DIRECTION OF ALTERNATIVE ENERGY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Энергетика и рациональное природопользование»

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Аннотация научной статьи по энергетике и рациональному природопользованию, автор научной работы — Rahimli I.N., Rzayeva S.V., Umudov E.E.

This article has a lot of useful information about alternative energy sources. What they are, their differences from natural sources, what types they are divided into. You will be able to consider in more detail each type of alternative sources, their device, their working environment, advantages and disadvantages in comparison with other sources.

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Текст научной работы на тему «DIRECTION OF ALTERNATIVE ENERGY»



УДК 537.312

Rahimli I.N.

Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering, Associate Professor of the Department "Electromechanics" Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry (Azerbaijan, Baku)

Rzayeva S.V.

Head of laboratory Department of Electromechanics, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (Azerbaijan, Baku)

Umudov E.E.

Master of the Department "Electromechanics" Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry (Azerbaijan, Baku)


Abstract: this article has a lot of useful information about alternative energy sources. What they are, their differences from natural sources, what types they are divided into. You will be able to consider in more detail each type of alternative sources, their device, their working environment, advantages and disadvantages in comparison with other sources.

Keywords: alternative energy source, solar energy, geothermal energy, wind energy, wave energy, biomass energy.


The main direction of alternative energy is the search and use of alternative (non-traditional) energy sources. Energy sources are "naturally occurring substances and processes that enable a person to obtain the energy necessary for existence." An alternative energy source is a renewable resource, it replaces traditional energy sources operating on oil, extracted natural gas and coal, which, when burned, release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to the growth of the greenhouse effect and global warming. The reason for the search for alternative energy sources is the need to obtain it from the energy of renewable or practically inexhaustible natural resources and phenomena. Environmental friendliness and economy can also be taken into account.

Alternative energy is a set of promising methods of obtaining energy that are not as widespread as traditional ones, but are of interest because of the profitability of their use with a low risk of harm to the environment. Alternative energy source - a method, device or structure that allows you to receive electrical energy (or other required type of energy) and replaces traditional energy sources that operate on oil, natural gas and coal.

Main part.

Types of alternative energy: solar energy, wind energy, biomass energy, wave energy, gradient-temperature energy, shape memory effect, tidal energy, geothermal energy.

Solar energy is the conversion of solar energy into electricity by photovoltaic and thermodynamic methods. For the photoelectric method, photoelectric converters (PVC) are used with direct conversion of the energy of light quanta (photons) into electricity.

Thermodynamic installations that convert the energy of the sun first into heat, and then into mechanical and then into electrical energy, contain a "solar boiler", a turbine and a generator. However, solar radiation incident on the Earth has a number of characteristic features: low energy flux density, daily and seasonal cyclicity, and

dependence on weather conditions. Therefore, changes in thermal regimes can introduce serious restrictions on the operation of the system. Such a system must have a storage device to exclude random fluctuations in operating modes or to ensure the necessary change in energy production over time. When designing solar power plants, it is necessary to correctly assess meteorological factors [1].

Geothermal energy is a method of generating electricity by converting the internal heat of the Earth (the energy of hot steam and water sources) into electrical energy.

This method of generating electricity is based on the fact that the temperature of the rocks increases with depth, and at a level of 2-3 km from the Earth's surface it exceeds 100°C. There are several schemes for generating electricity at a geothermal power plant.

Direct scheme: natural steam is sent through pipes to turbines connected to electric generators.

Indirect scheme: steam is pre-cleaned (before it enters the turbines) from gases that cause the destruction of pipes.

Mixed circuit: untreated steam enters the turbines, and then gases that have not dissolved in it are removed from the water formed as a result of condensation.

The cost of the "fuel" of such a power plant is determined by the cost of productive wells and the steam collection system and is relatively low. The cost of the power plant itself is low, since it does not have a furnace, boiler plant and chimney.

The disadvantages of geothermal electrical installations include the possibility of local subsidence of soils and the awakening of seismic activity. And the gases coming out of the ground can contain toxic substances. In addition, certain geological conditions are necessary for the construction of a geothermal power plant [3].

Wind power is a branch of energy specializing in the use of wind energy (the kinetic energy of air masses in the atmosphere).

A wind farm is an installation that converts the kinetic energy of wind into electrical energy. It consists of a wind turbine, an electric current generator, an

automatic control device for the operation of a wind turbine and a generator, facilities for their installation and maintenance.

To obtain wind energy, different designs are used: multi-bladed "daisies"; propellers like aircraft propellers; vertical rotors, etc.

Wind farms are very cheap to manufacture, but their capacity is small and they depend on the weather to operate. In addition, they are very noisy, so large wind farms even have to be turned off at night.

In addition, wind farms interfere with air traffic, and even radio waves. The use of wind power plants causes a local weakening of the strength of air currents, which interferes with the ventilation of industrial areas and even affects the climate. Finally, the use of wind farms requires huge areas, much more than other types of power generators.

Wave energy is a method of generating electrical energy by converting the potential energy of waves into the kinetic energy of pulsations and transforming pulsations into a unidirectional force that rotates the shaft of an electric generator.

Compared to wind and solar energy, wave energy has a much higher power density. Thus, the average wave power of the seas and oceans, as a rule, exceeds 15 kW/m. With a wave height of 2 m, the power reaches 80 kW/m. That is, when developing the surface of the oceans, there can be no shortage of energy. Only a part of the wave power can be used in mechanical and electrical energy, but for water the conversion factor is higher than for air - up to 85 percent [2].

Tidal energy, like other types of alternative energy, is a renewable energy


This type of power plant uses tidal energy to generate electricity. For the device of the simplest tidal power plant (TPP), a pool is needed - a bay blocked by a dam or a river mouth. There are culverts in the dam and hydraulic turbines are installed that rotate the generator.

At high tide, water enters the pool. When the water levels in the basin and the sea are equal, the gates of the culverts are closed. With the onset of low tide, the water

level in the sea drops, and when the pressure becomes sufficient, the turbines and the electric generators connected to it begin to work, and the water gradually leaves the pool. It is considered economically feasible to build tidal power plants in areas with tidal sea level fluctuations of at least 4 m. The design capacity of a tidal power plant depends on the nature of the tide in the area where the station is built, on the volume and area of the tidal basin, and on the number of turbines installed in the body of the dam.

The disadvantage of tidal power plants is that they are built only on the shores of the seas and oceans, besides, they do not develop very high power, and the tides occur only twice a day. And even they are not environmentally friendly. They disrupt the normal exchange of salt and fresh water and thus the living conditions of marine flora and fauna. They also affect the climate, since they change the energy potential of sea waters, their speed and the territory of movement.

Gradient temperature energy - this method of energy production is based on the temperature difference. It is not very widespread. With it, you can generate a sufficiently large amount of energy at a moderate cost of electricity production.

Most gradient-temperature power plants are located on the sea coast and use sea water for operation. The world's oceans absorb almost 70% of the solar energy falling on Earth. The temperature difference between cold waters at a depth of several hundred meters and warm waters on the surface of the ocean is a huge source of energy, estimated at 20-40 thousand TW, of which only 4 TW can be practically used.

At the same time, marine thermal power plants built on the difference in sea water temperatures contribute to the release of a large amount of carbon dioxide, heating and lowering the pressure of deep waters and cooling of surface waters. And these processes cannot but affect the climate, flora and fauna of the region.

Biomass energy. When biomass rots (manure, dead organisms, plants), biogas with a high content of methane is released, which is used for heating, electricity generation, etc.

There are enterprises (pigsties and cowsheds, etc.) that provide themselves with electricity and heat due to the fact that they have several large "vats" where they dump large masses of manure from animals. In these sealed tanks, the manure rots, and the released gas goes to the needs of the farm.

Another advantage of this type of energy is that as a result of using wet manure for energy, a dry residue remains from the manure, which is an excellent fertilizer for the fields.

Also, fast-growing algae and some types of organic waste (corn stalks, cane) can be used as biofuels.


Stocks of traditional energy carriers are not endless. According to some forecasts, their reserves may critically decrease, even during our lifetime.

Therefore, the transition to renewable energy sources is inevitable. All power plants using alternative energy sources have their pros and cons.

Solar energy can be used effectively almost everywhere, but it is expensive, requires large areas and huge amounts of silicon, the production of which causes severe environmental damage.

Wind energy can only be used effectively in certain types of terrain. But the initial investment in this industry is relatively low. In addition, now the cost of electricity generated by wind farms is almost equal to the cost of energy from CHP.

Therefore, wind energy has great prospects.


1. Рагимли И.Н., Рзаева С.В., Чолуев М.Э. ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ ПРОЕКТИРОВАНИЯ СИСТЕМ АЛЬТЕРНАТИВНОГО ЭНЕРГОСНАБЖЕНИЯ // Интернаука: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 5(275). URL: https://internauka.org/journal/science/internauka/275 (дата обращения: 18.04.2023). DOI:10.32743/26870142.2023.5.275.352398

2. Немного об альтернативной энергетике [Электронный ресурс]. - 2015. -Режим доступа: http://www.resoteh.by/news/Alittleaboutalternativeenergy/- Дата доступа: 20.04.2021.

3. Виды альтернативной энергетики. Справка [Электронный ресурс]. - 2009. - Режим доступа: https://ria.ru/20091113/193404769.html/ - Дата доступа:20.04.2021.

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