Научная статья на тему 'Development Priorities of Contemporary Armenian Architecture (A general glance)'

Development Priorities of Contemporary Armenian Architecture (A general glance) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
Modern Armenian Architecture / period of independence / town-planning / building types / composition / современная армянская архитектура / период независимости / градо-строительство / типы зданий / композиция

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — D.G. Kertmenjian

The Architecture of Independence period in Armenia is the post-soviet architecture decades which began from 1991 and still continuing until now. The study and the general systematiza-tion of the period is not performed yet which is in the role of State-of-the-Art for this study. In the article presented main leading priorities of the period. Briefly described the current condi-tions and situation in Armenia including: landscape and town-planning alterations, earth quake zone problems of 1988 Spitak disaster happened, church building activities held which were related to 1700 proclamation Christianity as a state religion in Armenia, as well as new archi-tectural activities performed etc. Main problem of the article is the generalization of the carried out Architectural activities in Armenia. Objectives are redefinition of architectural fields revital-ized in the country, as well as listing of the buildings and complexes newly constructed. Meth-odology of the research is qualitative analysis of the complexes and individual buildings under the light of world and local architectural developments.

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Приоритетные направления развития современной армянской архитектуры (общий обзор)

Архитектуру периода независимости можно охарактеризовать как архитектуру Армении постсоветского периода, начиная с 1991 года и до наших дней. Изучение и научная систе-матизация данного направления пока не проводились, что, на данный момент достаточно актуально. В статье представлены основные приоритеты архитектуры постсоветского периода Ар-мении, современное состояние, включительно: ландшафтные и градостроительные изме-нения, проблемные сейсмоактивные зоны после землетрясения в Спитаке 1988 года, акти-визация возведения церковных зданий в рамках программы 1700-летия принятия Арменией Христианства как государственной религии, а также новые архитектурные проекты и реше-ния и т. д. Цель статьи является систематизация данных и деятельности в сфере архитектуры в Армении. Научные задачи работы включают определение ревитализированных архитектур-ных направлений, а также составление списка новых зданий и комплексов. Методологией исследования является качественный анализ комплексов и отдельных зданий в контексте локальных и мировых тенденций развития архитектуры.

Текст научной работы на тему «Development Priorities of Contemporary Armenian Architecture (A general glance)»

Пути интеграции исторических объектов в пространство населенных пунктов ХХ! века

Methods of integrating historical objects into the space of settlements of the XXI century

DOI: 10.37909/978-5-89170-287-5-2021-1001 УДК: 72.03

D.G. Kertmenjian

National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia V. Teryan Street, 105, Yerevan, Armenia, 374009 dakertmenjyan@gmail.com ORCID: https : //orcid.org/0000-0002-9714-3256

Development Priorities of Contemporary Armenian Architecture (A general glance)


The Architecture of Independence period in Armenia is the post-soviet architecture decades which began from 1991 and still continuing until now. The study and the general systematiza-tion of the period is not performed yet which is in the role of State-of-the-Art for this study. In the article presented main leading priorities of the period. Briefly described the current conditions and situation in Armenia including: landscape and town-planning alterations, earth quake zone problems of 1988 Spitak disaster happened, church building activities held which were related to 1700 proclamation Christianity as a state religion in Armenia, as well as new architectural activities performed etc. Main problem of the article is the generalization of the carried out Architectural activities in Armenia. Objectives are redefinition of architectural fields revitalized in the country, as well as listing of the buildings and complexes newly constructed. Methodology of the research is qualitative analysis of the complexes and individual buildings under the light of world and local architectural developments.

Keywords: Modern Armenian Architecture, period of independence, town-planning, building types, composition

Д.Г. Кертменджян

Национальный университет архитектуры и строительства Армении

dakertmenjyan@gmail.com ORCID: https : //orcid.org/0000-0002-9714-3256

Приоритетные направления развития современной армянской архитектуры

(общий обзор)


Архитектуру периода независимости можно охарактеризовать как архитектуру Армении постсоветского периода, начиная с 1991 года и до наших дней. Изучение и научная систематизация данного направления пока не проводились, что, на данный момент достаточно актуально.

В статье представлены основные приоритеты архитектуры постсоветского периода Армении, современное состояние, включительно: ландшафтные и градостроительные изменения, проблемные сейсмоактивные зоны после землетрясения в Спитаке 1988 года, активизация возведения церковных зданий в рамках программы 1700-летия принятия Арменией Христианства как государственной религии, а также новые архитектурные проекты и решения и т. д.

Цель статьи является систематизация данных и деятельности в сфере архитектуры в Армении. Научные задачи работы включают определение ревитализированных архитектурных направлений, а также составление списка новых зданий и комплексов. Методологией исследования является качественный анализ комплексов и отдельных зданий в контексте локальных и мировых тенденций развития архитектуры.

Ключевые слова: современная армянская архитектура, период независимости, градостроительство, типы зданий, композиция

Пути интеграции исторических объектов в пространство населенных пунктов XXI века

Баландинские чтения. 2021. Том XVI

Introduction. The Armenian Architecture in the years of independence is the building activity held next to the dissolution of Soviet Union. Being a matter of contemporary architecture, however, there are few publications done in academic content [see about the matter for more detail in the references 8 and 9]. The Armenian architecture of the years1991 and after, has not been updated in a methodical way, that so the research of modern Armenian architecture remains incomplete yet. The last officially published studies about modern period (i.e. Soviet Armenian Architecture) include the books of: A.G. Grigorian's and M.Z. Tovmasyan's "Architecture of the Soviet Armenia" (1985) [5], as well as K. Balyan's "The Modern National Architecture of Armenia" (1987) [2]. After the mentioned books there are many articles about the subject and not more. This means that for almost over 30 years there has not any book published about the matter, today it is urgent to accomplish the studies which includethe documentation of new architectural activities done. It is very important to review the existing new activities, as well as observe the situation of the architectural undertakings performed. In the years 2016-2018, the author of the presented article gained a State Scientific Grant about the "Architecture from independence period of Armenia", so published several articles, some of which as an auxiliary matterare reflected in the references of this study. The presented article is the first generalization of the subject in English language. Main question of the study is the systematization of the corresponding buildings, appreciation of them in the light of current regional and international parallels. Objectives of the study are: the scope of historical, theoretical and practical main circumstances, documentation of city-Planning developments, decision making about the effectiveness of newly added infrastructures and preservation of the architectural tradition etc. The adopted research method is the qualitative analysis, including the priorities of the time, their typological listing and stylistic trends. Should be noted also that because of radical changes in health facilities and factories, the listing of them are foreseen for separate studies.

Considering the results and discussion, it should be mentioned that there are too many problems of discussion accumulated within the decades passed. Regarding the limitation allowed by an article, hereby the study will concentrate on 3 most important following topics of the matter only.

1. The leading reasons of the architectural practice in Armenia from the Independence Period. However, the XX century was a dramatic period in World Architecture context. No any historical period created such variety, as well as registered such dynamic

intellectual and pragmatic progress yet. Indeed Architecture achieved highest levels of civilization which include Hi-Tec instances, Post Modern, DEconstructivism, Sustainable and Green architecture, Morphogenetic and other architectural trends [see references 16, pp. 105116, 139-160, 163-172; 17, 69-105, 172-198, 202-223, 284-301; 18, 146-161; 19 as general]. These were the means which helped to overcome the limitations created by the developments of Modernism from the beginning XX century, International Style and futuristic ideas [7, p. 51]. This situation was true for CIS countries and Armenia too [compare with: 6, pp. 611-643]. In Armenia, actually the main problem of the time was the search for new stylistic trends in architecture. Despite unfavorable conditions, such as the Spitak Earthquake of 1988, the dissolution of Soviet Union, the conflict of Karabakh, the economic blockade and the mass immigration, the development impetus not stopped. Particular development directions declared:

1. the reconstruction of Earthquake Zone and exploration of new seismic design undertakings;

2. church building activities related to the 1700 anniversary of proclamation Christianity as a state religion in Armenia;

3. the development of urbanization programs for the new social conditions;

4. the provision of sustainable architecture principles and keep the step with world architectural progress, such as advanced technologies, preservation of tradition etc.

2. Landscape architecture revisions and new town planning undertakings.

The landscape problems were mainly conducted ecology and resupply of green spaces lost within the transitional decade, extending until the year 2000.Such are the rehabilitation of the cascade area, urban parks associated by certain quarters, "Dalma Gardens" area etc. In this category possible to include the peripheral parks and specially the parks associated by the territories of historical monuments and memorial complexes, such as the 1915 Genocide ensemble, the "Yerablur" cemeteries of Karabakh victims etc.

Despite of financial limitations of the period, undertook some important town planning

revisions too. Except for the earthquake zone rehabilitation activities, started great projects such as the North-South Highway passing throughout the country, the construction of urban transportation new infrastructures, as well as the construction of individual bridges and communication towers etc. These were in connection to regional planning projects and master plan revisions of different cities including the capital Yerevan. Very urgent were the rezoning of the cities into a decentralized system of quarters. Since the existing green belt of Yerevan intensively converted into a series

of illegally created new zones of entertainment, promoted new amusement centers adjacent to the city's individual quarters and some others located at the vicinity or the skirts of the cities. In this regards, among essential undertakings are the creation of new squares, such as the New Municipality or Myasnikyan Square and the reconstruction of Shahumyan square in Yerevan, the Central Square of Spitak, the rehabilitation of neighboring 2 squares at the center of Gyumri, the Renaissance Square at Stepanakert etc. Beside the squares and according to 1924 Master plan of Yerevan, laid the ground to new promenades at the central area of Yerevan, such as the Northern and Main avenues, the Cascade ensemble, 2800 anniversary park and another safe way beside the Dramatic theatre of the city [for more details see at reference 14]. All the mentioned projects are notable programs in contemporary Armenian architecture [for more details see reference 9, pp. 10-17]. In this concern, it is important to notice that the international parallels of the focused case are usually solved in behalf of sustainable architecture modifications[see reference 3 as general, 4, pp. 134-163]. However such are the instances of Minneapolis Tribunal plaza, Hnagua Solid square, Girona's Plasa del la Constitutions, Plaza Berri in Canada, Cambridge's Tanner Fountain and Plaza de Olite at Navarra etc. Meanwhile the squares and the promenades created in Yerevan, Spitak, Gumri, Goris and Stepanakert are of urban reconstruction mode, in addition being sustainable alterations.

3. The listing and documentation of newly built facilities and complexes. As it

is used in the studies of contemporary architecture, that so in the listing of contemporary buildings of Armenian architecture too, beside above mentioned particular interests, included several types of buildings, the most essential of them are the transportation facilities [4, pp. 24, 48, 68, 90 etc.].

a. The Earthquake zone and its building activities. These are the premier projects. Performed in contemporary architecture of Armenia. Most important projects performed are: the newly construction of Spitak city, as well as the rehabilitation of ruined quarters in Gyumri and the addition of 3 neighborhoods named "Mush", "Ani" and "Marmashen". Herby, the regenerated examples of individual buildings and complexes are too much. In addition to the local efforts, there are projects carried out by other countries too, such as15 rehabilitation centers and hospitals, 10 schools and other education establishments, 5 entire villages etc. [1].

b. Church building activities and memorials. Are mainly paid to enrich the national fond of the places for worship which was stopped in the Soviet years. It was critical the update of the tradition existed once. However

very important was the creation of large capacity churches because of population increase over centuries. Such examples of the case are: the new cathedral of Yerevan, the St. Gregory Illuminator portal of the Holy See and the Open Altar church beside it, the new Baptistery of Holy Ejmiatsin and others. Among many new churches attractive are the new morphologies carried out by architect B. Arzoumanyan, such as St. Sargis, Holy Trinity, St Resurrection churches from Yerevan and specially St James Cathedral of Gyumri etc. Important to mention the new stylistic manners created in the context of traditional Armenian Church architecture, such as national expressionism, national romanticism, tempered modernism etc. Due to mention that within the framework of the independence period and by the occasion of the1700 proclamation of Christianity state religion has been built more than 200 churches of different capacities, revitalized the sculptural activities of Khackar (Cross- stone) performing art and interior wall painting instances etc. [For more details see reference 10].

c. New buildings created as a result of urban sprawl. As it is mentioned transport facilities and their urban planning accommodation are of main priorities for contemporary architecture as general. The case particularly concerns the regeneration of the airports, train and metro stations, network of highways and bridges, squares and promenades etc. In contemporary practice of Armenia the promotion of such buildings was a very sensitive case. The main is the regeneration of Zvartnots Airport by a new terminal built in the year 1998. The new Hi Tech complex not only was to be in harmony with neighboring former 2 airport buildings, one is from 1970-ies of reinforced concrete modernization style, the other from 1950-ies of neoclassical style. But it was also urgent to handle 100.000 tons of cargo annually. All the story is that Armenia entered the World Trade Organization system which required the enlargement of world transport means. Consequently it was urgent to increase the capacities of town planning infrastructures, such as the street width, creation of new squares, reconstruction of the fatigue points of the transportation network, construction of new bridges and other services. Actually this was the background of globalization in minimum requirements adapted in transport infrastructures of Armenia. This was the reason for building a new airport in Stepanakert from the year 2010, as well as the reconstruction of central railway stations in Gyumri and Yerevan etc. Very important are the constructions of subterranean road making projects held at many crossings in Yerevan, at the area of State University, the Youth Palace, and Metro Barekamutyun etc. Another notable project of the considered buildings is the "Tatev" ropeway which is a Guinness World Record holder with a

Пути интеграции исторических объектов в пространство населенных пунктов XXI века

Баландинские чтения. 2021. Том XVI

total stretch of 5752 m, built in the year 2010 [20].

However the world examples of the above studied case are combining different transport facilities with each other in one agglomeration, such as the airport or the stations of different types into the country transportation network [compare with 4, pp. 22-109]. Actually such undertakings are far from accessible in Armenia yet. Hereby the interests are towards enlargement of the existing Metropolitan network which is associated with certain trade centers, malls and other complexes of city indication. In this concern it is possible to mention the association of Metro stations with malls and underground commercial market places in Yerevan, such as the Metropolitan stations of "Russia" and "Barekamutyun".

d. Newly built or regenerated residential, public, industrial and memorial buildings and complexes. It is a fact that the XX century witnessed technically distinguished advanced architectural developments. Such activities are very often in World Architecture of today, as well as they are present in contemporary Armenian architecture too conducting the following building types.

I. Cultural Facilities. The last decades witnessed the flourish of many cultural facilities, the majority of which have become the symbols of tourism attractions. The flow of visitors to museums, cultural centers and art galleries, libraries are common habits today. Such instances in contemporary architecture of Armenia include the following buildings.

a. The Museumsof different types,

such as the Gafeschyan Art museum area [in more details see the reference 9, p. 19], the regeneration of Matenadaran and the museum of Great composer Komitas, the museum of Charles Aznavour, the museum of Edward Isa-bekyan, the Genocide museum, and so many others. They are the highlights of contemporary architecture in Yerevan, either as cultural identities and bearers of modern sustainable concepts of Green architecture.

b. Halls, showrooms and sport facilities,

include the regenerations of Sportive and Concert hall in Yerevan, State Opera House, and Academic Theatre named after Gabriel Soundukyan, Cinemas: "Moscow" and "Nairi", the construction of TV stations including many halls, such as "Armenia", "Shant", "Central", "H-2", the reconstruction of Republican Stadium and Velotrek in Yerevan, The Military Academy and its sportive facilities etc. All are performed in a contemporary sense of architectural concepts.

II. Schools and universities with their auxiliary facilities, scientific research centers.

Such buildings are: the AUA new expansion, the international school-camp in Dilijan, the senior school called "AYB", the "Virage Logic" American concern in Yerevan, the "Amicus" laboratories,

"Tumo" centers for Graphical Arts, many "technoparks" and the Military Academy complex etc. Actually the examples are too many, hereby listed by few instances.

III. Shopping Malls and other commercial facilities, hotels. Such buildings are: "Tashir" universal magazine, the reconstructions of "Mankakan Ashkharh" and "Ayrarat" universal magazines, the malls of "Yerevan", "Dalma", "Abovyan" , "Mega Mall", "Vega Mall", "Rio Mall" etc. Beside there are many commercial networks of following supermarkets: "Terranova", "SAS", "City", "Moskvichka" etc. The amusement centers and attractions are of special interest for the flourishing tourism in the country. Such are the complexes of "Sayat Nova", the "Water Complex", "Shangrilla", "Venition" etc.,Attractive are the restaurants including: "Bellagio", "Gan-dzasar", "Renaissance", "Caucasus", "Pharaoh" complex in Kotayk region etc.[for more details see references 11].

Hotel buildings have their local rich tradition in Armenia. Any case, the period of independence required its special features. Prevailing examples of hotels and resorts were inherited by certain regenerations, but alsocreated new hotel complexes. Among newly built hotels attractive are; The "Caucasus" complex on Yerevan-Ashtarak Highway, the "Ararat" resort complex in Tsakhkadzor, "Hyatt Regency" of Jermuk, from Yerevan are:"Radisson BLU", "Double tree Hilton", "Ibis", "Alexander", "Nord" etc. The new among hotel buildings are the network of "Tufenkyan" ethnographic complexes in different parts of Armenia[for details see reference 12]. IV. Public buildings, institutions and offices, banks, etc. Such buildings are public bodies, public service buildings, governmental buildings and else. In reality the independent Armenia depicted many new embassies which did not exist in Soviet years. Architecturally attractive examples of such buildings are Embassies and consulate buildings of the UK, USA, China, Italy, Thailand, Uruguay, France, India, Brazil and others. Instances of office buildings are on behalf of many institutions, such as the American University Business center in Yerevan, newly built City halls, such as the New Municipality, as well as 3-rd and 4th governmental buildings, courts and city halls in different types. Banks as usual replaced the system of multifunctional compounds. Distinguished examples are the reconstruction of the Central bank, as well as the central headquarter of Ameria bank, and its branch located at the Shahumyan square. V. Residential Architecture is of fundamental significance, inasmuch as it refers to the evaluation of modern way of life. Hereby preferred residential buildings in Armenia are of following types: multifamily urban homes, multifamily suburban homes, hotels and residences, semidetached and row houses, single

family suburban homes, single family country homes etc. Because of the quantity the buildings are not specified, but should be mentioned that the distinguished new residential Architecture of this period are the individual private houses, such as Vahagnavan neighborhood, as well as high-rise apartments having social services included [for details see references 13 and 15].

VI. Multifunctional and mixed use complexes. This type of buildings is dictated by the contemporary needs of life. Although they are in rare examples yet, but sure are perspectives regarding their suitability for the economic conditions of small countries such as Armenia. Fine enough built examples of the type are: "Renco", "Advanced development", "Unitrans International", "Jermuk" resort and other many buildings etc.

Conclusion. According to the study carried out, there are 5 priorities in Armenian Architecture from the Independence period. They are as follows.

1. Landscape studies and sustainabil-ity priority, is on behalf of Shahumyan square rehabilitation performed, as well as the reconstruction of city promenades conceived according to General plan 1924 of Yerevan by Alexander Tamanian.

2. New town-planning attitudes of organization and reconstruction city communication means of infrastructure priorities, such as new bridges located outside and inside the cities, as well as reconstruction of fatigue areas of roadmaking.

3. Reconstruction and revitalization of public squares priorities are in behalf of Yerevan Myasnikyan square, as well as Shahumyan Square, Spitak city's square, the Renaissance Square in Stepanakert, reconstruction and modernization of Gyumri central squares etc.

4. Restudy of the seismic design codex priorities, are in behalf of the Earthquake zone lessons from Shirak area.

5. Problems of image in architecture and discussions of stylistic priorities are in traditionalism concept and new trends of historicism in architecture, either in new residential high rise complexes, constructed public malls instances, corporal and administrative buildings etc.


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20. Link: en.wikipedia.org> Wings of Tatev .

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