UDK 61
Mirzaqulov I. N.
teacher Jumanazarov S. S.
Annotation: Belt conveyors, being one of the most efficient and highperformance types of conveyor transport, are widely used in underground and open-pit mining operations. The use of belt conveyors provides an intensive development path for mining enterprises, allowing the use of in-line and cycle-in-line technology, and the widespread introduction of automatization of production processes, while meeting modern environmental requirements.
Key words: development, calculation, belt, conveyor.
The volume of transportation by belt conveyors in the coal industry, black metallurgy, industrial production of non-metallic building materials and other industries is constantly growing.
The efficiency of using belt conveyors depends largely on the structural perfection of the linear part of the conveyor (stave and roller supports), since it is on the linear part of the conveyor that the main causes of failure of the belts are observed (self! on the expensive element of the conveyor) and rollers.
Operating experience and theoretical studies of belt conveyors with suspended roller supports have shown a number of advantages of such conveyors compared to conveyors with a rigid and the same roller supports - reduced capital costs and operating costs for the linear part of the conveyor and labor costs for Assembly and dismantling of the conveyor, reduced metal content of the conveyor, as well as cargo spills. At the same time, such conveyors also have a number of drawbacks, among which we should note a slight increase in the resistance to the movement of the belt, as well as the movement of the belt on bremsberg conveyors.
When using loading conveyors with suspended roller supports, a number of problems arise related to the specific features of the suspended roller supports, the position of which can vary depending on the belt tilt and the nature of the force interaction with the moving belt. Solving problems related to the study of the force interaction of the belt with the suspended roller support will allow determining the transverse forces acting on the belt during its lateral descent, and based on the developed mathematical model of the transverse movement of the mite is investigated. stability of this movement for different structural types of suspended roller supports with the establishment of criteria and areas of stable transverse movement of the belt. Due to the possibility of changing the position of the suspended roller support when moving the belt or depending on the angle of the
conveyor installation, it is necessary to take into account in the seam calculation the additional strong longitudinal forces that arise from the skew of the side rollers in the conveyor plan, increasing the resistance to the movement of the belt.
When installed nonlinear friction force from the skew angle of the side rollers with the falling portion of the characteristic may occur self-oscillation of the suspended roller, leading to wear of the tape roller and an unstable operation of the conveyor associated with the vibrations of ropes, unstable movement of the belt, increasing the dynamic during transportation ruza. It is necessary to study the self-oscillations of cross roller supports, establish the conditions for their occurrence and determine the areas of existence of self-oscillating modes with the calculation of the frequencies and amplitudes of these oscillations depending on the parameters of the conveyor. Thus, the theoretical Foundation and solution of major scientific problems, consisting in the development of theory and the development of methods of calculation belt conveyor with outboard carrying rollers and justification of design parameters, which increases the service life of the tape, rollers and other elements and reduce operating costs, characterizes the actual work. The purpose of the work is to develop the theory and methods for calculating the full-time conveyors with suspended roller supports to justify the design parameters of the linear part that increase the service life of the awnings, (and other) of their conveyor elements.
The main scientific provisions for protection are a mathematical model of the force interaction of the belt with the suspended roller support, which allows determining the transverse and longitudinal forces acting on the belt depending on the parameters of the conveyor and the physical and mechanical properties of the Fuze;
- a method for calculating the distributed resistance to belt movement on the branches of a belt conveyor equipped with suspended roller supports, taking into account additional longitudinal forces arising from the interaction of the belt with rollers that have a bias in the conveyor plan, and participating in the formation of the traction force;
- mathematical model of transverse motion of the tape at the outboard raichoor, allowing to determine the critical stiffness of the system in which there is an unstable movement (angle of bifurcation of the transverse movement of the tape), and justify using phase plane region and a steady movement of the tape;
- mathematical model of rotational motion of the outboard roller support and a gel take the places of its fixing on the rod with the establishment of conditions of occurrence outboard roller supports and identifying areas of self-oscillating regimes depending on the design parameters of the conveyor, and calculating the frequencies and amplitudes of these oscillations;
- method for calculating the tension of the conveyor belt stave ropes lying freely on the support posts, taking into account the force interaction of the belt with the suspended roller supports, as well as the ambient temperature.
The validity and reliability of scientific statements, conclusions and recommendations formulated in the dissertation are confirmed by theoretical and
experimental research Theoretical research is based on known methods of theoretical and applied mechanics, mathematical analysis, the theory of differential equations, the theory of stability of motion of mechanical systems, the theory of self-oscillating processes Laboratory and industrial research confirm the correctness of theoretical statements and calculations.
A method for calculating the resistance to the movement of the mite on the linear part of the conveyor with suspended roller supports is proposed, characterized in that it takes into account additional longitudinal forces that arise from the interaction of the belt with rollers that have a bias in the conveyor plan, and participate in the formation of the traction force.
A method is proposed for calculating the tension of conveyor belts that lie freely on support posts, characterized in that it takes into account the longitudinal forces that arise in the ropes from the interaction of the belt with the suspended roller supports when the side rollers are skewed, as well as the ambient temperature.
Scientific value of work consists in the new development of the theory and development of methods of calculation belt conveyor with outboard carrying rollers, which bus route: to study the force interaction of the ribbon with hanging and determining the transverse forces acting on the belt at her side gathering, the study of the stability of transverse movement of the tape on conveyors equipped with outboard carrying rollers, and build on the basis of the stability theory of A. M. Lyapunov, the areas of stable motion of the tape; the clarification of traction calculation of the pipeline taking into account longitudinal friction forces arising from the interaction of roller outboard roller supports having a bias in terms of the pipeline; to identify areas of frequencies and stationary oscillation of the suspended roller supports and ways of eliminating oscillation; on the calculation of the tension in ropes rod lying freely on the supporting pillars, which takes into account longitudinal friction forces arising from the interaction of the tape with outboard carrying rollers, side rollers where bias in terms of the pipeline and the ambient temperature. Practical value of work consists in development: the method of calculating the transverse forces acting on the tape when its the side gathering on the conveyor with outboard carrying rollers; the method of calculating the resistance to movement of the tape at frequent linear conveyor with outboard carrying rollers and Metta calculate the tension in ropes composition; methods of identifying areas of sustainable cross! about the movement of the tape; a method for determining the areas and conditions for the occurrence of self-oscillations of suspended roller supports.
Due to the widespread use of belt conveyors and continuous improvement of their design in order to reduce the metal content of the stack and the complexity of Assembly and dismantling of the conveyor, increase the service life of the belt and rollers and improve technical and economic indicators, the main content of the work is aimed at developing methods for calculating the linear part of conveyors equipped with suspended roller supports, which largely meet modern requirements for mining and transport equipment.
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