Научная статья на тему 'Дипломатия Ирана против санкционного давления: пример АСЕАН'

Дипломатия Ирана против санкционного давления: пример АСЕАН Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Ключевые слова
Иран / АСЕАН / ДДС / взгляд на восток / санкции / двусторонние связи / Iran / ASEAN / TAC / Look East / Sanctions / Bilateral Ties

Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Ранджбар М. Д., Хонрада Габриэль

Отношения между Ираном и АСЕАН имеют огромный потенциал, если обе стороны готовы найти пути его реализации. Политика Ирана «взгляд на восток» обусловлена необходимостью уклоняться от санкций, избегать дипломатической изоляции и находить новые рынки. Интерес АСЕАН к Ирану обусловлен ее стремлением повысить стратегическую значимость за счет многочисленных взаимодействий с различными субъектами. Иран подписал Договор о дружбе и сотрудничестве (ДДС) с АСЕАН в июле 2018 года, открыв путь для улучшения дипломатических, культурных и нетрадиционных отношений в области безопасности и экономики. Хотя у Ирана и АСЕАН есть большой потенциал для развития двусторонних отношений, такие вызовы, как давление Запада, санкции и ограниченные ресурсы, ограничивают то, что можно сделать для укрепления потенциально продуктивных отношений между Ираном и АСЕАН.

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Diplomacy of Iran in the face of sanction pressure: the case of ASEAN

Relations between Iran and ASEAN have huge potential, provided both parties are willing to find ways to actualize this. Iran’s “Look East” policy is driven by the need to evade sanctions, avoid diplomatic isolation, and find new markets. ASEAN’s interest in Iran is driven by its desire to increase strategic importance through multiple engagements with diverse actors. Iran signed the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation (TAC) with ASEAN in July 2018, paving the way for improved diplomatic, cultural, and non-traditional security and economic relations. While there is a high potential for Iran and ASEAN to build their bilateral ties, challenges such as Western pressure, sanctions, and limited resources limit what can be done to enhance potentially productive Iran-ASEAN relations.

Текст научной работы на тему «Дипломатия Ирана против санкционного давления: пример АСЕАН»

Ранджбар М.Д.

Аспирант и Ассистент Кафедра теории и истории международных отношений, Факультет гуманитарных и социальных наук,

Российский университет дружбы народов.

Хонрада Габриэль

Аспирант и Ассистент Кафедра теории и истории международных отношений, Факультет гуманитарных и социальных наук,

Российский университет дружбы народов.

Дипломатия Ирана против санкционного давления: пример АСЕАН

Резюме: В статье исследуется потенциал отношений Ирана и АСЕАН в формирующемся многополярном мире. Политика Ирана «Взгляд на Восток» и стремление АСЕАН укрепить свою легитимность сблизили две стороны. Несмотря на то, что был достигнут некоторый прогресс в дипломатической, культурной, нетрадиционной сфере безопасности и экономике, основные проблемы, такие как санкции и различный интерес среди членов АСЕАН, ограничивают эффективность этих отношений.

Ranjbar M.D.

PhD Student and Assistant Professor Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

Gabriel Honrada

PhD Student and Assistant Professor Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

Diplomacy of Iran in the face of sanction pressure: the case of ASEAN

Summary: The article examines the potential of Iran and ASEAN relations in an emerging multipolar world. Iran's "Look East" foreign policy, and ASEAN's desire to reinforce its legitimacy, have brought the two parties together. While some progress has been made in diplomatic, cultural, non-traditional security, and economic fields, the main challenges such as sanctions, and varying interest among ASEAN members limit the effectiveness of this relation.


■ Introduction

ASEAN desires to be perceived as an autonomous actor that can act independently of great power interests, to reinforce its role as a regional conductor capable of harmonizing the interests of competing powers, and boost its strategic importance, making the organization indispensable to its stakeholders. In the process, this enhances the legitimacy of its member states' governments. In addition, ASEAN has always emphasized the need to improve social collaboration and socio-cultural ties and create strategies to resolve regional security challenges.

Since the end of the Cold War, Iran has sought to promote a new form of regionalism, wherein it attempts to realize its policies through signing bilateral or multilateral agreements and developing cooperation with regional organizations and institutions. Considering the historical, cultural, and religious commonalities and geographical advantages between Iran and Southeast Asia, bilateral ties have significant depth and history, stretching back several decades. As Iran deals with sanctions and international isolation, cooperating with ASEAN, whose economy is the fifth-largest in the world, (World Economic Forum, 2022) can provide Iran with new opportunities.

Also, ASEAN is not confined to Southeast Asia, as it engages extraregional partners such as Australia, China, India, Japan, and South Korea. In line with that, ASEAN is aware of its need to strengthen bilateral and multilateral relations with Iran, noting that the strengthening ties stabilize both sides' long-term interests. (Tasnim News, 2022) Further, ASEAN Secretary-General Lim Jock Hoi has stated that Iran is one of the oldest civilizations and has a rich culture, urging cooperation in the oil, gas, and technology fields. (Embassy of Iran in Indonesia, 2019) Moreover, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand are Iran's top ASEAN partners in energy, trade, and cultural exchanges (BINUS University, 2022).

Iran's 2016 "Look East" foreign policy started a new level of diplomatic relations with ASEAN. The lack of effectiveness of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between Iran under the Rouhani Administration and the West (IRNA, 2023) prompted Iran's leadership to search for alternative opportunities in the East. Iran's interests are to find new export markets, increase trade and investments, bypass sanctions, and keep its economy afloat. Now, with the new Raisi Administration in Iran with its total "East Diplomacy" foreign policy focus, it is expected that Iran can achieve its economic goals with ASEAN and break international isolation.



This study analyzes Iran's diplomacy with ASEAN in the face of sanctions by looking at existing bilateral and multilateral agreements, cultural exchanges, non-traditional security cooperation, and economic ties.


Iran's foreign policy in the last few years shows that it has tried to develop relations with Asian countries. An example is the signing of the TAC between Iran and ASEAN on 25 July 2018, which paved the way for improved relationships between the two parties. The signing of the TAC is an initial step for Iran to gradually improve its relations with ASEAN in line with its "East Diplomacy" foreign policy goals (IR Diplomacy, 2018).

The TAC allows Iran to become a strategic partner of ASEAN eventually. By gradually improving relations with ASEAN, Iran leverages ASE-AN's strategic value to escape political isolation and increases ASEAN's legitimacy as a regional organization. Iran's signing of the TAC is one of Iran's reactions to the US withdrawal from JCPOA during the Trump Administration, which led to Iran looking for more alternative partners in Asia.

Culture and Tourism

Iran has enormous touristic potential, with its varied climate and geography, long history, cultural traditions, and historical places. However, despite Iran's tourism potential, it has not attracted many ASEAN tourists. Reasons for this include a lack of tourist services such as money changers, sanctions on Iran's financial system, which prevents the use of foreign banks and credit cards, and poor advertising. (IRNA, 2014) In addition, the negative international perception of Iran due to heavily politicized discourse and media, alongside the lack of resources, are significant challenges in improving its tourism industry (Khodadadi, 2016, 90-92).

Thus, Iran has to develop alternative financial services to enable ASEAN tourists to spend on touristic activities. Also, Iran has to improve its touristic infrastructure according to international standards. In addition, Iran can improve its touristic image by emphasizing traditional values such as hospitality and its unique Persian heritage.

Non-Traditional Security

Iran has a strategic location adjacent to the Persian Gulf and Hor-muz Strait. It has extensive experience combating piracy and maritime counter-terrorism in those critical waterways. Also, Iran is a leading

country in the fight against illegal drugs and smuggling due to the security situation in its neighboring countries. Likewise, the Malacca Strait straddling Malaysia and Singapore, and the Tri-Border Area between Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines faces similar security challenges. Also, Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar comprise the Golden Triangle, one of the world's leading opium-growing areas. These common security challenges can provide the basis for non-traditional security cooperation between Iran and ASEAN.

However, Iran currently has no policies regarding non-traditional security cooperation with ASEAN. In addition, ASEAN is reluctant to be perceived as a military alliance in the making, hence its avoidance of practical cooperation, such as military exercises with other countries. Despite these limitations, Iran can engage ASEAN members through minilateral-ism to avoid the sensitivities associated with practical collaboration at the multilateral level. While countries such as Singapore and the Philippines may be reluctant to engage with Iran due to their strong pro-US leanings, Iran can look to Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia for non-traditional security cooperation. Iran can also engage ASEAN members through functional collaboration, emphasizing technical aspects rather than political and ideological considerations.


Iran has commercial and economic relations with most ASEAN member countries. Iran exports oil, gas, petrochemical products, foodstuffs, dry fruits, machinery, cotton, and carpets to ASEAN members. On the other hand, Iran imports electronic goods and products, textiles, rubber, palm oil, tin, metals, wood, paper, rubber, rice, bananas, tea, and sugar. (Ca-labrese, 2016) However, most trade between Iran and ASEAN involves low-value products and raw materials. Considering Iran's scientific and technical achievements in various fields, there is a lot of potential to increase the value of trade products for the growth of economic cooperation between Iran and ASEAN.

However, as seen on Table 1, (UNCTAD, 2016) Iran's energy exports to ASEAN countries faced a huge reduction after 2012, due to a new wave of financial sanctions and secondary sanction policy of the West. (The White House, 2012) However, because of Iran's "Look East'' diplomacy, its previous and current administration made it clear that Iran has to improve its economic relationship with ASEAN beyond a simple oil-for-goods model.

Whether Iran can achieve its goals depends on its ability to overcome financial and banking system obstacles, bypass US sanctions on dollar

transactions, and ability to provide an enabling environment for business by imposing new laws and reforms. From ASEAN's side, the organization needs to be able to reciprocate Iran's economic outreach by providing the equivalent level of services and cooperation.


In view of the mutually supporting interests of Iran and ASEAN, both parties have enormous cooperation potential in diplomatic, cultural, non-traditional security, and economic fields. Iran's diplomatic engagement with ASEAN allows it to escape international isolation, and reinforces ASEAN's legitimacy as a regional organization. Iran has huge tourism potential, with ASEAN capable of becoming one of its leading partners. Iran and ASEAN also face common non-traditional security challenges, such as drugs, smuggling, piracy, and terrorism which can be the basis of minilateral functional security cooperation. In terms of economy, Iran and ASEAN have the capacity to increase the value of their trade by moving to higher-value products and services. Although Iran's current relations with ASEAN are relatively limited, the shift of global power from the West to East, and the emergence of a multipolar world order provides an enabling environment for their bilateral ties to develop and increase in importance.

1995 1996 1997 199B 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2038 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013- 2014 2015

Table 1. Iran's Crude Oil & Petroleum Products Exports to ASEAN Countries, 1995-2015.

Библиографический список / References

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