Научная статья на тему 'Development volitional qualities of students in the context of European'

Development volitional qualities of students in the context of European Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Budak V., Zaskaleta S., Oleksyuk O.

В статье рассмотрен понятие успех, успешная деятельность, эмоциональный компонент деятельности. На основании проведенного исследования волевой организации структуры личности определены качества, над развитием которых необходимо работать как преподавателю, так и студенту.The article deals with the problem of the concept of success, successful activity, the emotional component of activity. The place of strong-willed qualities among the complex of qualities of a successful professional is determined. On the basis of the conducted technique of research of the volitional organization of structure of the person the qualities on which development it is necessary to work both to students, and teachers are defined.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Development volitional qualities of students in the context of European»



Будак В.Д.,

ORCID iD https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2698-6333 доктор технгчних наук, професор, дтсний член (академж) Нацюналъно'г академИ педагоггчних наук Украгни,


Миколагвсъкий нацюналъний унгверситет 1мен1 В. О. Сухомлинсъкого,

м. Миколагв, Украгна Заскалета С.Г., ORCID iD 0000-0002-5417-2612 доктор педагоггчних наук, професор кафедри англтсъког мови i лгтератури Миколагвсъкого нацюналъного ymiверситету iменi В. О. Сухомлинсъкого, м. Миколагв, Украша Олексюк О.€.

ORCID iD https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5527-3861 кандидат педагогiчних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри педагогжи та тклюзивно'г освiти, Миколагвсъкий нацюналъний унiверситет iменi В. О. Сухомлинсъкого,

м. Миколагв, Украгна



Budak V.,

Dr.Sc., Prof., Academician of

National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine


Mykolaiv V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University

Mykolaiv, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2698-6333 Zaskaleta S.,

Dr Sc., Prof.

Mykolaiv V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University

Mykolaiv, Ukraine hhtp // orcid.org / 0000-0002-5417-2612

Oleksyuk O.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Inclusive Education, the head of Scientific-Research Center of Military and Patriotic Education of Mykolaiv V.O. Sukhomlynskyi

National University Mykolayiv, Ukraine ORCID iD https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5527-3861


В статье рассмотрен понятие успех, успешная деятельность, эмоциональный компонент деятельности. На основании проведенного исследования волевой организации структуры личности определены качества, над развитием которых необходимо работать как преподавателю, так и студенту. Abstract

The article deals with the problem of the concept of success, successful activity, the emotional component of activity. The place of strong-willed qualities among the complex of qualities of a successful professional is determined. On the basis of the conducted technique of research of the volitional organization of structure of the person the qualities on which development it is necessary to work both to students, and teachers are defined.

Ключевые слова: успех, успешная деяльность, воля, вольевая организация структури личности. Keywords: success, successful activity, volitional organization of personality structure, will.

Relevance of research. The success of the individual depends on a number of external factors, as well as social, pedagogical, personal, psycho-physiological characteristics and capabilities of the person. Educators and psychologists, considering the phenomenon of success, mean, first, the skills, abilities and knowledge that enable a person to achieve the goal; secondly, the activity of the individual in public life. In the modern world, the success of the individual is also determined and characterized by the status of society, material and spiritual "goods" and their use, the achievement of goals.

In conditions of modern development of society the speed of transformational changes requires from the specialist such professional and personal features and properties that lay the foundation for personal and professional development of a person and his success in professional activities.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The study of success as one of the leading values of life began in the late 50's. The founder of this area, which studied primarily the socio-psychological mechanisms of formation of the attitude to success in large and small communities, was D. McCleland.

The problem of success as the basis of successful self-realization of the individual is covered in the works of many scientists, including A. Adler, K.G. Jung, K. Horney, W. James, K. Levin, F. Hoppe, M. Yuknat. Researchers such as K. Rogers and A. Maslow understood success as a tendency to self-actualization. The problem of success and failure, professional success was studied by M.O. Dmytrieva, E.I. Ilyin, O.V. Libin, P.I. Pidkasystyi, N.V. Samoukina, L.M. Friedman, and others.

The aim of the article is to determine the place of volitional qualities in the system of social and psychological qualities of a professionally successful personality and to establish the presence of components of the volitional structure in university students.

Formulation of the problem in general. Success is manifested through the active interaction of two psychological tendencies of individual behavior in society: "entry" into society and "separation" from it. On the one hand, to be accepted, a person must join the team, on the other hand, he wants to stand out, be noticed in their activities, appreciated and recognized. The contradiction of these tendencies substantiates the main problems of personal success. Etymologically, the word "success" is close to the phrase "achieve success", which means to assert itself in society, stand out in it and meet the parameters of success. In this context, V.D. Labunska notes that "the focus on success is a conscious and purposeful behavior, focused on the implementation of social requirements (norms, values, standards) and evaluated based on them" [4, p. 323324].

The young man who just graduated university and has, as a rule, more or less serious professional experience, for rapid success in professional activity at the fore of social and psychological qualities.

According to D. Goleman, the unit for assessing a person's ability to succeed in professional activities is not an intellectual IQ, but an emotional EQ - the ability to hear their own feelings, control outbursts of emotion, the ability to make the right decision and remain calm, optimistic about a difficult situation. According to V.D.

Labunska, the EQ coefficient becomes a new key to success: "With a good IQ you will be hired, with a good EQ - will be promoted."

Analysis of current employment research shows that most employers, regardless of the position applied for by a young graduate, expect from applicants such a set of social-psychological qualities: the ability to work in a team, interpersonal skills, communication skills, self-confidence, volitional qualities (determination, purposefulness, persistence, independence), efficiency, activity, responsibility, organization, stress resistance, mobility, adaptability, friendliness, intrinsic motivation in activity, value orientations of personality, ability to learn [6, 7].

The problem of will, volitional regulation of human behavior and activity has long attracted the attention of scientists. To date, there is no single view of the mechanisms of the will, until the complete denial of the will as an independent mental phenomenon, the opposition of the will to the senses and the mind. The first materialist explanation of the nature of the will was given by I.M. Sechenov, who pointed out that the will is an active aspect of reason and moral feeling, expressed in the ability of man to perform purposeful actions and deeds that require overcoming difficulties. E.P. Ilyin approached the analysis of will and structure of arbitrary management more broadly. He considers will as regulation of behavior by means of consciousness, which presupposes human independence in decision-making, initiation of actions, their implementation and control.

Volitional qualities of personality are considered as a combination of innate and acquired, as a pheno-typic characteristic of the available human capabilities. Volitional qualities combine the moral components of the will, which are formed in the process of upbringing, and genetic, closely related to the typological features of the nervous system. For example, fear, inability to make quick decisions largely depend on the innate characteristics of man (strength and weakness of the nervous system, its lability). This means that flexibility, individual approach, patience and sensitivity of teachers are needed during the formation and establishment of volitional qualities.

Volitional qualities consist of three components: psychological (moral), physiological (volitional effort) and neurodynamic (typological features of the nervous system). It follows that all volitional qualities are divided into "basal" (primary) and systemic (secondary). Thus, to the primary it is customary to belong to the actual volitional qualities, which, in turn, are divided into two groups. The first group is characterized by pur-posefulness, the ability to maintain willpower. This group includes such qualities as patience, perseverance, perseverance. The second group characterizes self-control, because of which it functions such qualities as courage, endurance, determination. Manifestation of willpower is due to moral motives. The presence of a person's strong beliefs and holistic worldview is the basis of the volitional organization of the individual.

Describe each of these volitional qualities of personality structure.

Purposefulness can be defined as the ability to consciously concentrate on a specific goal. This quality includes not only a clear understanding of the goal, but

also the choice of the most effective ways to achieve it, the ability to systematically take action to obtain the end result. E.P. Ilyin interprets purposefulness as a conscious direction of the individual to achieve the immediate and distant goal [2, p. 172]. According to the scientist, a purposeful student in the motivational sphere has a stable dominant, which controls the volitional manifestations, directing the activity of his actions. To achieve the chosen goal, the student must perform certain volitional actions that occur in cases where the idea of the goal is accompanied by ideas about the means by which this goal can be realized.

Determination is an individual property of the will, associated with the ability and ability to make responsible decisions in a timely and independent manner, as well as to consistently implement them in the process of a particular activity. In this capacity, the will is especially evident as the ability to make free choices, to make decisions, and means to make a choice in an ambiguous situation. People, deprived of determination as a personal quality, doubt the correctness of the choice of solution, the way the task is performed and often can not bring the case to an end. It is clear that determination should be based on deep prudence and take effect only when a person finally decides that he needs it. The condition of determination is courage, willingness to take justified risks for the sake of the goal, independence in the implementation of the considered decision and responsibility for the actions taken.

The independence of the will presupposes, when taking into consideration the opinions of other people, their advice, a certain criticism of these thoughts and advice. The independence of the will can be opposed, on the one hand, stubbornness, negativism, and on the other - suggestion. Negativism is an unmotivated opposition to everything that comes from others; stubbornness is a motivated counteraction in which a person acts in accordance with the decision made by him, but this decision and motivation have no objective grounds. At the suggestion of a person does not have his own opinion, and therefore acts under the influence of circumstances and pressure from other people, that is, demonstrates its own conformity.

Persistence is the ability to act steadily, actively, energetically, and to overcome obstacles. This quality is especially evident when a person is in a problematic

situation, when there are difficulties, obstacles to achieving the goal.

Patience is the ability to counteract adverse factors for a long time. Will in this case performs its initiating function, encouraging a person to maintain the current state in spite of the situation.

Initiative is a volitional quality that consists in the ability to take active actions due to one's own guidelines, ideas, and human beliefs. Initiative is manifested in creativity, innovation, independence, resistance to external influences.

Self-control involves maintaining clarity of thought, possession of emotions in a difficult situation, the ability to control their actions in a state of stress.

Of great importance for the analysis of the volitional qualities of the individual is the morality of the will, which is manifested in what goals a person sets for himself, what means to achieve them he chooses; which at the same time implements the motivation; what principles it is guided by. All these components are evaluated in this case in terms of their compliance with moral norms.

In order to analyze the components of the volitional structure of personality according to the "Methods of research of volitional organization of personality" [5] in September 2013, two sections of the survey of university students were conducted. The first survey - among the 2 courses of the specialty "Preschool Education" of the Faculty of Child Development and the specialty "Applied Linguistics" of the Faculty of Philology, the second survey - among students of the 2nd and 5th courses of the Faculty of Child Development.

The questionnaire consists of 56 questions, to which it was necessary to provide 4 possible answers: "sure - yes", "more yes than no", "no more than yes", "sure - no". The survey makes it possible to determine the level of development of "C - value-essential organization of personality", "O - organization of activity", "P - determination", "H - persistence", "C - self-control", "See - independence" and "B - the general indicator of the volitional organization of the individual ". Also in the questionnaire there is an indicator of "lies", which helps to identify the level of openness of respondents in the course of their proposed tasks.

Отримаш результата представлено в таблицях та дiаграмi.

The obtained results are presented in tables and diagrams.

Table 1.

Comparison of the level of development of the components of the volitional organization of personality among

Components --- ______--- Specialty Pre-school education Applied Linguistics Difference

V - value-essential organization of the individual 13,7 13,3 +0,4

0 - organization of activities 13,5 13,2 +0,3

D - determination 13,4 13,1 +0,3

P-persistence 14,6 12,2 +2,4

C - composure 11,8 12,5 -0,7

I- independence 14,1 14,8 -0,7

G- general indicator of the volitional organization of the individual 81,8 79,6 +2,2

The analysis of the received results gives the chance to draw a conclusion that the general indicator of the volitional organization of the person at students of special. Preschool education is 2.2 ranks higher. Significant contribution to this result was made by points for the component of the volitional structure - "P - persistence" (+2,4) - in combination with such components as "V - value-essential organization of personality" (+0,5), "O - organization of activity "(+0.3)," D - determination "(+0.3) (table 1).

However, according to the results of the study, teachers of psychological and pedagogical cycles and curators of academic groups of the Faculty of Child Development need to develop an algorithm for introducing into the educational process a system of measures

to develop students' volitional components "C - self-control" and "Ind. - independence".

Analysis of the second slice of the study conducted among 5th and 2nd year students of the Faculty of Child Development, specialty "Preschool Education", shows a significant increase in the level of development in 67% of the components of the volitional structure of personality: "P - persistence" (+2.4), "S -self-control" (+2,2), "O - organization of activity" (+1,4), "D - determination" (+1,2).

It should be noted that the level of development of the component "S - self-control" (14.0) in 5th year students majoring in Preschool Education is 1.5 points higher than in 2nd year students majoring in Applied Linguistics (12.5) (table 2).

Table 2.

Comparison of the level of development of the components of the volitional organization of the personality of _students of the 2nd and 5th courses of the specialtyPreschool education _

Components ____________ ______-- Specialty 5th year 2nd year Difference

V - value-essential organization of the individual 14,1 13,7 +0,4

O - organization of activities 14,9 13,5 +1,4

D - determination 14,6 13,4 +1,2

P-persistence 17,0 14,6 +2,4

C - composure 14,0 11,8 +2,2

I- independence 13,8 14,1 -0,3

G- general indicator of the volitional organization of the individual 88,4 81,8 +6,6

Conclusions. Thus, the research showed which qualities and personality traits need to be worked on by curators of academic groups and university teachers in order to form a professionally successful student's personality in the educational space of the university.

Prospects for further research. To confirm the validity of the results of the research, it is proposed to conduct additional sections according to such methods as: the method of studying the volitional qualities of students (N. Stambulova), the method "Volitional organization of personality" (A.A. Khokhlov), the method "Volitional self-control" A.T. Zverkova, E.V. Eidman), diagnostics of volitional features (M.V. Chu-makov) and others. The next task is to develop a technology or program to increase the level of development of volitional qualities of the student's personality.


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