Научная статья на тему 'DIGITAL CURRENCY. FOR THEM A FUTURE?'

DIGITAL CURRENCY. FOR THEM A FUTURE? Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Gorbunova L.A., Imaikina A.S., Mustelin A.E.

This article will answer questions such as: what is cryptocurrency, the principle of its operation, its advantages and disadvantages, the most popular types of cryptocurrencies, the most effective ways to make money on cryptocurrency.

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Текст научной работы на тему «DIGITAL CURRENCY. FOR THEM A FUTURE?»

ed., Revised. and additional .- M .: Infra-m, 2007.- 601 p.

2. Entrepreneurship [Text]: a textbook for higher education. training. institutions / MG Lapusta. - M.: Infra-M, 2012. - 608 p.

3. Chkalova O.V. Classification of off-store forms of trade / O.V. Chkalov // Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2013. № 3. P. 43-51.

4. Organization of entrepreneurial activities: Proc. manual for universities / Ed. V.Ya. Gorfinkel, acad. G.B. Polyak, prof. V.A. Shvandara .- M .: UNITY-DANA, 2004.- 525 p.

5. Economics of the organization: a textbook / V.P. Samarin, G.V. Cherezov, E.A. Karpov. - Moscow: KnoRus, 2014. - 319 s

6. Titov V.I. Analysis and diagnostics of financial and economic activity of the enterprise: Textbook / B.H. Titov .- M .: Publishing and Trading Corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2005.- 352 p.

7. Panyukova V.V. Internationalization of trade as a factor in the development of trade marketing in Russia / V.V. Panyukova // Administrative Sciences in Contemporary Russia. 2014. 2. 2. 2. S. 74-78.


Gorbunova L.A. Imaikina A.S.

students of Siberian Transport University

Novosibirsk Mustelin A.E. tutor Siberian Transport University



Abstract: This article will answer questions such as: what is cryptocurrency, the principle of its operation, its advantages and disadvantages, the most popular types of cryptocurrencies, the most effective ways to make money on cryptocurrency.

Keywords: cryptocurrency; IT technology; Bitcoin; Ethereum; Litecoin; money.

Many of us are wondering - what's the new word "Cryptocurrency"? Why is everyone talking about her? What is it for?

After conducting a study, a number of the most pressing issues related to cryptocurrency were drawn up, and this article will set out answers to them. 1. What is cryptocurrency?

Enter the word "cryptocurrency" into the search field - bitcoin belongs to this category. The highlight of this technology is that it supports an infrastructure in which strangers can do business with each other, without intermediaries. Theoretically, this means that we no longer need banks and others to ensure the necessary level of trust between the parties to the transaction. The accounting register, formed in the distributed network, in most types of cryptocurrencies is

called blockchain and effectively tells us whether the alleged transaction partner is reliable enough.

2. What are its advantages and how does it achieve this?

By excluding intermediaries along with their commissions, cryptocurrency allows to reduce the cost of doing business, as well as prevents corruption. If we take into account only those 2-3% savings that bitcoin offers on each credit card transaction - and those usually go to retailers - it is hardly possible to be delighted with the idea of the "cryptocurrency revolution". But let us remember that world output reaches 87 trillion dollars a year, and let us calculate how much of that money went to banks and other financial intermediaries. Cryptocurrencies exclude them from the money circulation and allow you to save a lot of trillion dollars.

At its core, this technology is a form of social organization capable of transferring control of cash flows and information from the powerful elite to ordinary people, to whom it should belong.

Also, for calculations with virtual money only their number is used, so the cryptocurrency does not need real expression. Digital means of payment are protected by a cryptographic code, which makes them more reliable in comparison with "real" money. And due to the absolute decentralization of virtual coins issue, they can neither be forged nor banned.

Another cryptocurrency guarantees anonymity. When conducting transactions, no one will receive any information about the payer or the recipient, of all the data will be used only the number of the e-wallet.

For each type of cryptocurrency, there is a limit to the issue. Thus, excessive emission is impossible and, as a consequence, there is no inflation in respect of this money.

Cryptocurrency is protected by a unique code such as an electronic signature, so it is protected from copying, and therefore it can not be forged.

3. Then what is bitcoin?

There are two opinions. First, bitcoin is a currency, a digital unit of value used by people to exchange goods, services or other currencies, the rate of which tends to fluctuate strongly with respect to the traditional, issued by the government currency. And there is the second-Bitcoin technology, system Protocol-a widespread concept in programming, denoting a basic set of software instructions that allows computers to communicate with each other. Bitcoin Protocol works in a network of computers belonging to a variety of people in different parts of the world and supporting its blockchain and cash settlement system. The Protocol contains instructions for computers, as well as information necessary for monitoring and verification of transactions between people in the bitcoin economy. The system is based on encryption technology that allows customers to use keys to send digital money directly to each other in the form of special passwords that do not need to be disclosed to outsiders. It is equally important that the Protocol describes the steps that computers in the system must perform to confirm the reliability of certain transactions. As the consensus on this issue is reached, the recipient of the transfer receives a guarantee that the payer has

sufficient funds for the calculation, and the digital payment made by him is not fictitious.

4. What are the types of cryptocurrencies?

Although they appeared in 2008, to date, has accumulated about 50 thousand varieties. Here is the top 3 most popular types:

1) Bitcoin (gold, 4200 USD). Cryptocurrency bitcoin in simple words is the very first digital currency, on the basis of which all subsequent ones were developed. The developer of bitcoin - Satoshi Nakamoto.

2) Ethereum (us $ 300). This development of the Russian programmer Vitaly Buterin is issued since 2015.

3) Litecoin (silver, 40 USD). The currency was developed by programmer Charlie Lee and is available from 2011.

5. How to make money on cryptocurrency?

We have identified the top 5 most popular and effective ways to make money on bitcoin:

1) Purchase and sale of cryptocurrency. This is done on special exchanges. The principle of action is to buy the currency at the time of its decline in value, and sell - at the time of the increase. Most often, this trade is associated with bitcoins, because their value is higher than other types of cryptocurrency.

2) Cryptocurrency Investments. Investments are made by transferring a certain amount of electronic money from one person to another. Usually brokers deal with the issues of trust management.

3) Extraction of electronic money (mining). Cryptocurrency mining in simple words is the process of mining cryptocurrency with the help of special software. On an ordinary home computer, large volumes of cryptocurrencies will not be able to be produced, quite significant capacities are needed, and, therefore, the purchase of additional equipment. You need a powerful graphics card and processor. In addition, special devices are used - the so-called mining farms that produce cryptocurrency.

4) Cloud mining. For this production of digital currency do not need to buy additional devices. To do this, there are special services on which you can sell and buy computing power. That is, the service generates cryptocurrency for you, and you pay for the spent power.

5) Distribution of cryptocurrency. Such services are usually provided for the attraction of referrals or the introduction of letters from the pictures (captcha), that is, in fact, an increase in the attendance of the site. These are so-called gateways, cranes or distributors.

Sum up. Cryptocurrency is a new word in money circulation. Its origin is due to the needs of time. Despite the fact that cryptocurrencies do not have a real expression, they are almost equal to the traditional currency units can participate in various operations in the market. Currently, there are a number of ways to earn cryptocurrencies, as well as options for making profit from them, which is used by the most advanced users. In General, cryptocurrency by its characteristics is largely similar to traditional money, however, has a number of fundamental

differences that allow digital money to gain more and more popularity in the modern information space.


1. [internet-sources] https://www.bhazard.ru

2. [internet-sources] https://www.icobuffer.com

3. [internet-sources] https://www.viralgohil.com

4. [internet-sources] https://www.bitcoinsprice.org

5. [internet-sources] https://www.liteforex.com

УДК 35.78.1

Qodirova N.A. Teacher academician lyceum at Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute Uzbekistan, Tashkent city THE DRAMATICS OF BERNARD SHOW IS A NEW STAGE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENGLISH LITERATURE OF THE XX CENTURY Annotation: This article is devoted to the life and work of Bernard Shaw. His philosophical and aesthetic views are analyzed.

Keywords: B.Show, literature, drama, aesthetic view

Кодирова Н.А. преподаватель, академик лицей при Ташкентском Педиатрическом Медицинском


Аннотация: Эта статья посвящена жизни и творчеству Бернард Шоу. Проанализированы его философские и эстетические взгляды.

Ключевые слова: Б.Шоу, литература, драматургия, эстетический взгляд

George Bernard Shaw - the largest English playwright of the late XIX -early XX century. He managed to bring the English drama out of the ideological and artistic impasse characteristic of the 60-70s of the XIX century. He gave it a social edge, a problem character and a brilliant satirical-paradoxical form.

George Bernard Shaw was born in Dublin in the family of a sales clerk. The family was mostly supported by a mother, a music teacher and a talented singer. There was disagreement in the house, children were treated carelessly. But there was no shortage of music and interesting, intellectual conversations, to which the teenager hungrily listened. When the boy was 15 years old, his mother left the house and went to London in search of earnings. The future writer, never having received a systematic secondary education, got a job as a clerk in a land office. His own vast knowledge Shaw acquired self-taught. He did not have to study at the university. The middle school, with its scholastic method of teaching, corporal punishment, and mechanical cramming left him with the most painful memories.

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