DISTANCE AS A NEW FACTOR IN THE FORMATION OF CHARACTERISTICS OF PERSONS AT RISK Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Khusainova S., Palekha E.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the largest disruption in education systems ever, affecting nearly 1.6 billion students in more than 190 countries and on all continents. The purpose of this study was to reveal the signs of aggravation of social deviation in the behavior of an individual and a group in the conditions of extreme spread of distance learning and interaction. The choice of research methods is determined by the tasks and perspective of the topic: the authors used general scientific methods, methods of theoretical research, - research organization methods, methods of empirical research: participant observation, expert assessments, questioning, testing, data processing methods. As a result, the concept of an "integrative" model of social deviation of the behavior of an individual and a group in a distance environment has been described. The integrative field of "convergence" determines the interaction of the group and the individual and represents the acceptance of the normativity of the social group, while excluding medium and weak remote and digital interactions. Also theoretical substantiation of the need to strengthen the psychological safety of the educational environment in the distance was made. The short study of communication and information factors that affect the behavior of the individual and the group in the modern information environment was held. Thus, an attempt to theorize and generalize the model of relations in the study group and between students and teachers, suddenly forced to switch to a form of full or partial distance learning, was made. The obtained data and scientific generalizations will help to correct the model of comfortable and effective distance online learning in the present and avoid mistakes made in the context of an unprepared extreme transition to digital.

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УДК 159.9: 614.84

Distance as a new factor in the formation of characteristics of persons at risk

Дистант как новый фактор формирования личностных характеристик лиц группы риска

Khusainova S., Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Problems, sv_husainova@mail.ru Palekha E., Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Problems, katerina.paleha@gmail.com

Хусаинова С.В., Институт педагогики, психологии и социальных проблем, sv_husainova@mail. ru

Палеха Е.С., Институт педагогики, психологии и социальных проблем, katerina.paleha@gmail. com

DOI: 10.51379/KPJ.2022.154.4.031

Статья выполнена по государственному заданию FNRR-2021-0003 «Проблема отклоняющегося поведения в системе современного человековедения».

Ключевые слова: дистанционное обучение, группа риска, социальная девиация в поведении, нарратив, интегративная модель, онлайн-обучение, стресс.

Keywords: distance learning, risk group, social deviation in behavior, narrative, integrative model, online education, stress.

Аннотация. Пандемия COVID-19 вызвала самые большие сбои в системах образования за Новую историю, затронув почти 1,6 миллиарда учащихся в более чем 190 странах и на всех континентах. Целью данного исследования стало выявление признаков обострения социальной девиации в поведении личности и группы в условиях срочного распространения дистанционной формы обучения и педагогического взаимодействия.

Выбор методов исследования определялся его задачами и перспективой раскрытия темы: авторами использовались общенаучные теоретические и эмпирические методы, включенное наблюдение, экспертные оценки, анкетирование, тестирование, статистическая обработка данных.

В результате была описана концепция «интегративной» модели социальной девиации поведения личности и группы в среде дистанционного обучения. Было установлено, что интегративное поле «конвергенции» определяло взаимодействие группы и личности и представляло собой принятие нормативности социальной группы при исключении средних и низких показателей эффективности цифрового взаимодействия. Также авторами было дано теоретическое обоснование необходимости усиления психологической безопасности образовательной среды в условиях разворачивания учебного процесса на расстоянии. Проведено краткое исследование коммуникативно-информационных факторов, влияющих на поведение личности и группы в современной информационной педагогической среде.

Таким образом, в статье была предпринята попытка теоретизировать и обобщить модель взаимоотношений между студентами и преподавателями, внезапно вынужденными перейти на полное или частичное дистанционное обучение. Полученные данные и научные обобщения помогут скорректировать модель дистанционного онлайн-обучения, сделать его более комфортным и эффективным и избежать ошибок, допущенных в условиях неподготовленного экстремального перехода на дистант.

Abstract. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the largest disruption in education systems ever, affecting nearly 1.6 billion students in more than 190 countries and on all continents. The purpose of this study was to reveal the signs of aggravation of social deviation in the behavior of an individual and a group in the conditions of extreme spread of distance learning and interaction.

The choice of research methods is determined by the tasks and perspective of the topic: the authors used general scientific methods, methods of theoretical research, - research organization methods, methods of empirical research: participant observation, expert assessments, questioning, testing, data processing methods.

As a result, the concept of an "integrative" model of social deviation of the behavior of an individual and a group in a distance environment has been described. The integrative field of "convergence" determines the interaction of the group and the individual and represents the acceptance of the normativity of the social group, while excluding medium and weak remote and digital interactions. Also theoretical substantiation of the need to strengthen the psychological safety of the educational environment in the distance was made. The short study of communication and information factors that affect the behavior of the individual and the group in the modern information environment was held.

Thus, an attempt to theorize and generalize the model of relations in the study group and between students and teachers, suddenly forced to switch to a form of full or partial distance learning, was made. The obtained data and scientific generalizations will help to correct the model of comfortable and effective distance online learning in the present and avoid mistakes made in the context of an unprepared extreme transition to digital.

Introduction. Sociologists define 2019-2022 as a new era - a time when the old, familiar began to collapse, and the new was formed in extreme conditions. The process of informatization captures almost all spheres of our life - including the education system, and the professional sphere, and the service sector. In this study, we will primarily consider two areas - educational and professional.

As a study by the Higher School of Economics (2019) showed, university professors with an academic degree (candidates and doctors of science) did not rate "their level of remote technology proficiency very high (3.2 points out of 5)", and every 4th of them never in 3 years prior to the COVID era "did not use remote video services to participate in webinars, video conferences or similar events" [1].

As the authors of the 'Concept Note: Education in the Age of COVID-19 and Beyond note', "the COVID-19 pandemic has caused the largest disruption in education systems ever, affecting nearly 1.6 billion students in more than 190 countries and on all continents. The closure of schools and other educational institutions has affected 94 percent of the world's student population, with 99 percent in low-and lower-middle-income countries" [2;3]. At the same time, it should be noted that the crisis has served as a stimulus for innovation not only in the field of education, but also in many other professional areas. Rapid responses by governments and partners around the world, including the UNESCO Global Education Coalition, have led to the development of distance learning solutions to ensure the smooth learning and professional process. In addition, as the authors of the same note write, "the incident served as an occasion to remember the critical role of teachers and the ongoing responsibility of governments and other key partners to care for educators" [2;4].

Obviously, all the conditions for the transition to distant learning and work should have been carried out in advance, and teachers and office staff should have had experience in using distance learning tools. Therefore, the situation that developed in these years turned out to be stressful for all subjects of the process and may affect their attitude towards distant form of work, online interaction and various remote technologies.

As it was shown during the practice, it takes about 6-9 months in average to develop one online course or create an online platform. The remote specialist skills are also formed during the first year. At the same time, some teachers and students with motivation can cope quite well with the switching to distance learning. Thus, "teachers lacked the skills to work in a digital environment, the time to master new tools and restructure the educational process, and support from the technical services of the university, which play an important role in the introduction of new technologies" [1].

Obviously, it is not possible to move the whole system online in a short time, that's why during the first year the working process was reduced to instructive meetings, short webinars, sharing instructions for interacting with various services and platforms. It is possible to say, that online tools were mastered "on the go". At the same time, the pedagogical need of course projects increased greatly the effectiveness of interaction within the group in a distance environment. And it forced society to mobilize resources and master new technologies at least partly.

Thus, all types of such electronic content were aimed to solve the problem of the moment and could not be accepted as "full-fledged online resources" with "a flexible interactive student-centered or client-oriented online environment". Today we can't judge the effectiveness of online interaction: it was a kind of "global experiment of an emergent transition to distance learning" [1].

At the same time, in the Russian educational system, the transition to the total distant format is assessed extremely negatively. For example, Pavel Shmakov, the director of the Kazan school for gifted children "SOLNTSE", supposes: "The total 'distance course' is the death of the entire education. Machine, dry, dead thing" [5].

Some universities, colleges, schools, organizations in 2022, due to external circumstances, again begin to plunge into the distance learning. In this regard, once again the question arises of how the average personality was transformed in this difficult era.

The purpose of this study is to describe the signs of aggravation of social deviation in the behavior of an individual and a group in the conditions of extreme spread of distance learning and interaction.

Tasks that were solved in the this study:

1. The concept of an "integrative" model of social deviation of the behavior of an individual and a group in a distance environment has been described.

2. Theoretical substantiation of the need to strengthen the psychological safety of the educational environment in the distance was made.

3. The short study of communication and information factors that affect the behavior of the individual and the group in the modern information environment was held.

Methodological Framework

Approaches and Methods. The choice of research methods is determined by the tasks and perspective of the topic:

- general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, generalization, system-structural and historical-logical analysis; classification, analogy, systematization;

- methods of theoretical research: induction and deduction, interpretation, formalization, modeling, survey-analytical method;

- research organization methods: slice method, content analysis, in-depth interview, participant observation, frame analysis, analysis of a digital data array (big data), case study; discourse analysis of narratives;

- methods of empirical research: participant observation; expert assessments; questioning (a questionnaire of 33 questions was developed to identify the attitude of students to various parameters of the educational environment); testing;

- data processing methods: qualitative (interview analysis) and quantitative (methods of statistical data analysis), professional psychological tests.

Related publications on the key problem of the article. This researcher is devoted to the study of human interaction with society. There are a lot of theoretical works that contribute to the disclosure of communication behavior factors and canalization of human's intentions, orientation, abilities, actions, etc. In philosophy, interaction is understood as the joint action of subjects on each other, in relation to which it is possible to study changes in their behavior.

I. Kant, in describing the interaction, emphasized sensual and supersensory experience in a person, during which the integration of well-being and normativity, leading to virtue, becomes fundamental [6]. Hegel, speaking of causality and interaction, gave preference to identifying a method of explaining a factor that reveals both its external and internal

content [7]. G. Shpet, speaking about interaction, showed the problem of methodology, explaining the given context in reality [8]. E. Husserl explained the concept of "interaction" through the person's perception of the Other, society and the concept of international experiences that reflect only themselves


In psychology, interaction is understood as the influence of subjects indirectly or directly on each other under certain conditions, while the subjects actualize negative or positive experiences, in relation to which the subjects become isolated or enter into a relationship with others.

K. Levin considered a combination of two factors of behavior, that is, the alternation of the manifestation of the characteristics of human behavior or the social environment [10]. The field of "convergence" that we will describe below indicates the appropriation by a person of the norms of the social environment and changes in the relief of the social environment by a person under equal conditions for the effectiveness of joint activities.

E. Bern, considering the psychology of human interaction, showed that it is necessary to analyze subject-subject or subject-object relations in a situation where it is possible to note the ways a person achieves goals and solves practical problems, etc. [11]. A.A. Bodalev defined interaction as constructs of common thoughts, social roles, interests, etc. [12].

Remote interaction under extreme conditions is still being studied on a non-mass basis. However, numerous studies of modern distance learning technologies can be attributed here. The authors of such studies note that "online learning is based on a carefully designed and planned educational process, which is supported by a methodically sound and purposeful sequence of teaching and methodological and control and measuring materials that ensure the achievement of learning outcomes in a purely e-learning format. Pedagogical design is becoming an important tool for designing an online course, although it is precisely this that is absent in most cases with a sharp transition to distance learning". The options for pedagogical design of online courses are shown in the paper by Marianne Bakia, Barbara Means, Robert Murphy [4].

Director of EdCrunch University NUST "MISiS" Nurlan Kiyasov and Deputy Vice-Rector for Educational Technologies URFU Viola Larionova proposed 9 criteria that should be taken into account when designing an online learning product:

- "learning model (only e-learning, blended learning with varying proportions of face-to-face and online formats, e-learning with the inclusion of webinars);

- mastering rate (mastering at any convenient pace, mastering pace set by the teacher, mastering pace set with the possibility of completing part of the course at an arbitrary pace);

- number of students (up to 35 people, from 36 to 99 people, from 100 to 999 people, more than 1000 people);

- pedagogical technology (explanatory course, practice-oriented course, research course, course for organizing joint collective activities);

- the purpose of assessment in the course (determining the degree of student's readiness for new material, organizing adaptive learning, diagnosing achieved learning outcomes, accumulative assessment system, identifying students who are lagging behind);

- the role of a teacher (active interaction with students online, little online presence, lack of a teacher in the online environment);

- the role of a student (reading and listening; problem solving and answering questions, active experimentation through simulators and other tools, interaction with other learners);

- interaction synchronization (asynchronous only, synchronous only, mixed interaction format);

- feedback (automated from the system, from the teacher, from other students)" [1].

Alexander Demin, Director of the SUSU Institute of Open and Distance Education, names 5 elements that can make distance learning as effective as possible. These are:

- the information environment of an educational organization, by which the author understands "an integrated system that allows for such functions as authorization of participants, a digital learning environment, a control system, statistics, analytics";

- management system, including network communication resources (groups in VK, Viber, FB, Telegram, Skype, etc.) that are not consolidated into a single portal;

- adaptation of students;

- attention to a teacher (the emphasis is on the fact that the main resource of learning was, is and remains a teacher, and therefore he needs to be trained to work remotely and provide comprehensive support);

- analytics (according to the author, it is possible to obtain predictive values that will allow you to adjust the educational process and bring it to a new level of modern distant reality) [13].

The researcher notes that the only element that is practically absent in distance learning is "the responsibility of the educational institution for the safety of the student, because the student is outside the walls of the educational institution, all other

elements must be adapted for working remotely" [13]. That is why the forced distance will not pass without a trace: teachers, specialists, educational organizations, companies will continue to use online tools in their work, but rather in a mixed format.

G.P. Boroditskaya and K.T. Pazyuk, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning and the interaction of specialists in Russian practice, come to the conclusion that it is "more acceptable in the field of additional education, second higher education or advanced training, because the student has already received the basics of the profession and full-time teaching skills... Today in Russia, the main demand for distance learning is still concentrated in the regions. After all, it is there that there are not enough educational institutions corresponding to the capital or international level" [3]. It should be noted that the research was carried out by scientists in the pre-COVID era, and therefore the role of the distance is noted as secondary, which once again indicates the global unavailability of a total transition and possible negative consequences.

The psychological consequences of a person's transition to a remote system of interaction are being studied from different angles as well. For example, the psychological and pedagogical problems of computerization of schools, the features of the "man-machine" dialogue, age and gender characteristics of perception and barriers to learning new things, the motivational sphere, forms of computer anxiety, issues of responsibility of software developers are described in sufficient detail (D. Jackson, V. Garbuzov, I. Senina, V.V. Rubtsov, A.A. Margolis, O.K. Tikhomirov, U.M. Akkher, E.P. Belinskaya, A.E. Voiskunsky, O.N. Arestova, L.N. Babanin, C. Kruk, V.L. Malygin, Barbara Means, Marianne Bakia, Robert Murphy and others). A number of researchers propose to consider the spread of computer technology as an intrusion into the inner world of a person, which can lead to an existential crisis, reassessment of values, and emotional imbalance.

Among the most important psychological features of people who have constant interaction with remote technologies are persistence in achieving goals, the ability to concentrate, a tendency to creative activity, preference for the process (not the result), introversion, coldness in contacts with others, lack of empathy, conflict, egocentrism, desire evade responsibility [14].

Other researchers note that distance technologies carry the danger of the spread of a formal, devoid of personal meanings attitude to learning, the devaluation of knowledge and its "dehumanization"

Considerable attention was paid to the study of cognitive changes and the influence of distance learning on the personal development of students. Yu.V. Balashova revealed the following features of the intellectual and personal development of full-time and part-time students with partial use of computer technology in Russian universities: the level of anxiety among students involved in distance learning is average with a tendency to increase, while students of classical full-time education have an average level of anxiety with a tendency to low; the speed of mastering knowledge is lower for those who work with the material remotely and do not directly contact the teacher [16].

Adapting the above point of view to modern realities, we believe that in the conditions of distance learning a new form of deviant behavior of an individual in a group is formed: communication with the group is lost, the context "man-machine" is emphasized, the share of responsibility of the individual for the consequences decreases, etc.

Until now, the study of social deviations, in particular, deviations in behavior, only penetrates pointwise into psychology, pedagogy and sociology (S.N. Enikolopov, M.V. Kroz, Yu.A. Kleiberg, N.A. Ratinova, T.A. Khagurov), not receiving total distribution due to the lack of a coherent socio-psychological theory, the difficulty of building connections between adaptation and the subjective image of the representation of an object, process or phenomenon that can change significantly when considered by another subject. However, this subjectivity may well be removed when new patterns are identified when working with beginnings and consequences in the integrative field of convergence of interaction between an individual and a social group. The conditions of socialization and normativity just make it possible to organize such work and build work with knowledge of socio-psychological systems, psychological and sociological processes with a focus on a specific individual and group in conditions of remote interaction of subjects.

Having made an attempt to study the interaction of a person with society, researchers have devoted works that contribute to the disclosure of unknown features of the manifestation in the behavior of communication factors and the channeling of his intentions, orientation, abilities, actions, etc. for socio-psychological systems and processes, and received results in the form of a set of working integrative models. The main subject of its study is social deviation, which finds its realization in the knowledge of the essence of "I" and "Other", including in conditions of distance.

In our opinion, it is the formed and continuously developing mechanisms of cognition of the individual and the group, that will make it possible for a person to actively and productively live in a complex socio-cultural and technologically developing world - the era of digitalization. Similarly, it is necessary to develop security mechanisms for the subjects of education, its direct organizers, and for educational organizations (through knowledge management).

Sampling, Data Collection and Data Analysis

We conducted a large-scale study of the speech tactics of the behavior of students learning at a distance - in social networks, in chats to Zoom, in groups on Whatsapp and Telegram. Speech deviance is a complex phenomenon, but in modern science, as a rule, it receives coverage only from the side of psychology. However, deviations in behavior, thinking and attitudes of the individual are reflected and manifested at the level of speech behavior, speech patterns and speech strategies of the individual. And we saw confirmation of this in the course of content analysis of students' speech behavior in chats and corporate social networks.

The purpose of our research will be to compile a general average portrait of a linguistic personality with signs of deviant behavior that manifests itself in the digital environment, as well as to create a universal methodology for compiling it, based on the methods of linguistic, psycholinguistic and psychological analysis.

It is also supposed to develop the principles of linguistics of deviance, identify the main types of linguistic personalities and their role markers, compile a register of the most typical speech tactics and strategies that are used by such personalities when communicating online, in personal communication in instant messengers, etc. And we made are first steps in this direction.

During the study we got the similar results we had got several years before while studing the peculiarities of the Internet environment. It is characterized by communicative openness, masked contacts and imaginary permissiveness, and therefore it is not possible to characterize it as a friendly environment for the individual. This environment has a particularly devastating effect on a person who is already in a depressed, depressed state, experiencing the consequences of dysfunctional socialization, social conflicts, prone to bouts of verbal aggression. As a rule, the extremity of political, religious or social views is almost immediately reflected in the language passport of the individual, in speech strategies, methods of interaction with the outside world and in the ways of interpreting the network text. An unbalanced personality reacts in a special way to such a text and in response constructs its own hostile text,

marked with a number of non-specific features (lack of communication harmonization skills, non-observance of speech etiquette, self-centering, use of aggressive text markers, unecological labels of statements, directives of the cognitive sphere, etc.). including due to the violation of the boundaries of communicative security [17].

In addition to the linguistic analysis of deviance in the digital space, we have made attempts to consider this phenomenon from the standpoint of philosophy, pedagogy, sociology and jurisprudence.

The philosophical direction, being the basis in the search for the disclosure of the manifestation of the "Other", is consistent with the construction of an ontology of knowledge, which makes it possible to reveal the new ultimate reality of human behavior. The prerequisites for unlocking the potential of the limiting approach in the study of deviant behavior will focus on the philosophical study of this phenomenon as an element of subjective reality that reveals the future of our society in the context of a growing trend towards digitalization. There is a need to mark the boundaries of the ultimate digital reality that manifests itself in the present. Undoubtedly, the description of ideas about deviation in behavior as a systemic phenomenon can be expressed in a complex of interacting components (cognitive, motivational, activity, emotional, personal) through the unity of their relationships that contribute to the preservation and retention of its integrity. This statement allows us to describe the indivisible, which may not fit the selected characteristic. If there is something containing a consistent representation, then this does not deny the presence of a mismatch in it. When striving to note the necessary phenomenon, leading to the correspondence of the manifestation of its intensity, it is important to remember that it forms mutually included minimum and maximum patterns that create contradictions. Reduction to uniqueness will lead to an erroneous result. It is necessary to take into account the magnitude of the positive and negative manifestations of the mental, which creates the extreme degree of its expression. The study of deviance will allow us to consider deviant behavior from the standpoint of ultimate reality. It manifests itself in time, allowing you to mark possible deviations in behavior in two spaces "event" and "non-event", creating a mismatch in interaction with the world. There is definitely a need to conduct research, taking into account the patterns of deviation in behavior regarding the achievements of the individual, its capabilities and performance, in interaction with a social group in conditions of remote communication.

The jurisprudence direction is the most significant and increases interest in the study of deviant behavior

of students exposed to the ideology of terrorism and extremism, as well as persons who have fallen under its influence in the digital environment. There is a need for scientific and methodological substantiation of the causes of radicalization, terrorism, extremism put forward by researchers, the accentuation of research aimed at studying personal worldview attitudes, motivational activity, value characteristics that make up the personal picture (image) of the world of persons at risk, studying the influence of religious axiology on persons of special attention in context of their digital radicalization.

In modern conditions, the problem of radicalization and resocialization of the individual is becoming not only a state-legal problem, but also an important methodological digital problem. Actualization of the task of developing evidence-based mechanisms and tools for introducing the results of scientific research on the personality of persons at risk, in activities - for the implementation of specialized state programs implemented by authorized state bodies and institutions, as well as public religious associations.

Equally important is the pedagogical research of digital deviance. Scientific research shows that at present, a trend has been identified in the system of vocational education, focused on the constant adjustment of educational standards and their convergence with the continuously changing requirements of the labor market, which has also taken a significant step towards digitalization. The multifaceted and integrative role of education in a holistic methodology definitely requires the choice of the necessary direction for the development of the interconnectedness of its elements in the system of lifelong education. The pedagogical aspect allocates a special role, here pedagogical science has the opportunity to note methodological updates and practice-oriented transformations. The dominant value of pedagogy is always a person, and all other areas of scientific activity should be focused on him. There are good reasons to believe that it is the socio-cognitive approach that will contribute to the modern interaction status of a human being, society, the digital environment and the world. The pedagogical aspect is associated with the socio-psychological process, which includes all subjects of education. Subject-subject and subject-object relations are among the primary ones in the distribution of roles in the pedagogical and educational process, contributing to their safe interaction.

Results. One of the serious results of our study was the model of the integrative field of "convergence" of interaction between an individual and a social group in the information environment and distant digital interaction. Essential interaction

presupposes the unconditional and conflict-free distinction of persons, while personal properties are preserved in interaction and do not go into operation with others. It also assumes a direct and indirect connection of subjects that influence each other, showing their characteristics relative to other subjects in a distance.

Our research interest is aimed at determining the boundaries of the interaction of normativity, which contributes to the socialization of the individual and the group in equal conditions of digital life.

The semantic model presented in Figure 1 shows the relationship between the individual and the social group and allows you to describe and study unexplored constructs and fix the meaning of the integration of phenomena in the field of "convergence" in the digital environment. The field of "convergence" has flowcharts showing information exchange and relationships that promote socialization and acceptance of normativity, which are implemented under certain conditions using the necessary means of digital activity.

Personality structure, needs, motives


Personal activity

Individual properties, temperament, orientation, abilities

Personal characteristics, regulation, values, reflection, behavior


Ways of designating one's individuality, accumulation of personal and social experience

Conditions and means of activity

Mastering the means and methods of activity of group members as a result of the distribution of roles

Social group

Figure 1. - Model of the integrative field of "convergence" of the interaction of the individual and the social group in

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the information (distant) environment

The focus of "convergence" is manifested in the process of positive and negative acceptance of social norms.

In the process of socialization, a person develops ways to designate his individuality, and the accumulation of personal and social experience is transferred to a new level of its development, including digital. In a real group, a person masters the means and methods of activity in the process of distributing roles, and then transfers these norms to the digital environment.

The protective activity of the group is fixed in the behavioral manifestations of its members and is aimed at a specific goal, while the function of monitoring the implementation of norms may include organized activities, which is difficult in remote interaction. In this activity, a controlled conscious process of maintaining a positive state of group reality and maintaining its integrity at a distance takes place. The activity of the group corresponds both to its normativity and to the maintenance of positive activity acts that contribute to maintaining the

interaction of all its representatives. As a result, a kind of psychological "parsing" is excluded and an actual analysis of situations is included in equal conditions for the effectiveness of joint digital activities.

Discussions. G.P. Boroditskaya and K.T. Pazyuk, reflecting on the value of distance learning, give a very simple and useful definition: "Distance learning is getting education using the Internet and modern information and telecommunication technologies. This is an area of communication, information and knowledge. Based on the fact that professional knowledge is aging very quickly, it is necessary to continuously improve it. The distance form of education makes it possible to create systems of mass continuous self-learning, the general exchange of information, regardless of the presence of temporal and spatial zones" [3].

At the same time, it should be noted that the lack of personal contact between the student and the teacher, the leader and the subordinate invariably leaves an imprint on all areas of the process: from goal setting to its effectiveness. These changes are especially noticeable in a group of people with behavioral characteristics that are traditionally referred to as antisocial or deviant behavior. In this regard, we propose to use the so-called integrative approach - an interdisciplinary approach in psychology and sociology in the study of the interaction of an individual and a group with behavioral deviations. It is this approach that allowed us to develop the "convergence" model.

At the heart of our understanding of deviant behavior and its transformation in the context of "an emergency transition to distance learning" [1] is a synthesis of philosophical, psychological, sociological and humanitarian approaches, a system of knowledge and technologies to the development of an integrative basis for social deviation that contributes to the study and development of communication systems, psychological and sociological subjects, processes and situations of change in modern realities.

In the methodological foundations determining of social deviation, we concluded that the study of the problem-historical series of psychological and sociological theories was not sufficiently complete. The fact is that the methodology of social deviation is still in its infancy, and its study in the conditions of distance practices is not far off in the future. The critical rationalist K. Popper noted the need for "bold theories" aimed at presenting their insufficiency in identifying the problems of the topic being disclosed, and therefore we propose to introduce a new scientific discipline that will focus on the study of the interaction of subjects in different environmental conditions and cultural and historical context.

Of course, the range of praxeological tools of psychology and sociology can be expanded by attracting the achievements of other socio-humanitarian sciences. At the same time, the adaptability of the considered developments to the characteristics of socio-psychological systems functioning in remote conditions becomes extremely important, this fact does not allow for complete transfers of the mechanisms of action. Let's name some of the contradictions that we have identified:

1) a high level of correlation dependence of social deviation from other systems (economic, political), and psychological subsystems (cognitive processes, personality, communication), and sociological systems (interaction of social groups) and the digital system;

2) the complexity of determining the boundaries of the system of social deviation, which are modified in the process of its development and organization, significantly changing the growth of the system in certain directions (from federal government to human self-organization in the context of widespread digitalization);

3) social deviation by its nature is a component that demonstrates the irreversible nature of development, that is, integral characteristics that determine the goal of social deviation as a whole (the result is actions, activities of people, social groups that do not meet the norms established in a given society or recognized patterns and standards behavior);

4) extreme instability of behavior in society, determined by the functioning and modification of individual elements, the possible transformation of the system as a whole regarding the interrelations of the socialization of the individual and human relations (including by increasing the role of distance in human communication). This is due to the fact that the object here is the variable sociological processes and the human potential of the elements of the system that determine social deviation.

We propose to single out new forms of deviant behavior that flourish in the context of digitalization of the educational, social and professional spheres of human life. The most relevant trend of our time is the study of new forms of digital deviant behavior: trolling, hating, cyberstalking, cyberbullying, etc.

Trolling manifests itself in the form of provocative messages focused on disputes, conflicts between participants. Features of trolling are the use of modal words (words expressing the speaker's attitude to the content of speech), generalizations, devalued vocabulary, impersonal constructions, such stylistic devices as anaphora (a stylistic figure consisting in the repetition of linguistic elements: sounds, a word or a group of words at the beginning

of each parallel series) and an ironic antiphrase, as well as a superlative used for stylistic purposes.

Hating is the commission or propaganda using infocommunication technologies of hateful acts directed against any group or person on the basis of their gender, sexual orientation, physical characteristics, race, ethnic origin, nationality or religion. In a xenophobic context, hating can be expressed in offensive, spiteful or threatening language in online formats such as messages, comments, videos or photos directed at an outgroup or its individual representative.

Cyberstalking and cyberbullying is the persecution of the victim through SMS messages, mobile applications and instant messengers, chats and forums on the Internet, e-mail (messaging), social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, etc.), video hosting services, gaming sites and virtual game worlds. New forms of bullying, while remaining anonymous, allow it to be produced around the clock to an unlimited audience.

The main goal of trolling is the desire to evoke negative emotions in other Internet communicators, in hating- to express their own negative emotions, cyberstalking and cyberbullying - to provoke fear, anxiety and irritation.

To a greater extent, these forms have been actively studied by foreign scientists for several decades, in particular Canadian and American ones, while in Russia deviant behavior on the Internet is only now becoming the object of scientific research.

Experts say, that in modern society, the criminalization of the teenage environment is growing. This process is due to many circumstances and factors, primarily the general unfavorable socioeconomic situation in the country and its individual regions, and recently the prevalence of remoteness in many areas of life.

At present, the issue of shooting, various youth movements, which form aggression and a tendency to commit or plan illegal actions in a person, has become aggravated. This can also include various informal formations: criminal groups, organizations of youth lists and other communities. For specialists, we believe that this will teach them to work with these groups, to identify their characteristics, to identify the capabilities of the individual and the predisposition to increase deviation in conditions of a progressive distance.

The risk society combines views on the development of modern society in the conditions of its increased riskiness, the presence of global threats and dangers. This issue must be considered from many angles, including involving government officials, medical professionals, sociologists, lawyers, teachers, and non-profit organizations.

It should also be noted that, despite the obvious relevance and significance of the problem of prevention of deviation in various kinds of asocial organizations, including those operating in the digital space, today there is a shortage of methods that allow for preventive work with adolescents and youth.

Conclusion and Recommendations

The study of the interaction of students with each other, students and teachers in the digital environment is necessary to describe personal characteristics and the emergence of new forms of group joint activity, which requires the application of common efforts aimed at obtaining results and due to the distancing of its members. It should be taken into account that such activities should have a distribution of responsibilities, interdependence and hierarchy, and at the same time remain conditioned by the network space, the conditions of the educational environment and focus on the development and education of the individual.

A person, accepting a group remotely, does for it what he does not do for himself. However, if a student does not do this, can such an interaction be considered an interaction? If the group converges on the goals of the activity and it does not require a joint result, then this apparent amorphousness takes on the image of a "digital party", where each participant pursues his own goal. By definition, such a "symbiosis" is called a group, but if something happens contrary to the activities of the group, then, as a rule, it breaks up. And in the context of digitalization, decay occurs much faster.

It is necessary to conduct a study of a clear definition of the basis on which the group has developed or not developed in a distance learning environment. The personality, joining such a group, transfers its functions to the level of the group, and that, in turn, transfers the authority and the level of decision-making to the individual in the performance of the role. If a person is in a group, then he was accepted there and it is possible to describe most of the indicators of his inclusion in the group (markers, patterns, speech, etc.). The group strings its normativity onto the personality, defining its functions, even in a digital environment.

At the same time, there is always a person in the group who organizes and controls the activities of all its members - however, this is not so easy to do at a distance. The core of the group accepts new members into it, resolves conflicts, and directs activities to achieve its goal. Researchers also need to consider the alternativeness of inclusion in the group, that is, to study whether selection is carried out on the basis of meeting the specified standards. A participant may not necessarily be a member of only one group - he may be a member of another and perform nonnormative actions in accordance with this. The

integrative field of "convergence" determines the interaction of the group and the individual and represents the acceptance of the normativity of the

social group, while excluding medium and weak remote and digital interactions.


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Сведения об авторах:

Хусаинова Светлана Владимировна (г. Казань, Россия), доктор психологических наук, доцент, ведущий научный сотрудник лаборатории изучения отклоняющегося поведения, заместитель директора на науке ФГБНУ «Институт педагогики, психологии и социальных проблем», е-тай: sv_husainova@mail.ru

Палеха Екатерина Сергеевна (г. Казань, Россия), кандидат филологических наук, доцент, старший научный сотрудник лаборатории изучения отклоняющегося поведения, ФГБНУ «Институт педагогики, психологии и социальных проблем», е-тай: katerina.paleha@gmail.com

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