DIGITAL PR IN THE PROMOTION OF THE NATIONAL BRAND Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
marketing / brand / national / resources / digitalization / product promotion / consumers / audience / market / маркетинг / бренд / национальный / ресурсы / цифровизация / продвижение продукта / потребители / аудитория / рынок.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Aslanova, A.F., Abdumuminova, D.T.

The article deals with the study of the characteristics of PR in the promotion of a national brand. Developing a successful marketing strategy is often one of the most difficult tasks. Even the best brand can fail if it is presented to the public in the wrong form and quality. Features of PR brands in the era of digitalization suggests that this method can significantly reduce the cost of promoting a product when approaching a consumer. But there is one peculiarity: if you do not have time to join the trend in time, you end up on a crowded platform, the users of which no longer notice marketing, and you must take into account the complexity of promoting a national brand.

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Статья посвящена изучению особенностей PR в продвижении национального бренда. Разработка успешной маркетинговой стратегии часто является одной из самых сложных задач. Даже самый лучший бренд может потерпеть неудачу, если он будет представлен публике в неправильном виде и в неправильном качестве. Особенности PR-брендов в эпоху цифровизации позволяют предположить, что этот метод позволяет значительно снизить затраты на продвижение продукта при обращении к потребителю. Но есть одна особенность: если не успеть вовремя присоединиться к тренду, то попадаешь на переполненную площадку, пользователи которой уже не замечают маркетинг, и надо учитывать сложность продвижения национального бренда.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(3), March, 2023


A.F. Aslanova 1, D.T. Abdumuminova 2

1 Journalism and mass communication university of Uzbekistan,

Tashkent, Uzbekistan 2 "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" National Research University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Email: aziamirl 7@gmail.com

The article deals with the study of the characteristics of PR in the promotion of a national brand. Developing a successful marketing strategy is often one of the most difficult tasks. Even the best brand can fail if it is presented to the public in the wrong form and quality. Features of PR brands in the era of digitalization suggests that this method can significantly reduce the cost of promoting a product when approaching a consumer. But there is one peculiarity: if you do not have time to join the trend in time, you end up on a crowded platform, the users of which no longer notice marketing, and you must take into account the complexity of promoting a national brand.

Key words: marketing, brand, national, resources, digitalization, product promotion, consumers, audience, market.

Статья посвящена изучению особенностей PR в продвижении национального бренда. Разработка успешной маркетинговой стратегии часто является одной из самых сложных задач. Даже самый лучший бренд может потерпеть неудачу, если он будет представлен публике в неправильном виде и в неправильном качестве. Особенности PR-брендов в эпоху цифровизации позволяют предположить, что этот метод позволяет значительно снизить затраты на продвижение продукта при обращении к потребителю. Но есть одна особенность: если не успеть вовремя присоединиться к тренду, то попадаешь на переполненную площадку, пользователи которой уже не замечают маркетинг, и надо учитывать сложность продвижения национального бренда.

Ключевые слова: маркетинг, бренд, национальный, ресурсы, цифровизация, продвижение продукта, потребители, аудитория, рынок.



Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(3), March, 2023


Today, brand PR in the network is becoming a necessary requirement for the company's activities for many companies. Digital technologies make it possible to increase the profitability and recognition of the company, as well as to create and maintain the desired image of both the brands themselves and the company as a whole. [1] With an abundance of products on store shelves and a reduction in the time it takes to make a purchase decision, today it is a branding opportunity—a set of functional, emotional, and self-expressive promises made to the target consumer that are unique and unique. meaningful to them and best meet their needs. [2,3]. At the same time, innovative brand advertising methods that create and maintain the necessary long-term image and positioning in real and global life increase the competitiveness and profitability of the company. Today, digital PR is a fashionable and in-demand service. Internet marketing offers companies a huge opportunity to attract customers and develop a brand. At the same time, many entrepreneurs do not understand very well how to effectively develop a business through the Internet. The concept of "digital marketing" is broader than online marketing. Internet marketing includes only advertising on the Internet - improving the position of websites, contextual or display advertising on social networks. In addition to online channels, digital marketing also uses offline media - advertising on any electronic medium outside the Internet. [4] Digital marketing has many channels. For each buyer, those are selected that will establish a strong relationship between the company and the buyer and increase profits. Digital marketing involves the complex use of tools. With the help of digital advertising technologies, companies can reach customers both online and offline. The company can target almost any audience, not limiting the tools to only online advertising. Appeal to potential customers occurs at different stages of decision-making - from identifying needs to repeat purchases.

Digital marketing allows you to transfer offline audiences to the online marketplace - for example, through email newsletters, SMS links and QR codes in handouts. With the help of digital advertising technologies, you can quickly promote new products and work towards other business goals. An analysis of the modern lifestyle of a modern consumer (especially the younger generation), the "mechanism" of his consumption and perception of goods shows that it is necessary not only to change the goods themselves and their advertising strategies, but also to adapt or create a new perception of goods for them. Brand managers still name products, continue to create and modernize logos and slogans, and promote and promote their products. Only at the moment it is necessary to understand that in modern conditions advertising media have changed in most markets. [5] The ability of a brand through

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

virtual communication to help the consumer create or change the desired image, whether it is trying on a product for their personality through new technologies or at the level of emotions, helps brands to be in demand or desirable (the latter is sometimes more important). Modern methods of advertising, which are mainly Internet technologies (digital), can help solve the "old" and "new" brand management challenges. Digital is a whole world: entertainment (online games, movies, TV shows), information search, online banking, emails, chats, blogs, social networks, buying and selling, surveys. Digital technologies make it possible to identify a person, to show his uniqueness and difference from others. Thanks to digital technologies and their widespread use, digital technologies are now becoming a separate discipline that integrates marketing and communications, and becomes digital marketing (figure 1). [6]

Fig.1 Scheme Digital PR communication strategy


Digital PR is an online marketing strategy for growing a company's online presence. This is an opportunity to showcase your business, take a high position in the search results, attract the target audience and get backlinks to your site. Using digital PR tools, you can significantly increase your reach and positively influence search engine rankings.

Strategies and Benefits of Digital PR

Publishing news and articles in reputable media is an opportunity to climb in the rankings and increase the amount of traffic to your site. This is an online marketing direction that solves traditional PR tasks with the help of new media. Basic Strategies:

• publication of articles in various sources;

• offline events;

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

• work with the press and news portals;

• work with bloggers, editors and journalists;

• influence marketing.

A well-thought-out PR strategy involves not only publishing articles and news in the media and other sources, but also interacting with editors, opinion leaders, influencers and bloggers. Brand activity depends on the final goals and available tools, getting backlinks; mentioning the brand on the Internet; the opportunity to declare your business in authoritative sources; PR of products or services; attracting customers and partners [7].

Digital PR has a direct and indirect impact on SEO, SERM and SMM promotion. This is an opportunity to get closer to your customers, increase loyalty and make the brand recognizable to the customer.

One of the main ways to promote a brand is to develop a logo. A logo is a brand name that people associate with a particular brand. A logo is not an abstract set of characters or just a beautiful image, it is the first acquaintance of a client with your company. It is by it that many judge the services and goods offered and, often, decide whether to give their preference to your business or go to competitors. Therefore, the logo should be as associative as possible and evoke only positive emotions in the client. Table 1.

The main goals of digital PR for business are the formation of public opinion, the exchange of information with the target audience and the growth of the brand's presence on the Internet. PR is a tool that allows you to maintain a profile and media of your business. Business representatives can regularly publish news and articles and engage in digital promotion using the advertising account. This is an affordable and convenient marketing ploy that promotes recognition and improves the image.

Table 1.

Top 10 logos of Uzbekistan brands

using the colors of the national flag

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

without using the colors of the national flag

Conclusion: Therefore, digital marketing and media

PR - banners, catchy logos, viral PR (including viral videos), games, etc. A great way to not only increase the interest of the audience, but also redirect them to the company's website due to the brand memory effect.


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