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Аннотация научной статьи по психологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Xin Huili, Lian Shufang

In view of the unique psychological characteristics of today’s post-00s university students, under the guidance of three theoretical foundations - theory of free and comprehensive human development, the development theory of humanistic psychology, and the theory of happiness in positive psychology, Chinese universities consider the development of the psychological capital of university students as a valuable pursuit of psychological education in a new era. According to the theory of psychological capital, there are four proven ways to develop the psychological capital of students: people-oriented, respecting the basic status of students and increasing their sense of self-efficacy; interaction in the preparation of learning goals on the principle of personalized education; assisting in the regulation of the emotional state and in maintaining an optimistic outlook; cultivating willpower, increasing resilience to failure, and cultivating perseverance.

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Научно-педагогическое обозрение. 2023. Вып. 1 (47). С. 179-185 Pedagogical Review. 2023, vol. 1 (47), pp. 179-185

Original article UDK 37 . 013 . 77

https://doi . org/10. 23951/2307-6127-2023-1-179-185

Discussion on the Cultivation Path of Chinese University Students' Psychological Capital

Xin Huili1, Lian Shufang2

12 Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, China

1 xinhuili2005@163.com

2 sisilian2002@163.com


In view of the unique psychological characteristics of today's post-00s university students, under the guidance of three theoretical foundations - theory of free and comprehensive human development, the development theory of humanistic psychology, and the theory of happiness in positive psychology, Chinese universities consider the development of the psychological capital of university students as a valuable pursuit of psychological education in a new era. According to the theory of psychological capital, there are four proven ways to develop the psychological capital of students: people-oriented, respecting the basic status of students and increasing their sense of self-efficacy; interaction in the preparation of learning goals on the principle of personalized education; assisting in the regulation of the emotional state and in maintaining an optimistic outlook; cultivating willpower, increasing resilience to failure, and cultivating perseverance.

Keywords: university students, psychological capital, cultivation path

For citation: Xin Huili, Lian Shufang. Discussion on the Cultivation Path of Chinese University Students' Psychological Capital. Nauchno-pedagogicheskoye obozreniye - Pedagogical Review, 2023, vol. 1 (47), pp. 179-185. https://doi.org/10.23951/2307-6127-2023-1-179-185

Научная статья УДК 37 . 013 . 77

https://doi . org/10. 23951/2307-6127-2023-1-179-185

Исследование метода развития психологического капитала китайских студентов

Син Хуэйли1, Лянь Шуфан2

12 Шанхайский политико-юридический университет, Шанхай, Китай

1 xinhuili2005@163.com

2 sisilian2002@163.com


Учитывая уникальные психологические особенности сегодняшних студентов, рожденных после 00-х годов, китайские вузы, руководствуясь принципами и основами теорий всестороннего развития человека, ориентированного на совершенствование, в том числе и теории счастья в контексте позитивной психологии, ставят перед собой в соответствии с вызовами новой эпохи высокую цель - развивать психологический капитал студентов как ценностное стремление к духовно-нравственному образованию в вузах. В соответствии с теорией психологического капитала выделяются четыре доказанных практикой пути для развития психологического капитала студентов: ориентированность на людей, уважение основного статуса студентов и повышение их чувства самоэффективности; взаимодействие в составлении учебных целей по принципу персонализированного образования; оказание помощи в регулировании эмоционального состояния и поддержании оптимистического взгляда; воспитание силы воли, повышение устойчивости к неудачам и культивирование упорства.

© Xin Huili, Lian Shufang, 2023

Ключевые слова: студент, психологический капитал, метод выращивания

Для цитирования: Xin Huili, Lian Shufang. Discussion on the Cultivation Path of Chinese University Students' Psychological Capital // Научно-педагогическое обозрение (Pedagogical Review). 2023. Вып. 1 (47). С. 179-185. https://doi.org/10.23951/2307-6127-2023-1-179-185


Today's post-zero university students have their own unique psychological characteristics. They strive for personal development and active thinking, but due to the enormous psychological pressure caused by the increasingly fierce competition in today's society, this can also cause many problems, such as Internet addiction, learning fatigue, low self-esteem, and high employment pressure; self-centered and unable to live in harmony with nature, others and oneself; poor insight, social responsibility, collectivism, etc. Fierce competition tests the psychological qualities of university students and the quality of psychological education in Chinese universities.

Psychological education in Chinese universities contains three theoretical foundations: the theory of free and all-round human development, the development theory of humanistic psychology, and the theory of happiness in positive psychology. Under the guidance of rich theories, psychology education in Chinese universities will have a clear direction and philosophy of work, as well as the confidence to establish a long-term mechanism. It will be able to better respond to the requirements of three comprehensive education "All-faculty, Whole-process, All-around" Objective System and promote the effective operation of the mental health education work pattern.

Psychological education in the new era strives to reflect the times, creativity and effectiveness, and it is necessary to continue to find the value pursuit and practice path of psychological education in universities in the new era.

Psychological Capital: The Value Pursuit of Psychological Education in Chinese Universities in the New Era

To cultivate the psychological capital of university students is the value pursuit of psychological education in universities to achieve quality improvement in the new era. The root of the unlimited potential of university students lies in psychological capital. Psychological capital is based on a positive psychological model, which is embodied as a psychological resource that can improve performance at the individual level, and can improve competitive advantage through changes in employee behavior at the organizational level.

On the one hand, psychological capital, as a positive psychological state of an individual, can directly affect the level of individual mental health. Psychological capital includes human motivation, cognitive processing, striving for success, and performance at work. Individuals with high psychological capital are flexible and adaptable, and can experience a strong sense of competence and happiness while solving problems with high ability. It has the same foothold as positive psychology. It breaks through the limitation of traditional psychology, which is constrained by negative psychology research, and turns to study the positive psychological quality of people. It promotes harmonious coexistence between people and society, and greatly taps their potential to achieve happiness.

On the other hand, psychological capital is an active human resource other than human capital, social capital and economic capital that can be objectively measured, invested in development and effectively managed. It has the characteristics of low risk, low cost and high return on investment. Therefore, increasing the psychological capital of university students should become the value pursuit of improving the quality of psychological education in colleges and universities in the new era. Possessing strong psychological capital is an important guarantee for university students to grow into talents, and it is also a potentially powerful competitive resource for university students now and in the future.

Theoretical Origins of Psychological Capital

With the increasing research interest in the field of positive psychology, its application in the field of organizational management has formed positive organizational behavior, which mainly studies positive-oriented, measurable, developable, and effectively manageable human resource advantages and psychological ability.

In recent years, a research boom has formed in academia, and a series of studies are in full swing. At present, relatively fruitful research results have been achieved in terms of the impact on employees at the individual and organizational levels. For example, research on the relationship between psychological capital and well-being, job burnout, and employment of university students; the components and measurement of psychological capital; the adjustment of psychological capital to employees' work stress, the influence on employee absenteeism and turnover intention, the prediction of employee's work attitude, the influence on organizational performance, the influence on organizational relationship and leadership; research on psychological capital and well-being model, and employee performance model, etc. These studies are of great significance to the development of individual psychological capital and the acquisition of the overall competitive advantage of the organization. The scope of research on psychological capital is also expanding, mainly in organizational behavior, but also in psychology, biology, and sociology.

The concept of psychological capital first appeared in disciplines such as sociology, economics, and investment. In 2004, Luthans et al. put forward the concept of "positive psychological capital", referred to as "psychological capital", in "Organizational Behavior" based on the theory of organizational behavior and positive psychology. As pointed out in the study of the relationship between psychological capital and competitive advantage by Lusans et al. in 2004, the criteria for judging whether a resource can form a competitive advantage include: permanence, uniqueness, accumulation, renewability and interconnectivity. The main advantage of economic capital (currency, equipment, etc.) is its accumulation; the main advantage of human capital (what do you know) is accumulating, but there are uncertainties in other aspects; the advantages of social capital (who do you know) are uniqueness, accumulation and interconnection, and the other two advantages are not obvious; beyond the first three, all five aspects of psychological capital (who you are) can have obvious competitive advantages. Therefore, psychological capital is of great significance to the formation of a company's competitive advantage.

In 2005, Lu Sanz et al. defined that psychological capital is the psychological elements of the general enthusiasm that an individual has, and these psychological elements are in line with the standard of positive organizational behavior. [1] In 2007, Lusance, Youssef and Avolio revised the definition of psychological capital and compiled a 24-question psychological capital questionnaire. [2] Luthans et al. define PsyCap as "an individual's positive psychological state of development that is characterized by:

(1) having confidence (efficacy) to take on and put in the necessary effort to succeed at challenging tasks;

(2) making a positive attribution (optimism) about succeeding now and in the future; (3) persevering toward goals and when necessary, redirecting paths to goals (hope) in order to succeed; and (4) when beset by problems and adversity, sustaining and bouncing back and even beyond (resilience) to attain success."

(3) This view is accepted by most scholars in this field. Scholars at home and abroad have different opinions on the elements of psychological capital, mainly two-dimensional theory (Self-esteem and Locus of control), three-dimensional theory (Resilience, Optimism and Efficacy), four-dimensional theory (Resilience, Efficiency, Optimism and Hope) and multi-dimensional theory (Hope, Optimism, Self-efficacy, Resilience and Integrity, etc.) [4]

University Students' Psychological Capital

The psychological capital of university students refers to the positive psychological state that university students have during their university studies, which can lead to higher activity efficiency, life satisfaction and positive behavior. The psychological capital of university students has the characteristics

of positivity, developability, measurability, helping to guide university students to gain a sense of achievement, and to develop their potential to promote growth. [5] Positive psychological factors such as Self-efficacy, Optimism, Hope, and Resilience in the theory of psychological capital are closely related to the mental health of university students, and can reflect the positive psychological quality of university students. [6] In other words, under the theoretical guidance of psychological capital, the psychological education of universities in the new era takes targeted cultivation of positive psychological quality as the starting point and practical path to improve the psychological quality of university students, so as to improve the actual effect of psychological education and improve the psychological immunity quality of university students.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the report of the 19th National Congress: "Strive to build China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful." [7] The more mentally and physically healthy university graduates have, the more high-quality human resources the society will have, which will be able to provide a solid talent guarantee for the construction of a modern and powerful country. Fully understanding the importance of university students' psychological education in the new era, and scientifically cultivating university students' psychological capital have important theoretical and practical significance for the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

In the process of psychological education in universities, we can use classroom education to help students understand the theoretical knowledge of mental health based on the actual situation of university students and groups, and we can cultivate positive psychological qualities in a variety of ways, so that university students can actively explore their own strengths and potential, cultivate own psychological capital to enhance competitiveness, enhance their ability to resist setbacks and adaptability, improve their mental health, and provide good psychological support for university students to achieve success, form a good situation of psychological practice activities in which teachers help to grow, peers help each other to grow, and students seek growth by themselves. [8]

The Practical Path of University Students' Psychological Capital Cultivation

According to the theory of psychological capital, the following four reasonable and effective practical paths can be adopted to strengthen the psychological capital of university students.

First of all, people-oriented, respect the subject status of university students, and enhance self-efficacy.

The following methods can be used in psychological education:

(1) Confirm the subject status of university students. Adhering to the principle of "Teacher-led, Student-centered", in teaching, scientific research and group study activities, attention should be paid to stimulating students' subject consciousness and mobilizing their enthusiasm for participating in activities. For example, discussion and research-based learning and subject competitions can be carried out; students can set up newspapers, magazines, and websites with the theme of psychological education, and arrange plays, sketches, aphorisms, and cartoons with the theme of psychological education.

(2) Accumulate self-successful experience. An activity environment can be created to help students gain successful experiences through multiple channels and experience a sense of achievement. For example, set up learning difficulty and goals for students to "jump, you can pick peaches"; help students to know themselves, analyze themselves and affirm themselves, and recall the experience of using their advantages to achieve success; everyone does what they are best at, such as speech contests, election campaigns, planning of social activities, school sports meetings, etc.; set up a rotation system for student cadres to improve their abilities at work.

(3) Gaining vicarious experiences of typical role models. Carry out role model learning and positive guidance, enhance the sense of honor and the self-confidence of catching up with role models, such as learning the successful experience of others, especially the experience of outstanding classmates,

outstanding alumni and other similar figures, learning the stories and spirits of outstanding people in the professional field, creating opportunities to interact with role models, etc.

(4) Carry out group counseling and psychological training. Provide special mental health lectures on how to improve self-confidence, and carry out role-playing, speech training, psychological development training, etc.

(5) Verbal persuasion. For example, teachers encourage university students to try actively through verbal persuasion, encouragement and discussion paths, helping solve difficulties and summarizing experiences before and after students complete tasks; students seek each other's strengths, give each other life motto activities, and encourage classmates who encounter setbacks.

(6) Psychological suggestion. University students use verbal or non-verbal means to exert positive psychological cues on themselves or their classmates. For example, use self-comfort, change clothes and makeup, change the environment, etc. to change the mood, overcome setbacks and establish self-confidence.

Secondly, the management of learning objectives, uphold the principle of individualized education, and cultivate the hope of university students.

The famous educator Makarenko said: "To cultivate a person is to cultivate his hope for the future." Hope is the positive anticipation of the future including the individual's determination, approach and belief to achieve the goal, and hope will lead to a vision. The following methods can be taken:

(1) Strengthen the education of ideals and beliefs. It is necessary to combine nurturing heart with cultivating morality, foster virtue through education. With firm ideals and beliefs, life development will have a direction, there will be an inexhaustible driving force, and it can also enhance people's willpower to overcome difficulties. For example, organizing amateur party schools, offering ideological and political theory courses, mental health education courses, etc.

(2) Learning Objective Management. This is achieved through flexible goal setting, a step-by-step decomposition approach. For example, formulate reasonable learning and life goals, improve the achievement of goals, and gain a sense of hope in the process of experiencing the realization of goals. Another example is that the path can be changed according to the plan and with a certain degree of flexibility.

(3) Learn about individual differences. This method of measuring students' positive psychological capital level is easier for students to accept happily, instead of being nervous and depressed when they find pathological symptoms in traditional scales. When they know that they have high psychological capital, students will be more confident and full of hope for the future. They can establish files through measurement, manage and guide students' psychological capital level, and implement personalized education.

(4) Provide career planning guidance. Help students make objective assessments, identify career orientation and development goals, and determine the way to achieve their goals. Students are more receptive to such goals and more motivated to execute, creating a strong sense of hope.

Third, make positive attributions, regulate emotions, and maintain an optimistic level.

Positive attribution refers to positively looking at the bright side of the past, present and future, being good at analyzing and absorbing the positive factors in negative stimulus events, and maintaining an optimistic and confident attitude even in the face of setbacks. Optimists are more adaptable and happier. The following methods can be taken:

(1) Focus on strengthening life education, family affection and gratitude education. Guide students to understand life, take responsibility for life, and advocate university students to cherish life, appreciate family and kindness, love learning and love life, and live a meaningful and happy life. In particular, let students realize that learning is joyful and their inner need, a variety of incentive methods are used to stimulate students' learning motivation.

(2) Conduct attribution training to foster optimism. The training is mainly to guide students to attribute success to their ability rather than luck, to attribute failure to lack of effort rather than lack of ability, and to maintain an optimistic state to avoid negative emotions. Learn to tolerate the past, analyze the controllable and uncontrollable factors in the past failure experience, and see the positive factors and prospects, so as to cultivate a positive and flexible attribution style.

(3) Change the perspective of cognition. Advocating living in the present, focusing on the future, and guiding university students to actively start from me and start from now, practice social responsibility, and cultivate a spirit of optimism. At the same time, scientifically and rationally plan the future, grasp the development trend of world conditions, national conditions, and school conditions, look for future opportunities, conform to the needs of the times, and actively meet challenges.

(4) Build a social support system. Create a relaxed atmosphere of interpersonal communication, guide university students to actively build a social support system, for example, establish good interpersonal relationships with teachers and classmates, and make good use of systems such as tutor system, counselor system, party and youth organization system [9], etc. Seek support from managers when faced with difficulties and also actively serve others. Another example is to introduce the advantages of social services into universities to form a joint force of education between society, families and universities. [10]

Fourth, strengthen willpower, improve the ability to resist setbacks, and cultivate tenacity.

It is important to rationally deal with the discomfort or frustration brought about by adversity, and gradually have the quality of tenacity. The following methods can be taken:

(1) Learn to decompose goals and strengthen willpower training. It is feasible to guide students to rationally arrange the main energy distribution to achieve their goals. In addition to necessary rest and communication, they can divide their goals into segments based on long-term goals, and it is practical to control the segmented goals at different stages. This requires continuous strengthening of self-directed internal control capabilities.

(2) Improve frustration ability. Facing tough hazards such as family changes, physical illnesses, learning difficulties, and psychological barriers, guide students to realize that setbacks are both normal in life and a double-edged sword. It can prevent development but promote growth. Hone the will-boosting ability by guiding students to face setbacks bravely.

(3) Learn to manage stress. Moderate stress can improve individual activity efficiency, but excessive stress or long-term stress can damage the physical and mental immune system. It is very important to guide students to look at pressure correctly and consciously regulate and manage their emotions. People with mental toughness are those who adapt positively to stress.

(4) Change the state of mind and body with mindfulness. Pay attention to suggest yourself with positive thoughts to form a positive response mode. Face unfavorable situations calmly, stimulate one's own potential ability, and continuously enhance one's own resilience.


All in all, as one of the "Ten Education" Systems of ideological and political views in the new era, psychological education in Chinese universities is an important work carried out according to the needs of social development, educational reform and the all-round development of university students, with profound connotations and solid theoretical foundations. Following a certain practice path to cultivate the psychological capital of university students is the value pursuit of improving the quality of psychological education in the new era. Respecting the dominant position of university students, shaping the healthy personality of university students, motivating university students to develop their potential, and promoting university students to form a healthy and good psychological quality will surely allow university students to enter the society with a positive attitude and meet the challenges of the new era.


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7. Xi Jinping. Report at 19th CPC National Congress, 2017. URL: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/19thcpcnati onalcongress/2017-11/04/content_34115212.htm (accessed 18 October 2017).

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Information about the authors

Xin Huili, Associate Professor, PhD, School of Marxism of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law (Puhuitang Rd., 99, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China, 200030). E-mail: xinhuili2005@163.com

Lian Shufang, Professor, PhD, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law (Puhuitang Rd., 99, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China, 200030). E-mail: sisilian2002@163.com

Информация об авторах

Синь Хуэйли, доцент, доктор, Институт марксизма, Шанхайский политико-юридический университет (Шанхай, Китай). E-mail: xinhuili2005@163.com

Лянь Шуфан, профессор, доктор, Институт государственного управления, Шанхайский политико-юридический университет (Шанхай, Китай). E-mail: sisilian2002@163.com

Статья поступила в редакцию 21.09.2022; принята к публикации 09.01.2023 The article was submitted 21.09.2022; accepted for publication 09.01.2023

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