DIGITAL DRAWING DESIGN BASED ON LOCAL WISDOM IN PRODUCTION ORALE AVANCÉE COURSE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Jubliana Lamria Sitompul, Marice, Junita Friska

This study aims to design and develop learning media in the production orale avancée course using digital images based on local wisdom in Medan in accordance with the demands of DELF level B1 French speaking competence. On the other hand, this study also aims to determine student learning outcomes using digital image learning media in the production orale avancée course. The research method used is the research and development (R & D) with the development procedure of Thiagarajan by carrying out four stages, namely collecting information and data, planning, developing learning media, expert validation of the media and material included. After the four stages were carried out and declared feasible by the validator, the learning media was tested on students in the classroom. The results of material validation in the first stage are 92.30% and 100% in the second validation stage. While the results of the media validation are in the first stage, namely 90.9% and 100% in the second stage. The sample used is 30 students from the fifth semester

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Section 1. Study of art


Jubliana Lamria Sitompul,

Ph.D. in Linguistics, Department of France Language Education Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, Indonesia

E-mail: jubliana_professeur@yahoo.co.id


Ph.D. in Linguistics, Department of France Language Education Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, Indonesia

E-mail: mega_pangrib@yahoo.co.id

Junita Friska,

Ph.D. in Linguistics, Department of France Language Education Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, Indonesia

E-mail: junitafriskafrc@yahoo.com; m.alipawiro@sastra.uisu.ac.id


Abstract. This study aims to design and develop learning media in the production orale avancée course using digital images based on local wisdom in Medan in accordance with the demands of DELF level B1 French speaking competence. On the other hand, this study also aims to determine student learning outcomes using digital image learning media in the production orale avancée course. The research method used is the research and development (R & D) with the development procedure of Thiagarajan by carrying out four stages, namely collecting information and data, planning, developing learning media, expert validation of the media and material included. After the four stages were carried out and declared feasible by the validator, the learning media was tested on students in the classroom. The results of material validation in the first stage are 92.30% and 100% in the second validation stage. While the results of the media validation are in the first stage, namely 90.9% and 100% in the second stage. The sample used is 30 students from the fifth semester.

Keywords: speaking, learning media, digital image, local wisdom.

Introduction process, there are four core competencies, namely

At several universities in Indonesia, there is a listening, speaking, writing, and reading that must choice of French language study programs in the be mastered by students as one of the graduate cri-fields of education and literature. In the learning teria. Listening and reading are skills in receiving

information, while speaking and writing are skills in producing information with words.

The four competencies are tested on students through the DELF exam with a minimum level of B1 so, to achieve the graduation criteria, students are expected to master these four skills; however, in practice, speaking skills have not yet reached the expected competencies [1]. "Speaking skill is something that must be mastered by students when learning a language because it covers almost all of its components" [2]. Students can pour and explain the material they have learned by speaking [3]. In addition, the purpose of teaching speaking is to guide teachers and students to use the target language as a common language in the classroom environment even in everyday life.

The production orale avancée course is one of the core courses in the RPS, but the percentage of students who communicate using French in class is still low. "Students' speaking skills can describe their language knowledge so that it can be practiced in real life in the form of daily interactions and most often a person's first impression is based on his ability to speak fluently and completely" [4]. Based on observations made by researchers when teaching in the production orale avancée class, most of the students who participated in the class still had difficulty speaking and expressing their opinions, ideas and ideas regarding the ongoing learning material. Students experience difficulties or difficulties in expressing French words, for example students who take a long time before starting to speak, their eyes are still blank, and they turn left and right to ask their friends what they should say.

The constraints mentioned above are caused by various reasons. Starting from students who are shy, lack of lexical/vocabulary, until students do not have ideas that can be developed as material to be discussed, to the lack of speaking practice outside the classroom. Based on the explanation of the problems above, one alternative is the use of visual media, namely pictures in the process of learn-

ing to speak. Visual media in the form of images is very important for oral and written competence [5]. The image can make it easier for students to develop their imagination and creativity in speaking [6]. It is able to improve speaking skills. it is more effective because it can visualize something that will be explained will be more concrete and the information to be conveyed can be more easily understood because the message addressed is closer to reality. Before entering the lesson, the lecturer has prepared in advance the pictures related to the learning material.

After the lecturer explains the material as usual, students will be directed to voice their opinions. They can see the help according to the description in the picture. So, they speak based on the content and description in the picture. In this way, it is hoped that the speaking class will be more lively and active than before. The images used have been modified according to the theme of local wisdom in the city of Medan. It aims to develop skills that are tailored to the characteristics and peculiarities of the surrounding area. This component of local wisdom is determined by the education unit which refers to the government's appeal in accordance with the law.

The images used are also digital-based along with technological developments to influence and bring changes in aspects of life, especially in the world of education. Education continues to evolve with the times. Learning media such as LCD projectors, multimedia rooms, and internet access are signs of the times, especially computerized ones entering the world of education. Based on the explanation of the paragraphs above, the researcher is interested in conducting a study entitled "design of digital drawings based on local wisdom in the production orale avancée course".


Based on the title of this research, the method used in this research usesThiagarajan's research and development that is called 4D with four steps, such as in the followings: [7]


Design Develop


Results and discussion 1. Define

This initial step is used to determine student needs related to the use of digital images in the class-

Table 1.- Results of Needs Analysis Questionnaire

room. The results of the needs analysis can be seen in the table below:

Questions Answers

Yes No

In the learning process, Production Orale Avancee uses the learning media. 3(10%) 27(90%)

The learning media used by the lecturer is very appropriate to the actual situation. 5(17%) 25(83%)

Learning media used by lecturers will be very interesting with clear animations, pictures, videos and audio. 29(96.6%) 1(3.3%)

The use of image visualization in the learning process in the classroom can increase activeness and enthusiasm for learning 28(93.3%) 2(6.6%)

If the lecturer uses learning media in the form of digital images based on local wisdom in the learning process in the classroom, it can increase activeness and enthusiasm for learning 30(100%) 0(0%)

2. Design port in the teaching materials. Making the drawing

This is the initial stage in designing digital im- begins with the design of the sketch. The drawing

ages based on local wisdom. In this stage, the re- tablet used is a rough Dip Pen (381) with a normal

searcher begins to design teaching materials and background of 100% as shown in the image below: then makes a digital image arrangement as a sup-

Figure 1. Sketching images with a coarse dip pen (381)

The sketch design was carried out using the HUI- the next step is coloring. This stage is done using ON 430 P Drawing Tablet on the HUION H610 Pro Corel Painter software. An example of the process Graphic Tablet screen. After the sketch is complete, can be seen in the image in (Fig. 2 below):

Figure 2. Sketch coloring

After going through the coloring process, the (pixels) and others. This stage utilizes Adobe Phonext step is editing, such as fading, color stabiliza- toshop software to produce an image display in Fig. tion, transitions, desired image size, large quality 3 below:

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n L..J 7M > 1024

wi 9 iilSD) 720 » 1250

r.vz lin TïJUtif ; Jeçâk Otvûlfi

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initial «90 K 4096

Figure 3. Editing process

2. Develop gram (beta test). Alpha tests are carried out several

At the development stage, the researchers vali- times until the application can meet all the assess-

dated this digital database to the material validator ment indicators from material experts and media

(alpha test) and media validator before being tested experts. The development of the alpha test can be

on students. This trial involved 5th semester stu- seen in the table below. dents in the French language education study pro-

Table 2.- Results of the alpha test

Validator Alpha Test I Alpha Test II

Material expert 92.3% 100%

Media expert 90% 100%

Average 91.15% 100%

3. Disseminate

After the product passes the validation stage (Alpha test) and improvements have been made, the product is ready to be tested on students. At this stage, there is a Beta test in the form of a trial which is carried out on 5th semester students of the French language education study program with a total of 30 students. Before giving an assessment, respondents were given a brief explanation of the learning


Based on the table explanation, it can be seen that the Grille d'Évaluation in assessing students' speaking skills has four aspects. The first is the ability to answer questions, the second is the interaction ability, the third is the use of expressions, and the fourth, the auxiliary ability. Aspects of the ability to answer questions have indicators in assembling texts based on appropriate stages, the ability to talk about oneself confidently and convey ideas that are already known without preparation with confidence. with an average of 42.8% at the pretest and 72.4% at the posttest from 30 students.

After that, there are aspects of interaction ability with indicators being able to face without preparation even situations that are somewhat unusual in everyday life, speech acts with situations, and being able to respond to the other person's questions. Of the three indicators, the results of the average of

procedure using digital images. Then each respondent will receive a google drive link that contains learning materials for production orale avancée. After that, the respondent will also answer the question by expressing or describing the image in the google drive in French. After that, they filled out a questionnaire to provide assessments, suggestions, and comments on the learning media being tested. The average beta test results are shown in (Table 3).

all students are 46.2% in the pretest and 66.3% in the posttest. The third aspect is the use of expressions. The indicators are being able to present the topic to be developed in a simple and direct manner, presenting and explaining with sufficient precision, connecting a series of sentences that are spoken quite clearly. Of the three indicators, the average results of all students are 45.6% in the pretest and 58.1% in the posttest.

The last aspect with indicators of vocabulary ability, ability to connect sentence structure, and pronunciation clarity. Of the three indicators, the results of the average of all students are 46.5% in the pretest and 65.5% in the posttest. So that the average total pretest is 45.1%, which indicates that students have not been able to pass the DELF exam. In order to pass the DELF exam, students must get a minimum percentage of 50%, While the total average for the posttest is 70.9% [8].

Table 3.- Results of the beta test

Aspect Pretest Postest

Ability to answer questions 42.8% 78.4%

Interaction ability 46.2% 66.3%

Expression use 44.9% 73.7%

Additional abilities (Lexical, Morphosyntax, and Phonological Systems) 46.5% 65.5%

From the Grille d'évaluation average, the increase can be seen in the effectiveness of the use of the Macromedia Flash application in the ability to develop the topics to be spoken. The table shows a significant increase in the average results of the pretest and posttest. Which means, the ability of students to speak in class increases after learning using digital images. Grille d'évaluation states pass if it has exceeded the score by up to 50%. While the average result has exceeded the minimum score that has been determined, 70.9%. So the use of this media is declared effective. However, there are other aspects that must be improved in the future, namely lexical ability and mastery of sentence structure in students.


Development of a digital image design in the production orale avancée course based on local wisdom is carried out in 4 stages, namely: define, design, develop, and disseminate. The total image generated

reaches 40 images. The evaluation of the validator on the media resulting from the digital image design is carried out in two stages of assessment. The media feasibility of the material validator gets a percentage of 92.3% and the media validator gets a percentage of 90%. Improvements to learning media were carried out in accordance with the suggestions and comments of the validators until the material validators and media validators gave a score of 100% in the second assessment, which means that the results of the digital image design are very good and suitable for use. Student responses obtained from the Beta Test also showed that they liked digital image-based learning. This is shown from the survey results which stated that 86.1% of students had a very good perception. More specifically, the use of digital images makes students feel motivated to participate by expressing French sentences from the images presented that are in the agree category.


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