Wahyuni Meri Sri, Marbun Boy Putra Tama, Riansah Wahyu
STMIK Triguna Dharma, Indonesia *E-mail: [email protected]
Pineapple plants grow in tropical climates and have long been cultivated. Pineapple plants can be harvested 18-24 months after planting. Pineapple contains vitamins A and C and calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, dextrose, sucrose (cane sugar), and bromelain enzymes beneficial for the body. Pineapples grow using fibrous roots to absorb organic matter and water from the soil. However, like other plants, pineapple plants also face problems with pests and diseases, causing a decrease in fruit quality and even leading to crop failure and losses for farmers. One of the causes of pests and diseases is no replanting for years because farmers lack knowledge in cultivating pineapple plants. For this reason, applying the expert system employing the Bayes Theorem is necessary to find suitable solutions in dealing with pests and diseases in pineapple plants. The system is built using a web-based programming language so that farmers can access the system created anytime and anywhere.
Pineapple, pests and diseases, expert system, Bayes theorem.
Pineapple plants grow in tropical climates and have long been cultivated. Pineapple plants can be harvested 18-24 months after planting. Pineapple contains vitamins A and C and calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, dextrose, sucrose (cane sugar), and bromelain enzymes beneficial for the body (Rodliyatun et al., 2019). Pineapple plants have fibrous roots. They grow in soil with many organic elements and can store water in the axils to survive dry conditions for a relatively long time. However, like other plants, pineapple also faces problems with pests and diseases. Pests and diseases are major problems for pineapple farmers because they interfere with the growth and development of pineapple plants; the pests and diseases vary, making them difficult to diagnose (Maharani et al., 2021). The pests and diseases cause a decrease in fruit quality and even lead to crop failure and losses for farmers. One of the causes of pests and diseases is no replanting for years and no crop rotation because farmers lack knowledge in cultivating pineapple plants and unsuitable nutrients for pineapple plants. For this reason, applying the web-based expert system is necessary to find suitable solutions in dealing with pests and diseases in pineapple plants. The expert system works just like an expert; it helps analyze the pests and diseases in plants (Setyaputri et al., 2018). One of the methods in the expert system is the Bayes Theorem Method—the method for overcoming data uncertainty by predicting future opportunities based on previous experience (Puspitasari et al., 2021). Previous studies have been using the Bayes Theorem, including diagnosing anemia (Studi Sistem Informasi & Triguna Dharma, 2017), detecting refractive eye disease (Rachman, 2020), diagnosing Oppo mobile phone damage (Arif et al., 2021), diagnosing irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (Atmaja et al., 2022), and helping with motorcycle damage (Suzuki Satria f150) (Setiawan et al., 2020). Our study aims to help pineapple farmers accurately determine the types of pests and diseases on their plants using the developed web-based system employing the Bayes Theorem Method.
The research process is the stage where researchers collect data and information needed and then analyze the data to answer the research questions. We employed the Research and Development design in this present study.
The data collection included observations (collecting data through direct observations at pineapple orchards and literature research (our reference was primarily books and local journals). The expert system adopts human knowledge into computers (artificial intelligence) designed to model an ability to solve problems just like experts (Hendriani et al., 2021). The expert system helps laypeople to solve their problems or to look for the correct information from experts.
The Bayes Theorem Method was put forward by an English Presbyterian priest, Thomas Bayes, in 1763 and later refined by Laplace. The theorem is used to calculate the probability of an event occurring based on the influence from the observations (Fadhillah et al., 2021). Bayesian probability is one way to overcome data uncertainty by using the Bayes formula which is expressed by:
P(H |E); 1 y °
'Z2=iP (E|H*).P(H* )
Where: P(H |E): The probability of the hypothesis Hi occurring if evidence E occurs; P(E|H): The probability of evidence E to occur, if it is known that the hypothesis Hi occurs; P(H): Hi hypothesis probability regardless of any evidence; n: The number of hypotheses that occur.
Data description from data collection became the alternative data in the calculation using the Bayes Theorem, as depicted in Table 1.
Table 1 - Data on Pests and Diseases
No. Names of Pests and Diseases Code
1. Rats P01
2. Whiteflies P02
3. Beetles P03
4. Fruit Borers P04
5. Garden Centipedes P05
6. Fruit Flies P06
7. Thrips P07
8. Scale P08
9. Root Rot Disease P09
10. Basal Rot Disease P10
11. Leaf Blight Disease P11
Table 2 - Symptoms of Pests and Diseases
No. Symptoms Code
1. The fruit has a wound, a sign of bites G01
2. The fruit has large holes and rots G02
3. The tips of the leaves curl, wither, and dry G03
4. Plants stop growing G04
5. The roots die and rot G05
6. The fruit looks hollow but not too big G06
7. The injured fruit secretes black sap and rots G07
8. The fruit has small holes G08
9. Fruit rot is followed by fungal or bacterial attacks G09
10. The plants become stunted G10
11. Pale leaves G11
12. Dead plants G12
13. The fruit looks watery, rotten, and soft G13
14. The leaves start to have silver spots G14
15. Slow plant growth G15
16. Small fruit size G16
17. Yellow striped leaves G17
18. The tips of the leaves are brown and dry G18
19. The leaves are easy to remove G19
20. Base rot with a brown rotting odor G20
21. Stem base, leaves, and fruit rot, with soft textures and brown color G21
22. The stems and leaves have white and yellowish patches G22
23. There are broad, round yellow spots on the leaves G23
24. Leaves are brown G24
Table 3 - The Probability Values of Pests and Diseases
Code of Pests and Diseases Code of Symptoms Score of Symptoms
P01 G01 0.5
G02 0.5
P02 G03 0.5
G04 0.25
G05 0.25
P03 G06 0.5
G07 0.5
P04 G08 0.66
G09 0.33
P05 G10 0.5
G11 0.25
G12 0.25
P06 G08 0.66
G13 0.5
P07 G14 0.5
G15 0.5
P08 G16 0.75
G15 0.25
P09 G17 0.4
G18 0.2
G19 0.2
G20 0.2
P10 G21 0.75
G22 0.25
P11 G23 0.5
G24 0.5
The following shows the calculation process using the Bayes Theorem method. Table 4 - Adding up the Probability Value of Each Evidence
Code of Pests and Diseases Names of Pests and Diseases n ^ = G1 + — + Gn k=n Results
P01 Rats G01 = P(E|H0i) = 0.5 G02 = P(E|HO2 ) = 0.5 2 ^ =0.5 + 0.5 = 1 fc=i 1
P02 Whiteflies G03 = P(E|H03) = 0.5 G05 = P(E|Ho5 ) = 0.25 2 ^ = 0.5 + 0.25 = 0.75 k=2 0.75
P05 Garden Centipedes G10 = P(E|H10) = 0.5 G12 = P(E|H12 ) = 0.25 2 ^ =0.5 + 0.25 = 0.75 k=5 0.75
P09 Root Rot G18 = P(E|H18) = 0.2 G19 = P(E|h19) = 0.2 G20 = P(E|H20) = 0.2 3 ^ = 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.2 = 0.6 k=9 0.6
The formula to find the H hypothesis probability without considering the evidence:
P(H) = P™
• P01 = Rats:
G01 = P(H01) = — = 0.5000
G02 = P(H02) = — = 0.5000
• P02 = Whiteflies:
G03 = P(H03) = — = 0.6667
0.75 0.25
G05 = P(H05) = = 0.3333
P05 = Garden Centipedes:
G10 = P(H10) = — = 0.6667
1 0.25
G12 = P(H12) = — = 0.3333
P09 = Root Rot:
G18 = P(H18) = — = 0.3333
G19 = P(H19) = — = 0.3333
0.6 0.2
G20 = P(H20) = 02 = 0.3333 Table 5 - Finding the Hi Hypothesis Probability Value
Code of Pests and Diseases Names of Pests and Diseases n ^ -P(H )* P(E|HJ + ••• + P(H3 )* P(E IH3 ) k-i Results
P01 Rats Sk -2 = (0.5000 * 0.5) + (0.5000 * 0.5) = 0.2500 + 0.2500 = 0.5000 0.5000
P02 Stem Borers Sk -2 - (0.6667 * 0.5) + (0.3333 * 0.25) = 0.3333 + 0.0833 = 0.4167 0.4167
P05 Garden Centipedes Sk -5 - (0.6667 * 0.5) + (0.3333 * 0.25) = 0.3333 + 0.0833 = 0.4167 0.4167
P09 Root Rot Sk -9 - (0.3333 * 0.2) + (0.3333 *0.2) +(0.3333 * 0.2) = 0.0667 + 0.0667 + 0.0667 = 0.2000 0.2000
The following shows the calculation process using the Bayes Theorem method:
P(E|H).P(H )
Z5UP (E|Hfc).p(Hfc)
• P01 = Rats:
D/II ll=\ - 0.5 * 0.5000 _ _ cririri P(H01|E) = -- 05000
P(H02 |E) = = 0.5000
• P02 = Stem Borers:
P(H03 |E) = ^^f67 = 0.8000 P(H05 |E) = i^33 = 0.2000
P05 = Garden Centipedes:
p = 0.5 * 0.6667 = 0.8000
v 101 7 0.4167
p |E) = 0 25 * °.3333 = 0.2000
v 12 I ' f\ AA C.1
P09 = Root Rot:
p |E) = 0.2* 0.3333 = 0 3333
v 181 ' 0.2000
P(H19 |E) = 02* 03333 = 0. 3333 v 191 ' 0.2000
0 2 * 0 3333
P |E) = 02 03333 = 0. 3333 20 0.2000
Table 6 - Calculating the Total Value
Code of Pests and Diseases Names of Pests and Diseases n ^ Bayes = P(E|Hj) * P(H,|Et) + - + P(E|Hj) k=1 * P(H,|E,) Results
P01 Rats £2=1 bayes = (0.5 * 0.5000) + (0.5 * 0.5000) = 0.2500 + 0.2500 = 0.5000 0.5000
P02 Stem Borers £2=2 bayes = (0.5 * 0.8000) + (0.25 * 0.2000) = 0.4000 + 0.0500 = 0.4500 0.4500
P05 Garden Centipedes £2=5 bayes = (0.5 * 0.8000) + (0.25 * 0.2000) = 0.4000 + 0.0500 = 0.4500 0.4500
P09 Root Rot £2=9 bayes = (0.2 * 0.03333) + (0.2 * 0.03333) + (0.2* 0.03333) = 0.0667 + 0.0667 + 0.6666 = 0.2000 0.2000
From the calculation, it was found that the pest diagnosed was rats (100 * 0.5000 =
The following is the menu display created using the Bayes Theorem Method on an expert system. The menu display analyzes and proves whether each process is runninruns as expected.
When users access the website, the display of the main menu page will be as follows.
Figure 1 - The Display of the Main Menu Page
The following is the login display for the administrator to enter the main page. An administrator must fill in the username and password.
Figure 2 - Login Display A successful login will bring the administrator to the following display of the main menu.
Figure 3 - Main Menu Display for the Administrator
This page shows the symptom data. An administrator can add data related to the names and codes of symptoms. The administrator can also edit and delete the names and codes of symptoms.
Ekuh kAa îridjpjt bctai pgflon Gttoh ttHjpui
Bv)h t*(luWng bewr din m*mbuWl G<gfe XHipn
üjuriÄ ddun mcfen^uing. Upu dan ramjf Git* Kfep»
ttAKTWi bflWK» (Wiluiwftuft QTLlufa *Hifu.
Afcir mail din mcmbuuJt
Figure 4 - Symptom Data Page Display
This page shows the pest and disease data. An administrator can add data related to the names and codes of pests and diseases. The administrator can also edit and delete the names and codes of pests and diseases.
rçftnilm IwWrun jki.f k«*i0Lj. jt*j kum.vrri.it tH&Ow
PtfQgvnjun Mruh Htm m^KJiW! fl*fi MWW) MM ¿¡¿r (Kl* GLtih
Figure 5 - Pest and Disease Page Display
This page contains the base for making rules calculated using the Bayes Theorem. An administrator can add the pest and disease codes and the solutions to the problems of pets and diseases. The admin can also change and delete the data.
Buah Wu terdipjt betas pgnan 8<Mf> tertutMng t>t«r din mifrtbuwt Ujurjg daun mffingiiii^, dan mtitjcreig T jrumjn bcherti bettumbuh Ak* mm! mtm CvMi
KHjpui KHjfti
Figure 6 - Rule Page Display The page shows the report from user consultation activities.
^ Admin BPP. Pertanian Kecamatan PamatangSilimahuta
Oata Uporari User
Figure 7 - User Report Page Display
The page of pest and disease info displays information about pests and diseases of pineapple plants.
H SPP. Peitanian Kecamatan Pa matang Silimahuta
Info Hama dan Penyakic Pada Tana man Nanas
Hibf-rjpj feffls tum» yarç nwv^rjn^ îanjr-Wi
1. Tftia lliaiui Mgmhmm
2. KuÇu Putili CCVwfcoccus B«\ip«>
6. LSJt Bush pUtwigDftj ÎP1
?. Thffrt mdocahniM Aiwwi CM <«W iimsi
8. SJsA (Dusgft bromrt« Kerne)
«Hpiin peoj-jkil. yjnfj P**> WWH
I nwn «Uiih tct4g# tankw
Figure 8 - Pet and Disease Info Page Display
This page is for users to fill in their data before proceeding to the diagnosis.
Figure 9 - User Data Page Display The page helps users choose the symptoms they find in their pineapple plants.
2 BPP. Pertanian Keeamatan Pamatang Sihmahuta
Figure 10 - Symptom Selection Page Display The page displays the results of the diagnosis.
2 BPP. Pertanian Keeamatan Pamatang Silimahuta
Hasil Diagnosa Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman Nanas
Hruu№ rjiii air I C4)Jia y wig a uwmi miu aipa diwnçtiilun TiAjman nuMi untrarg hin mai PifHfjit iKtKii harm e-mviiicM %
Figure 11 - Diagnosis Results Page Display
The page displays the report of diagnosis results done by users.
Figure 12 - Diagnosis Result Report Page Display CONCLUSION
Based on the findings and discussion, the web-based developed expert system using the Bayes Theorem shows accurate results for diagnosing pests and diseases of pineapple plants. The system helps farmers to effectively and efficiently diagnose pests and diseases in their plants. The system was developed using an expert system employing visual studio code and a web-based system to ease access anywhere and anytime.
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