DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE ECONOMY Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Tekutev S.M., Kochegarova N.A.

Today, new digital technologies, innovative business models penetrate into all spheres of economic life of society, influencing the very essence of the economy, forming qualitative structural changes in it. Digitalization is being introduced into social processes, the successful life activity of people depends on it to a greater extent. This article presents a description of digital technology in the economy, namely their types and role and elements. Risks and threats to the development of the digital economy have been identified.

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Текст научной работы на тему «DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE ECONOMY»

УДК 62

Tekutev S.M.


Department of Applied Informatics, Astrakhan State Technical University,

Russian Federation, Astrakhan Kochegarova N.A.

Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, Astrakhan State Technical University, Russian Federation, Astrakhan


Today, new digital technologies, innovative business models penetrate into all spheres of economic life of society, influencing the very essence of the economy, forming qualitative structural changes in it. Digitalization is being introduced into social processes, the successful life activity of people depends on it to a greater extent. This article presents a description of digital technology in the economy, namely their types and role and elements. Risks and threats to the development of the digital economy have been identified.


Digital economy, the influence of the state on the economy, types and roles of digital technologies.

Текутьев С.М.

Студент,кафедра Прикладная информатика, Астраханский Государственный Технический Университет,

РФ, г. Астрахань Кочегарова Н.А.

Старший преподаватель, кафедра Иностранных языков, Астраханский Государственный Технический Университет,

РФ, г. Астрахань


Сегодня новые цифровые технологии, инновационные бизнес-модели проникают во все сферы хозяйственной жизни общества, оказывая влияние на саму суть экономики, формируя в ней качественные структурные изменения. Цифровизация внедряется в социальные процессы, от нее в большей степени зависит успешная жизнедеятельность людей. В данной статье представленное описание цифровой технологии в экономике, а именно их виды и роль и элементы. Выявлены риски и угрозы развития цифровой экономики.

Ключевые слова:

Цифровая экономика, влияние государства на экономику, типы и роли цифрововых технологий.

The digital economy is an activity directly related to the development of digital computer technologies, which includes services for the provision of online services, electronic payments, online trading, crowdfunding, etc.

Digital technologies in the economy are technical innovations and innovations that make it possible to ensure the optimal operation of electronic business structures in the modern economy. What are the main elements of the digital economy?

The main elements of the digital economy are usually called: e-commerce, Internet banking and electronic payments, cryptocurrency and blockchain, Internet advertising and online games. The digital economy is a production based on digital technologies. At the moment, about half of the world's population uses the Internet in everyday life for training and doing business.

Types and role of digital technologies in the economy:

There are several types of digital technologies in the economy:

• gradually introduced - digital platforms, digital education, public clouds, chatbots, mobile business applications, mobile payments;

• breakthrough - Internet of things, artificial intelligence, distributed registries, big data, machine learning;

• technologies of the near future - human-machine interfaces, artificial intelligence management, cryptocurrencies.

• The introduction of digital technologies allows: to reduce the time interval between the achievement of results and the appearance of data on them; it also transfarms the operational and business models of foreign trade companies, which allows them to adapt more quickly to the conditions of the digital economy.

The main objectives of the use of digital technologies in the economy include:

• the emergence of companies with new business models specializing in;

• creation of economic ecosystems based on startups and companies bringing new technologies and products to the market;

• creation by financial institutions of their own ecosystems using the listed technologies.

Digital technologies in the economy:

1) Cloud Computing - Imagine that you run programs and work with data without worrying about purchasing servers, organizing data centers, connecting server racks and configuring operating systems. This is Cloud Computing.

The entire routine is taken over by the cloud capacity provider. He creates data centers: installs servers in them, builds networks, puts software responsible for infrastructure management.

To use Cloud Computing, you sign a contract with a provider and get access to your personal account. After that, you can use any resources and services that it provides. At the same time, you pay only for the actual capacity used and do not incur unnecessary costs.

What is cloud computing for in business?

1) Help to reduce the cost of IT infrastructure.

2) Provide remote access to working tools.

3) Accelerate innovation and deployment.

4) Help to store data securely.

5) Simplify infrastructure management.

(Internet of Things, IoT) is a combination of technologies that implies equipping various devices and equipment with sensors and connecting to the Internet for remote monitoring, control and management of processes in real time (including in automatic mode). The key feature is that not only computers, smartphones and other sufficiently powerful computing devices will participate in the network, but almost any things. Main problems and prospects

Any technology both provides new opportunities and generates various problems. If we talk about the Internet of Things, there are several potential threats.

Surveillance. Already, the browser literally records your every step on the web and "loads" contextual advertising. Now imagine that large companies will know almost your entire daily routine: what you eat, how much you sleep, and even how much you brew coffee in the morning. Many people are not happy with this prospect.

Hacking devices. Within the framework of one smart home, it's not so scary, it's unlikely that a smart vacuum cleaner will be able to harm you. But if we talk about hacking utility systems or autonomous robots at the enterprise, then everything can turn into a global catastrophe.

Blockchain - distributed (non-centralized) databases, each record in which contains a history of all transactions and ownership, reliably protected from fraud. BlockChain is used in trade finance, P2P transactions, and the conclusion of smart contracts;

Cryptocurrency is a kind of digital currency that does not have a physical embodiment and a single center that would control it. It works in the so-called "blockchain" or a chain of blocks with information.virtual currency, the issue ("mining", mining) of which is based on the specialized application of cryptographic algorithms. The role of the state in the development of the digital economy:

In all the leading countries in the field of digital technologies, the state acts as a driver of relevant initiatives. Without his active participation, it is impossible to imagine both the successful development of technological offerings in leading countries and the commercialization of technologies, including the creation of flagship corporations that form the "digital image" of the modern economy. The role of the state in the development of the digital economy. Google and Facebook are hardly controlled by the state because they are multinational corporations. They are outside the jurisdiction of one particular state, their work is "divided" between offices located at different ends of the world. Therefore, there is a problem here: where, how and why the state should intervene.

Previously, the state could estimate who, what, in what quantities and at what price produces, all this was observable. Now this assessment has ceased to be transparent, and the state does not know exactly how much a particular service costs. For example, if someone provides a cloud service, it is not entirely clear how many resources are required for this, where the service was provided and which state should be paid in the end.

Risks of the digital economy:

The main issue related to the digital economy is the protection of private information. People are afraid that a person's personal data will leak into the public domain and be used for other purposes. Cryptocurrencies have the same problem with bitcoins. If it was possible to have a safe for cash and securities, then completely different methods are needed with digital technologies.

Society has yet to work out its fears of increasing digitalization. And the main concerns are related to the compression of traditional markets, the absorption of everything and everything by the digital economy, the replacement of manual labor with machine labor and the disappearance of some professions. Separately, there is an increase in the scale of cybercrime, a person is still very vulnerable to this. Addressing these issues is one of the priorities of the digital economy.

List of literature:

1. https://moluch.ru/conf/stud/archive/457/17380/

2. Асаул В. В., Михайлова А. О. Обеспечение информационной безопасности в условиях формирования цифровой экономики // Теория и практика сервиса: экономика, социальная сфера, технологии. 2018. № 4 (38). С. 5-9.

3. https://mining-cryptocurrency.ru/cifrovaya-ehkonomika/

4. https://club.dns-shop.ru/blog/t-238-drugoe-dlya-umnogo-doma/40134-chto-takoe-internet-veschei-i-zachem-eto-nujno/

5. Вертакова Ю. В., Толстых Т. О., Шкарупета Е. В., Дмитриева В. В. Трансформация управленческих систем под воздействием цифровизации экономики: монография. Курск: Изд-во ЮЗГУ, 2017.

6. https://postnauka.ru/longreads/156608

7. https://cloud.yandex.ru/blog/posts/2022/04/cloud-computing

© Tekutev S.M., Kochegarova N.A., 2023

УДК 62

Быценко А.Н.

Магистрант СамГТУ, г. Самара, РФ Сайманова О.Г.

канд.экон.наук, доцент СамГТУ, г. Самара, РФ



В статье исследуются виды строительных материалов для защиты бетонных конструкций от воздействия химических веществ, коррозии, механических повреждений. Рассматривается полимерный анкерный лист высокой прочности. Определены преимущества, способ монтажа, типы сварки. Сделаны выводы, о важности защиты бетонных конструкций, правильности монтажа.

Ключевые слова:

промышленное строительство, материалы, трудоемкость, материалоемкость, инновация продукта, гидроизоляция строительных конструкций, полиэтилен высокой прочности

Рынок строительных материалов претерпел большие изменения, производители начали выпускать много новых изделий и материалов, которые отличаются качеством и степенью готовности, это все позволяет в значительной степени снизить материалоемкость и трудоемкость строительства.

Для того, чтобы сделать правильный выбор тех или иных материалов, необходимо владеть данными о их происхождении, безопасности, стоимости, знать и уметь прогнозировать долговечность, снизить трудоемкость при монтаже.

Задача современного строительства возвести прочное и долговечное сооружение. Одним из таких материалов является бетон, у него есть ряд преимуществ, но и есть ряд недостатков, это боязнь влаги, воды, воздействия от внешних факторов (химического, механического, абразивного, термического) от воздействия которых конструкции разрушаются. Для защиты бетона используют внешнюю гидроизоляцию (проникающая, обмазочная, оклеечная, окрасочная, напыляемая, штукатурная, инъекционная, напыляемая, листовая из полимерных материалов) [1] и с помощью специальных гидротехнических добавок в бетон и растворы [2].

Передовым материалом в промышленном строительстве является полимерный лист из

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