Научная статья на тему 'Digital management of knowledge in corporations'

Digital management of knowledge in corporations Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Tsitskiev Emir Ruslanovich

The public interest in knowledge management is very noticeable. The norm in developed countries becomes the introduction of new posts such as Knowledge Manager, director of Knowledge Management, etc. They are necessary to assist employees in adapting to changing conditions, ensuring the effectiveness of knowledge management system , organizing the training of employees, Creating a system of effective cooperation and interaction between units and employees. In particular, among the well-known organizations, which are based positions of the director of Knowledge management, include such large corporations as: Hewlett-Packard, Coca-Cola, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Cap Gemini Ernst & Young. Moreover , in the regular schedule of IBM and Cagey were introduced the posts of chief specialist on knowledge management.

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Цифровое управление знаниями в корпорациях

Общественный интерес к управлению знаниями очень заметен. Нормой в развитых странах становится введение новых должностей, таких как менеджер знаний, директор по управлению знаниями и т.д. Они необходимы для оказания помощи сотрудникам в адаптации к изменяющимся условиям, обеспечения эффективности системы управления знаниями, организации обучения сотрудников, создания системы эффективного взаимодействия подразделений и сотрудников. В частности, к числу известных организаций, в которых базируются должности директора по управлению знаниями, относятся такие крупные корпорации, как: Hewlett-Packard, Coca-Cola, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Capital Ernst & Young. Более того, в штатном расписании IBM и Cagey были введены должности главных специалистов по управлению знаниями.

Текст научной работы на тему «Digital management of knowledge in corporations»

Digital management of knowledge in corporations Цифровое управление знаниями в корпорациях

DOI 10.24411/2658-3569-2020-10017

Цицкиев Эмир Русланович,

аспирант, Финансовый университет при правительстве РФ

Tsitskiev Emir Ruslanovich

Аннотация. Общественный интерес к управлению знаниями очень заметен. Нормой в развитых странах становится введение новых должностей, таких как менеджер знаний, директор по управлению знаниями и т.д. Они необходимы для оказания помощи сотрудникам в адаптации к изменяющимся условиям, обеспечения эффективности системы управления знаниями, организации обучения сотрудников, создания системы эффективного взаимодействия подразделений и сотрудников. В частности, к числу известных организаций, в которых базируются должности директора по управлению знаниями, относятся такие крупные корпорации, как: Hewlett-Packard, Coca-Cola, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Capital Ernst & Young. Более того, в штатном расписании IBM и Cagey были введены должности главных специалистов по управлению знаниями.

Summary. The public interest in knowledge management is very noticeable. The norm in developed countries becomes the introduction of new posts such as Knowledge Manager, director of Knowledge Management, etc. They are necessary to assist employees in adapting to changing conditions, ensuring the effectiveness of knowledge management system , organizing the training of employees, Creating a system of effective cooperation and interaction between units and employees. In particular, among the well-known organizations, which are based positions of the director of Knowledge management, include such large corporations as: Hewlett-Packard, Coca-Cola, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Cap Gemini Ernst & Young. Moreover , in the regular schedule of IBM and Cagey were introduced the posts of chief specialist on knowledge management.

Ключевые слова: цифровые технологии, менеджмент, знания, корпорации.

Keywords: digital, management, knowledge, corporations.

It should be noted that the Introduction of knowledge management Systems gives visible results. Yes, a study conducted by Telech Resource Network Corp. among the 93 companies that

implemented the knowledge Management Systems creation projects revealed that , according to respondents, the use of the knowledge management system was accompanied by: Increase Profit (48% of respondents); Reduction of costs (39%); improving Consumer service (10%); Quality Improvement (6%); Improvement processes (4%).

Knowledge management system Implementation practice organizations such as Ernst & Young, British Petroleum, Hitachi Ltd., Dow Chemicals, Texas Instruments and others Yes, Ernst &Young has received more than 15 Awards for achievements in knowledge Management for development and use Technological Solutions for effective knowledge management; British Petroleum has implemented a project to create «virtual teams» for employees ' communication and dissemination of experience in order to effectively manage corporate Knowledge.

In the domestic business practice Knowledge Management is a new direction that requires the study and concretization of Technologies and prospective tools for implementation in Enterprises.

In our time, the literature presents a variety of definitions of the concept of «knowledge Management». The main ones are reduced to the next.

Knowledge Management is a formal process that consists of evaluating organizational procedures, people and technology, and creating a system that uses the interconnection between these components to provide the necessary Information at the right time to improve performance [5].

Knowledge management is The process by which an organization accumulates wealth relying on its intellectual or knowledge — based organizational assets.

Knowledge management is clearly defined and systematic management important for the organization of knowledge and related management processes, gathering, organization, diffusion, application and objectives [1].

Knowledge Management can be defined as an approach to increase or create value by more actively supporting the experience associated with know-how and knowledge that exist equally within and beyond.

Noteworthy is the study B. Milner, who provides several knowledge management definitions , each of which highlights various aspects of the process from a position:

New area of application of organizational mechanisms, managerial methods and economic Incentives, which generates real competitive advantages;

Systematic, accurate and thoughtful formation, renewal and application of Knowledge as a resource of management in order to maximize the efficiency of the Enterprise and profit from knowledge- based assets;

Formalization and access to practical experience, knowledge and expert data as an object of governance, which creates new opportunities that Promote the improvement of activities that stimulate innovation and increase Consumer Value.

Clarifying characteristics of knowledge management process contain interpretation of M. K. Marynecheveva and L. R. Belova. In particular, M. K. Marynechev determines knowledge management as the process of creating organizational, technological and communication conditions, in which knowledge and information will help to solve strategic and tactical tasks L. R. Belova believes that «the knowledge Management is aimed at solving two basic tasks of efficiency and innovation». The ability to solve by using the knowledge management of the first task is achieved by using knowledge to increase productivity as a result of increased performance or cost reduction. The possibility to solve the second problem involves the creation of new products and services, new businesses and new business processes, with any knowledge Exchange can lead to innovation. Innovation-oriented knowledge is more promising , than knowledge — oriented .

Based on the analysis of scientists ' approaches to determine the essence of knowledge management you can draw the following conclusions.

Creation and application of knowledge - the engine on the way to Enrichment and ensuring sustainable development businesses. Spiral of learning-knowledge the cost assumes that the market is the main arbitrator in assessing knowledge. Clients intentions to buy a changing environment, and an enterprise based on knowledge, must answer this production of a new, more valuable product [2].

Feedback to the market defines what changes are needed in the product, and stimulates learning to introduce new knowledge into the production process of a new product. The cycle is restored with every market request, and transformation learning in knowledge demonstrates a fundamental link between studies, knowledge and value of an enterprise [6].

In the practical sphere of knowledge management should be considered in technological and organizational aspects. In the first case we are talking about creation of databases, knowledge maps, introduction of information technologies. However, the source of any knowledge is a person who needs to create a corporate culture that would encourage employees to share knowledge, which is the organizational component of the management system Knowledge. Knowledge Management should promote collaboration, sharing experience between employees.

Formalization of knowledge occurs due to: generation of knowledge (through the implementation of processes of traditional, empirical and Cybernet zed self-learning), within which the processes of attraction, development, creation, transmission and dissemination of

knowledge; Advanced Knowledge reproduction by introducing Innovations into all business processes of the Enterprise; application of knowledge - this plane indicates that the knowledge owned by the company staff should be directed to their fullest use.

The Knowledge Management system covers the whole Enterprise and operates traditional for process management: planning, analysis, organization, motivation, evaluation, control and adjustment. Certifying about the need to use the appropriate management Tools, which will be the organizational and economic mechanism of knowledge management. Effective knowledge management requires certain changes in the Enterprise, aimed at its transformation into a well — experienced organization.

Based on the above mentioned it can be concluded that knowledge management at the Enterprise has four strategic Objectives:

- Enhancing the Enterprise 's ability to innovate [8];

- Increased susceptibility. Ability to respond quickly to Market Trends and implement New opportunities in the interests of their enterprise;

- Improving the efficiency and competence of the Enterprise. Increase efficiency by excluding duplication of work and projects, elimination of losses;

- Increase productivity and competence of employees.

According to the goals, the main tasks of Knowledge management in the Enterprises should


- Systematization and accumulation of relevant information and knowledge;

- Ensuring The universal availability of employees to the collective memory of the enterprise, to knowledge;

- Providing semantic search and filtering of knowledge in corporate and world information resources [3];

- Encouraging cooperation highly effective specialists in the process of

- Generating ideas and making decisions;

- Creation of an environment for on-line interaction of distributed project and businessgroups, professional Communities and experts;

- Creation of a network Environment for professional development ;

- Increasing Corporate culture in the implementation of management and business processes.

In General, to ensure the efficiency of domestic Enterprises in the conditions of becoming a economy of knowledge based on the generation of new knowledge and the assimilation of Advanced World Experience the necessary creation of a effective organizational and economic mechanism for knowledge management and organizational economic mechanism of personnel

development. They should identify the role of social partners in implementing knowledge Management in intellectualization and continuous training of workers in production.

The knowledge management mechanism of the enterprise must cover all economic, legislative-normative, social, psychological and administrative-organizational levers, principles and functions of management, organizational structures methods of management, knowledge management tools , intellectualization of employees ' labor activities by means of their continuous learning, generation and exchange of knowledge and their implementation in production [7].

To ensure the success of implementation of knowledge management procedures is to form a single information infrastructure of the Enterprise, coordinating element of which should be the center of Knowledge. Under the Knowledge Center it is necessary to understand the critical integrated Resource of the Enterprise, including databases, directories, knowledge audit results , communities, knowledge portals, educational materials, practical recommendations, resumes, and other resources that help employees in finding information and people possessing the necessary knowledge. The Knowledge Center should work Special Staff — » knowledge managers» (analysts), whose functions include the organization of Knowledge management processes . Knowledge managers closely contact with experts of information and analytical groups of the subdivisions, which are responsible for formation of thematic databases , estimate and filter The information in Relevant subject areas and Business process managers.

The knowledge managers, together with experts and consultants , decide on what knowledge is important for the Enterprise, and Select materials for placing them in corporate databases . Thanks to this support, it is necessary to identify the next- generation knowledge that needs an enterprise to maintain its competitive Advantage. In addition, the important task of the knowledge Center should be to manage risk of knowledge, as knowledge of the Enterprise (competencies, experience of cooperation and group work) should be maintained because the consequences of their loss are losses, and sometimes a complete collapse of the Enterprise [4].

Thus, social Progress is primarily determined by the process of knowledge accumulation, which results in the accumulation of capital. In developed countries , the volume of investment Enterprises in knowledge, in particular , in Professional training, research , patenting and licensing, software for computing Systems, marketing, equal, and sometimes exceed the investment in the main funds in connection with the specified knowledge Management in Enterprises can be regarded as a way of profit and ensuring competitiveness in the long run. Knowledge Management is aimed at updating and reproducing knowledge, which provides for

the transformation of «implicit» knowledge into «explicit»; Obtaining information and transforming it into knowledge with the following structure, study and reproduction, as well as protection of knowledge to prevent the possibility of illegal leakage of the intellectual component. In This case, the exchange of knowledge should be orderly and manageable, and consist of two interrelated components -The Exchange of knowledge between people and the use of Information Systems that allow to automate this process while making it more efficient.

Список использованной литературы

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