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Ключевые слова
self-regulated cognitive activity / textbook / modern foreign language textbook / metacognitive skills / person-centered technologies / самостоятельная познавательная деятельность / учебник / современный учебник иностранного языка / метакогнитивные навыки / личноcтно ориентированные технологии

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Svetlana V. Pavlova, Maria A. Yugova

The paper proves the relevance of the discussed topic in the view of modern reality and our understanding of education as a process in which a student is an active participant in their educational activities. The authors’ attention is focused on such concepts as «self-regulated cognitive activity», «metacognitive skills» and «person-centered teaching methods» revealing their interdependence in the learning process. The significant developmental potential of the academic discipline “Foreign Language” makes it possible to organize “constructive, cognitive and creative activity” of students striving for self-development. The aim of the research is to analyze the didactic potential of the textbook in preparing students for independent selfregulated cognitive activity and illustrate it with the examples of specific tasks. The authors examine the main characteristics of a foreign language textbook developed for a non-linguistic university. One of the important characteristics of a foreign language textbook is its focus on the development of self-regulated cognitive activity through methodological apparatus of the textbook. In this context, much attention is paid to person-centered tasks included in the foreign language textbooks. Such tasks include mini-projects, round tables, conferences, discussions, role-plays, case studies, etc. The practical value of the research is determined by the opportunity given by the textbook to apply the results for the effective development of students’ metacognitive skills that form the basis of self-education. The tasks presented and analyzed in the paper allow us to draw a conclusion about the importance and necessity of using person-centered technologies in the educational process with the aim of preparing students for independent self-regulated cognitive activity through the development of metacognitive skills.

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Показано, что обозначенная тема является актуальной, на основе современной реальности и нашего понимания образования как процесса, в котором обучающийся выступает активным участником своей образовательной деятельности. Внимание авторов сосредоточено на таких понятиях, как «самостоятельная познавательная деятельность», «метакогнитивные навыки и умения» и «личностно-ориентированные методы обучения», раскрывается их взаимосвязь в процессе обучения. Глубокий развивающий потенциал учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» позволяет организовать «конструирующую, познавательную и творческую активность» обучающихся, стремящихся к саморазвитию. Цель статьи – проанализировать потенциальные дидактические возможности учебника в подготовке студентов к самостоятельной познавательной деятельности и наглядно продемонстрировать их на примере конкретных заданий. Авторы исследуют основные характеристики учебника иностранного языка, разработанного для неязыкового вуза. Одной из важных характеристик учебника иностранного языка обозначается его направленность на развитие самостоятельной познавательной деятельности через методический аппарат учебника. В этом контексте уделяется внимание личностно ориентированным заданиям, включенным в учебники иностранного языка. К таким заданиям относятся мини-проекты, круглые столы, конференции, дискуссии, ролевые игры, проблемные ситуации и др. Прикладная ценность проведенного исследования определяется задаваемой учебником возможностью применить результаты для эффективного развития метакогнитивных навыков студентов, лежащих в основе самообразования. Задания, представленные и проанализированные в контексте проблематики статьи, позволяют сделать вывод о важности и необходимости использования личностно ориентированных подходов в учебном процессе для подготовки студентов к самостоятельной познавательной деятельности через развитие метакогнитивных навыков.


УДК 378:372.881 DOI: https://doi.Org/10.17673/vsgtu-pps.2023.4.5


© С.В. Павлова, М.А. Югова

Уральский государственный юридический университет им. В.Ф. Яковлева Российская Федерация, 620137, г. Екатеринбург, ул. Комсомольская, 21

Поступила в редакцию 16.10.2023 Окончательный вариант 25.11.2023

■ Для цитирования: Павлова С.В., Югова М.А. Дидактические возможности учебника в подготовке студентов к самостоятельной познавательной деятельности // Вестник Самарского государственного технического университета. Серия «Психолого-педагогические науки». 2023. Т. 20. № 4. С. 51-62. DOI: https://doi. org/10.17673/vsgtu-pps.2023.4.5

Аннотация. Показано, что обозначенная тема является актуальной, на основе современной реальности и нашего понимания образования как процесса, в котором обучающийся выступает активным участником своей образовательной деятельности. Внимание авторов сосредоточено на таких понятиях, как «самостоятельная познавательная деятельность», «метакогнитивные навыки и умения» и «личностно-ориентированные методы обучения», раскрывается их взаимосвязь в процессе обучения. Глубокий развивающий потенциал учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» позволяет организовать «конструирующую, познавательную и творческую активность» обучающихся, стремящихся к саморазвитию. Цель статьи - проанализировать потенциальные дидактические возможности учебника в подготовке студентов к самостоятельной познавательной деятельности и наглядно продемонстрировать их на примере конкретных заданий. Авторы исследуют основные характеристики учебника иностранного языка, разработанного для неязыкового вуза. Одной из важных характеристик учебника иностранного языка обозначается его направленность на развитие самостоятельной познавательной деятельности через методический аппарат учебника. В этом контексте уделяется внимание личностно ориентированным заданиям, включенным в учебники иностранного языка. К таким заданиям относятся мини-проекты, круглые столы, конференции, дискуссии, ролевые игры, проблемные ситуации и др. Прикладная ценность проведенного исследования определяется задаваемой учебником возможностью применить результаты для эффективного развития метакогнитивных навыков студентов, лежащих в основе само образования. Задания, представленные и проанализированные в контексте проблематики статьи, позволяют сделать вывод о важности и необходимости использования личностно ориентированных подходов в учебном процессе для подготовки студентов к самостоятельной познавательной деятельности через развитие метакогнитивных навыков.

Ключевые слова: самостоятельная познавательная деятельность, учебник, современный учебник иностранного языка, метакогнитивные навыки, личностно ориентированные технологии.

UDC 378:372.881 DOI: https://doi.Org/10.17673/vsgtu-pps.2023.4.5


© S.V. Pavlova, M.A. Yugova

Ural State Law University

21, Komsomolskaya str., Ekaterinburg, 620137, Russian Federation

Original article submitted 16.10.2023 Revision submitted 25.11.2023

■ For citation: Pavlova S.V., Yugova M.A. Didactic potential of the textbook in preparing students for self-regulated

cognitive activity. Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences.

2023; 20(4):51—62. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17673/vsgtu-pps.2023.4.5

Abstract. The paper proves the relevance of the discussed topic in the view of modern reality and our understanding of education as a process in which a student is an active participant in their educational activities. The authors' attention is focused on such concepts as «self-regulated cognitive activity», «metacognitive skills» and «person-centered teaching methods» revealing their interdependence in the learning process. The significant developmental potential of the academic discipline "Foreign Language" makes it possible to organize "constructive, cognitive and creative activity" of students striving for self-development. The aim of the research is to analyze the didactic potential of the textbook in preparing students for independent self-regulated cognitive activity and illustrate it with the examples of specific tasks. The authors examine the main characteristics of a foreign language textbook developed for a non-linguistic university. One of the important characteristics of a foreign language textbook is its focus on the development of self-regulated cognitive activity through methodological apparatus of the textbook. In this context, much attention is paid to person-centered tasks included in the foreign language textbooks. Such tasks include mini-projects, round tables, conferences, discussions, role-plays, case studies, etc. The practical value of the research is determined by the opportunity given by the textbook to apply the results for the effective development of students' metacognitive skills that form the basis of self-education. The tasks presented and analyzed in the paper allow us to draw a conclusion about the importance and necessity of using person-centered technologies in the educational process with the aim of preparing students for independent self-regulated cognitive activity through the development of metacognitive skills.

Keywords: self-regulated cognitive activity, textbook, modern foreign language textbook, metacognitive skills, person-centered technologies


In response to global changes characterized by dynamism, scale, speed and variability modern reality determines the need to include individuals in the process of continuous improvement of their practical experience. The "Education 4.0" concept for Industry 4.0, developed at the World Economic Forum in Davos, recognizes inclusivity as a core characteristic of education and focuses on developing a broad range of skills to prepare students for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, turning them into agents of learning. We are talking about three skills: problem-solving (the ability to find solutions to problems), collaboration (interaction) and adaptability. These skills allow you to identify a problem, think critically about it, solve it creatively and effectively individually or in collaboration, providing adequate feedback and fulfilling a specific role in the work group (from a follower to a leader). In the context of the "Education 4.0" concept, the need to develop skills of independent self-regulated cognitive activity, the desire for self-education and self-development is updated. This situation leads to an understanding of education as a subject-subject process, where the student is directly involved in learning and is ready to assess and re-assess his knowledge in a certain area independently, set learning goals, gain experience and develop skills, identify changes necessary for further self-improvement, and so on. Since the educational system is quite static, and the world in which we live is dynamic, understanding of education as a system of knowledge reproduction is outdated. Education becomes developing, developmental, continuing; it should become a means to achieve a safe and comfortable existence of individual in the modern dynamic world and promote their self-development. [1].

In this research the authors intend to turn to a foreign language textbook as a tool for developing metacognitive skills of university students. The scientific problem addressed in this article is to identify the didactic potential of a foreign language textbook in preparing students for self-regulated cognitive activity based on the development of metacognitive skills. Despite modern global trends in the field of education, the potential of academic discipline "Foreign Language" is not used to the full extent to solve pressing problems related to the idea of lifelong education and self-education.

Literature review

The focus on the instrumental aspect of education, which covers only the formal aspects of organization of the learning environment and communication in the learning process, leads to the fact that the essence of this process is left aside and the "constructive, cognitive and creative activity of the student in relation to his cognitive tools and educational content» is overlooked and, accordingly, understanding of personality as a self-developing system. [2, p. 10]. Here, it is appropriate to note the opinion of S. D. Smirnov, who emphasizes the idea that educational process is a "fluid reality", it is dissolved in "everyday life", grows out of "local contexts", is regulated by "changes in the socio-cultural environment at micro-segments of time" and in this context "situational" [3]. Students are ready for independent self-regulated cognitive activity (they know how to learn) if they are able to integrate into these changes and adequately respond to emerging situations, that is, they can recognize themselves as the subject of their educational activities, recognize the possibility of self-affirmation and self-realization, the development of their personal qualities and manifestations of one's own individuality in it and one's ability to manage this activity. What is

meant in the previous sentence is the student's knowledge about their cognitive system, thought process and the ability to plan, monitor, evaluate and regulate this process, that is, about metacognition ("knowledge about cognition") [4]. According to modern researchers, it has been established that the key aspect of success in learning (along with motivation, ability, etc.) is metacognitive involvement in the activity. The presence of metacognitive skills is the key to productive cognitive activity throughout life ([Evdokimova [5], Kislyakova [6], Samoilichenko [6], Winne P. [8]).

Promoting metacognition helps learners develop an understanding of the learning process and the strategies that lead to success. When learners possess this knowledge, they can analyze their own thinking and learning process. As a result, they are more likely to oversee the selection and application of learning strategies, plan their approach to learning tasks, continually monitor their performance, find solutions to challenges encountered, and evaluate themselves upon completing tasks (Alfalahi [9], Zhang [10]). Teachers should strive to foster students' metacognition and teach them how to use strategies that are effective for the specific tasks they need to accomplish in language learning [11].

Numerous studies have shown that learners' metacognition directly influences their learning process and outcomes [12]. Raising metacognitive awareness can enhance students' performance, and incorporating metacognitive teaching into education can lead to desired educational goals. In the field of language-learning education, researchers have focused on examining the role of metacognitive knowledge in determining individuals' success in learning another language.

Metacognitive knowledge plays a significant role in various language-related cognitive activities, such as oral communication, persuasion, comprehension, reading, writing, and language acquisition [13]. Research on metacognitive knowledge and language learning recognizes the reciprocal relationship between the two and emphasizes the need to incorporate metacognitive knowledge into learner training programs to enhance learning efficiency (Wenden [14], Zhang [10]).

Metacognitive skills are the basis of independent self-regulated cognitive activity. The effectiveness of the process of developing metacognitive skills, abilities and reflection skills of students depends on pedagogical conditions: involving students in an independent search for new knowledge; organizing the ability to choose effective ways to acquire this knowledge reasonably and correctly, make informed decisions and choices and be responsible for them. The priority is to teach students the ability to learn, to be aware of their own aims, to set specific goals, and to use various learning strategies (Belenkova [15], Uslu N.A. [16]).

Materials and methods

The literature review contributed to deeper understanding of existing opinions on self-regulated cognitive activity through the development of metacognitive skills in foreign language teaching. The study is based on the analysis and synthesis of scientific and pedagogical literature on the research problem; pedagogical observation of the educational process; study and summarizing of pedagogical experience.

Research results

The idea that the foreign language as an academic discipline has great educational and training potential has already become axiomatic. Indeed, pedagogical opportunities

generated by this academic discipline make it possible to organize "constructive, cognitive and creative activity" of students striving for self-development.

A textbook is one of the main elements of the educational process, and a foreign language textbook is a multifaceted product that implements teaching, educational and developmental functions, influencing the development of students' linguistic personality. The importance of this teaching tool is determined by the fact that the textbook, as a rule, is considered to be "a model of the educational process that reflects the goals, content of training, methods and (or) teaching technology" [17, p. 110]. The textbook, being in the epicenter of teacher and student interaction, along with other teaching aids, contributes to the organization of the existing educational system. However, the real pedagogical process is influenced not only by the textbook, but also by a large number of other factors, for example, features of temperament, character, abilities, motives of the educational process participants, the level of basic training of students, material and technical equipment, organization of information and educational environment at the university, the development of the educational system as a whole and the state of the system for training and continuing training of foreign language teachers [18].

Regarding a textbook as a complex system and a model of the teaching and educational process, it is necessary to look closely at the main characteristics of a foreign language textbook [18]. Firstly, the textbook transmits the existing educational process and reality, which in turn also influences the content and didactic organization of the textbook. Secondly, a foreign language textbook is aimed at developing the student's professional linguistic personality through the formation of foreign language communicative competence. Thirdly, the textbook reflects the content of foreign language teaching at a university, including areas of communication, language and speech material, organizational and procedural aspects, etc. Fourthly, the textbook must meet regulatory requirements, take into account age characteristics and level of education, be based on a modern methodological concept, offer a variety of didactic tools focused on developing the personality of students and organizing the activities of the teacher and student in accordance with the requirements of the time, be aimed at interconnected mastery of all types of speech activity, create conditions for independent work and educational autonomy of students [19]. The specifics of a university foreign language textbook are determined by its professional orientation and interdisciplinary connections.

Considering a textbook as a tool for the development of self-regulated cognitive activity, one should pay attention to the metacognitive potential of its didactic organization. Using the tasks and exercises contained in the textbook the teacher organizes conditions developing and advancing students' metacognitive skills necessary for independent work and the development of learning autonomy. Metacognitive skills are "general academic, interdisciplinary cognitive skills and abilities. These include the skills to ask questions; to determine goals and objectives, to see the connection of a task with previous work; to plan; to choose tactics; to divide tasks or problems into components; to foresee the consequences of a particular action or event; to carry out constant monitoring of your current activities and analyze them from the point of view of correctness; to adjust, to implement possible replanning and inclusion of revised goals; to carry out self-checking of the results of your own actions" [20, p. 290]. These skills are developed through preparation

and participation in role-plays, project assignments, discussions and other forms of educational activities based on person-centered and person-activity technologies [21]. In addition, traditional forms of working with oral and written texts and tasks for various types of speech activity in foreign language classes at a university are aimed at developing the skills of forecasting, planning one's actions, taking into account the goal and objectives set when performing exercises, and monitoring one's actions and their analysis, as well as self-examination.

The Department of Russian, Foreign Languages, and Culture of Speech of the USLU has developed a number of the English language textbooks for the three levels of education: secondary vocational education [22], bachelor's and specialist's [23], master's and postgraduate studies [24], which are united under one title "English for Lawyers". The undoubted advantage of these textbooks is a rich arsenal of person-centered educational tasks: mini-projects, round tables, conferences, discussions, role-plays, problem situations, etc.

Let us give examples of tasks from these textbooks that can be used to develop skills of self-regulated cognitive activity and, accordingly, metacognitive skills and abilities. A task that involves preparing a dialogue within the framework of a role-play is worded as follows:

«a) Student A. You are a TV reporter. Tomorrow you will have to interview an international law professor about the rights and responsibilities of the US president Prepare a list of 8 questions. Some ideas for your questions are given here: [.....]

b) Student B. You are an international law professor. Think of your first name and last name. Tomorrow the reporter from the local TV company will interview you about the role of the US president. [....]

c) Act out your interview in class» [23, p. 194].

It should be noted that explanation of the task contains examples of questions that could be asked by a journalist, and the student playing the role of a professor is provided with the sources to find answers to these questions. When preparing interviews, students have to plan the tactics of the interview: to determine goals and objectives, to see the connection of a task with previous work, think of the questions to ask and analyze them from the point of view of correctness, to foresee the consequences of a particular action or event, in other words they need to predict what the answers can be; they also have an opportunity to try out different ways of acquiring information and determine for themselves the most effective way to use it. The skill of independent search for new information and ability to analyze it critically can be used in further educational and professional activities.

Let us look at another example of a training task where students are involved in a role-play in the format of a mock trial:

1. Select a case (actual or hypothetical), or assist participants in selecting a case.

2. Revise the steps of courtroom procedures and the roles of persons involved in the proceedings in advance of the actual mock trial, if possible.

3. Select participants to role play the various people involved in the trial.

4. Prepare opening statements, examination questions, closing arguments.

5. Conduct the mock trial according to the following procedures: ........

Further, the text of the task provides students with an algorithm for conducting

a trial, recommendations for participants, as well as the websites where they can find mock trial scripts [23, p. 210].

In preparation for the mock trial, students need to take on the role of active participants, not just a passive observer. It is necessary to select a case for the trial, predict a possible course of events, plan a step-by-step process, distribute roles between the participants, prepare speeches: determine the goal and objectives, plan their content, expresss your thoughts correctly in a foreign language, think through possible questions for other participants and those that could potentially be asked directly to them as a speaker.

At the end of any role-play, there is a fundamentally important stage of reflection and self-reflection; a kind of summing up of where you succeeded and failed and how you can correct your failures. Please note that the role of the teacher is reduced to facilitation, i.e. facilitating and stimulating the educational process through the provision of psychological and pedagogical support. In their turn, students learn to make informed choices and take responsibility for them.

The tasks aimed at developing the skills of delivering a presentation/report teach students how to structure and present a report competently: to identify the purpose, specific tasks and key points of the report/presentation, to search for authentic information from reliable sources, to determine the basic categorical and conceptual apparatus on the topic of the report , to make a plan, to write a report, to be ready to answer questions by analyzing those aspects of the report that cause difficulties. To prepare a presentation, students use an exercise that suggests a speech algorithm:

«How to make a presentation:

I. Greeting the audience

II. Introducing yourself

III. Stating the purpose

IV. Stating the main points

V. Main part

VI. Showing visuals and giving more details

VII. Conclusion

VIII. Questions» [22, p.126].

Each stage of the presentation is accompanied by a set of phrases used to achieve the goals set by the presenter of the report/presentation. The exercise also recommends taking notes while listening to other reports; following this recommendation will provide students with an opportunity to learn how to be active listeners and be good at detail - qualities necessary for any lawyer.

Much attention in the textbooks is given to project work. Independence and freedom that students enjoy while solving a particular problem or performing a creative task increases their motivation to learn a foreign language. It is not only a good opportunity to realize their creative potential, it also allows students to learn to collaborate and try on different roles in a team. Moreover, this format of assignments teaches students to think independently and critically; to identify and solve problems, drawing on knowledge from different fields for this purpose; to predict the results and possible consequences of different decision options; to establish cause-and-effect relationships; to express thoughts convincingly, efficiently and effectively presenting the results of the project work. The algorithm for preparing and completing a project assignment is clearly explained in the textbook, and students can always refer to the step-by-step instructions:

«The main steps to follow when you do the project:

1. Selecting and briefing: decide on a topic. Bring your own ideas and let a whole class discuss and allot topics to each group.

2. Planning and language generation: Work together to decide upon how to proceed.

3. Collection of date /information / details. Gather required data / information from a number of sources.

4. Planning, writing the draft and editing.

5. The result and presentation of the final product (a written report, a video clip, a guidebook, a brochure, a wall newspaper, etc.)

6. Assessing/Evaluating project work. Each student in the group should take an active part in the work and contribute for the successful completion of the task» [23, p. 382].

Completing a project task step by step students are involved in self-regulated cognitive activity. In order to decide on the topic of the project, you need to bring in your own ideas, discuss them with the whole group and then distribute topics for each subgroup team. Working together, decisions are made on how to proceed. The teacher does not make decisions for any student group, their role is to provide guidance and support. Information is collected from various sources: encyclopedias, books, relevant websites. Students can interview people, collect photographs and illustrations, record audio/video, etc. It is necessary to take notes, record the information received in order to systematize it later. Once you have collected the necessary data/information and ideas, you need to plan and structure the data, then interpret it to write a draft of the project. It is important to ensure that the editing stage is not missed. The final product can be a written report, video clip, guidebook, brochure, wall newspaper, conference, posters, etc.

In the textbook "English for Lawyers" for secondary vocational education you can find an example of a task for project work. Here is its main content:

«Project work: University Information booklet

a) Group work: Work in groups of 3-4 students. Look through the features below and decide which of them MUST be included in the booklet about your law school: history / structure / curriculum / location / famous graduates / teaching staff / educational facilities / extra-curricular activities

b) Add your own ideas

c) In the same groups make an information booklet about your law school» [22, p. 128].

Another example of a task aimed at teaching students project activities is an

exercise from the textbook "English for Lawyers" for undergraduate and specialist degrees. It is more challenging, so the instructions are more detailed:

«Project work: Making a movie.

In two groups, you are to make a five-minute movie on the topic connected with the Government and politics in Russia. The stages of production:

1. Discussion of the topic for the movie. You should decide on topic for the movie (for example, "Political parties", "Our role in elections", "Local government", "Political places of interest" and so on); discuss acting parts; decide specific acting roles; decide on movie making roles.

2. Production of the script, using an exercise book or a computer. The latter is more suited to editing text and cutting and pasting individual character's lines

3. Pronunciation practice and rehearsals: each actor has a copy of their own lines. Director organizes activity. You should find appropriate location for each scene.

4. Filming of the movie; Scenes are recorded and re-recorded to the satisfaction of all involved.

5. Editing; Students from each group use suitable software (windows movie maker) to produce the final edited version for public viewing.

6. Public presentation. Invite students from other groups to view and discuss the finished product» [23, p. 206].

The products of students project work are often impressive in their creativity. It is interesting to note that the best videos made as a result of the assignment above participate in a creative video competition within the framework of the Linguistic Forum held annually by our department.

The intended goal of any project work is achieved if each student takes an active part in the process and contributes to the successful completion of the task. It is recommended to keep records of what happened (who did what and how) during the project: each student in the group should keep a journal describing their work plan, how information/data was collected and interpreted, what problems were encountered, and how the report/final product was prepared, etc. This information will be in demand at the self-reflection stage. The final stage involves peer evaluation; at this point checklists with the required criteria or some other means are used.

Discussion and conclusions

Modern teaching technologies reflect the current need of the state and society in training specialists who know how to manage their cognitive activity and are ready for self-development in a dynamic world. A foreign language textbook for a university is a real working tool for organizing educational process in accordance with the conceptual provisions of domestic and foreign linguodidactics. Combining systematic approach, modern methods of teaching and functionality, developmental and educational functions, it promotes honing of self-improvement skills that are based on metacognitive strategies. The use of educational tasks based on person-centered technologies has not lost its relevance for several decades; immersing students in the context of real or quasi-real professional situations they make students feel like fully-fledged participants in the educational subject-subject process. In foreign language classes, systematic and consistent use of this kind of tasks is possible on the basis of a textbook. Being the "core" of the educational process, it creates systematically and methodically conditions for students' self-regulated cognitive activity and self-realization.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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22. Yugova M.A., Pavlova S.V., Sadykova N.V. Angliyskiy yazyk dlya yuristov: Uchebnik dlya spetsial'nosti «Yurisprudentsiya» [English for lawyers]. Moscow: Yustitsiya Publ., 2021. 338 p.

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Information about the authors

Svetlana V. Pavlova, Senior Lecturer of Russian, Foreign Languages and Culture of Speech Department, E-mail: pavlovasveta26@yandex.ru

Maria A. Yugova, Cand. Ped. Sci., Associate Professor of Russian, Foreign Languages and Culture of Speech Department, E-mail: mayugova@mail.ru ORCID 0000-0002-3274-4042, Researcher ID AAT-1660-2020

Информация об авторах

Светлана Викторовна Павлова, старший преподаватель кафедры «Русский, иностранные языки и культура речи», E-mail: pavlovasveta26@yandex.ru

Мария Анатольевна Югова, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры «Русский, иностранные языки и культура речи», E-mail: mayugova@mail.ru ORCID 0000-0002-3274-4042, Researcher ID AAT-1660-2020

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