DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HOW INTROVERTED AND EXTROVERTED STUDENTS LEARN ENGLISH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
language laerning / skills / mastreing / intraverted / extraverted / listening / speaking / writing / reading / изучение английского языка / навыки / мастреинг / интроверты / экстраверты / аудирование / говорение / письмо / чтение

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Asankul Kyzy Nurilia, N.D. Tashtanova, G.K. Koichumanova, E.Zh. Zhumagulova

The purpose of this paper is to examine the differences in ability between extroverted and introverted personalities in learning English. The differences in speaking, writing, listening and reading skills are described in this study. The analysis in this study used a descriptive analysis regarding the differences in English skills between extroverted and introverted personalities. The results show that there are differences between extroverts and introverts in English language learning ability. When it comes to speaking skills, extroverted students are more proficient than introverted students. Introverted students are more proficient in writing, listening and reading skills.

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Цель данной статьи – изучить различия в способностях экстравертных и интровертных личностей в изучении английского языка. В данном исследовании описываются различия в навыках говорения, письма, аудирования и чтения. В данном исследовании использовался описательный анализ различий в навыках английского языка между экстравертными и интровертными личностями. Результаты показывают, что существуют различия между экстравертами и интровертами в способности к изучению английского языка. Когда речь идет о навыках разговорной речи, экстравертные студенты более компетентны, чем интровертные. Интровертные студенты лучше владеют навыками письма, аудирования и чтения.




Asankul kyzy Nurilia, Senior Lecturer N.D. Tashtanova, Senior Lecturer G.K. Koichumanova, Senior Lecturer E.Zh. Zhumagulova, Associate Professor International University of the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek)


Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to examine the differences in ability between extroverted and introverted personalities in learning English. The differences in speaking, writing, listening and reading skills are described in this study. The analysis in this study used a descriptive analysis regarding the differences in English skills between extroverted and introverted personalities. The results show that there are differences between extroverts and introverts in English language learning ability. When it comes to speaking skills, extroverted students are more proficient than introverted students. Introverted students are more proficient in writing, listening and reading skills.

Keywords: language laerning, skills, mastreing, intraverted, extraverted, listening, speaking, writing, reading.

The importance of English cannot be denied or ignored, as English is the most widely spoken language in the world. This is why English is the language of instruction in schools in many countries. In addition, there are a number of skills in English that become the basic skills of the language: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students of English will be able to understand and exchange information given orally or in writing if they have mastered these four skills.

The fact that classrooms and learning groups are composed of students with different personalities and language strategies, challenges English teachers to create and design an effective way to achieve learning objectives. Therefore, in order to achieve the objectives, it might be helpful for English teachers to identify the differences in students' characteristics. Talking about students' different personality traits such as extroversion and introversion, they are believed to be positively related to language learning success [1].

The two types of human personality were identified by Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) as introvert and extrovert. Jung was of the opinion that extroverts are personalities who are more under the influence of the objective

world. Extroverted behaviour is described as outgoing, cheerful, sociable, with a tendency to interact with others and insensitive. Introverts tend to be people who withdraw from social interaction [2]. They tend to be more interested and focused on what they're thinking and feeling. Jung describes the behaviour of introverts as people who are quiet, who distance themselves from social contact, who are not happy to be in a crowd. Extroverted and introverted personalities and learning English are two related matters. In addition to personality traits, language learning strategies are also thought to have an influence on how language learners learn English and how successful they are. They have different ways of studying English, including reading, writing, listening and speaking. They also have different abilities in the three elements of the language, such as pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar.

Personality is one of the internal psychological factors that are important predictors of cognitive performance. It also influences academic success. Extroverted and introverted personalities are different in character and, as such, they will learn and perform differently. The sensitivity of each personality to its character or behaviour is related to the process of

language learning. In this case, it is extrovert vs. introvert, thinker vs. feeler, judge vs. understand, ambiguity tolerant vs. ambiguity intolerant, and left brain vs. right brain. In line with their typical character, extroverts are more interested in interaction with other people. For example, extroverts are more comfortable with group learning and problem solving. Introverts, on the other hand, are more one-on-one learners. Introverts like to learn independently. They are more likely to use their five senses and observe facts or events to understand and solve a problem.

In view of this information, it is expected that an English language teacher should be able to identify the characteristics of the students as well as the language learning strategy they often use in order to be able to play his/her role in the classroom effectively. The teacher's awareness of personality differences, combined with their language learning strategy, could potentially create a learning environment that takes advantage of the individual strengths of the students. However, a personality trait is different from a gender, an age, a nationality or a length of time spent learning a language, which can be easily measured and judged. Extroversion and introversion are invisible to the naked eye and are very subjective to judgement. The only personalities a student may have in his or her body are not extroversion and introversion. There are other personalities that go together [3]. Tolerance of ambiguity, empathy and sensitivity to rejection are all correlated with each other. The researchers found that many disappointments with the results of a study relating to personality traits are due to the unreliable test of unreliable testing of personality types. Therefore, judging and classifying students as extroverts and introverts should be done carefully. A reliable instrument is needed to do this.

Several studies have shown that introverts are good at certain skills when it comes to learning English. There is a significant correlation between introverted personality type and reading comprehension. The more introverted the students are, the better their reading comprehension is. There are also differences between introverts and extroverts in their ability to write English essays, according to previous research. The introverted personality type tends to have a higher ability to write than the extroverted personality type. However, according to another study, extroverted students were found to perform better in speaking than introverted students. Similar to the other skills, the listening skills also show differences between introverted and extroverted students when listening to English is tested. Introverted students have better scores in listening skills than extroverted students.

Extraverts. In the words of the researchers, "the typical extrovert is talkative, and they usually show their energy or enthusiasm when they are in communication with others". For a number of people, it is very important for them to be sociable. They like to have fun, join parties, attract people, enjoy moments in a crowd that represent the concepts of extroversion. In addition, extroverts may enjoy being involved in social activities and work well in a team. However, it has also been pointed out that extroverts are not able to reflect in order to understand themselves. There is also evidence that they could improve their enthusiasm through exercise. In addition, extraverts tend to choose stimulating activities. From the above, it could be concluded that an extrovert is a personality that has a strong connection with social life. For example, when studying with a friend, extroverted students perform better academically. They also enjoy learning activities that have tangible results. They like to communicate with others. They are really at their best during class discussions [4].

Table 1. Extroverted students' speaking ability percentage results

Skills Percentage of extravert Level of ability

Pronunciation 23% High

Grammar 16% Low

Vocabulary 20% High

Fluency 21% High

Comprehension 17% Low

Spelling 18% Low

Content 25% High

Introverts. On the contrary, introverts tend to work more individually. They learn better in a quiet state. As far as classroom activities are concerned, introverted types prefer reading, writing, listening to the lecturer's lectures and research in oral work. They also have a tendency to be independent and do most of their work alone. Introverted students are almost uncomfortable when they have to discuss in groups. They also tend to be reluctant to speak in front of the class. They lack the confidence to engage in social interactions, but they can think on their feet. Introverts are not confident to take part in a group discussion. They are also not good at remembering names and speaking up in class. It can

On the basis of the data in the tables above, it is clear that there are differences in the ability to speak between the introverted students and the extroverted students.

Listening comprehension is assessed by listening to short conversations in English, which is a test of listening skills. There is a significant difference between introverted and extroverted personalities when listening. Students who are introverted have better listening comprehension skills than students who are extroverted. Extroverted students have better English language skills than introverted students. This is because the extroverted personality is known to be active and confident when it comes to speaking. So, because they speak in a style like native speakers, their

be seen that introverts are comfortable in their inner world, away from the crowd, from the above statements about introverts. Scientists believed that students who were extroverts were usually more successful learners than their introverted classmates or groupmates. However, because extroverts are more friendly and open to others, extroverted students are more successful at learning a language than introverted students. Nevertheless, it is not justifiable to claim that extraverted language learners are more intelligent than introverted learners because introverted learners may possess their strengths that extraverted learners do not possess.

pronunciation & accent is good. They like to be the centre of attention. They want to show that they can speak English. So they try to imitate how native English sounds. However, not all extroverts are good at pronouncing what they say [5]. Some extroverts have poor pronunciation. But they are very confident when they speak. Extroverts are very active. They speak English without hesitation even if the meaning and pronunciation are not the same. Conversely, Extroverts pay less attention to the grammatical structure of spoken sentences. They are spontaneous personalities. They don't think much when they do something. This means that they don't pay much attention to grammar and understanding. This is because this aspect requires preci-

Table 2. Intraverted students' speaking ability percentage results

Skill Percentage of introvert Level of ability

Pronunciation 16% Low

Grammar 23% High

Vocabulary 18% Low

Fluency 18% Low

Comprehension 23% High

Spelling 18% Low

Content 25% High

sion and a sufficiently high level of thinking. vantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, a So even though extroverts seem to speak flu- more comprehensive study with a larger and ently, their grammatical skills are actually a different number of individuals is needed to bit poor. They also score low in the compre- fully investigate the relationship between stu-hension aspect of English. However, in a dents' personality and their ability to learn number of respects, both have their own ad- English.


1. Brown, H.D. Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy (2nd ed.). - New York: Longman, 2001.

2. Cohen D., & Schmidt J.D. Ambiversion: Characteristics of mid-range responders on the introversion-extraversion scale // Journal of Personality Assessment. - 1979. - № 43 (5). - P. 514516. - URL: https://doi: 10.1207/s15327752jpa4305_14.

3. Lestari A., Sada C., & Suhartono L. Analysis on the relationship of extrovert-introvert personality and students' speaking performance. Teacher Training and Education English Study Program of Tanjungpura University, Pontianak. - 2015. - № 4 (3). - P. 1-14.

4. Oxford, R.L. Language learning strategies: What Every Teacher Should Know. - Boston: Heinle & Heinle, 1990.

5. Samand, Sri Muniarty, Zalili Sailan and Asrun Lio. Analysis of the relationship between extrovert-introvert personality and students' speaking performance in the English language programme of Halu Oleo University // Journal of Language Education and Educational Technology (JLEET). - 2019. - № 4 (1).


Асанкул кызы Нуриля, старший преподаватель Н.Д. Таштанова, старший преподаватель Г.К. Койчуманова, старший преподаватель Э.Ж. Жумагулова, доцент

Международный университет Кыргызской Республики (Кыргызстан, г. Бишкек)

Аннотация. Цель данной статьи - изучить различия в способностях экстравертных и интровертных личностей в изучении английского языка. В данном исследовании описываются различия в навыках говорения, письма, аудирования и чтения. В данном исследовании использовался описательный анализ различий в навыках английского языка между экстравертными и интровертными личностями. Результаты показывают, что существуют различия между экстравертами и интровертами в способности к изучению английского языка. Когда речь идет о навыках разговорной речи, экстравертные студенты более компетентны, чем интровертные. Интровертные студенты лучше владеют навыками письма, аудирования и чтения.

Ключевые слова: изучение английского языка, навыки, мастреинг, интроверты, экстраверты, аудирование, говорение, письмо, чтение.

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