Научная статья на тему 'Development of the art experience of teenagers by the ways of art synthesis'

Development of the art experience of teenagers by the ways of art synthesis Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ovsyannikova Oksana Aleksandrovna

In this article author interprets the problem of development of the art experience of young teens at the lesson of music, the effective methods of solving of the problem, which are based on synthesis of different art’s kinds.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Development of the art experience of teenagers by the ways of art synthesis»

form, the developer of the technical component of their own EER and organizer-coordinator of the learning process, during which the distributed access to the bases of distance education systems occurs. The positive effect of this process is that the teacher is constantly improving taught courses, increasing creativity and his/her skills.

On the basis of intensive introduction of innovative distance learning there is a creation of a competing market of educational services. Which is important, because one of the problems of distance education is to provide high quality educational products educational services consumers in the peripheral as well as in the mountainous regions. For this purpose, it is necessary to expand continuously and improve the quality of distance education. Its form and content should meet the main requirements: the availability and

democratic education, eliminating all forms of discrimination in education. At the same time, another important requirement is that the education system of modern society should be respected: the continuity of education of citizens throughout life, i. e., "lifelong education".

Thus, the significance of modern education technology is the lesson aimed on the potential of the student, to exercise his artistic and scientific interests, to increase the role of independent work and responsibility for the growth of academic activities. Such approaches provide the basis of purposeful formation of students' professional holistic thinking as a basis for their future professional activity.

The research is carried out with the State assignment of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation financial support, on 1834, 1852 projects.


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4. Ivanova E.V, Omarov O. A., Omarova N. O. Modern innovative technologies in higher professional education. Scientific notes IIE RAE. 2013, P. 25-31.

Ovsyannikova Oksana Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences или PhD of Pedagogic Sciences of Tyumen State University (Tyumen), Russia, E-mail: sergeiovsiannikov@yandex.ru

Development of the art experience of teenagers by the ways of art synthesis

Abstract: In this article author interprets the problem of development of the art experience of young teens at the lesson of music, the effective methods of solving of the problem, which are based on synthesis of different art's kinds.

Keywords: the art's experience, young teens, synthesis of arts.

Art is able to transmit the spiritual experience of humanity in its figurative and emotional form. The source of initial art impressions is communication of a child with surrounding world, in family, institutions of a preschool and elementary education. In this way, a child has a certain art's experience in teen's age. Unfortunately, when there is no purposeful educational work (and in educational institutions) the art preference of children develop spontaneously. More often it happens within different form of mass culture, which doesn't have high art level. The urgency of this problem is based on contradiction. On one hand — we can see growing spontaneous impact of mass-media, factors of surrounding cultural environment on consciousness of teenager, on the other hand — we can observe the absence of purposeful educational work for forming art experience of teens at the lessons of music. The author of article proposes to solve this problem in searching of the methods, which can positively impact on development of art's experience of teens at the lessons of music in secondary school.

Firstly we need to turn to solving this problem in research's articles and publications. The problem of different aspects ofproblem art-esthetical experience of a personality was interested for such foreign and Russian researchers as B. V. Asafiev, A. N. Leontiev, B. M. Teplov and others. [1;2; 3; 8]. At the same tine there is no the single point of view for understanding the term "the art's experience of a personality".

Digtyar N. N. considers the art's experience as personal formation, special kind of esthetical experience, the result of art-esthetical activity of a personality, which forms the spiritual-practical nature of a person [3]. The author defines following constituents of art's experience: existence of art's interests of a personality; development of emotional and sensual sphere; value relation to pieces of art; art knowledge, skills; the experience of a creative activity.

On a Gorbunova M. A.'s opinion, the art's experience is dynamically developing unity of figurative and sensual property of personality (esthetical perception, esthetical relation, feelings and emotions), skills, and positive relation to the art in the result of direct interaction with the world of art creativity [2].

According to analyze of different definitions of the term "the art experience" with its constituents, the author can clarified the term "the art experience of teens" which can be treated as a developing personal formation, which is based on unity of art knowledge about different kinds of art, emotional tenderness by their perception, wish to communicate with works of arts and positively relate to their value. According to refined definition and constituents of art experience, the author identified its components: informative, figurative and sensual, evaluative and creative.

Different kinds of arts and their synthesis impact on the development of art experience of a personality. We can see this statement in scientific works by researchers, teachers, who emphasize the importance of multi-art approach in personality development. (E. P. Kabakova, L. G. Savenkova, N. G. Tagil-ceva, B. P. Usov) [6; 7]. A lot of teachers-musicians work on integrative classes which are based on synthesis of arts for development of different qualities of children and teens at the musical lessons and musical classes. (N. V. Bivsheva, E. S. Dolgopolova, I. V. Ma-zina, O. M. Sergeeva) [2]. However, the purpose of musical classes is not connected with the development of right art experience; this is why the methodical bases for purposeful solving this problem aren't researched enough.

The process of the development of the art experience of teens hall be justified according age psychological features of children of this age, which impact on this process. Also we need to pay attention to essence of the definition "synthesis of arts" which is treated by most of authors as mutual contact and influence of various kinds of art to each other in the process of their historical development.

Such age features ofyoung teens as motivation to self-expression, i8ncliding the need of verbal expression of their feelings, open-mindedness, motivation to independence impact on the development of their art experience [4; 5]. Communication as a lead type of activity in this age, plays determining role. Communication with different kinds of arts at the lessons ofmusic can positively impact on the development of art experience of teen, i. e. on development his (her) sphere ofvalues by identifying the basic meaning and

universal values which are inherited in the various works of art; on the development of creative industries students because of their expression in creating artistic and creative products; for the development of figurative and sensual spheres through perception, comparison and analysis of different kinds of art; on the development of cognitive sphere of teenagers through the acquisition of knowledge about the different kinds of art, their specifics, history and others.

For developing of art experience of teens at the lessons of music, he author revealed methods which have a positive influence on development of specific components of this kind of experience, which was talked about before. For developing of cognitive component we can call the vocabulary enrichment method, the method of using of other kinds of arts for characteristic of epoch, time of creation of music, testing method and the test development method. For developing figurative and sensual component we can call following methods — the method of emotional "setting", the method of "musical graphic", the method of comparison ofart images of different kinds ofarts. For developing component ofvalues of art experience of teens we can use such methods as heuristic work with the plot, comparative analyze of two (or more) arts in one art work. For developing of creative component we used such methods as video-method, the method of collage, the method of comparison of sound and colour.

Turn to description of some methods and features of their using through creative tasks for teens.

For example, the method of heuristic work with the plot of some art work, which we use for developing of component of values of art experience. This method promotes expansion of personal numbers of subjects and images of teens, It forms their own values. For its implementation we need setting to the perception of art work and "growing" plots in children variants and improvisations.

Implementation of this method can take two stages: first — perception of art, its main idea and value. After that children get a task to create a plot, tale, continuation of the plot. The second stage — children show this plot as theatricality.

For developing creative component of art experience we can describe the methods of video and collage.

The method of video suggests dynamic change images on the screen with a music sound's background. It allows to join together musical intonations and visual images. Teacher needs to have professionally made videos on some musical works or videos about some composers or performers in his record library. Implementation of this method can take two stages: firstly teacher shows the video, which is based on different kinds of arts, and after that children make video on the same musical work themselves. They chose works of architecture, paintings, portraits, reproductions of ballet which are actual to music. It's important if children can feel unity of musical and visual images.

The method of collage is the projective method and represents intelligent design of a visual image of a set of details on the proposed explorer theme. The author — P. Picasso. Implementation of this method can be performed in two variants. First — children get a subject "synthesis of arts" and they chose the slides from different art work which are united by one subject (for example Human's relationships in art '). The plot must be seen in these slides.

In general, the author can say that methods which are based on art synthesis allow to develop art experience of teens, i. e. to percept and analyze, compare images in different kinds of art, make image of personages in one kind of art deeper thankfully additional associations from other kind of art, and motivate to create their own images in art-creative products.


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