Научная статья на тему 'Development of the ways and means of medical signals processing for early diagnostics of prepathology psychogenic conditions'

Development of the ways and means of medical signals processing for early diagnostics of prepathology psychogenic conditions Текст научной статьи по специальности «Медицинские технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским технологиям, автор научной работы — Tychkov Alexander Yuryevich, Alimuradov Alan Kazanferovich, Churakov Petr Pavlovich, Kalistratov Vladimir Borisovich, Vishnevskaya Galina Vladimirovna

Background. The relevance of work is determined by the need of special types of medical signals processing received on new diagnostic units which are intensively developed now; by sharply increased opportunities of medical data joint automatic analysis methods received from various devices (for example, the cardiograph, the encephalograph and the analyzer of acoustic signals); by the need of the creation of personal devices and medical devices directed on early preclinical diagnostics of psychogenic conditions. Materials and methods. The work is aimed at the development of new original ways of medical signals processing for the problems solution of synchronization, preprocessing, detection and recognition of informative sites and signals parameters reflecting boundary psychological conditions at an early stage of diseases. The formulated task is supposed to consider through the prism of signals and systems theory based on synthesis of time-and-frequency methods and methods of adaptive decomposition of power components of signals. Results. The received results during the period of the project implementation will possess a unique scientific novelty, including in comparison with foreign analogs that will allow introducing these decisions in biomedical practice and by that: to increase the efficiency of prepathology diagnostics of psychogenic conditions due to the reduction of identification time of pathological deviations in the highest nervous system work by the complex analysis of medical signals, different nature in the conditions of free physical activity of a patient; to increase the efficiency of a psychological condition control of a person due to use of the offered original approaches to processing and analysis of medical signals and the theory of a biological feedback in the conditions of long inspection. Conclusions. The development of new ways and means of medical signals processing will allow proposing new technical solutions for prepathology diagnostics of psychogenic conditions which are carrying out early diagnostics of symptoms and syndromes of psychological frustration, reducing medical signals analysis time, predicting health state on a set time interval and creating a positive effect for the population improvement.

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Актуальность и цели. Актуальность работы обусловлена необходимостью обработки специальных видов медицинских сигналов, получаемых на интенсивно разрабатываемых в настоящее время новых диагностических приборах; резко возросшими возможностями методов совместного автоматического анализа медицинских данных, полученных с различных приборов (кардиографа, энцефалографа и анализатора акустических сигналов); необходимостью создания персональных приборов и устройств медицинского назначения, направленных на раннюю доклиническую диагностику психогенных состояний. Материалы и методы. Работа направлена на разработку новых оригинальных способов обработки медицинских сигналов для решения задач синхронизации, предобработки, обнаружения и распознавания информативных участков и параметров сигналов, отражающих пограничные нервно-психические состояния на ранней стадии заболеваний. Сформулированную задачу предполагается рассматривать через призму теории сигналов и систем, основанную на синтезе идей частотно-временных методов и методов адаптивной декомпозиции энергетических составляющих сигналов... Актуальность и цели. Актуальность работы обусловлена необходимостью обработки специальных видов медицинских сигналов, получаемых на интенсивно разрабатываемых в настоящее время новых диагностических приборах; резко возросшими возможностями методов совместного автоматического анализа медицинских данных, полученных с различных приборов (кардиографа, энцефалографа и анализатора акустических сигналов); необходимостью создания персональных приборов и устройств медицинского назначения, направленных на раннюю доклиническую диагностику психогенных состояний. Материалы и методы. Работа направлена на разработку новых оригинальных способов обработки медицинских сигналов для решения задач синхронизации, предобработки, обнаружения и распознавания информативных участков и параметров сигналов, отражающих пограничные нервно-психические состояния на ранней стадии заболеваний. Сформулированную задачу предполагается рассматривать через призму теории сигналов и систем, основанную на синтезе идей частотно-временных методов и методов адаптивной декомпозиции энергетических составляющих сигналов. Результаты. Результаты, полученные за период выполнения работы, будут обладать уникальной научной новизной, в том числе в сравнении с зарубежными аналогами, что позволит внедрить данные решения в медико-биологическую практику и тем самым повысить оперативность донозологической диагностики психогенных состояний за счет уменьшения времени выявления патологических отклонений в работе высшей нервной системы путем комплексного анализа медицинских сигналов разной природы в условиях свободной двигательной активности пациента; повысить эффективность контроля нервно-психического состояния человека за счет использования предлагаемых оригинальных подходов к обработке, анализу медицинских сигналов и теории биологической обратной связи в условиях продолжительного обследования. Выводы. Разработка новых способов и средств обработки медицинских сигналов позволит предложить новые технические решения для диагностики донозологических психогенных состояний, осуществляющие раннюю диагностику симптомов и синдромов нервно-психических расстройств, сокращая время анализа медицинских сигналов, прогнозируя состояние здоровья на заданный временной промежуток и создавая положительный эффект для оздоровления населения function show_eabstract() { $('#eabstract1').hide(); $('#eabstract2').show(); $('#eabstract_expand').hide(); } ▼Показать полностью

Текст научной работы на тему «Development of the ways and means of medical signals processing for early diagnostics of prepathology psychogenic conditions»



УДК 621.513.6


A. Yu. Tychkov, A. K. Alimuradov, P. P. Churakov, V. B. Kalistratov, G. V. Vishnevskaya


А. Ю. Тычков, А. К. Алимурадов, П. П. Чураков, В. Б. Калистратов, Г. В. Вишневская

Abstract. Background. The relevance of work is determined by the need of special types of medical signals processing received on new diagnostic units which are intensively developed now; by sharply increased opportunities of medical data joint automatic analysis methods received from various devices (for example, the cardiograph, the encephalograph and the analyzer of acoustic signals); by the need of the creation of personal devices and medical devices directed on early preclinical diagnostics of psychogenic conditions. Materials and methods. The work is aimed at the development of new original ways of medical signals processing for the problems solution of synchronization, preprocessing, detection and recognition of informative sites and signals parameters reflecting boundary psychological conditions at an early stage of diseases. The formulated task is supposed to consider through the prism of signals and systems theory based on synthesis of time-and-frequency methods and methods of adaptive decomposition of power components of signals. Results. The received results during the period of the project implementation will possess a unique scientific novelty, including in comparison with foreign analogs that will allow introducing these decisions in biomedical practice and by that: to increase the efficiency of prepatholo-gy diagnostics of psychogenic conditions due to the reduction of identification time of pathological deviations in the highest nervous system work by the complex analysis of medical signals, different nature in the conditions of free physical activity of a patient; to increase the efficiency of a psychological condition control of a person due to use of the offered original approaches to processing and analysis of medical signals and the theory of a biological feedback in the conditions of long inspection. Conclusions. The development of new ways and means of medical signals processing will allow proposing new technical solutions for prepathology diagnostics of psychogenic conditions which are carrying out early diagnostics of symptoms and syndromes of psychological frustration, reducing medical signals analysis time, predicting health state on a set time interval and creating a positive effect for the population improvement.

Key words: theory of signals and systems, ways and means, processing and analysis of medical signals, prepathology diagnostics, psychogenic condition.

Аннотация. Актуальность и цели. Актуальность работы обусловлена необходимостью обработки специальных видов медицинских сигналов, получаемых на интенсивно разрабатываемых в настоящее время новых диагностических приборах; резко возросшими возможностями методов совместного автоматического анализа медицинских данных, полученных с различных приборов (кардиографа, энцефалографа и анализатора акустических сигналов); необходимостью создания персональных приборов и устройств медицинского назначения, направленных на раннюю доклиническую диагностику психогенных состояний. Материалы и методы. Работа направлена на разработку новых оригинальных способов обработки медицинских сигналов для решения задач синхронизации, предобработки, обнаружения и распознавания информативных участков и параметров сигналов, отражающих пограничные нервно-психические состояния на ранней стадии заболеваний. Сформулированную задачу предполагается рассматривать через призму теории сигналов и систем, основанную на синтезе идей частотно-временных методов и методов адаптивной декомпозиции энергетических составляющих сигналов. Результаты. Результаты, полученные за период выполнения работы, будут обладать уникальной научной новизной, в том числе в сравнении с зарубежными аналогами, что позволит внедрить данные решения в медико-биологическую практику и тем самым повысить оперативность донозологической диагностики психогенных состояний за счет уменьшения времени выявления патологических отклонений в работе высшей нервной системы путем комплексного анализа медицинских сигналов разной природы в условиях свободной двигательной активности пациента; повысить эффективность контроля нервно-психического состояния человека за счет использования предлагаемых оригинальных подходов к обработке, анализу медицинских сигналов и теории биологической обратной связи в условиях продолжительного обследования. Выводы. Разработка новых способов и средств обработки медицинских сигналов позволит предложить новые технические решения для диагностики донозологических психогенных состояний, осуществляющие раннюю диагностику симптомов и синдромов нервно-психических расстройств, сокращая время анализа медицинских сигналов, прогнозируя состояние здоровья на заданный временной промежуток и создавая положительный эффект для оздоровления населения.

Ключевые слова: теория сигналов и систем, способы и средства, обработка и анализ медицинских сигналов, донозологическая диагностика, психогенное состояние.


The project is directed on the solution of an important and actual problem of improvement existing and creations of new original technical means of early (pre-pathology) diagnosis of psychogenic diseases of patients of various age groups on the basis of development of the theory of receiving, processing and modeling of medical signals by use of algorithms and structures of parallel and synchronous processing cardiographic, encephalographic and speech signals. That will allow carrying out diagnostics in a condition of cheerfulness and rest at early stages of diseases of the patient, to increase efficiency and reliability of statement of the diagnosis, to reduce errors from influence of the movement, a tremor and bad contact of electrodes. Introduction to algorithms of processing of biological feedback and definition of reaction of an organism to various external irritants allow. Depending on a condition of the patient to make the adequate decision on application of procedures of prevention, therapy and psychological correction of psychogenic states at early stages of diseases.

The scientific problem

The modern science considers process of improvement of the population as preservation and development of physiological, biological, mental and social functions of the person. In Russia there was the extremely disturbing situation now: annually over two million people, from which 600 thousand - able-bodied people till 60 years die. In structure of incidence and mortality of the population socially significant diseases of the person in which are dominating cardiovascular and psychological progress.

Daily, on each person the whole sum of the factors having stressful character that leads to emergence of psychological diseases which are the chief conductor to development the cardiac of diseases makes impact. In turn, among patients with cardiovascular diseases the frequency of the accompanying depression makes 22-33 %. Therefore it is expedient to investigate communication of cardiovascular system and system of organs of articulation with central nervous at early stages of manifestation of deviations. It will allow warning and predicting a disease, more effective to appoint treatment and to create individual recommendations.

The main tendency of the present is significant growth in psychogenic diseases. They represent quite extensive group of the painful violations united by the general signs (prevalence of neurotic level of psychopathological violations; interrelation of mental disorders with vegetative dysfunctions and somatic manifestations; leading role of psychogenic factors in their development; dependence of painful frustration on personal features of an individual).

The number of persons of able-bodied population with psychogenic frustration makes more than 20 %. Prevalence only reaches depressions in an all-medical network according to different data from 8 to 44 %. Prevalence of psychosomatic frustration of the population fluctuates from 15 % to 50 %, and in all-medical practice - from 5,1 % - 30 % to 57 % - 66,8 %. Wide range of indicators of diseases reflects imperfection of classification of forms of these pathologies, lack of an accurate conceptual framework of definition of a psychogenic state in an early stage of its development, etc.

All listed caused a choice of the direction of the real research which is devoted to two categories of psychogenic states: neurotic (to reactions, states, developments) and to psychosomatic frustration (to somatoform dysfunctions of vegetative nervous system, psychosomatic states and psychosomatic).

Despite numerous researches of various psychological characteristics of the personality promoting development the psychogenic (including, psychosomatic frustration), obvious deficiency of their complex studying is felt. The majority of researches of this sort were carried out within the defined, created nosology that complicated differentiation of psychological prerequisites of an illness from personal changes in result secondary nozo-and somatogenic influences of pathological process. Longitudinal researches are presented by single works. Practically the comparative and age aspect wasn't investigated.

As for psychodiagnostical methods, data on their application and results, despite use width, are insufficiently systematized and aren't always unambiguous. This circumstance defined the main objective of the present project - development of the new theory of early (prepathology) diagnostics of psychogenic conditions of the person on the basis of synthesis and synchronization of medical signals (cardi-

ographic, encephalography and speech) which can be in turn reached due to development of new ways and means of processing of medical signals.

Existing solutions

The specific objective within a scientific problem consists in development of new ways of parallel processing cardiographic, encephalographic and speech signals in the conditions of rest and free physical activity of the person, improvement and creation of new technical means of early (prepathology) diagnostics of the psychogenic states actual for medicine.

The solution of this specific objective is planned to carry out realization of the following stages:

1. Development of the concept of receiving, a filtration, synchronization and parallel processing cardiographic, encephalography and speech signals on the basis of adaptive decomposition of power and time-and-frequency components of signals of various nature for increase of efficiency of early diagnostics of psychological frustration.

2. Creation of the verified bases of the medical signals (to 5000 signals) registered from specially selected group of healthy patients and patients with pathological deviations in work of the highest nervous system.

3. Creation of behavior models of the highest nervous system by results of processing of the same medical signals (separately and in various combinations). The analysis of features of the received models.

4. Modeling of the brought irritants of psychogenic influences and studying of reaction of the highest nervous system to these influences for various age groups of patients.

5. Application of the theory of biological feedback in the context of early diagnostics, therapy and correction of psychogenic states.

6. Development of a complex of methodical recommendations, development of programs of functioning and realization of computer virtual devices of registration of biological signals.

7. Creation of systems of diagnostics of pathological conditions of the person.

Proposed methods

The main methods which are supposed to be used in the work are clinical methods, clinical and catamnesis methods, psychological methods, mathematical modeling methods, registration and digital processing of medical signals methods, spectral and statistical analysis methods, theoretical bases of bioelectric signals, programming in the Microsoft Excel, Matlab and LabView environments.

During the implementation of collecting medical signals database necessary for further use in the development of ways and algorithms, the main modern methods of registration of heart and brain biocapacity will be applied [1].

The assessment of signals variety will be carried out by the original techniques allowing to classify them simultaneously by number of the used channels and sampling frequency, permission, age group of patients, existence or absence of pathologies, various types of intensive hindrances, record duration [2, 3].

It is offered to classify ways of medical signals processing, using the dichotomizing principle: by the form of a signal, problems of processing, extent of automation, time of processing, degree of linearity, adaptability, a type of area of processing and the possibility of breakdown into components (decomposition) [4].

For an assessment of the developed ways and means quality criteria it is offered to use a technique of cumulative curves of estimates distribution creation as a function from distortions by the average and normalized evaluation [5].

For an assessment of detection and recognition quality of informative sites of medical signals for the purpose of detecting prepathology psychogenic conditions it is offered to use criteria: sensitivity and specificity [6].

For an assessment of suppression quality of various intensive hindrances it is offered to use: statistical criteria of quality of work of algorithms of adaptive processing of biomedical signals assessment: SDNN (CKO), SDANN, RMSSD, NN50, PNN50, CV, D, As, Ex, etc. [7, 8].

According to the authors' subjective evaluation the methods offered to use are original and are applied for the first time in the processing of different types of biomedical signals.


The development of new ways and means of medical signals processing will allow proposing new technical solutions for prepathology diagnostics of psycho-genic conditions which are carrying out early diagnostics of symptoms and syndromes of psychological frustration, reducing medical signals analysis time, predicting health state on a set time interval and creating a positive effect for the population improvement.

List of reference links

1. Tychkov, A. Yr. The development of the arterial pressure registration device with the increased efficiency of work / A. Yr. Tychkov // Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион. Технические науки. - 2015. - № 1. - С. 39-45.

2. Herman, G. T. On the noise in images produced by computed tomography / G. T. Herman // CGIP. - 2012. - № 3. - Р. 271-285.

3. La Riviere P. J. Reduction of noise-induced streak artifacts in X-ray computed tomography through spline-based penalized-likelihood sinogram smoothing / P. J. La Riviere, D. M. Billmire // Medlmg. - 2012. - № 1. - Р. 105-110.

4. Алимурадов, А. К. Применение комплементарной множественной декомпозиции на эмпирические моды для анализа речевых сигналов / А. К. Алимурадов, Ю. С. Квитка // Измерение. Мониторинг. Управление. Контроль. - 2014. -№ 4 (10). - С. 69-75.

5. Carmona, R. Practical Time-Frequency Analysis: Gabor and Wavelet Transform with an Implementation in S / R. Carmona, W. Hwang. - N.Y. : Academic Press, 2010. - Р. 490.

6. Information measuring system for preprocessing photofluorographic picture / O. N. Bodin, A. Yr. Tychkov, A. V. Kuzmin, P. P. Churakov, A. A. Davedova // Measurement Techniques. - N.Y. : Springer, 2013. - Vol. 54. - P. 1002-1009.

7. Arce, G. Nonlinear Signal Processing A Statistical Approach / G. Arce. - New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, 2012. - 45 p.

8. Arce, G. Theoretical analysis of max/median filters / G. Arce, M. McLoughlin // IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing. - 2011. - № 1. - Р. 60-69.

Тычков Александр Юрьевич

кандидат технических наук, директор студенческого научно-производственного бизнес-инкубатора, НИИ фундаментальных и прикладных исследований, Пензенский государственный университет E-mail: [email protected]

Алимурадов Алан Казанферович

научный сотрудник, НИИ фундаментальных и прикладных исследований, Пензенский государственный университет E-mail: [email protected]

Чураков Петр Павлович

доктор технических наук, профессор, кафедра информационно-измерительной техники,

Пензенский государственный университет E-mail: [email protected]

Калистратов Владимир Борисович

кандидат медицинских наук, доцент, кафедра неврологии и нейрохирургии, Пензенский государственный университет E-mail: [email protected]

Вишневская Галина Владимировна

кандидат педагогических наук, старший научный сотрудник, НИИ фундаментальных и прикладных исследований, Пензенский государственный университет E-mail: [email protected]

Tychkov Alexander Yuryevich candidate of technical sciences, director of student research and production business incubator,

Institute of fundamental and applied research, Penza State University

Alimuradov Alan Kazanferovich researcher,

Institute of fundamental and applied research, Penza State University

Churakov Petr Pavlovich

doctor of technical sciences, professor,

sub-department of information

and measuring technology,

Penza State University

Kalistratov Vladimir Borisovich

candidate of medical sciences, associate professor, sub-department of neurology and neurosurgery, Penza State University

Vishnevskaya Galina Vladimirovna candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior researcher,

Institute of fundamental and applied research, Penza State University

УДК 621.513.6 Tychkov, A. Yu.

Development of the ways and means of medical signals processing for early diagnostics of prepathology psychogenic conditions / A. Yu. Tychkov, A. K. Alimuradov, P. P. Churakov, V. B. Kalistratov, G. V. Vishnevskaya // Модели, системы, сети в экономике, технике, природе и обществе. - 2015. - № 2 (14). - C. 133-138.

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