Научная статья на тему 'Development of the industry of Uzbekistan in days of independence'

Development of the industry of Uzbekistan in days of independence Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Gopirov Makhmudjon

In this article the main tendencies of development of the industry of Uzbekistan in days of independence are considered.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Development of the industry of Uzbekistan in days of independence»

В настоящее время расходы на здравоохранение в Японии составляют около 8,1% ВВП, что существенно лучше, чем в США. Страна смогла достигнуть этого с помощью запрета на прибыль страховых компаний, а также введением ограничений на оплату врачей, допускающих серьёзные дефекты в обслуживании пациентов. Именно этого аспекта так недостаёт российскому здравоохранению.

Таким образом, мы выяснили, что финансирование здравоохранения в России оставляет желать лучшего. Мы провели сравнение данных со странами Запада и Востока, и в том, и в другом случае наша страна находится не в самом выгодном положении. Кроме того, планируется дальнейшее сокращение финансирования со стороны государства в здравоохранение в целях поддержания бюджета государства (сокращение расходных статей), что приведет к увеличению финансирования со стороны внебюджетных фондов.

Если, исходя из проведенного сравнения, выбирать наиболее приемлемые пути совершенствования действующей системы финансирования здравоохранения, то, на наш взгляд, наиболее приемлемой является система Японии. Т. к. пользуясь тем, что государство ежегодно сокращает объем инвестиций в здравоохранение, страховые компании (средства ФОМС) начинают диктовать определенные условия клиникам, что существенно усложняет их работу. В Японии данную проблему удалось решить, поэтому переняв их опыт, наша страна тоже сможет выйти на новый уровень развития в данной сфере.


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2. Сажин Ю. В., Зинина Л. И., Аникина Н. В., Глухова Т. В., Бикеева М. В., Ефремова Л. И., Ефремова Т. А., Иванова И. А., Карякина Л. А., Катынь А. В., Кузнецов А. Ф., Николаев К. Н., Подзоров Н. Г., Подольная Н. Н., Сысоева Е. А., Тезина Л. Е. Реализация социальной политики: региональный аспект. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://elibrary.ru/ (дата обращения: 20.10.2016).

3. Место России в рейтинге здравоохранения. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.vedomosti.ru/ (дата обращения: 20.10.2016).

4. Основные направления бюджетной политики на 2016 год. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.consultant.ru/ (дата обращения: 20.10.2016).

5. Расходы на здравоохранение в 2016 году. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.pharmvestnik.ru/ (дата обращения: 20.10.2016).

6. Финансирование здравоохранения. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.who.int/countries/ru/ (дата обращения: 20.10.2016).

Development of the industry of Uzbekistan in days of independence

Gopirov M. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Развитие промышленности Узбекистана в годы независимости Гопиров М. О. (Республика Узбекистан)

Гопиров Махмуджон Одилжанович / GopirovMakhmudjon — учитель, Общая средняя образовательная школа № 3, г. Ахунбабаев, Республика Узбекистан

Abstract: in this article the main tendencies of development of the industry of Uzbekistan in days of independence are considered.

Аннотация: в данной статье рассмотрены основные тенденции развития промышленности Узбекистана в годы независимости.

Keywords: industry, economy, market, formation, branch, production, modernization, export potential. Ключевые слова: промышленность, экономика, рынок, становление, отрасль, производство, модернизация, экспортный потенциал.

In structure of production of goods of any country the leading role belongs to the industry. It is quite natural that the country without the developed industry is defective in the social and economic

and political relations, becomes dependent on other countries, and in the conditions of globalization turns into a raw appendage, into a source of cheap labor of the developed countries. Such country still for many years can be on a roadside of world economy, and the most part of her population — below the poverty line. With disintegration of administrative and planned economic system in 1991 years, relations between the republics of the former USSR have weakened, reduction of outputs was observed, unemployment has grown, and the social status, naturally, has sharply worsened. Unfortunately during the first period of transition of economy to new system in the former countries of the Union very vague ideas of an essence of market economy prevailed.

Process of formation of national economy of the new independent states happened differently. Before the new republics there was a task to find the most optimal solutions of problems of a transition period, that is to develop own program of reforming and formation of market economic system. Each country has determined for itself by a priority restoration of industrial potential of the national economy.

The first steps of economic transformations in our country have been based on own "Uzbek model" of creation of fundamentals of market economy. Distinctive features of this model are connected with methods of expansion of economic transformations in the country. In economic reforms in many post-socialist countries", for example in Russia, methods "a shock therapy were used that was followed by landslide transformation of economy, sharp falling of production and decline in living standards of the population. In Uzbekistan, on the contrary, the evolutionary phased transition on rails of market economy has been chosen. The state has gradually begun to develop all branches of economy, as well as production, and non-productive. At the same time the priority and dynamic development were gained by branches which not only changed shape of economy, but also provided her independence and provided GDP (gross domestic product) growth of the country.

The period of industrial development in days of independence can be divided into three stages. At the first stage - from finding of independence to the middle of the 90th years - recession of volumes of release of an industrial output was observed. Positive changes in development of industrial production have begun to happen already from the middle of the 90th years when decline in production has stopped. And on it the second stage which proceeded to the middle of the 2000th years begins. During the first and second stages there was a formation of market economy. And the third stage - from mid 2000 - there is the modernization and diversification of industrial production.

Because for our republic the problem of a gain of competitive positions in the world market has got especially acuity, in 2000 the decision of Interdepartmental coordination council on reforming and investments at the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About measures for further liberalization and deepening of the economic reforms which are carried out in Uzbekistan" has accepted a number of complex measures aimed at the development of productions with the finished production cycle and application of the advanced modern technology. Creation of competitive production lines became result of it. In communication by it a bigger value was gained by a state policy as which purpose strengthening of competitive industrial productions acts.

It is important to note intensive development of new types of branches and productions in the industry of the country. So for 2001 the industrial enterprises of the republic have mastered release of 467 names of new types of production. Much attention was paid to implementation of programs for production localization, certain results in automotive industry, production of agricultural machinery, building industry and in other spheres are in this regard achieved. Despite all difficulties, problems, calls and tests which had to be overcome for these years it was succeeded to improve production potential. For 1990-2015, in structure of GDP of Uzbekistan the share of the industry has increased from 17,6 up to 36,1 percent, and agriculture was reduced from 33,4 to 17,1 percent.

The branch structure of the industry of Uzbekistan is improved and gets a form of the interconnected complex. In comparison with 1990 the annual volume of an industrial output has increased in 2009 by 2,7 times, and in 2015 growth relatively has made 1990 3,5 times. The advancing rates developed food (4,0 times), forest, woodworking and cellulose - the paper industry (7,2 times), mechanical engineering and metal working (4,2 times), the chemical and petrochemical industry (3,4 times).

For years of independence in the country absolutely new industries, such as automotive industry, oil and gas chemistry, oil and gas and railway mechanical engineering, production of modern construction materials, consumer electronics, and pharmaceutics, the modern food and textile industry have been created. In a number of areas and the cities of the republic modern textile complexes and many other enterprises have appeared.

In particular, in the automotive industry of the republic about 200 enterprises at which more than 25 thousand people are directly employed work today. Among them a number of the joint ventures created with the assistance of such world famous carmakers as General Motors, MAN, Isuzu, and Itochu successfully functions.

Within implementation of the program for ensuring power independence and to development of oil and gas processing branches in cooperation with the foreign companies the Bukhara oil refinery, the Shurtan gas-chemical complex, Kungrad soda plant, Dekhkanabad plant of potash fertilizers and some other hi-tech productions are constructed.

Along with it, in recent years in Uzbekistan program measures for modernization, technical and technological updating of branches of economy, production efficiency increase as a result of which from 2000 for 2014 labor productivity has increased by 2,2 times are actively realized. The output of an industrial output for January-June, 2015 has grown by 7% by the similar period of previous year. Dynamic development in the industries focused on production with a high value added such as easy -114,2% (including sewing - 122,8%, tanning - 122%), ferrous metallurgy - 111,3%, woodworking -113,8%, food - 116,9% is provided (including fruit and vegetable - 111,2%).

The closest attention is deserved by work on attraction of the investments directed to implementation of projects on modernization, technical and technological updating of branches, and structural transformations in national economy. For this purpose in 2015 15,8 billion US dollars, or with growth against 2014 for 9,5 percent have been attracted and mastered investments at the expense of all sources of financing in an equivalent. In 2015, it completed construction and commissioned 158 large production facilities with a total value of 7.4 billion dollars.

Among them — building of the 370 megawatt steam-gas installation on the Tashkent thermal power plant, modernization of hydro generators of Charvak hydroelectric power station, expansion of production of the calcinated soda at Kungrad soda plant, the organization of production of new complex fertilizers in the 240 thousand tons JSC Samarkandkimyo, tractor trailers, including with the increased capacity, components for household appliances on the basis of the idle floor spaces of JSC Motor Plant and others.

Among the objects put into operation a special Ustyurt gas-chemical complex on the basis of the field Surgil. This complex worth over 4 billion dollars is one of the most modern hi-tech and large productions in the world. His commissioning will allow to receive annually 83 thousand tons of polypropylene which was imported to the republic before, to increase polyethylene output by 3,1 times, to employ more than 1 thousand highly qualified specialists.

JSC GM Uzbekistan in the Horezm region is started a mass production of the Labo's Chevrolet mini-truck, the total cost of the project makes about 6 million dollars, and annual power — 5 thousand cars necessary for farmers and business owners. It should be noted that it is the third model produced at new plant "Khwarezm Car" where production of Damas and Orlando cars is already arranged.

During the first quarter of the current year within implementation of the Program of localization of production of finished goods, components and materials for 2015-2019 on 534 projects of localization it is made production for the sum of 981,3 billion sum, or is 1,5 times more than an indicator of the similar period of 2015. At the same time the settlement effect of import substitution has exceeded 345 million dollars. Since the beginning of year production of 37 new types of the localized production, including the petrochemical equipment and spare parts to the conveyor equipment, shutoff valves, speedometers for cars, sports exercise machines, children's bicycles and scooters, electric accumulative water heaters and other finished goods is mastered [3].

Thus, in days of independence the industry takes the important place in republic economy, her growth provides competitiveness of the made production, allows to increase the volume of the exported goods, to expand export base and the most important, to fill the consumer market with necessary and qualitative foodstuff taking into account needs of the buyer. Today, the industrial sector of the economy is represented by more than 100 industries, which account for over 40% of all production assets of the national economy, and about 1 million working population.


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3. Static Yearbook of the Republic of Uzbekistan. T., 2014. [Electronic resource]. URL: www. stat.uz/ (date of access: 13.05.2016).

4. Uzbekistan Economy informational and analytical bulletin for January-June, 2015. [Electronic resource]. URL: www.ferpi.uz/sites/default/files/uzb-economc.pdf/ (date of access: 23.04.2016).

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