" Chen ona zirka " 1 2

PJSC "Research and Production Center" 1 2

Borshchahiv Chemical and Phannaceutical Plant"

LLC "Ukrainian Phannaceutical Company" 1 2

Phytopreparations with expectorant properties are supplied to the Ukrainian market by manufacturers from 6 countries. The analysis of the State Register of Medicinal Products allowed to establish the share of each country-producer in the product range. The leaders are phytoexpectorals are manufactured in Germany

(50%; 13 TN) and Austria (19%; 5 TN). Other countries, with low-import level of expectorants, in whole occupy about 31% of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market (Fig. 2).





Israel Switzerland

6% 4%





Fig. 2. The correlation between producer’s countries for several registered phytoexpectorants in the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine.

Depending on the number of ingredients in the drugs they are divided into monocomponent two-component and combined. Among the registered phytopreparations with expectorant properties 65% (56 TN)

of the assortment are formed by monopreparations, the share of two-component and multicomponent preparations is the same and equals 17.5% (15 TN) (Fig. 3).

Multicomponent phytopreparations Two-component phy to preparations Monocomponent phytopreparations

0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

Fig. 3. Phytoexpectorants’ distribution according to the components’ structure.

In the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine, researched medicines are presented in various dosage fonns (Fig. 4). The most coimnon are symps (36 AP). In second place in tenns of the number of proposals is the herbal collections, which consists of 23 AP. Tablets and capsules - have 8 AP. 7 AP represent drugs in the

form of a solution for internal use. The next coimnon are lozenges and drops - 4 AP and 3 AP, respectively, in the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market. The less one is presented in the dosage form of pow ders (2 AP), liquid extract (1 AP) and tinctures (1 AP).

Domestic drugs are presented on the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine in the form of symp and herbal collections (23 AP), tablets (7 AP), solutions (4 AP), capsules and powders (2 AP), lozenges, drops, liquid extract, tinctures (1 AP).

The imported pharmaceuticals are presented in the fonn of symp (13 AP), capsules (6 AP), solution and lozenges (3 AP), drops (2 AP) and tablets (1 AP) in the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market.

Discussion. According to the ATC-classification, the studied herbal expectorants belong to the main therapeutic group R05 "Remedies used in case of cough and colds", subgroup R05C "Expectorants, except of combined preparations containing antitussives agents", that is R05CA" Expectorants "[6].

The amount of phytopreparations with expectorant properties, as in October 2020, compared to January 2018, have decreased in 4 TN, from 90 TN to 86 TN [10]. The share of medicines with expectorant properties of domestic production in 2020 is in 2.3 times higher than foreign and consists 70%. Despite the fact that in the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market the number of domestic drugs is significant, it is advisable to continue research of development and implementation domestic phytopreparations with expectorant properties because of increasing the demand of them yearly.

Conclusions. According to the data of the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine (as in October 2020) 86 trade names of pharmaceuticals with expectorant properties have been presented. The study shows dominance of domestically produced expectorants (70%) in the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine. The leaders among the Ukrainian manufacturers are Pharmaceutical Factory "Viola", PJSC "Liktravy" and LLC "Ter-nophann". Among the countries-importers of phytopreparations the leader is Gennanv (50%). The market

share of the monocomponent preparations with expectorant properties is significant in the domestic pharmaceutical market and consists 65%. Considering that the demand for herbal preparations increases annually, in comparison with synthetic ones, it’s advisable to further increasing the nomenclature of phytoexpectorants.


1. Vardanyan R., Hruby V. Drugs for Treating

Respiratory System Diseases. Chapter 23, Synthesis of Best-Seller Drugs, - Academic Press, 2016. - P. 357-381. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-411492-


2. Dudnyk V.M., Morozova, I.V., Shalamai,

M.O., Vyzhga, Y.V. Experience of the use of combined phytopreparations in the treatment of respiratory tract diseases // Reports of Vimiytsia National Medical University, 2018, 22, (1), P. 46-50.


3. Budniak L., Vasenda M., Marchyshyn S.,

Kurylo K. Determination of the optimum extraction regime of reducing compounds and flavonoids of Primula denticulata Smith leaves by a dispersion analysis // Pharmacia, 2020, 67(4), P. 373-378.


4. Stoiko L„ Kury lo Khr. Development of optimal

technology of alcohol extract Centaurium ervthraea Rafn. herb // Archives Of The Balkan Medical Union, 2018. 53(4), P. 523-8.


5. Nasri H., Bahmani M., Shahinfard N.. et al. Medicinal plants for the treatment of acne vulgaris: a review of recent evidences // Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology, 2015, 8(11), P. e25580.

6. Kompendium. Lekarstvennye preparaty. [Compendium. Medicines]. Retrieve from http://compen-dium.com.ua [inRussian],

7. Budniak L.I., Darzuli N.P. Comparative analy-

sis of medications for antibiotic therapy of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine and France // Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice, 2020, 13(3), P. 401M06. https://doi.org/10.14739/2409-


8. Budniak L.I., Dynia Ye. Yu. Investigation of the assortment of medicines for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the pharmaceutical

market of Ukraine // Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice, 2020, 13(1), P. 122-127. https://doi.org/10.14739/2409-

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.


9. Derzhavnyi reiestr likarskykh zasobiv Ukrainy [State register of medicines of Ukraine]. Retrieve from http://www.drlz.kiev.ua [inUkrainian],

10. Beley S.Ya., Hroshovyi T.A., Beley N.M.,

Darzuli N.P. Investigation of the assortment of herbal expectorants used for treatment of cough at colds // Pharmaceutical review, 2018, 2, P. 82-87.



Grytsyk L.,

PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor Legin N., Assistant Svirska S.,

PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor Grytsyk A.

Dr. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor

Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University.

Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine DPI: 10.24412/3162-2364-2020-60-1-31-35


The results of detection of phenolic compounds of Sanicula europaea L. herb using the methods of paper chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography and spectrophotometry were presented.

The content of 14 phenolic compounds in Sanicula europaea L. herb was established. It was investigated that epicatechin gallate is the dominant component among the tannins (11058.63 mg/kg), quercetin - among flavonoids (119.00 mg/kg), rosemary acid - among hydroxycinnamic acids (4933.50 mg/kg). The content of the total polyphenols, tannins, flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acids in Sanicula europaea L. herb was established.

Keywords: phenolic compounds, tannins, hydroxycinnamic acids, flavonoids, coumarins, herb, Sanicula europaea L.

Introduction. Phenolic compounds are one of the most common and numerous classes of natural substances that have a variety of biological effects. Hydroxycinnamic acids have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, choleretic, antioxidant and immunotropic effects [1]. Flavonoids are used as antiinflammatory, choleretic, antiulcer, dimeric, antispas-modic, antihemorrhoidal, antiviral and antitumor agents. Futhermore, flavonoids are strong antioxidants and provide protection against oxidation and free radical damage [2]. Tannins are a group of biologically active substances that directly affect cell membranes, enzyme proteins, improve the metabolism of adrenaline, ascorbic acid, acetylcholine. They have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, astringent, antimicrobial effects. As well as all phenolic compounds, they strengthen capillaries, increase blood clotting and have radioprotective effect [3].

The significant attention is drawn to plants that are used in folk medicine for a long time. Sanicula europaea L. of the family Apiaceae belongs to them. Sanicula europaea L. is widely used in folk medicine of the

Czech Republic, Romania, Germany, Austria and Ukraine. In folk medicine, Sanicula europaea L. is used as a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, expectorant, choleretic, astringent, dimeric, sedative, antimicrobial and antifungal agent.

There is a lack of literature data on the content of phenolic compounds in the Sanicula europaea L. raw material. Therefore, it is noteworthy to study biologically active substances of phenolic structure in Sanicula europaea L.

The aim of the study was to determine the composition and the content of phenolic compounds in Sanicula europaea L. herb to predict its possible pharmacological effects and and develop new drugs.

Materials and methods. The object of the study was Sanicula europaea L. herb. It was harvested in 2015 in Ivano-Frankivsk region (near Viktoriv village) during the mass growing season.

In order to detect phenolic compounds, Sanicula europaea L. herb was extracted with purified water and 70% ethanol in 1:10 ratio of raw material and the extractant. Phenolic compounds were investigated in the

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