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Ключевые слова
education / knowledge / educational environment / modernization / digitalization / information technology / innovative education / humanization.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Laziz Yunusov

The article discusses the need for further improvement of the education system in a digital educational environment, focuses on the fact that the modern digital transformation of education is based on scientific, technical, technological progress, and also considers the main trends in the development of the education system aimed at forming a knowledge society , digital educational environment, developed information and communication infrastructure, which make up the technological basis for solving modern problems of education.

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Laziz Yunusov

National Learning Center teachers of new methods in Tashkent, Uzbekistan



The article discusses the need for further improvement of the education system in a digital educational environment, focuses on the fact that the modern digital transformation of education is based on scientific, technical, technological progress, and also considers the main trends in the development of the education system aimed at forming a knowledge society , digital educational environment, developed information and communication infrastructure, which make up the technological basis for solving modern problems of education.

Keywords: education, knowledge, educational environment, modernization, digitalization, information technology, innovative education, humanization.


To solve the problems of building a democratic social state in New Uzbekistan, it is of fundamental importance to train personnel of a new formation, brought up on national, universal values and capable of realizing large-scale tasks of modernizing the country, building a modern democratic society.

Practice shows that only that country, that nation can achieve a great future, prosperity and well-being, which will be able to prepare knowledgeable, professionally literate and energetic individuals, true patriots of their country, enrich them with a huge spiritual heritage of a great national culture, introduce them to the treasuries of world culture. The path to national revival passes through high education, high culture. That is why the level of education, the degree of professional training should become a measure of the progress of our social development in the 21st century. This is the best guarantee of the successful implementation of the planned course of reforms, this is the direction that, over time, will give the greatest dividends from the invested funds.

The educational policy of domestic education today faces a difficult problem: the result of the ongoing reforms should not only be the preservation of the achievements of the national education system, but also ensure its adequate entry into the world educational

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ISSN: 2181-1385 ISI: 0,967 | Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,9 | ASI: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,771 | UIF: 6,1

system. This circumstance determines the extreme interest of the state and society in a deep understanding of modern domestic educational policy, making it conceptually the most important among modern problems solved within the framework of the philosophy of education. That is why, at the initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2023 has been named the Year of Care for a Person and Quality Education.

As you know, on January 28, 2022, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev "On the development strategy of the new Uzbekistan for 2022-2026" was issued. The fourth priority area of this Strategy is the implementation of a fair social policy, the development of human capital.

In particular, in solving problems for the further development of this area, it is planned to improve the quality of education in schools and raise the knowledge and qualifications of teaching staff to the international level by: determining domestic or international certification requirements for each subject for conducting activities at school; diagnosing the knowledge and skills of school teachers who do not have a category; optimization of district divisions of the public education system through the full digitalization of their activities, etc.


Currently, information technology is one of the central places in education: the emergence of various online courses, educational resources and platforms that complement and compete with traditional educational organizations. Government subsidies and support amount to billions for the creation and support of digital educational platforms, as well as the development and adaptation of legislative and technical policies and initiatives. Digital tools in higher education are becoming an inseparable part of domestic and global politics and the economy.

The basis of the modern digital transformation of education is scientific, technical, technological progress and the transition to the era of the information society. The key trends of this new era are the formation of a knowledge society, a digital economy, a developed information and communication infrastructure, a new technological basis for solving management problems, the social sphere. International principles for the development of the information society and are defined by the Okinawa Charter of the Global Information Society (2000), the Declaration of Principles "Building the Information Society - a Global Challenge in the New Millennium" (2003), the Tunis Commitment Action

Plan (2005) [2].

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Today, in the context of a rapidly developing information society, information and communication technologies (ICT) have become an important component of the integral system of national education, carrying out a wide variety of functions of the so-called information (or digital) educational environment.

A digital educational environment is an open set of information systems designed to support various tasks of the educational process.

At the beginning of the appearance of ICT in education, they were considered as an instrumental component of the classical pedagogical process. Today, it is an indisputable fact that ICT has been significantly integrated into the actual educational process. This created a synergistic effect and significantly transformed education. In the context of digitalization, new requests for education have appeared in terms of the formation of a person who is able not only to adaptively exist in the world of new technologies, but also to effectively develop them.

In academia, digitalization is having an impact. The modern system of higher education has passed an extremely important stage of computerization and informatization. It can be noted that the mechanisms of changes in the information space were complex, dependent on funding, on the level of higher educational institutions, on the level of readiness of the teaching staff, etc.

An important area of work remains the stimulation of research and innovation activities, the creation of effective mechanisms for introducing scientific and innovative achievements into practice, the creation of scientific and experimental specialized laboratories, high technology centers, technology parks at higher educational institutions and research institutes.

The implementation of these strategic tasks will ensure the progressive development of the entire system of continuous education as a single educational, scientific and industrial complex based on state and non-state educational institutions, the formation of a competitive environment in the field of education and training, the openness of the system of continuous education of the republic in the market of educational services, the exchange of information and specialists, strengthening the international authority of the educational system of Uzbekistan.


Digital transformation has given rise to the need for new information professional and pedagogical competencies associated with the ability to create complete electronic educational resources that optimally fit into the blended learning model.

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There are proven digital platforms for their creation. It is enough for the teacher to perform the traditional initial function - to design the main components of the training course, the learning process and learn how to convert them into an electronic format with the help of IT specialists.

Thus, a modern teacher, especially in higher, additional professional education, is required to master a wide arsenal of ICT technologies for the qualitative solution of didactic tasks in traditional education, the tasks of organizing the educational process and their own professional activities.

It should be noted that the introduction of distance learning is actively promoted in domestic education due to its current advantages such as flexibility (learning in a convenient place at a convenient time), the possibility of learning at a distance [1].

The next requirement for the ICT competencies of modern teachers is the ability to design and implement a holistic educational process (training course, curriculum) in a digital environment.

If earlier the teacher used ICT as tools for the implementation of individual didactic tasks (visibility, archiving and systematization of educational resources), now we are talking about designing a complete training course and a holistic learning process in a digital environment.

In this regard, it is worth recalling that the classical educational process includes consistently implemented stages, the main of which are goal-setting, the implementation of the content of education using methods, forms, teaching aids for organizing educational activities, monitoring and evaluation.

Thus, when a teacher transfers the teaching of a course to a digital environment, the goals associated with the results of education should be clearly presented in it, the content should be implemented within the framework of the forms, means, methods of teaching the digital environment, control and evaluation should be carried out. [4]

Another feature of learning in the digital environment is independent learning activities. Obviously, in vocational education, completely independent development of the field of professional activity is impossible, except for additional vocational training as part of advanced training, professional retraining. Therefore, in domestic higher education, in the last decade, the assumption of blended learning has been established, combining traditional face-to-face learning (offline education in the framework of direct contact with teachers during classes, sessions and extracurricular time) and e-learning (in other words, e-learning, online learning, distance learning using the Internet in

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real time, when the student accesses the available course, independently plans the time, place and duration of classes). As a rule, within the framework of e-learning, training courses are implemented aimed at mastering general cultural, some general professional competencies.

In the conditions of digital reality, there has been a change in cognitive processes - perception, memory, attention, thinking, etc. This significantly affected the psychological and pedagogical conditions of education, its quality and, together with the obvious progress of certain aspects of education, gave rise to negative phenomena.

The contradictory consequences of digitalization are largely due to the fact that the invasion of ICT into the actual pedagogical process occurred spontaneously, without serious scientific, pedagogical and methodological, psychological, pedagogical, socio-cultural justifications. Today, the question arose of correcting pedagogical approaches in the context of digital learning, and the issues of the relationship between ICT and classical pedagogical technologies, the patterns of the learning process in a digital educational environment are important areas of research in the field of psychology and pedagogy. [3]

Among the most popular conclusions of researchers and practitioners is the thesis that the use of digital technologies should not change the essence and meaning of education, the cultural mission of education. In this regard, the task of the next decades will be the creation of a new digital didactics that wisely integrates the new digital learning environment and its humanitarian purpose.


At the same time, today the issues of modernization of education also deserve special attention, the implementation of which could ensure the transition to a new type of social development, which is also worthwhile for Uzbekistan.

As you know, modernization is a process of transformation that involves the movement of society towards the most effective model of sustainable development, overcoming economic backwardness, political instability, the development of innovation, the process of creating new technologies, a new system of spiritual values and ideological attitudes.

The modernization of education is a complex multifaceted process, so its implementation should be based on the results of deep theoretical research. One of the important issues of modernization of vocational education, requiring philosophical analysis, is the understanding of the problem of the correlation of various aspects in the theory and

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practice of training specialists in the new socio-economic conditions. To do this, it is important to analyze the socio-philosophical foundations for the modernization of education associated with a new picture of the world, as well as the place of a person in the modern world. This will make it possible to identify areas for the development of vocational education and to reach educational technologies that can turn the education sector into a sphere of reproduction of a creative personality.

It is quite obvious that this cannot be done without studying the current educational situation, the basic principles of the evolution of modern education, analyzing new trends and understanding the ways of transition from the philosophical foundations of the development of education to the practice of reforming it.

One of the main characteristics of the modernization of domestic vocational education today is its humanistic orientation, where the focus of attention of society and the state is a person as a creatively developing personality.

The main features of modernization in this area are associated with updating the status, goals, content, forms and means of education.

The process of modernization of a professional school involves the creation and implementation of a model of innovative education.

The model of innovative education differs from traditional ones in the following ways:

- the goals of education: the goal of the former model is the training of specialists in the national economy, the new one is ethically rich professional and personal development of a person, preparation for life in a problematic world;

- the content of education : restructuring is associated with an emphasis on the ethical aspects of professional activity, new technologies, reflection and development of creative abilities, the activity aspect of learning;

- teaching methods and technologies: the transition from the traditional model to the model of innovative education, which implies the use of active teaching methods and developing design and management skills;

- forms of education: the transition from institutional forms of organization of education to the integration of institutional and non-institutional forms that provide different needs and opportunities for students and take into account the educational potential of knowledge functioning in society.

All characteristics of such a model of education have an ethical and humanistic orientation. Its guideline is the harmonization of the individual-personal and social in a person's professional career.

The initial goal of the humanization of education is the formation of a humanistic worldview of young people, relevant

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ISSN: 2181-1385 ISI: 0,967 | Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,9 | ASI: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,771 | UIF: 6,1

knowledge and skills. It serves as a prerequisite for the implementation by future citizens of the ideas and values of humanism in various spheres of human activity.


A characteristic feature of the growth of the spiritual potential of the youth of Uzbekistan is its high educational level. The problem of universal literacy of the population has been completely solved in the republic, compulsory general secondary education has been legally fixed, which can be obtained through a wide network of general education schools, lyceums, secondary vocational schools.

The processes of modernization of the educational system of Uzbekistan, training of highly qualified personnel also involve the development and implementation of effective organizational, pedagogical forms and means of spiritual and moral education of the younger generation, based on rich national cultural and historical traditions, customs of the people and universal values.

That is why the task of education is - the formation of the personality of a person capable of empathy; ready for a free humanistic ally oriented choice, individual intellectual effort, independent, competent, responsible action in political, economic, professional and cultural life, self-respecting in others, tolerant of representatives of other cultures and nationalities, independent in judgment, open to different opinions and unexpected thoughts.


1. Isaev R.I. Telecommunications - quality education in information and communication technologies - the foundation of Digital Uzbekistan // Issues of application of innovative teaching technologies in conditions of digitization of higher education. -Tashkent: TATU, 2023.- P. 4-6

2. Okinawa Charter of the Global Information Society.- http://kremlin.ru

3. Tulenova, G. Zh., & Yunusov, L.(2022). Modern virtual technology: structure and possibilities// Philosophy and Life, (2 (17)).-P.28-34.

4. Khodusov A.N., S.A. Kononova. Organization of the space for training specialists in vocational education institutions//Yaroslavsky Pedagogical Bulletin. - 2018 - № 5. -P. 40-48.

June, 2023

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